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Soron had just walked through the doors of the admin building, ready to turn in another common task completed. These simple tasks he was stuck with doing day in and day out were super boring but Soron didnt complain as every ninja started out with boring tasks before getting up to the true nitty gritty. This last task was just like all the other ones, super simple, simply picking up trash in the streets. He trotted over to the receptionist desk handing in the scroll of completion without saying a word the receptionist took it and before Soron could walk away she spoke up.

"Oh Soron before you go," she said digging inside her desk and then handing him a red scroll with a big "C" on it, "Another order came in for you, this mission is a slightly more challenging one. Its a C-rank mission and apparently there have been a string of thefts that you need to look into. This is a weapon store so be careful as the thief may be armed. Goodluck genin."

Soron did not respond he simply shrugged took the scroll and walked off back out into the village square. He opened the scroll and it didnt tell him anything the receptionist hadnt. He walked casually and slowly to the market district of konoha which he figured would be quite busy at this time of day as it was just after noon. He read the scroll as he walked being sure to look up from it every now and then to avoid running into someone and starting an unneeded conflict.

When he arrived at the Market district it was as he expected it to be, busy and packed with patrons. He slowly weaved through the crowds until he found his way to the weapon shop. He studied the front entrance for some time before walking in and addressing the man at the counter.

"My name is Sarutobi, Soron and i am the genin who has been sent to help you with your recent string of thefts. I think you should show me around so i can hopefully get an idea of how they are getting in as well as a list of common missing inventory if you have it. Ill use the information and late tonight ill start the stake out."

Word count: 388/1000

Last edited by Soron on Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:43 pm; edited 1 time in total



The man lead Soron around to each entrance and exit that the building had on it. Upon initial inspection there didnt seem to be any noticeable signs of forced entry however he couldnt rule anything out right away. The man lead Soron back to the main portion of the store before he turned to Soron and began apologizing. "Sorry im not as prepared as you would have liked me to be," the man continued as he began digging in a messy filing cabinet, "but your gonna have to wait if you still want that inventory list. I didnt expect them to send a genin like you to me who would be so calm and organized but dont worry, ill get that right to you in a few minutes." Soron nodded and stepped outside the store for a moment so he could survey any near by rooftops that would serve the needed purpose of his lookout spot. He decided a two story rooftop just diagonal to the store and as his normal attire consisted of mostly black clothing he should blend in to the background of the night sky rather well.

He had not even spent twenty minutes outside before the clerk returned with the list that Soron had previously asked for. Soron nodded and took the list and continued nodding as he began studying the contents on the piece of paper thoroughly. The weapons on the list he most commonly noticed to be missing were basic ninja tools such as Mumbai, shuriken, makabishi, and other common supplies. Weapons like that in the hands of an untrained civilian were very little danger to Soron so he need not worry himself too much.

"Thank you sir for the list and for your cooperation. Now that I have what I need I'll be setting the stake out up now. I'll be hold up on the roof of that building just over there. I'll keep watch and wait for the intruder to be inside then I'll jump him and take him. I'll be back as soon as I return home and gather a little extra stuff I may need." Soron said as he handed the man back the list. He then turned back towards his home and made haste to get the things he needed and then get to the roof for the stake out.

Word count: 786/1000



He returned home mainly to check up on his mother before leaving for the stake out. He quickly checked up on her as she slept soundly in bed. He exited the home quietly and leaped up onto the rooftops to travel faster across town. He stood atop the roof of the stakeout location within minutes and was prepared for whatever action he would need to take should he spot the intruder. "So i am to take this man alive which is to be expected as theft in this manner rarely justifies punishment by execution. Once iv spotted him ill allow him to get inside then ill follow him in, corner him and as he most likely has very little training battling shinobi i should be able to apprehend him with ease.' He thought to himself as he looked out over the clearing and watched the store for any intruders.

For the first night however nothing happened. Not a single commotion, he didnt spot a single suspicious soul trying to slip into the weapons shop which was a disappointment cause that meant he would need to spend another night here to be sure. When the sun rose he went out on the town as he didnt need to guard the shop during the day, not with the owner there. The day went by slow and boring until around sunset he retook his position up on the roof. This night would prove to be less boring, much less boring. Around midnight, he barely noticed a black shape slipping into the store through a skylight in the roof. "A skylight hmmm... i hadnt really thought about that being a point of entry but it makes sense now." He thought as he sprang into action following the figure inside quietly.

The man worked quick, and started shoveling shuriken, kunai, and other weapons into a sack but he was careful as to not rip the sack with the sharp metal objects he was shoveling in. Soron stepped out into the aisle just meters away before announcing his presence. "Youve been caught in the act! Its time to give it up and come in quietly. I dont really want to have to force you physically but if i have to dont think ill hesitate." Soron said in a serious but emotionless voice and just as he did so the man whirled around throwing two kunai at Sorons head which Soron dodged. The man then charged Soron reeling back for a punch. Soron shook his head and just as the man closed in, knelt down and spun around using his leaf gale technique to knock the man off balance and send him into the far wall. Soron leaped onto him and with a single dome-rocking hay maker knocked him unconscious.

Soron tied the man up with some ninja wire he borrowed from the shop then awaited for morning to come. Just hours after sunrise the owner showed back up with the happiness on his face clearly visible as the sight of the captured crook. "Thanks so much genin! Im finally glad the bastards been caught! If you want you can go. Ill handle this from here and ill be sure to report that your missions been completed. Soron nodded then left for home, eager to take a well deserved and well needed nap. He muttered one thing to himself on the way home and one thing only "Mission accomplished."

word count: 1360/1000

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