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1Pikisha Clan Empty Pikisha Clan Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:23 am

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Symbol: Pikisha Clan Inferno_star_bw

Clan: Pikisha

Kekkei Genkai: Spark Mastery
Elements: Raiton||Katon  
Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Kumogakure

Clan History: The Pikisha clan,specialize in using sparks Which the users of it create attacks with immense clouds of sparks, that cause burns and piercing ability. The clan lives in the outskirts of the Kumogakure for many years, staying in complete isolation, in still recent times, when the need arrived to leave their isolation for the sake of te village. Users of the spark release tend to be introverts, at least with other people other then their fellow clan members

Kekkei Genkai Description: The members of this clan combine Raiton and Katon to distribute and control heat and light in the air. the effects released by this hybrid appear to sparkle and glitter in the air like fireworks, and members of this clan are often hired to replace fireworks at a reduced price.

in battle,Spark users use their jutsu in a number of ways. as warning flares, they can be seen for miles. they can be used as distractions, often drawing the eye of the enemy at the displays they can create. they can also be used as combat techniques, using the individual sparks to burn the enemies using the intense light, heat, and large range of many of the techniques.

the intense heat and light generated by these pinprick balls of chakra cause them to shimmer any number of colors. most Pikisha clan members can only generate one specific color with their sparks, but skilled members are able to control the individual colors in the sparks they generate.

all Spark based attacks gain a +1 against wood style.
All members of this clan get +1 to all spark based jutsu since they specilize in it. Although they are able to mix Katon and Raiton their style is not a Advanced element and can be copied by sharingan and learned by others.

Drawbacks: All Spark attacks take -1 to all attacks attacks against suiton or Fuuton. due to the fact that water puts out fire and Wind insolates the electricity.
Members of this clan cannot take taijutsu, due to their long range style, and take -1 against taijutsu of any kind
Members of this clan must take the frail trait and not get a positive trait to equalize it due to their long range training.
Members of this clan get -1 to Genjutsu due to their ninjutsu styles, usage and being hit by it.

Members: None at the moment
Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: Name: Spark style Pretty Sparkler
Canon/Custom: custom
Rank: D +1
Type: Supplementary
Element: Spark-Katon/Raiton
Range: 1m
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: -3 chakra/post
Cooldown: 1 post
Description: the user concentrates her Two elements into up to three small sparks of light that hover about her, staying within three feet of the caster. should someone touch the slights, they can cause 2nd-degree burns. if watched for long enough, they will cause visual echoes of their presence, being more annoying than distracting. these lights are more decorative in most uses, but can generate light enough to cover up to 10m (the light is equivocal to sunlight on a partially cloudy day).

Name: Spark style: Beautiful Fountain
Canon/Custom: custom
Rank: D +1
Type: Offensive
Element: Katon/Raiton (spark)
Range: 2m
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 2 posts
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: the user focuses her chakra into a tiny spark the size of a pea, then releases it from either her palm, or throwing it onto the ground where it erupts into a 1m-tall shower of sparks that deal 2nd degree burns on direct contact..

Name: Spark style: Heavenly Rocket
Canon/Custom: custom
Rank: C+1
Type: Offensive
Element: Spark- Katon/Raiton
Range: 10m
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1-2 posts
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: after concentrating a their chakra down into a spark, the user launches it from her palm. when it reaches the end of its journey or hits an object, it bursts into a 1m cloud of beautiful, yet painful embers that cause up to 20 acute 3rd-degree burns to anyone caught in the area around the primary spark's ultimate destination

Last edited by Caro Fumiska on Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:19 am; edited 13 times in total

2Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:25 am



This seems like it is essentially a lesser form of Explosion release, which is not going to be implemented into a role playing scenario inside of a clan at this point. On top of this I do not think this needs to be an advanced element, Sparks can be created through Raiton or Katon and do not need to be limited to a single clan nor element. Because of this I and going to Deny this clan unless someone above me states otherwise.

3Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:41 am

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

The sparks are not really sprarks or little explosions they are multiple small spheres or eletricly charged katon chraka , pefectly mixed so they they look like glowing ball of light

4Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:05 am



Denied still. You can do that with the two basic elements Katon and Raiton. Simply make a jutsu that uses the two elements together (since you're not technically making a new element by mixing them).

5Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:56 am

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

I just thought that superchraging thousands of small spheres simutaniouly and mixing themm perfectly togerher would need to be a KKG

6Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:29 am



A KKG is different to an Advanced element :O

A KKG is any technique, be it a jutsu/doujutsu or advanced nature element that can only be used by the members of that clan. You could app those sparkling jutsus as the clan's KKG, but as for giving the clan an advanced element, mmmmmmeeehh. You could run the idea by another Moderator, but as it stands i'd only approve it as either a clever combination of Raiton and Katon or a stronger variation of either one.

Ok, never mind all that.

Spark Release can be SS-rank if both constituent elements are as well
Only one element can be SS, the other stops at S, so the Spark Release can't really be trained up to SS

:O sowwy, i was incorrect, that can happen ~ >.< silly me

Last edited by Binsu on Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:09 am; edited 1 time in total

7Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:52 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Fixed it

8Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:07 pm



Just like to point out that there is already a raiton jutsu that creates sparks. I know because I wrote it xD. So you can't retroactively lock sparks to a clan.

9Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:16 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Bokuden its not actual sparks (like boil release its just called spark release) It makes small globs of energied balls of supercharged fire globs

10Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:23 pm



So it's just balls of energy that burn. There are a bunch of raiton/katon jutsu that do that already. I mean you could make that clan jutsu, but it can't be locked and you are going to be working under the assumption that any raiton or katon user would be able to imitate your kkg without much effort.

11Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:26 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

they are Katon chaka mixed with raiton charka that basically supercharges small amounts of katon with raiton to the point the it looks like sparkles more then sparks

12Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:32 pm



So, once again. It is something that anyone with raiton could do. This isn't really worthy of being an advanced element. An aesthetic change with no functional difference isn't an advanced element.

13Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Oct 11, 2013 2:36 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

I fixed it so it is no longer an advanced element and just a spark based clan

14Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:50 pm

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

"The rank of A jutus that can include sparks is the same as the rank of the ninja's lowest constituent element rank. So, if a ninja has S-ranked Raiton and C-ranked Katon, A spark jutsu would be C-rank."

You can remove that part. To do an "A" rank jutsu you need "A" rank training in all of it's spec and elements, as per basic rules.

As for the draw backs, can you clarify the negative to taijutsu and genjutsu so there is no confusion. IE do taijutsu/genjutsu used agents you work 1 rank higher in terms of "damage", or just this clan gets -1 to genjutsu/taijutsu power they themselves use?

And for the jutsu(not really my specialty) please mark that they are "spark" some how, sense not all Katon/Raiton jutsu are spark.
I suggest at the beginning of their description putting "(spark)". And sense you get the boost to them, you can remake them as if they were one rank higher than they are, just put a +1 next to the rank to signify their boosted power.

15Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:09 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Fixed up and it was approvved before so just nee d another quick checy i changed it bac to advacned elemtn for checking

16Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:27 pm



What exactly about this is different from when I told you that sparks are not deserving of an advanced element before?

17Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:33 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

SOrry boku others told me that it should be an advanced elemnt i changed it bakc and edited the jutsu (just because i get plus one to Spark based jutsu so i upgraded the damage for it)

18Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:45 pm



If you make this an advanced element you will likely have to lose the +1 to sparks. Either that or at least one of the elements it is weak to needs to to +2 damage against it. But in all likelihood you will need to remove the +1 altogether. No other combination of two elements gets an inherent +1, sparks shouldn't even be an advanced element, let alone start being an exception to precedent. Also, go ahead an remove the part about it being elementally superior to earth, there is no logical basis for that and you're going to need to be cut off from a 4th specialization like every other advanced element clan.

With all that being said, this still shouldn't be an advanced element. Maybe a specialty like how Orino's clan uses smoke as a spinoff of katon, but there is no way that sparks, which can be created from two separate elements on their own , become something else just by mixing them with more sparks.

19Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:47 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

\I unid the Advanced elemtent

20Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:14 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

so i fixed it inot a clan that just uses sparks and specizies in it

21Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:08 pm

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Bump for the clan

22Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:17 am

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku


23Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Sat Nov 16, 2013 1:24 am



I'm agreeing with Boku here, it shouldn't be an advanced element because it's components (Raiton and Katon) can produce sparks and similar energy particles fine on their own, and this clan is just a more powerful use of that. So, as he said,
Bokuden wrote:Maybe a specialty like how Orino's clan uses smoke as a spinoff of katon, but there is no way that sparks, which can be created from two separate elements on their own , become something else just by mixing them with more sparks.
^you should definitely make it like a spinoff or Raiton or Katon or both, whatever you want. I just don't think sparks are deserving of a clan-locked advanced element. This is a different case than, say, Boil Release which encompasses an entirely new field of an element, acids (which can't be made by Suiton or Katon alone) or Lava Release which makes, of course, lava (which can't be made by Katon or Doton alone). That's what an advanced element essentially is, a powerful and unique combination or two or more elements that is rare and specific to only the clan it is within.

24Pikisha Clan Empty Re: Pikisha Clan Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:20 am

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

Fixed and specified that it is copiable and such sorry bout that

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