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Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Jutsu Trained:

It was a fine day in Sunagakaure. The wind was blowing and for the first time in a while it was not unbearably hot. 'I love this weather.' Ezra thought as he attached his metal village symboled plate onto his new dark green headband. Rather than putting it on around his head he wrapped it around his arm over his dark green long sleeve. He was stuck staring at his hitai-ate with pride and admiration before he realized that he had finally reached his destination. "Ok let's see." He said looking around the Sunagakure shinobi's library.

Ezra saw lots of different books on lots of different subjects and saw quite a few that he would like to check out but he was there for something specific. He made his way to the history section to find a book on some famous earth release users when he realized maybe he should just go look up their techniques. That way he could learn and train simultaneously. Ezra found a great book that had some important earth release jutsu used by the people of Iwagakure. Apparently in the past a lot of their men and women had a knack for earth release techniques. Ezra was unsure if that was still the case but he stored that thought in the back of his mind for later. He fumbled through page after page unsure of what jutsu to pick. There were quite a bit of choices and Ezra was feeling quite indecisive that day.

He closed the book and decided to make his choice at random. Without looking he opened the book again and pointed at a spot on the page. He had chosen The Rock Clone jutsu. "Aaaah. This one looks interesting. Gross but interesting." He said looking at the images of the technique that came along with the text.

Ezra checked out the book and took it back to his house. He stood in his room where this training session would begin. He figured he didn't need to be out on an official training ground because he was only making clones, it wasn't anything that required lots of room to run around. He laid the book out on his bed open to the right page. He studied the jutsu for a minute before he decided to jump right into it. He turned away from his bed and toward the door. 'Okay. Just dive into it.' He stretched his body readied himself mentally for the training.

Ezra made the hand signs necessary for the jutsu. "Earth Release: Rock Clone Jutsu!" He said aloud. He hunched over and began to hurl pieces of rock from his mouth onto the floor. He gagged and stopped, clutching his chest. "Okay... Something definitely went wrong there." He straightened out. He tried again but only got about a four foot mound of rock out. It was hard to believe with more training that this would become a clone. He could already tell he would have some difficulty with this and hated training so the rest of this session was going to be a nightmare.

He went for it again but could only make the rocks rise five feet when he stands at six. The good news was that it was easier for him to mold the rock into his likeness. He wasn't quite sure why though it just came natural. He spent the next twenty minutes trying to focus on the size since the molding was so easy. After twenty five minutes he was successful at reaching six feet. Ezra just needed to put the finishing touches on crafting his likeness which didn't prove hard for him. He had himself down almost perfect so he decided to take a break and regain some chakra. He turned to his bed realizing he was on the other side of the room. Amongst three almost perfect clones and much more useless rock. He expelled the clones which broke apart turning into more useless rock. "My moms gonna' kill me." he said aloud as if talking to all the sediment.

He picked up some rocks and took them to his backyard which wasn't really much of one. He came back to the room and sighed. "This is going to take me forever." he said slowly realizing the effectiveness of the technique. "Actually maybe not." He made the hand signs for the rock clone technique and hurled three almost perfect clones out of his mouth. "Looks like you guys will have to do." Ezra said with a laugh. "Alright guys let's get to work." He ordered the clones as he went to lay down on his bed. Before the clones had even left the room he heard the downstairs door open. "Looks like mom is home. Let's go say hi guys." They walked down in a single file line the clones behind the real Ezra.

"Hi mom." Ezra said to his mother who had some groceries in her hand. The three clones stood beside him and waved. His mother was shocked and then the complete opposite. She dropped her bags with her mouth wide open but then her face tightened back to a very austere expression. "Nifty jutsu." she said sounding unimpressed. ‘Man I knew they weren’t good enough.’ He thought to himself marching back upstairs accompanied by the clones. “Get to work guys.” He said pointing at the rocks. They all walked over picked some up and headed to the back yard to dispose of them. Ezra’s mother saw this and ran upstairs to Ezra’s room. “What is this mess?” She looked around the room horrified. “Your in big trouble.” She added as she smacked Ezra or at least who she thought was Ezra. She hurt her hand realizing it was one of the rock clones. She then smashed it with a strong taijutsu kicking technique. She went outside to find the real one amongst the remaining three Ezras. They scattered in order to confuse her and escape.

She kicked the second of three rock clones destroying it reducing it to a pile of rubble. Ezra and his last rock clone jumped at her and pinned her down. Ezra formed another rock clone, this time an exact copy of himself. He had him take his place and inspected him. “Sorry mom. I’ll clean up later.” He said running off as she lied on the ground with an angry yet silly look on her face. “And don’t worry once I get far enough they’ll turn back into rocks.” He sped up running away from the session and a possible murder attempt from his mother.


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