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1Teaching The Academy Students [D-Rank] Empty Teaching The Academy Students [D-Rank] Thu Dec 26, 2013 7:44 pm



The thought of going back to the academy was bringing back painful memories of Kurama's childhood. The reality that he was going back there had finally hit him, even though he has known that he would be filling in as a substitute teacher for a little over 3 days. The reason that Kurama was to fill in and teach an academy class today was because the former teacher had injured himself in a training accident. Although Kurama had many bad memories about being teased and bullied at the academy he has grown a lot since then and will still try his best to help the children grow into the best ninja they can be. Kurama now has the chance to possibly show some wayward soul a path that they have never even dreamed of for themselves.

Kurama stared at the large school building which was the bane of his existence for a longer time than any kid needed to experience. A memory of the day that he almost beat a bully to death flashed across the forefront of his mind. He quickly shook his head to try and get the train of thought out of his mind, he was not about to beat up a child today. He was going to help instill in the values that they need to be successful ninja and successful members of society. Kurama walked into the familiar building walking past classroom after classroom searching for 24-C, which he would be substituting for. Kurama couldnt count the number of times he had walked up and down this hallway, it seemed like ages ago but it wasn't really all that long ago.

Kurama reached the classroom. He took a deep breath and opened the sliding door and stepped through. Kurama was hit in the head with a chalkboard eraser, it bounced off his head and landed on the floor. Kurama heard chuckling by a couple of the boys in the back. Kurama sighed and picked up the chalkboard eraser, looking the two boys dead in the eye and channeled his katon nature chalkra into the palm of his hand and turned the eraser into a torch. The boys went silent.

Kurama then increased the amount of chakra making the eraser burn hotter and bigger, causing it to to ash and crumble in his hands. He took a deep breath and said "Okay class, I will be your teacher for today while Sonohara Sensei recovers. You can call me Kurama-Sensei. Today we are going to be learning the clone jutsu." The children just nodded at him, a speechless expression on their small faces. Kurama wasnt sure whether or not he had traumatized them. Whispers began to murmur through the back of the class. They got barely loud enough for Kurama to make out "So cool" and "Hot". Kurama smiled at the children and said "Dont worry, if you have trouble doing it I will help you. So, who wants to go first?" Immediately the girls' hands went up followed by the boys'. Kurama had the kids line up and one by one perform their clone jutsu. Kurama had to stifle a few laughs because some of the kid's jutsu were ridiculous looking. The most ridiculous looking one belonged to the mastermind behind the eraser prank, Hikaru. After everyone left for lunch Hikaru approached Kurama and said "Kurama Sensei, im sorry for pranking you, I didn't know how cool you actually were. Will you please help me with my clone jutsu?". Kurama smiled and and nodded. After lunch there was a test on the clone jutsu, which, thanks to Kurama's help, Hikaru passed with flying colors.

Word Count 618/600

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