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Nero Nara

Nero Nara

Nero was located in the Dense forest, with his life's goal completed he is in somewhat of a "happy" mood, a smirk worn upon his face, a full bottle of water clenched in his left hand by the neck, a smirk that was worn on his face, and his glasses hiding his red crimson gaze. Smiling, the male would look up to the sky, with the sun that was shining just a little on his location. The male would sigh. It seemed the Dense forest, had many trees, barely grass, due to the tall trees blocking most of the sun light. And lot's of bushes that surrounded the area. Nero was in the center of the forest.

He was in the mood for some training today, hopefully, someone would show up!



Sarutobi Mitsuo smiled softly as he walked up to the border of the dense forest, the sunshine beaming down on him and keeping him warm as he placed his fingers instinctively on the handle of his Katana, the Seijin no Ken. He looked to the sky, the sun glimmering off of his glasses and his green eyes glistening in the light. His long black hair was slicked back in a ponytail and he ran his fingers through it to make sure that it was all in place, his beard well trimmed and closely cut to his skin unlike the days before he joined the ANBU. He was wearing his typical chainmail vest and black pants with white leg wraps and black shinobi sandals, his wrists and hands protected by a pair of leather bracers and his pants kept up by a blue sash with the Sarutobi symbol on it, pegging him out as the head of the Sarutobi clan. He had a smoke between his lips and was dragging it as he made his way through the forest, inhaling deeply and keeping the smoke in his lungs before exhaling the cloud of smoke above his head. Today would be a good day.

The Chita Sennin made his way through the winding trees and pathways of the dense forest outside of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, his fingers once again brushing against the hilt of his katana before coming to rest on the handle of the bastard sword strapped to his back, drawing it a little before setting it back down and moving towards the center of the forest. He noticed there was someone else sitting nearby, seemingly enjoying the weather as well and Mitsuo couldn’t help but smile at this. It was always nice to see people enjoying nature as he did. He made his way over to see the young man and introduce himself.

“Hey there, I’m Sarutobi, Mitsuo. Pretty nice day out here today! How are you doing today? What’s your name?” He offered his hand to the young man, waiting for him to shake it as he took another drag on his smoke with his other hand before dropping it to the ground and putting it out with his foot.

(1239 brought over from this thread.1613/4000 Bukijutsu A>S)

Last edited by Mitsuo on Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:27 am; edited 1 time in total

Aburame Yamada

Aburame Yamada

Yamada walked down the path, slowly, taking his time, thinking out every little action in fine detail. That was just the way Yamada operated. He was not necessarily careful, but he was thoughtful, always thoughtful. It should be expected that one who specializes in manipulating the mind would be thoughtful, but Yamada always took it a step further.

It had been a while since Yamada had last visited the hidden leaf, multiple years. The last time he was in konoha he had been requesting the Hokage's permission to leave. He was asked to withdraw from the academy, which he did, with as much dignity as possible. He took it upon himself to learn the academy jutsu on his own, and then leave. He had been wandering around, finding work here and there. Yamada was making an ok living for himself, but he decided it was time to return to the hidden leaf.

Yamada knew that he was on the right track to the hidden leaf, in the distance he could see the first few trees that started the Dense Forest. It really was appropriately named, there were simply trees in every direction, packed together in a tight, irregular formation that made it very easy to get lost if one didnt know his way. There was not much room for light between all the leaves, so needless to say, the forest was dark, and spooky. A great place to make a....lasting impression on someone.

Yamada looked up at the first tree. He was slightly nervous, he hadnt had to walk through the forest in some time, and he wondered if he still knew his way. Yamada was not the type to forget, but there was always that chance. He took a few seconds to close his eyes and draw out a mental path in his mind. Yes, he knew exactly where he was going; the mental map still fresh in his mind. Yamada inhaled deeply and took the first step into the forest.

Yamada kept his eyes straight ahead, only looking forward on his way. People who looked around, got nervous and lost concentration were the people who got lost. Yamada did not intend to get lost. He walked quickly, with a somewhat commanding manner, which was strange for a man of his build. Average, which is below average in the shinobi world. Wouldnt stand much of a chance in close combat. Yamada had alot of confidence in his bugs, and his genjutsu ability. He would not be intimidated easily.

Yamada reached a clearing. The trees had started to spread out and there was a bit more space to maneuver. The light was reaching in better, the forest was starting to end. As he walked further in, he saw two people that appeared to be conversing. One had a cigarette in his mouth and his arm outstretched, the other had a rather unusual smirk on his face, as well as some glasses that matched his face well.

Yamada approached the two, standing a mere 10 meters away. He said nothing, he remained silent. He waited for someone to talk to him.

Nero Nara

Nero Nara

Nero would hear a voice appear from behind. Turning around, the male saw a guy, that stated his name was: Sarutobi, Mitsuo. Smiling, nero would remove his glasses. And his red crimson eyes shining on the boy. " hey there, I'm Nero nara! nice to meet you!" nero would then shake the man hand, and step back! " so, what bring's you here?" nero asked with a nice smile on his face. Hopefully, Sarutobi Mitsuo. Would be looking for a nice spar. After nero stated those words, he would place his glasses back on his face. Hiding his crimson eyes. Tho they was a little startled with the sun shining. Directly on the two. While waiting for the male reply. in the corner of his eye, he saw another person, just a few meters back! Nero thought it could be a citizen, but what citizen comes out and a dangerous forest? Taking it upon his own hand's, nero would yell out to the figure.

" Hey!" not knowing if that was enough. Tho it was a simple hey, maybe it'll catch the boy attention. And see if that was to make him come out.

If it was some happen to be another ninja, this could be interesting!



Mitsuo looked towards the silent ninja who approached the two of them. He had been made aware of this ninja being in town. He was a ronin of the Aburame clan, though of course it wouldn’t be right for Mitsuo to reveal that he knew this as Mitsuo was an ANBU Captain and nobody was supposed to know this, by punishment of death. He simply shook the hand of the first boy and made his way towards the second, smiling warmly once more and eyeing up the young Aburame. He chose not to extend a hand this time, hoping that the boy wouldn’t take this as a sign of disrespect and instead he bowed to him. He didn’t want the member of the Aburame clan to be able to get his bugs on Mitsuo’s skin, although he wasn’t quite worried about either of the two here. He simply didn’t want to risk it. He looked around the trees and sighed slightly, not overly fond of the dense forest-like area but still happy to be basking in nature’s glory.

“I’m just out for a stroll, thought I’d walk down these paths and see if an old friend of mine is here. I’ve known her since we were in the academy together… Now we’re both Jounin… Man where does the time go?” He shook his head and stood in a position where he would be able to see both of the boys in front of him, chuckling to himself slightly. “So what are you two doing out here? The forest is a dangerous place? Are you looking for trouble?”

(1880/4000 Bukijutsu A>S)

Last edited by Mitsuo on Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:28 am; edited 1 time in total

Aburame Yamada

Aburame Yamada

Yamada stood and watched calmy, somewhat observantly as the two people conversed lightly. It had been quite a while since Yamada had last made contact with a human, he wondered if he was still capable of holding up a conversation. It wasnt likely, he never was really good at talking to people but he could always give it a go.

Yamada watched as the more friendly seeming Ninja approached him. He was giving off a friendly vibe, but Yamadas bugs were feeling some pretty strong Chakra coming off of him as he approached. Not one to be trifled with, Yamada would try hard not to upset him.

The man had shook hands with the other ninja, yet he had chosen to bow to Yamada. It was clear he was being overly cautious about Yamada's bugs. Yamada was slightly upset by this act, but not much. In the shinobi world you can't afford to trust anybody apart from your closest friends, and even then, you can never really be sure.

Yamada returned the bow, trying to be polite and respectful, he didnt want to make a bad impression on someone from the village he was trying to get work from. Yamada listened as the man spoke, Jounin eh? Definitely dont want to mess with this man.

Yamada checked with his bugs to see if he was in a genjutsu. No? Good.

"Im Yamada, Aburame, by the way; in case you didnt notice the bugs. I was just wondering into town, looking for some work."

Yamada took the last cigarette out of his pocket and placed it in his mouth, trying to be friendly he looked to the man.

"Got a light?"

Nero Nara

Nero Nara

Nero would sigh after Mitsuo got done talking. " I'm currently out here looking for a spar! so yeah, I guess you can say I'm out here looking for trouble ha!" nero said, in a joking matter. But knowing mitsuo was a jounin, young nero would think secondly about sparring with him. but he'll see how it turns out!

Seeing how friendly the two was, and that one of them was a Aburame? Nero hate bug's! smiling, he wave at the Aburame, and sigh. " nice to me you! I'm nero by the way!" nero stated as he relaxed his arms by his sides. Looking at the aburame pull out a cigarette? He is just killing his chakra system, but the nicotine was just bad!

But knowing nero had his fare share of a cigarette one time. He had a perfect excuse, nervous situation.

Looking at the ground, the male would spot their shadows. Removing his dark shade glasses. Nero nara, would place the glasses, inside his pocket. Waiting for one of the them to answer his question. Hopefully, they would be able to spar! but this jounin would be a problem!

Nero red crimson, would shine onto their shadows. He was just a crazy teen. " You both have beautiful shadows!" nero stated with a smile after his statement. Waiting for one of them to reply...



Mitsuo gave a light chuckle at the situation he seemed to be presented in. He reached into his pouch and dug around for the small silver lighter with the sarutobi clan symbol on it, feeling its cold surface against his warm fingers and pulling it out to examine. He flipped the top opened and lit it, holding it to allow the young Aburame boy to light his cigarette as he stood idly by and began to examine his surroundings. This was not his ideal place for a fight, as he preferred to fight in the opened fields where his powerful Katon attacks wouldn’t possibly do damage to the surrounding areas, but at the same time if he was going to be fighting a lower rank shinobi or possibly two he wouldn’t be using his more powerful techniques. He sighed and closed the lighter once the smoke was lit, putting it back in his pouch and touching his hand back to the hilt of his weapon. It had been a long time since he had trained with genin and he wasn’t entirely sure that he would be able to tone it down like he used to. He could still remember the student that he had nearly killed, though that was the boy’s own fault…

Mitsuo looked back to the young Nara boy and spoke in his soft but commanding voice. “Well Nero, I didn’t come out here looking for a fight, but as a Jounin of the village I think it’s my duty to help train the future shinobi who will be protecting us. I will train with you, but under one condition; you need to ask Yamada here to team up with you, as I don’t think it would be fair for me to fight you alone. You two much also work as a team, I was a genin once and my sensei stressed teamwork, he is now the Hokage and I am one of his personal guard. I look for the same things he looked for when he was training us.” Mitsuo smiled and took out his bastard sword, the massive weapon glimmering and igniting at the touch of his chakra. He would try not to attack with this weapon, or not in the traditional sense of the word, and instead would use it simply to defend as he prepared for the two genin to attack him, pointing the blade towards the ground with his hands at waist level in a Fool’s Guard, his left hand in front of the right and further down the weapon and his left foot also in front of the right, right toe pointed slightly to the side. His eyes stared directly between the two of them so he could keep an eye on both of them the entire time, making sure that he wouldn’t be able to be blindsided. “Come at me with all you’ve got.”

(2363/4000 Bukijutsu A>S)

Last edited by Mitsuo on Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:29 am; edited 1 time in total

Aburame Yamada

Aburame Yamada

Yamada eyed the boy curiously. This boy, a Nara, was out in the forest looking for a fight. With any particular stranger. Now, it was usual to like to spar, nothing wrong with that. But with a stranger? It tended to be regular custom that one would pick a sparring partner that he knew. One of his age, and of similar ability. One that you knew or trusted. But no, this boy, the Nara, was out in the middle of nowhere, challenging strangers to fights. This was not a wise decision. Missing Nin could be about, it is honestly asking to get yourself injured, or worse, Killed. Or, it could be that the boy was confident in his abilities, it could be that the boy possessed the skills to protect himself against any threats. A strange one this Nara, Yamada would be sure to keep an eye on him.

On the other hand, there was the older looking, and certainly superior in power, Sarutobi. This man was also out for a stroll in the middle of nowhere, a strange thing to do. He seemed, overly happy, a little too friendly, as though he was hiding something. Although Yamada was one to jump to conclusions quickly, it was his carefulness that had saved his life on numerous occasions. He would have to be particularly careful around this Sarutobi, the sheer chakra that Yamada could sense was intense, the man was clearly packing some serious power. And Sarutobi too, a famous clan among Konoha. Known mostly for their ‘will of fire’, a dangerous thing for rival shinobi, Sarutobi were not to be messed with, especially due to their tendency to have some high potency fire jutsu. Yamada would keep a close eye on this one too.

Yamada had pulled out his cigarette in an attempt to be friendly, it was custom that two smokers sharing a cigarette, or even lighting a cigarette for each other, was a pretty good natured gesture. Yamada would try hard to seem as nice as possible, he didnt want people getting the idea that he was some sort of hostile, bug using freak. He hoped that his asking of a light would be taken as a kind hearted gesture, and not one of trying to take command over the jounin shinobi. Yamada was not a bad person, he just had trouble socializing at times; however, if there was one thing that helped his communication skills, it was smoking.

Yamada had picked up the habit of smoking at a pretty young age. It was not a good one, but he received very little harm from the tobacco smoke. It turns out that the bugs in his system helped cleanse him of all negative effects. Due to this, Yamada turned out to be a pretty heavy smoker. It was not the addiction that lead him to smoke so heavily, it was the culture. People who smoked tended to understand other smokers. It was a good way for Yamada to cure his social awkwardness.

Yamada has been saving the cigarette that he pulled out of his pocket, saving it for a very special occasion. However, Yamada did not see any such occasions in his near future, and it had been over two weeks since he rolled this cigarette, he was truly desperate to smoke it.

He had picked up the particular strain of tobacco on his travels through the wind country. On a visit to Sunagakure, he was taken on a tour through the herbal gardens. A magnificent place it was, full of all varieties of herbs, plants, vegetables. Yamada saw a particular tobacco plant that caught his eye, the scent of it was amazing. He asked about it, and was lead to a beautiful coffee shop in town. The owner was the entire person in the country with the rights to sell this tobacco, and it came at a pretty hefty price; Yamada could only afford enough for one cigarette.

Yamada was in love with the strain, he had heard from many villagers about how good it was, the flavour, the scents, the soothing, relaxing effect that it had. He couldnt just roll it in any old paper, he needed to match the strain with an equally good paper. This is what had lead him to Konoha in the first place. He had heard about a vendor on the road to the hidden leaf, who sold a variety of items. However he was known for his rolling paper. It was said that it would not even light, if the tobacco inside was not worthy of the paper. Of course, Yamada needed to possess it.

Yamada found the vendor with ease, and was pleased to find that the vendor was content with trading some of Yamadas food and water, for a single piece of rolling paper.

Yamada wasted no time rolling it, making sure that it was seamless, no wrinkles, the tobacco packed tight, the filter placed in perfectly. Yamada was truly excited to light this smoke.

But he had wanted to save it for a special occasion, but unfortunately, Yamada’s life was truly not that special. The desperation for the smoke, the lack of things to happen to Yamada, it lead him to pull the smoke out, right there and then. It didnt really bother Yamada that the occasion wasnt as special as he imagined. To him, a stranger lighting his cigarette - which Yamada intended to share - was an intimate enough occasion. Sharing a cigarette with a fellow smoker was something that Yamada truly enjoyed. Smoking was fun alone, but sharing a smoke with fellow enthusiasts was an occasion that was to die for. A stranger? To Yamada, that was the friendliest display he could show.

He watched as the Sarutobi pulled out his lighter.

This really was going to be a special occasion after all! Look at that beautiful lighter!

The Sarutobi revealed a piece of art, a silver lighter. It had a symbol etched into it perfectly. The light caught the silver brilliantly, shining off of it in most beautiful fashion. This was a lighter that would truly put the icing on the cake of this perfect cigarette.

Yamada leant over the flame at lightly placed his smoke in there, letting it toast for a bit before inhaling. The smoke flooding in, taking a grip on his lungs. The same grip a mother has on her son when he is scared at night. The flavor was exquisite , the consistency of the smoke was perfect, it was truly worth the money that Yamada had payed to roll this smoke.

Yamada would puff on the cigarette lightly a few more times, trying to savor the beautiful work of art he had forged. He let the smoke roll around in his mouth for a bit before inhaling it; and eventually - reluctantly - letting it be free again as it escaped his body and dissipated into the wind.

Yamada held out the cigarette to the Sarutobi, another gesture of kindness. He chose not to tell the story on how this smoke came to be, instead letting the cigarette talk for itself.

“Take as many puffs as you need to, friend, there is nothing that pleases me more than a sharing a good smoke with a stranger”

When the Sarutobi was done, Yamada would take the smoke back, placing it in his mouth but not puffing.

The jounin seemed to be ok with the idea of sparring. He agreed to the situation, seemingly without much consideration. Yamada trusted him, in a strange way, to hold back his power to some degree. If he wanted to help train the genin, he certainly wouldnt want to harm them. The Nara boy had a confident look to himself, he clearly thought that Yamada and himself could give the man a run for his money. Yamada on the other hand, wanted to test his own ability, see how he could stand against a jounin, even one that was holding his power back.

Yamada walked over to the Nara boy, still cautious of him, and offered a hand,

“Yamada, Aburame Yamada.”

Yamada would shake his hand - should he accept and turn to face the Sarutobi, who was holding a rather large sword in a seemingly unorthodox stance. Yamada would talk to the Nara in a voice quiet enough so that the Sarutobi wouldnt hear, but the Nara could understand his words,

“I hope you’re ready for this kid, this guy isnt going to be easy.”

Nero Nara

Nero Nara

Nero heard the male agree with his spar. Tho, he would have to team up with the Aburame! " well okay, sounds good!" nero would turn to see the aburame holding his hand out. Guess he wants me to shake it! placing his left hand on the male's right hand. Nero would shake his hand! " nice to meet you!" nero stated with a smile on his face.

“I hope you’re ready for this kid, this guy isnt going to be easy.”

" I agree dude, now what shall we do? any ideas?" nero said in his low voice only the Aburame could hear him. It was a conversation of whispering! waiting for his reply. Nero would watch the jounin, keeping both eyes on him.

Not knowing what the guy was going to do at a time like this...



Mitsuo looked towards the two shinobi and wondered why neither of them had taken their opportunity to attack. He watched as the Aburame walked towards the Nara and whispered something to him. Mitsuo wasn’t entirely sure but he thought that this would have been a perfect time for the Aburame to plant a bug on the young Nara that may be able to help him in the flow of battle, but that being said he couldn’t see the merit in it. The ideal thing to do would be to plant something on Mitsuo himself, but he wasn’t nearly close enough to have done that just yet. Mitsuo, in the worst case scenario with the bugs, had the S rank jutsu that he had recently perfected, but it was just as likely to burn the entire forest was as it was to kill the bugs. He also didn’t want to injure these genin too seriously, even though he was leaving the village soon he didn’t want there to be any indication that he had gone rogue, and would make sure that everyone thought he had simply went on an ANBU related mission and had died at the hands of a stronger opponent.

The other issue was the fact that he had no idea what either of these people were capable of. He kept tabs on most of the shinobi in the village for scouting purposes, which he had kept on top of due to the fact that he didn’t want anyone to think he had become lax in his duties and therefore suspect the otherwise stalwart workhorse ANBU Captain of going through change, though it would be fair to imagine he would be changing with the recent untimely death of his lover and his father. Because of his scouting he knew the abilities of the majority of the Konohan shinobi, and kept files on all of them in the event that one of them were to ever go rogue, so he could profile them and potentially bring them back or kill them if necessary. He hadn’t noted anything particularly alarming on the young Nara but he knew that their shadow release could be tricky and he wouldn’t underestimate the boy. The real wildcard here was going to be the Aburame, who was a ronin, and not someone that Mitsuo was really familiar with, besides his name and what he knew of his clan. When Mitsuo had last trained an Aburame he was extremely impressed and formed a bond with the young boy. He wasn’t sure if this Yamada would show the same proficiencies as the young Mure but he noticed quickly that he didn’t seem to be armed, causing Mitsuo to believe he was most likely not a close combat fighter and would be relying on his Ninjutsu, like the majority of the Aburame clan.

He sighed slightly, not having wanted to take the offensive against the two genin, and he formed a quick hand sign, yelling out “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!” In an instant there was two Mitsuo’s standing before the genin, both of them gripping the flaming sword. One of them put the sword away and quickly drew his katana, Seijin no Ken, and his tanto, Chita no Kiba, and entered a crouched stance, his katana in his right hand with the point towards his elbow, clutched backwards, blade out and back resting on his forearm, matching the same with his tanto in his left hand. He kept the left hand forward and slightly higher than the other, his left leg slightly before his right before the two of them ran towards the two genin.

The flaming sword Mitsuo ran towards the Aburame, taking the sword and twisting his arms so that his hands were beside his face, his point of his blade pointing towards the ground. As he got closer he prepared to flick his hands, creating a fulcrum and snapping the heavy blade up quickly into a strike that would split a normal man in two if it were to hit, though he made sure that he slowed it down to a manageable (though not too easy) speed and keeping at a distance where, even if he were to hit, which due to his speed he most likely would, he would only graze the young Aburame’s chest. When this swing of his weapon was complete his hands would turn and be down in front of his stomach, tip pointed on a sixty degree angle towards the air and just above the Aburame’s face, prepared to either defend from a counter attack or thrust forward and down in a devastating follow up strike.

The second Mitsuo used his full speed to his advantage, moving like a blur to the right of the young Nara, going towards a tree as the smoke wisped off of his blade. When he reached the tree he ran up a few steps and then kicked off, launching his extremely quick tanto at the young Nara’s lower abdomen so that he would be distracted and jumping over top of him so that when he was above Nero’s head, Mitsuo would be upside down with his Katana in a defensive position above his head to block from potential strikes as he came around in his full flip, landing behind the young Nara in a crouch where, assuming the tanto wasn’t stuck in the Nara anywhere, the tanto would have landed. He would then swing out his leg in order to trip the young Nara and simultaneously picking up the Chita no Kiba. If the Nara were to be hit by the trip, Mitsuo would bring his arms down and place the Blade of the tanto to his throat, his Katana arm pinning him to the ground. If the Nara boy dodged the attack, Mitsuo would stay in his low crouching stance and ready himself for a counter attack, his arms back into their original position awaiting whatever action Nero had planned for his first attack.

Mitsuo hoped that these two realised what they were getting themselves into with this fight, and that just because they were genin, he wouldn’t be going too easy on them. This initial assault would show them just that and, were they to work together properly, he would love to see what they could come up with to counter the higher ranking ninja.

Jutsus Used:


Items Being Used:
(3425/4000 Bukijutsu A>S)

Last edited by Mitsuo on Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:29 am; edited 1 time in total

12 (Mitsuo/Yamada/Closed/Training/No Kill) Empty Re: (Mitsuo/Yamada/Closed/Training/No Kill) Sat Nov 09, 2013 11:26 am

Aburame Yamada

Aburame Yamada

Yamada realized the severity of the situation that he was in. He had hoped that the young Nara boy would have attacked the Sarutobi first. The Nara boy had hesitated, and such that the Jounin of the hidden leaf decided to attack first. This was not good, not good at all. The look in his eyes was a giveaway, this man was not planning on screwing around, this man was going to hurt somebody. It would be no use fighting him, Yamada stood no chance at all. His only choice would be to run to the hills, as far as he could go. He cared little for the Nero boy that would be left behind, it had been his own decision to fight.

Yamada watched as the Sarutobi executed to ever so famous Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. He would attack both Yamada and the young Nara simultaneously. This would be troublesome. The first Sarutobi was charging at Yamada, almost flying through the air at breakneck speeds. The flaming sword in his hand did not look like it would be alot of fun to deal with. Yamada had one strategy in his mind, one way out of this. He hoped that the Sarutobi would not tail him, there would be no hope of escape.

Yamada kept his cool as the Sarutobi charged at him, he only had a few seconds to act. As the jounin was in touching distance, Yamada quickly flashed his eyes red, hoping to catch the Sarutobi in his blinding genjutsu, possibly gaining some valuable escape time. He waited until the Sarutobi struck before using his Bug Replacement jutsu, poofing away from the blow and leaving a swarm of bugs behind. He was not far enough, he needed to get further, fast. Yamada quickly grabbed the closest rock he could find, launching it as far as his strength would allow. It went a decent distance, far enough. Yamada quickly punched himself in the face, using the regular replacement jutsu to cover great ground very quickly. From there he took off, hoping that the Sarutobi would forget about him and focus on the young Nara. The wellbeing of the young boy meant nothing to Yamada, he was just an asset that could be beneficial in his escape.



{OoC Sorry Nero, I have to close all of my threads in Konoha since I'm leaving the village, just wanted to post to wrap up this thread, you're free to reply if you wish~)

The Mitsuo who was wielding the fire sword shook his head as he saw the young aburame clan member turn and run the other way, the flash of his sword coming up to its position preventing him from being able to see into the young man’s eyes. He watched as he went and crossed his arms, deciding to let the younger shinobi run away and sparing him the pain of Mitsuo tracking him down and harming him. He proceeded to reach into his coat and pull out his back of cigarettes, taking one of the slender white tubes from the package and putting it between his lips. He then reached in and found the specially designed lighter which bore the Sarutobi Clan symbol, flicked the lid opened, and proceeded to hold the flame in front of his cigarette, dragging on it and inhaling deeply before letting the smoke pass through his nose and flicking the lighter back closed. He put it away in his pocket, along with the package, and took another drag as he looked to see the young Nara about to get hit by the much faster Mitsuo. It wasn’t really surprising that the two genin couldn’t keep up, and Mitsuo was known for being a little hard on his students, but he only did it to push them past their limits.

“Oi, there’s no need to go too far there, Mitsuo.” The clone who was smoking the cigarette said as Mitsuo went to sweep the young Nara’s leg. The real Mitsuo instantly stopped and resheathed his weapons, standing up and looking at the young Nara boy before walking over towards his clone and smirking softly. “The other one already ran away, you don’t need to torture this one. Jeez you don’t want people to think you’re some kind of psychopath.” Mitsuo chuckled softly as the clone addressed him, it was kind of amusing to him that the clone would bring up being crazy when he was currently sitting here engaging in a conversation with himself. Mitsuo knew that the young boy wasn’t ready to take on someone like him, and he truly had no intention of killing anybody in the village, which is why he stopped when he did. He smiled to Nero and walked over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder and pointing back towards the village as he did, hoping that Nero’s gaze would follow his finger.

“You know Nero, this village has a lot of history. There have been many different heroes in our villages past and there was one thing each and every one had in common; they all loved the village more than anything else and they would all be willing to give their lives up to protect the Hidden Leaf. You may not think much of these words now Nero, but one day the people of this village will be looking to you to protect them, they will look to you for guidance, for assistance, and for support. You will one day be one of the shining beacons of this village, as I am now. I know the abilities of nearly everyone in this village and I can honestly say that I see a great deal of potential in you Nero, and I am sorry that I could not teach you more today, but my duties call me away. I am a busy man and am needed elsewhere.” He smiled to the young Nara boy before walking over to his clone, taking the half smoked cigarette from the clone’s mouth and putting it in his before dispersing the technique. He took a deep drag and exhaled the smoke before waving to the young genin. “Until we meet again,” He said softly before taking off through the trees at a blazing speed. Just like that, as quickly as he had come, Mitsuo Hiruzen Sarutobi was gone…


(4071/4000 Bukijutsu A>S complete~)

Nero Nara

Nero Nara

OOC: hey nice skip! lol jk :9 nooo take me with you :P iight man...

Nero would sigh. "well.. that went well.. so much for fighting!" nero would then leap forward. hopping from tree to tree. Hopefully, he'll meet up with that Aburame ninja again. he seem pretty cool.

But with nothing to lead off on in the dense forest. nero would leave, heading for the village. Maybe for some ramen?


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