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Akio Yanagi

Akio Yanagi

Today was a simple day for young Akio yanagi as she made it her duty to train her ass off with her ninjutsu. Although she was a taijutsu user her ninjutsu played a major role in enhancing her skills and she noticed how it seemed to lag lately. Well that had to be fixed if she was going to be a powerful worthy ninja of course. She traveled to the Coliseum early that morning with a cup of coffee resting in her hand sipping on it while rubbing away the sleep from her eyes. The girl would rather be in bed waking up to train in the afternoon but as they say the early bird gets the worm and other junk like that to people dumb enough to listen. Seems like I'm one of them Akio spoke out loud to herself. Seemed like the training grounds were a little far away from her house. That wasn't bad for her she didn't mind the walk really it was just that Iwa got chilly in the morning and she forgot her jacket.

Damnit she yelled she threw her coffee to the ground is was cold now just like around her. Her short-fuse seemed to get bad when Akio was tried nobody better piss her off. Finally arriving at the scene the girl wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm before starting her training. Starting with a simple warm up seemed like the best move.

Last edited by Akio Yanagi on Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:28 am; edited 2 times in total


((OOC: Hope you don't mind me joining ^^ ))

Another day. Another day. Another chance of losing your life. This was the reality that shinobis face every day and night. The fears that the next mission they'll take would be their last. Leaving behind mourning family, friends . . . wife and children . . . broken homes and broken hearts.  It were this reality that Nanashi had faced on a few days ago, when his life were almost forfeit when he were ganged up on by two chuunin level opponents. Through the grace of his skin, the chuunin made it out of the situation alive. And thus were granted another day on the world. Another day to feed time with those who he loved, dearly.

It were the reason that he almost came so close too death that spur the chuunin too head towards the coliseum in order to train his secondary specialty – ninjutsu and other things if time permitted. Though he mainly headed there for the ninjutsu portion, seeing how he lacked the skills to perform some of the more higher ninjutsu because of how pathetic his prowess in ninjutsu was. Hell, there were numerous of katon and raiton techniques that he wanted to use, but couldn't because of his slight inability to use ninjutsu properly.  Fucking annoying.

Dressed in the standard shinobi attire, along with an extra long jacket, because of the slight chill in the morning air, Nanashi nodded at few people who he passed before stepping into the area that were the coliseum.


Nanashi couldn't help but to chuckle lightly at the obvious frustration of a very familiar person. The was only one individual who Nanashi knew that sounded like that, along with having a temper to match. Moving through the barren landscaped, citrines eyes lock onto the figure of Akio who were in the process of stretching and the likes. Moving through the area with gracefully that many found envious, lightning senbons materialized within his hands, before being flicked towards the woman in question. A whistle followed the throwing of the senbons, that were thrown slower than usually.

“Be aware of your surrounds, Akio-chan.” His voice were that of a teasing manner, as he now stood two and half meters way from her – him staring at her shapely backside before, as he waited for her too turn around and face him.

“Seems like I'm not the only one who's out here training. Care if I join?” He asked, waiting for a reply for his lover who left his side this morning. . .
Chakra: 185/200
Training Ninjutsu C>B [417 out of 2000]
Jutsu Used:

Akio Yanagi

Akio Yanagi

Nana-I swear if you hit me with those things you'll regret it she clearly frustrated. Next time if you don't mind dear next time try telling me that you were going training to I could have come with you. Akio noticed that it was starting to warm up but she wished it would hurry it was annoying her at the rate it was going. Her body slightly shook so the best thing for her to do was train to build body heat. She should practice her defensive ninjutsu relaxing she rose a wall of earth between her and nanashi causing him to step back quickly. It was really funny to see him stumble. Maybe you should pay attention to your surroundings Nana-kun after all you never know what can jump out at you. She continued playing with the earth making 4 more walls each a different side and height along with it's own type of density. Good to know she wasn't rusty when it came to that ninjutsu. She then released them and watched as they fell back down mending into the earth once more. Okay nanashi since you're here wanna spar with me. It's been awhile since we've done that and I could use the help?

jutsu used:

Last edited by Akio Yanagi on Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:32 am; edited 2 times in total


A soft chuckle escaped the chuunin's lips, at the obviously sign of frustration within the woman's voice. “Come now Akio-chan, I warned you with a whistle. And besides I threw them slow enough for you to dodge. Not only that lightning has a distinct sound to it. “ The man reprimanded his lover. Though he knew it wasn't needed and only did it to get under her skin. For he were curious in how mad she could possibly get. “It were a spur of the moment thing. My last mission made me realize something. So I'm here to fix it. Though I could say the same about you.” He stated before stepping back from the rising slabs of earth. The last statement referring to her telling him that she were going to train as well.

Touche'” Citrine orbs eyed the slabs of earth apprehensively, a smirk manifesting on his features at fleeting thought. If the doton jutsu were anything to go by, it meant that one of Akio-chan affinities was doton, which is weak against raiton – Nanashi's secondary element, which was common knowledge. More so than his main, which many didn't know. And it should remain that way for the time being. Nanashi's musing would be cut short when the voice of his better half, offer to spar. An interesting proposal, seeing how it truly been awhile since their last, and Nanashi were curiously about what Akio-chan could do now. And how much his mother taught her.

Sure, I'm game.” He said, removing the long coat, revealing a skin tight sleeveless shirt, Nanashi folded up the coat and placed it some distance away from their initial area. Standing there is a lax position, weight even distrubuted on each foot, arms to the side, but eerily close to the kunai holster on his waist – Nanashi waited for Akio-chan too make the first move.

Ladies first. . .”
Chakra: Same as before
Training Ninjutsu C>B [742 out of 2000]



Gyouki arrived at the Coliseum, looking for the usual training that he always had; quiet, alone, peaceful. He was sadly disappointed to see two figures, standing a fair distance from each other. He recognized the first one immediately, a beautiful girl with long black hair, and a Fuma Shuriken on her back. Akio Yanagi...the girl who killed the boar. he remembered. She had gone on his first mission with her....but the other person, a boy whom he didn't recognize, was taller, and was removing his coat. They must have been preparing to battle or something....Gyouki turned, ready to leave. He didn't want to interrupt their session at all, not only because he thought of it as rude, but also because he didn't want to train with others; he was used to solitude, and he liked it that way, training-wise.

But on a second thought, Gyouki realized that he could get actual in-battle experience with other people. Until then, it had always just been him alone, punching a dummy, stabbing a dummy, ripping dummies to shreds. All immobile targets, easy to hit, no mind contesting his own. He needed more in-battle experience to become a better ninja. He turned back to face the two, who still hadn't seemed to pay any attention to him--maybe they didn't see him?--and called out, "Hey! I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I join you two? I was planning on training here..." Hopefully they would respond well, he didn't want to have to leave now that his mind was set on this. He slowly unraveled Gurēsuzumebachi, who was on his back, covered in bandages, and let it float out in front of him using the chakra strings that materialized onto his fingers. Now that he had trained with the puppet, this was his first chance to show his prowess in battle with it.

Training Ninjutsu B > A
Word Count: 323/3,000

Akio Yanagi

Akio Yanagi

Hey! I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I join you two? I was planning on training here.. Akio was so happy to see Gyouki since the two hadn't seen each other since their mission together. Of course your welcome to join us. In fact the girl stated cheerfully this is my boyfriend Nanashi she said as the man stepped forward giving a polite wave and hello quietly sizing the other man up. A puppet master would really spice things up in a sparring match and she found herself getting excited at fighting the paired men. I know me and gyouki could take you on nanashi wouldn't that be fun. They could really test out her boyfriend's new jutsus by ganging up on him. They both agreed and before long they were all back into place ready to get the match started. Basely the rules were as long as no one was to badly hurt and had enough chakra to not past out then everything was fine and they wouldn't have to hold back too much. Akio also had the biggest advantage she knew nanashi like the back of her hand of course the same went for him but she had gyouki on her side to help. This spar was going to be a good one.


As the sounds of another being entering into the area, them not bothering to move silently, reached the ears of Nanashi, the chuunin didn't bother in looking in the general direction. Preferring to allow whoever it might be to approach them, not the other way around. With the rather loud, by Nanashi's standards, exclamation of the other being who now were mere meters away from then, Nanashi couldn't help but to grimace while discreetly looking at this newcomer. Due to the man's impulsive decision is unraveling the bundle on his back, Nanashi knew exactly what type of individual this man was. A puppeteer. Long distance fighters who suck at close quarter combat, get around the puppets and the rest is relatively easy. That's assuming they weren't a prodigy like Sasori or for some reason decided to take up Taijutsu as well – most of them weren't like the listed, with those who are being rarer than the goose who laid the golden egg.

Hearing Akio introduced, himself to the individual, that he would later find out was named Gyouki. Nanashi nodded briefly, citrine eyes locking into the man's. The Guanyin member didn't bother in speaking with this Gyouki character, allowing his lover to do all the work. She was more talkive than him anyway. A sigh, escaped his lips as Nanashi put distance between him and the other two. Now position forty-five degrees to Akio's right almost out of her side vision, and Gyouki's left – there was a good three meters of distance between the combatants. “So this is a 2 vs 1 spar? A taijutsu user and a puppeteer teaming up against me? Fine let us entertain death. Allowing him to watch us fight, in pure rapture. His blood pumping at every misstep we take that almost ends out lives.” His voice sounding almost angelic as the words came out as if he was singing them.

A small gush of wind ripped through the area, stirring up some of the lose dirt along with causing a few leaves to flutter towards the ground – coindentally between the three. Nanashi's posture was relatively lax, weigh distrubed evenly on both feet with his right hand lazily lingering near the kunai pouch – being ready to draw one if needed. While he waited for the leaf to fall down, signaling the beginning of the spar. His mind idly wonder about what he knew about his love. Interesting enough the man only knew what she had shown him, nothing more, nothing less. Which wasn't that much, if he was honest. Ah well. . .makes it more fun fighting the unknown. He mused his body tensing slightly when the leaf touched the ground, signifying the start of this spar.

In another dimension, death watched with some glee, as those he watch over began the sport he loved so much.

Let the blood game begins!!!

Combat Data:

Training Ninjutsu C>>>B[1232|2000]



How to start a battle. It was something that left Gyouki confused. Nanashi made no sign of making a move, only keeping a specific stance and looking toward them. So, what to do? I guess I'll make the first move. he thought as he launched Bachi forward. The blade that stood as a right arm for the puppet flew forward toward Nanashi as it's beady puppet eyes stared into his very soul. Gyouki stepped back a bit and created a platform of crystal to stand on, stepping onto it and raising it up about 20 meters into the air, so that the puppet was fighting on the ground and he was safe, far into the air. One slash definitely wouldn't be enough, by the looks of it. Nanashi's hand was pressed to the kunai pouch on his hip; he would probably deflect the blow.

Gyouki didn't move his fingers, letting the puppet thrust the blade forward, while he focused his chakra carefully. A bunch of crystal shuriken, around ten of them, materialized around him, ready to rain down onto Nanashi at any moment. Hopefully, Akio would make a powerful move, as Gyouki had a feeling that he was the only Genin here.

Ninjutsu B > A
Word Count: 530/3,000


Akio Yanagi

Akio Yanagi

Akio watched her partner like all puppeteers strayed from the battle going on using his puppet to fight for him instead she remember this for later seeing as she had never fought with or against a puppet master. She was a little scared of the puppet who kind of creeped her out but she paid that no mind and made her move towards Nanashi. He wasn't a tai user so of course he used basic attacks and used his kunai to block her hits throwing them at her as she dodged them but still being hit by a few of his kunai. She was going to have to work on her speed some more but so far so good.
Nanashi had improved while she was away his few jutsus were deadly and the times he gazed her left bad burns along with the now bleeding cuts on her body. It she kept fighting him one of his hits would hit her causing damage she couldn't take.
She was going to have to deliver a powerful hit so the Gyouki could strike from above. She used kazan and aimed three giant rocks at him while Gyouki used the distraction to rain the crystals down on him.  

Using supernatural walking she ran up Gyouki's platform  as he used his puppet to fight for them. Nanashi seemed to be having a hard time down there she felt a little bad for him. However he still did a good job with his fighting defending himself pretty well with his jutsus. Gyouki I'm going back down before he does something to destroy your puppet she said after a short while. Leaping down she gracefully landed on the balls of her feet  replacing the puppet.

jutsus used:


((OOC: Gyouki, if you agree. Both me and Akio are at spec. Jounin level. Though seeing how that happen after this thread started. I'm fine with still being chuunin, seeing how that was my rank at the start of this thread))

Two attacks, that's what were coming towards Nanashi once the leaf had fell – signaling the start of the battle. A pair of citrine gems caught the movements of both combatants, with the puppeteer retreating to the skies, while Akio charged forward – in a futile attempt in gauging him Taijutsu. Why was this futile, you ask? For at the exact moment of her movement, Nanashi's hands were going through hand signs and completed them at the moment of her making contact with him. Blood pouring from his pores as he couldn't keep up with the assault. Well at least that was till, the beaten up Nanashi turned into a piece of wood. The Guanyin having used a substitution seconds before the assault happen. Akio wouldn't noticed the difference till it was to late. As for the wood? The poor log, given to us by the wonderful Gods of above didn't stand a chance against the assault, Akio leashed on it – the lumber shattering.

Praise The Log for it was good . . .

After the substitution Nanashi appeared a couple of meters downwind of both Akio and Gyouki's puppet. , being roughly seven meters(21 ft) behind them – his back to them. Though the latter didn't last long before having to roll to the left, due to shuriken raining down on him on – a couple nicking his shoulder, causing a crimson liquid to ooze out. First blood, how assuming. . During the roll lightning chakra was being built within his hands, before solidifying into senbons, them being tossed at the center mass of the floating crystal – at the exact time he exist the roll. Nanashi didn't know much about the crystal release or at least that's what he was assuming that the puppeteer was using, thus only went on instinct.

Getting up from his position, he turned his attention towards Akio who were still a few feet in front of him. Gripping a kunai in his left hand(the less dominant one), Nanashi dashed towards Akio with academy level speed, the changed to genin, back to academy level and than finally to chuunin when he got into striking. The constant acceleration and deceleration of speed would cause anyone who was fighting Nanashi to miss judge the exact moment of where he would make contact. Holding the kunai in the forward grip, Nanashi thrust the blade towards the spine of Akio – that's if she didn't turn around, in which case it would be just underneath the ribcage.
Combat Data:

    Nanashi used substitution with nearby log to dodge both attacks.

    Nanashi rolled to the left, dodging shoton shuriken, subtain minor damages to the shoulder

    Nanashi threw 10 lightning senbon against Gyouki's shoton platform. If connected platform will shatter, causing Gyouki to pummel to the ground.

    Nanashi attacked Akio with a kunai aiming at the center of her back or just below the ribcage(if she turns around). His speed constantly changing to confuse her in determine when exactly he would be in striking range.

Current Chakra Pool:


Ninjutsu Training C>>>B



Gyouki watched as Nanashi moved with expert skill and grace, replacing himself with a substitution as Bachi slashed forward, just before rolling out of the way of the Crystal Shuriken. He still sustained a few cuts to the shoulder, but it was a disappointing result, nevertheless.  This guy is fast... he thought to himself with a grin. Nanashi then charged Raiton chakra into his hand, signified by the sparks trailing from it, as he threw a bundle of Raiton-based senbon at the very platform Gyouki was standing on. Seeing as the senbon were moving very fast, he had little chance of dodging them, so he jumped off of the platform, aimed straight down. His fall continued, plummeting down at full speed. Right when he was near five meters from the ground, his fingers twitched and he pulled his right hand back, sending Bachi straight for him. Bachi tackled into him, and he hit the ground, rolling around 2 meters south before managing to get to his feet. Most of the damage from the fall was avoided by spreading the force out over a distance via the tackle, so he only sustained a few bruises to his arms and torso. His fingers bent and twisted carefully, and in response Bachi's blade retracted and a fist made of crystal took its place.

Looking straight ahead at his calm opponent, he threw an arm forward, and Bachi charged at Nanashi, fist raised in the air. Gyouki's cape flapped wildly as he ran to the left, and made another series of hand seals, and pressed his hand to the ground, creating a large wall of crystal in front of him. He would use this as his defense while he manipulated Bachi to use Taijutsu from afar. Bachi was now closing in on Nanashi, his fist aimed for the torso. I'll start with the torso, then maybe a jab to the neck and a foot sweep... Gyouki thought to himself. He realized that Akio had was still a few meters away, and seeing as this was 2 vs. 1, he needed to have some good teamwork with her if he hoped that this battle would turn in his favor. He heard the crystal from his platform finally hit the ground, emitting a sound like wind chimes being struck as he called out, "Akio! Get him from behind!"

Training Ninjutsu B > A
Word Count: 926/3,000


Akio Yanagi

Akio Yanagi

That bastard had tried to stab her Akio thought as she dodged his attack in time giving her a bleeding wound near her ribcage.  If he was ruthless enough to hurt his girlfriend she would hate to see what would happen if he went all out on her. She tore off part of her shirt and wrapped it around her wound placing pressure on it stop the bleeding for now. Nanashi was going to be hard to fight with his underhand tactics she should have known that he would fight that way but she was prepared for him now. Gripping her fuma from her back pocket she unfolded it getting really for real fighting. Gyouki seemed to be doing fine attacking nanashi from behind a crystal wall with his puppet fighting for him. They really needed to do better with teamwork instead of her fighting by herself. "Akio! Get him from behind!" Great plan she thought to herself as she raced to nanashi leaping and landing down behind him. He was busy fighting Gyouki's puppet so of course he had little time to react to her.

She gave him a kick to his side as he turned to face her. Gyouki's puppet gave him a hit in his back while he was distracted letting her give him a quick punch to the chest. Teamwork had it's perks and with two taijutsu users of course he couldn't run away but from the moves that puppet was giving it had c-rank taijutsu and it's movements were slower than his giving Nana-kun enough time to escape.(I'll let you decide how he got away and it's logical that nanashi wouldn't be able to defend well teamed up by a puppet that doesn't feel pain and takes time to destroy and a S-rank taijutsu user when he can't use taijutsu himself but I'll edit stuff if you feel like 'm godmodding or something) She chased after him with Gyouki's puppet bachi behind her as they  went after him. Teamwork was needed but she didn't have a plan in mind all she could do was hope she could use her methods to go against his sneaky fighting style.  
That's when she decided to turn around letting him get away. Teamwork was important so she needed to stick close to gyouki running back to his crystal wall as she knocked on it since she was unsure of how she should enter. A piece fell before coming back up as both her and the puppet entered. We need a better gameplan Gyouki or Nanashi is gonna kill our ass. The two got together as they thought something up.


Despite being surprised that his slash connected, the medic didn't bother in celebrating the small victory before having to focus on the puppet that was now charging at him. Now there was a misconception that despite him not knowing taijutsu, meant that he wouldn't be good in hand to hand combat – oh how wrong that might be. He was actually adept in close quarter combat, though not in the forms that other taijutsu users used. Thus was the reason why he never bothered in specializing it. For him it was pointless. Who need to specialize in an art, where one can easily pick it up? And besides while the man didn't have any taijutsu techniques, it didn't mean he couldn't dance to their tune.

Excuting a back bend, hands touch the ground as his body was paralle with the surface, Nanashi watched as the blade slide across his midsection missing him by a couple of inches. With a show of althetism, Nanashi got into a handstand, torqueing his right wrist causing him to spend – at the same time lightning chakra was being built up in the opposite hand. Said hand would catch the side kick from Akio and it was that moment where Nanashi excuted one of his prize attacks, send volts of electricity through the offering limb before attempting to toss her away from him. Assuming the attack connected Akio would be shaking as if she was having a epileptic attack as her nerve network were been assaulted by volts of raiton chakra. The effects of it would feel like someone is cutting through her flesh or burning it. His lover wouldn't beable to move for a time being along with her speed decreasing significantly. A simple attack like that was the reason why, Nanashi didn't fear hand to hand combat. Doing the moment his head would angle out of the way of the thrusting blade – it cuting a few strands of his hair. Finally using the muscles in his right arm, he propell himself off of the ground, doing a somersault before landing a few feet away from his opponents. All of thise happen within seconds of the initial attack.

Rule #1. Don't shout out your attacks combinations. Takes away from the surprise factor. Now come entertain me.” Nanashi stated, cracking his neck to the side waiting for them to make a move or regroup. 
((Founded out that Nanashi can use taijutsu, as long as they ain't techniques or chakra enchanted. So everything I did is possible. ))

Ninjutsu Training C >>> B
2058/2000 complete.

Chakra Pool
-20 for Burning Touch


Combat Data
Gyouki's Attacks Against Nanashi = Dodged.
Akio's Attakcs Against Nanashi = Countered with Raiton: Tatchibāningu no Jutsu(Literally means, 'Lightning Style: Burning Touch Technique') and tossing her aside, the kick seeing how it was the first one. Now assuming it connected than the others couldn't have happen.
Attacks on Gyouki = None
Attacks on Akio = Including the aboved mention, If 'Burning Touch' was successful, Akio's speed decrease by -1 for two post along with having to deal with the pain that comes from the attack

Jutsu Used:

Name: Raiton: Tatchibāningu no Jutsu(Literally means, 'Lightning Style: Burning Touch Technique')
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Element: Raiton
Range: Touch
Specialty: Medical Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 Post
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Description: The user concentrates Raiton chakra in his finger, violent amounts of it, and touches his opponent. He sends a surge of raiton chakra trough the opponent's body, more specifically, trough his nerve network. The opponent will start shake like he's having a epileptic attack, but only for a couple of seconds (less than a post). His nerves will be highly damaged, to the point where he could hardly move for 2 Posts; he receives -1 to his movement speed. Even when the effect passes, a trace of it still remains: even the slightest touch to the opponent's skin will feel like somebody's cutting their flesh, or burning them; hence the name, Burning Touch. The secondary effect will last for 5 Posts after the user uses the technique. It costs 20 Chakra to use the technique.



Gyouki watched as Akio dashed forward alongside Bachi, and they assaulted Nanashi with a barrage of attacks. She threw a kick at him and Bachi punched from the forward, but Nana was clever. He dodged the attacks from Bachi and countered Akio's hit with a volt of Raiton from his hand. She retreated behind Gyouki's wall, and they contemplated their next move. Akio looked out through the crystalline structure, at Nanashi, as he said blankly, "Rule #1. Don't shout out your attacks combinations. Takes away from the surprise factor. Now come entertain me." least he's giving us pointers. But this guy is really good, it's obvious that he's been in multiple battles...

Gyouki didn't have that kind of experience, but he did have the training he did with dummies. He had memorized all of the important muscles in the body, and in turn, all of the sensitive points in the body. He turned to the girl at his side with a half-confused smirk, and started to say, very quietly, "You're gonna need to think of a plan, because I'm not the best at tactics...I specialize in charging in with a puppet and ripping things apart. Any idea how we could use that to our advantage?" He had seen her use a Doton technique that erected some sort of encampment wall similar to the crystal one that stood in front of them now. Maybe she could use some sort of Ninjutsu...

In the meantime, Gyouki's fingers moved smoothly; the puppet responded as if it was Gyouki himself. Bachi charged at Nanashi again, with his fist raised, giving him an uppercut aimed up the chin. His lifeless eyes stared at Nanashi with intent to kill, like a cold murderer on a murky night.

Training Ninjutsu B > A
Word Count: 1,231/3,000

[No Chakra Used]

Akio Yanagi

Akio Yanagi

After Akio got to the crystal wall she collapsed to the ground her body shaking and moving with her unable to stop it before quickly stopping "You're gonna need to think of a plan, because I'm not the best at tactics...I specialize in charging in with a puppet and ripping things apart. Any idea how we could use that to our advantage?" My jutsus revolve around elements and my taijutsu so using a puppet with taijutsu will be easy for me. The simple thing to do is trap him with my doton wall along with bachi and I'll use a jutsu I learned to help. It was a simple plan but for now it would work so while Nanashi defended against Bachi Akio waited for the right time before trapping them with 2 layers of her wall. Focusing on that area she then molded the earth into her doton dragon which was the size of a large dog. Commanding in a close space the dragon would  be able to make accurate hits using it's wind to slice Nana-kun as well as hitting him with large balls of rock.

In such a close space he wouldn't be able to dodge them as well as he would if he were out in the open. This combo was going to damage Nanashi somehow and she patted herself for the idea. Getting her now burning body up she left the crystal wall to see a now escaped Nanashi she hadn't expected that attack to last that long but it did the job. Using earth meld she traveled towards him and when he was distracted by Bachi she used Kazan to hit more large pieces of land his way(just found out they are s-ranked so I'm guessing they can be very large pieces of earth like an small mountain not sure but these are the sizes of a bear I guess that Akio is using.)  

Watching as they hit him(distracted plus not easy to dodge a bear sized s-rank rock  and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have that much time to use a jutsu but whatever you'll figure it out) You said for me to surprise you well surprise sweetie let's see what you can do now.

jutsu used:



Jutsu Training: wrote:Name: Twitch
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Element: Lightning
Range: Self
Specialty: Medical Ninjutsu
Duration: No longer than two posts, after activation.
Cooldown: Four posts
Description: For the longest of time electricity has been used for various medical purpose, Nanashi had learn some of them. By converting his chakra into lightning he is able to either supercharge the cells within either his legs(giving him a +1 reaction time) or arms(giving him a +1 to all throwing techniques). Despite the benefits it gives, the technique itself causes mild burns and temporary numbness in the given limb, causing either his reaction time or throwing power to drop by 10%(for a single post).

clarification: The user choose the benefit at the activation of the technique. He/She can't change the benefit once it chosen. The 10% damage starts after the techniques ends, meaning 4th post.

Word Count: 839 out of 1000

While the two individuals were conversing about their next planned of attacks, Nanashi's mind chose that exact time to wander off – slightly. It thought back to the moment where he stumbled over a book in the library, that he subsequently bought seeing how the librarian was going to throw it away. The book titled, “The Holy Log Bible”. A funny titled that almost caused the former geisha to snort and leave it where it was at. But for some unexplained reason the man opened the book and began to read it – and his life was changed forever on that day. The book entailed –

Nanashi stepped one foot backwards barely dodging the uppercut from the puppet, at the same time giving it the bird – a smirk manifesting on the silvered hair man face. He didn't even bothered in trying to attack the puppet knowing it would be pointless, so he just kept his distance, dodging to the right or left of the puppet as it continue to swing at him. All the while never stepping backs(except the initial step), instead circling the lifeless thing – so to the outside viewer it like like they were chasing each other in a circle. During the time his eyes caught the movement of something within his peripheral vision. And that movement could only be Akio-chan starting something. Luckily or unlucky depending on one's view the peripheral vision of any human isn't the best of things, not being able to see stuff in 3D like the rest of the eye does. The only advantage the peripheral vision gives is that it catches quick movement.

Now where was I? Ah yes, the book. Written within the book was literally inscriptions pertaining to the usage of the log. Nanashi would forever remember the first passage of the book that read: “And thus I came unto thee, in a fit of blinding pain. I bring enlightenment, justice, safety and protection for thee, as I am – the log.” Ah yes, he will remember that passage fondly. There was even commandments written for the logs, but alas it seems like Nanashi wouldn't be able to muse over those thoughts – for the earth was rumbling and it only meant one thing. He was about to get attack by Akio-chan.

Dodging another attack from the lifeless puppet, Nanashi's hands went into the hand seal that's common for the substutition technique. Executing it moments before the doton walls were formed at the same time he thought of a verse 3 from the book. . .

'As the log takes your place, you become the log. the log becomes you. for a moment, you are an extension of the logs blessing unto ninja.'

To the outside viewer the execution of the technique was flawless. Nanashi leaving a log entrapped within the doton walls, dealing with the puppet. However, when the silver haired male appeared on top of the formed wall, one will blood steadily pouring for the sound of his mouth – a glob of spit and blood hit the side of the wall as it projected out of his mouth. When one of the walls were coming up it clipped him in his jaw, making him biting his tongue rather hard, hurt like a bitch. Though he wouldn't be able nurse his sore jaw, for he find himself being hurled through the air from a wind ball created from the earth dragon. Flipping through the air, Nanashi would land on the ground with a giant thump, luckily he didn't break anything on the far. Standing up and dusting himself off, Nanashi looked in the direction of where the two combatants were – they only being a spot in the distance, having landed in a further training field. His shirt being completely ripped to shreds with small cuts covering his torso. They stung like paper cuts or rather razor blades, but he pushed the pain away for now.

She's impressive. . .” Nanashi stated, before moving back towards the area where they were fighting. Not even bothering to address them, instead attempting to stimulate the nerves within his arms for a technique, but failing to do so. Damnit! Who knew trying to execute an attack was so hard? Not letting that bother him at the moment, he began to go through hand seals landing on the tiger, as chakra began to fill his lungs and throats. His cheeks puffed out, Nanashi exhaled a colorless gas that filled the area. Not stopping there, more hand seals were done as the exact same thing happen, the only difference is when he exhaled, instead of gas, it was a gigantic sphere of fire. Speeding at 30mph the firey ball made contact with the gases creating an even larger fire ball that were now speeding towards the two. Nanashi watched impassively as the sphere of death, heading towards his lover and the genin.

I hope they survive. . .” Nanashi mumbled to himself, while still trying to stimulate the nerves in his arms.
Jutsu Used:

Name: Fire Style: Misty Flame Dance (火遁・霞炎舞 ~ Katon: Kasumi Enbu)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: Katon
Range: 10 metres
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: The cloud lasts for 2 posts
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: The user breathes deep, filling their mouth and throat with chakra. They then convert this chakra into a gaseous substance which they exhale rapidly. This gas is highly flammable, and is impossible to see without a Doujutsu. It does however, have a very distinct noxious odour. When exposed to a spark, it ignites, creating a large fireball that causes first and second degree burns.

    Name: Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu (火遁・豪火球の術 ~ Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu)
   Canon/Custom: Canon
   Rank: C +1(With mystic flame dance)
   Type: Offensive
   Element: Katon
   Range: 80 metres
   Specialty: Ninjutsu
   Duration: 1 post
   Cooldown: 3 posts
   Description: The user forms the Tiger hand seal and breathes deep, filling their throat and lungs with chakra. They then exhale this chakra as a massive orb of roaring flames. It can either be fired as a gigantic sphere of flame or used as a flame-thrower style stream of flames. Either way, the released flames will engulf their target, causing second degree burns to all exposed flesh. The ball of flame will be the size of a bus, regardless of which form it is used in. When used as a flame-thrower, the attack will extend 15 metres in-front of the user. When the user stops breathing the stream of flame or a post lapses, the stream will end and the fireball will simply evaporate. When used as a fireball the sphere will travel at 30 mph. While this form of the attack can travel 80 metres, after it spans 25 metres it will begin to fade, gradually shrinking and becoming less potent. After 50 metres, it can only cause mild first degree burns.

Chakra Left:: 180||250



Akio explained to Gyouki the various jutsu she knew of the Doton element, and how she could trap him with them. She then rapidly made hand seals, erecting walls on all sides of Nanashi and keeping him immobile. Then, she created some sort of dragon out of the earth which began to launch rocks and balls of wind at him. He substituted his way out of a few attacks from Bachi, and one of the rocks, and appeared atop one of the walls of earth, spitting blood. Gyouki wasn't sure what hit him from the distance away he was, but he tried to chase the man down with Bachi again. One of the balls of wind caught him before the puppet got to him, and Nanashi was send flying back, landing in a somersault before getting back to his feet and making a tiger hand seal. Gyouki didn't know much of Fire techniques, but he knew that the Tiger hand seal was almost exclusively related to them. Nanashi first spat a bunch of noxous gas....

"Akio! Don't move, I'll get you out of there!" he said as he swung his left arm overhead. Bachi dashed at Akio, picking her up with haste, and carrying her into the air. Nanashi spat a stream of flames after the gas, and an explosion rattled the coliseum as the flames engulfed everything. The walls, the dragon, and everything else in their path was reduced to dust and ashes, but Bachi managed to escape it's path. Gyouki guided the puppet back behind the wall of crystal, and he, Akio, and Bachi braced themselves as the flames collided with the crystal, until they nullified each other. While the smoke cleared, Bachi put Akio down, and Gyouki breathed heavily. He had sustained a few minor burns, while Akio and Bachi's were more of a 2nd degree variety. Interesting combination that Nanashi had used there, but Gyouki wasn't giving up yet. He made Bachi charge at Nanashi again, swinging its blade at the man wildly.

Training Ninjutsu
Word Count: 1,575/3,000

[No jutsu used]

Akio Yanagi

Akio Yanagi

It was a hot flaming giant ball of boiling hot fire and it was aimed to her. In a normal situation (well for a ninja like her) She would have just sunk underground avoiding it with some minor burns but the pure shock of having her boyfriend being the one who threw it really shocked her to say the least. If it weren't for Bachi she would have been dead by now but instead here she was confused as of what she should do. That's when it came to her like a slap in the face she was dating a guy who was wait for... it a total D*** an right now she feel like kicking his a**. And no not "I'm angry and he's gonna get a talking to when we go home" she meant "I'm kicking your ass and leaving to my fathers afterwards because the sight of you is making me sick. Getting up painfully she might add from her second degree burns she ran to look for Nanashi as she found him much farther away in the training area. Her rage got worst as she ran to him mind clouded with anger. Don't attack me Jacka** just wanted you to know how much of a jerk your being I mean it was sparing go out all out sure Nanashi but that doesn't mean kill me.

What in your unright mind made you think to do that? In fact f*** this I'm going home packing my stuff and staying with my dad till you get your s*** together. With that she stormed off in leaving him by himself. Heading to gyouki she said sorry for having to go but she was quitting the sparring and that he could do it with nanashi instead. Thanks for the help Gyouki I'll see you around okay but for now I'm going home to relax have fun. As she ran across building roofs she finally arrived at Nanashi's home and went inside to pack her things before someone could come home. Leaving a very anger note that has too much adult language to write here she left not looking back. It was best for them to take a break if he was willing to kill his girlfriend than he would have some things to work out that even she couldn't help with sadly.

(exit thread)
(we should do a aftermath of this nana it'll be fun)


Training Complete! wrote:Name: Twitch
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Element: Lightning
Range: Self
Specialty: Medical Ninjutsu
Duration: No longer than two posts, after activation.
Cooldown: Four posts
Description: For the longest of time electricity has been used for various medical purpose, Nanashi had learn some of them. By converting his chakra into lightning he is able to either supercharge the cells within either his legs(giving him a +1 reaction time) or arms(giving him a +1 to all throwing techniques). Despite the benefits it gives, the technique itself causes mild burns and temporary numbness in the given limb, causing either his reaction time or throwing power to drop by 10%(for a single post).

clarification: The user choose the benefit at the activation of the technique. He/She can't change the benefit once it chosen. The 10% damage starts after the techniques ends, meaning 4th post.

Word Count: 1215 out of 1000

A smile couldn't help but to spread across Nanashi's devoid features, having witnessed the pair affront of him survived the katon combination, though not without suffering some injuries. Yes, some might call the silver haired man crazy for using that combination on allies. But only through experience a life and death situation can one grow stronger. At least that's what his mother preached, her training with him being harsher than what Akio and Gyouki had to deal with. He mentally chuckle at the number of times that he had been close to death when fighting that woman, it was such a pleasurable experience, something that he was slowly starting to miss. If that last combination was anything to go by.

Nanashi didn't say nothing as he listen to his girlfriend rant and rage about him trying to kill her. No, if he wanted to kill her, he would have done it in the beginning of the spar. In fact there were numerous of times were he could have ended the life of his lover, but didn't. She should at least be grateful for that. Ugh, his mother would reprimand him if she founded out that he didn't at least try to strike at the killing areas. Mentally shaking those thoughts away, Nanashi watched as she stormed away from the training area and headed home.

So Gyouki, was it? Care to continue?” He asked, before having to dodge a wild swing from the puppet. Damn it, that puppet was getting ignoring fast! If one was closely paying attention one would notice Nanashi's muscles involuntarily twitching ever so often, as raiton continue to try and stimulate the nerves properly. The constant twitching of his nerves caused Nanashi to stumble, before having to roll out of the way of a downward slash. Fuck!

Lightning senbons materialized within his hands before all ten of them were thrown at the joints of the puppet, as the silver haired man righted himself. There will be an obvious speed and power difference than previous ones, them being increasingly more power. The reason being? Nanashi finally got the other jutsu to stimulate his nerves properly, in this case the ones in his arms, increasing his throwing power.

Jutsu Used:

Name: Lightning Style: Senbons
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D +1 (Due to Twitch)
Type: Offensive
Element: Lightning
Range: 1-15 meters
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: Two
By channeling chakra through the hands and converting it into lightning element, the practitioner will create up to ten senbons – the same size as standard senbons. Unlike normal senbons these can only be thrown at a high velocity afflicting damage to the victim of their rank(D). These can be easily dodged by a shinobi of Chuunin rank and higher or a genin with the Agile special characteristic trait. They can also be blocked by defensive techniques or armor of the same rank. A shock, leaving behind minor 1st degree burns from electrocution as well as temporary numbness(-1 to reaction time to the effected area), is caused when they make contact with skin or a thin layer of clothing.

Chakra:: 155|| 250



"Sorry about that, I already made the finger movements, couldn't stop it...but I don't think I'm strong enough to face you, just yet. It was a good training session, though. Thank you for letting me join, and we should hang out again sometime." Gyouki said. He threw his arm back, and Bachi returned to him, and with one quick tug, bandages wrapped around it, and he reattached the puppet to his back, in its dormant state. He looked to Nanashi, whose pure white hair blew slightly in the breeze of the Coliseum. His power was intimidating, but his appearance was breathtaking. Gyouki smiled one last time and waved before he turned and left.

Gyouki's footsteps echoed through the massive arena as he left. His mind pondered that Akio girl. She and Nanashi must have been dating, he doubted she would've been so mad, otherwise. He cracked a smile and laughed a bit as he continued down the main road, past the tall rock structures that were the majority of Iwagakure's architecture. He felt the chakra pulsing through his system more clearly now; his ability with Ninjutsu had gotten better due to that training. It was only the beginning....


Training Ninjutsu
Word Count: 1,780/3,000
(to be continued in another thread)


No problem. You have skill amazing skill, if I do say so myself. And yeah we should hang out again.” Nanashi stated while watching the genin puppeteer leave from the area. The former geisha would soon do the same thing as he idly thought about today.

It was fun. . .

[Exit Thread]

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