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1Ryou Clan Empty Ryou Clan Sat Nov 16, 2013 9:28 pm

Nakashima Ryou

Nakashima Ryou

Ryou Clan 318px-Glass_plasma_globe

Clan: Ryou Clan

Kekkei Genkai: Plasma Release

Elements: Katon, Raiton, Purton

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Iwagakure

Clan History:
The Ryou clan was once a large and powerful clan. They were well respected because of their art. Although their power was so large they rarely used it to fight as they saw it as being inhuman to unleash such a force upon others who could not posses this power. The ability was used to help as it was a strong source of light and power, the element would not be put out of simple light or water. As well as this it had the heat to be able to cut through any material known. The individuals of this clan had the ability to generate and manipulate Plasma. They were able to use the lightning and fire in their surroundings to produce plasma and use it as a source of power.
Although they would like to use the plasma in a peaceful manner those around them in the fire country who would want them to use it as a weapon. The clan had a long tradition of military training but refused to used their power in battle as it would devastate and destroy everything. But one day they were forced to unleash their power upon the enemy. Leaving nothing but a trail of destruction and despair in their wake, the Ryou clan made a decision that day to remove their clan from the outer world. The next day all records of the clan were gone and the clan had vanished to another country where they would not be sought after.
When Iwagakure was founded, the Ryou that remained traveled there to try and live out their lives in peace keeping their power as a secret from almost anyone. They would keep the tradition of the clan alive within their own people and did not share their secret as they did not want to be used for war again.

Kekkei Genkai Description:
Plasma, Purton (Fire + Lightning): the Element of the Sun as it is referred to. It is a potent mix of Fire then Lightning chakra that allows one to create a substance that has the brightness and burning power of the Sun. Burns from this substance are extremely painful and are not wholly heal able for people who are lucky, or unlucky enough to survive an assault by users of this formidable element.
It gives the members of the Ryou clan the ability to create a Plasma release (Purton), By combining fire and lightning the temperature of the fire can be increased to the point of creating an incredibly hot, corrosive and explosive substance. The substance takes the form of plasma.
Plasma is the fourth state of matter. Many places teach that there are three states of matter; solid, liquid and gas, but there are actually four. The fourth is plasma. To put it very simply, a plasma is an ionized gas, a gas into which sufficient energy is provided to free electrons from atoms or molecules and to allow both species, ions and electrons, to coexist.  Gases can become plasma in several ways, but all include pumping the gas with energy. A spark in a gas will create a plasma. A hot gas passing through a big spark will turn the gas stream into a plasma that can be useful. Plasma torches like that are used in industry to cut metals. The biggest chunk of plasma you will see is that dear friend to all of us, the sun. The sun's enormous heat rips electrons off the hydrogen and helium molecules that make up the sun. Essentially, the sun, like most stars, is a great big ball of plasma.
(Purton counts as a Ryou's Tertiary Element; it ranks up automatically to the rank of the lowest constituent element. So, if a Ryou had S-rank Katon but B-rank Raiton, their Purton would be B-rank. This Advanced Element ranks up automatically with the constituent elements; it can be trained to SS in this manner.)
As the Ryou train for long periods of time surrounded by fire, lightning and plasma, their bodies have become accustom to the immense heat and light given off by the substance. This means that fire and bliding via light have little effect on them and have their effectiveness of the technique reduced by one tier.

The Ryou techniques are strong against an individual technique of water or wind. This is purely because although they can counter one of the said elements the other element will still be present with its original destructive power. The techniques are weak against water then wind type charkas, but strong against wind then earth chakras. So in a short version they are strongest against wind/earth, and are weakest against Ice.
Ice attacks are effective against the Plasma based techniques of the Ryou and have a powerful advantage when clashing. Thus giving the ice +2 tiers of power against plasma moves. For example, an S rank plasma technique can be cancelled out by a B rank ice technique. The opposite effect will take place when clashing with wind and earth chakras.
For an individual attack of water or wind on the plasma element the following will occur;
Water, if a water attack would be used on plasma then it would also gain +2 tiers of power against Plasma moves.  For example, an S rank Plasma technique can be cancelled out by a B rank water technique. Of course, these only turn the jutsu into lightning; the Plasma then acts like lightning.
Wind, if a wind attack would be used on plasma then it would also gain +2 tiers of power against Plasma moves.  For example, an S rank Plasma technique can be cancelled out by a B rank wind technique. Of course, these only turn the jutsu into fire; the Plasma then acts like fire.
As members of the Ryou clan are naturally resistant to lightning and fire their bodies have grown accustom to the heat and raw power of the elements they posses and as such they are naturally weaker to ice techniques.  When wet, or when exposed to naturally cold climates or techniques that make the atmosphere colder, members of the Ryou clan begin to move slower and cramp, reducing their Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and movement speed by one tier.
The Ryou clan members also tend to dedicate themselves to their specialties to the point of avoiding diversity. Ryou clan members cannot learn a fourth specialty, nor can they learn a fourth element[Their Purton is their third].

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
Name: Plasma Release: Plasma Roar(血漿咆哮 ~ Kesshō hōkō)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C, S.
Type: Offensive.
Element: Purton.
Range: 20, 40.
Specialty: Ninjutsu.
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 6 posts.
Description: At C rank the user gathers plasma in his mouth, subsequently releasing it in a large, destructive, sparking blast. It is capable of traveling 20 meters, it melts anything it passes through. In spite of the fact that this spell is potentially powerful enough to kill a person, a single use is enough to heavily strain on the users body.
At S rank the user gathers plasma in his mouth, subsequently releasing it in a large, destructive, sparking blast. It is capable of traveling 40 meters, it melts anything it passes through. At this rank the user has no strain applied to their body.

Name: Plasma Release: Creating Plasma(血漿作成  ~ Kesshō sakusei)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C, S.
Type: Offensive.
Element: Purton.
Range: 20m.
Specialty: Ninjutsu.
Duration: 1 post.
Cooldown: 4 posts.
Description: At c rank the user engulfs his hands in plasma, as he brings his the two plasma together, the user generates a highly destructive blast that is capable of destroying a large area. The area that is effected by this is, front the point of contact of the hands, a 20 meters in front, 2 meters to either side and 2 meters above and below. Anything in the area not properly protected is incinerated. After the ability is used the plasma then begins to cool down and rather quickly return back to a gas, although this gas will still be warm not enough to do damage only cause discomfort.
At S rank the user engulfs his hands in plasma, as he brings his the two plasma together, the user generates a highly destructive blast that is capable of destroying a large area. The area that is effected by this is, front the point of contact of the hands, a 20 meters in front, 2 meters to either side and 2 meters above and below. Anything in the area not properly protected is incinerated. After the connection of the plasma, the plasma will the settle on the ground below the original attack at the normal temperature of the plasma. If continued contact is made with the plasma on the ground; 1 post 3 degree burns, 2 post incineration of the limb.

Name: Plamsa Release: Plasma Sphere (血漿球 ~ Kesshō-kyū)
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D-S.
Type: Defensive.
Element: Purton.
Range: Within 2m.
Specialty: Ninjutsu.
Duration: 1 post. Lasts until destroyed.
Cooldown: 4 posts.
Description: The user surrounds themselves with a sphere of plasma which can be used to guard against enemy's attacks. It is used to protect the user from any amount of Taijutsu, Kyuujutsu, or Kenjutsu attacks of its rank. It can defend against one attack of one rank higher then itself. While inside the sphere the user cannot use any ability as it would break the bonds of the sphere.

Name: Plasma Release:PLasma Fists (血漿拳 ~ Kesshō ken)
Canon/Custom: Custom.
Rank: D-S.
Type: Offensive.
Element: Purton.
Range: Within the users range.
Specialty: Ninjutsu.
Duration: 3 post.
Cooldown: 6 posts.
Description: The user engulfs his hands in plasma and devastatingly strikes his opponent. The user is able to melt all obstacles with his hands. By applying this ability it raises the users attack strength and speed by half a rank. On first contact with the opponent, they would suffer second degree burns, second contact 3 degree burns and four contact the fist would go through the user as they would a normal obstacle.

2Ryou Clan Empty Re: Ryou Clan Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:11 am

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

Unfortunately, the plasma element is something that is going to be worked on and published by staff. Once staff has finished the write up it will be released to the public.

3Ryou Clan Empty Re: Ryou Clan Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:35 am

Nakashima Ryou

Nakashima Ryou

any idea when this clan will be released??

4Ryou Clan Empty Re: Ryou Clan Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:16 am



it just needs a history written, so maybe tonight if someone does it.

5Ryou Clan Empty Re: Ryou Clan Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:56 am




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