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1Lee Clan Empty Lee Clan Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:37 pm



Symbol: Lee Clan Clenched-Fist

Clan: Lee Clan

Kekkei Genkai: Natural Taijutsu

Elements: None

Specialization: Taijutsu

Location: Konohagakure

Clan History: The Lee family is unfortunately not well known throughout Konohagakure. Most members are in hiding or do not wish to show their inability to use ninjutsu or genjutsu. They are an old clan, formed near the creation of Konohagakure. The clan did not own a funny looking eye, or some special jutsu. This is the main reason the clan is not well known at all, and many have not even heard of it. The Lee clan is only still around because of the will of the members, being known to be fierce, honorable warriors that never give up. They are usually bullied by fellow clans and shinobi for their negatives, but are not totally useless. The clan is able to perform taijutsu at amazing speeds, and is known for their unique taijutsu.

The Lee clan helped Konohagakure greatly in the first shinobi war, when full on taijutsu users were not expected at all. When put in squads, they could gang up on enemies and destroy other squads easily.

The most known member of the Lee clan is most definitely Rock Lee. He had the most willpower out of any member to ever be a part of the Lee clan, and had the taijutsu skills of a splendid ninja. He nearly defeated the boy that carried the legendary one-tailed beast Shukkaku when he was just a genin. After the fight, he was injured badly, and was thought to never be able to be a shinobi again. But Lee ended up being healed by the legendary 5th hokage, Tsunade. Before Lee even fully recovered, he fought Kimimaro and survived his first form. He also fought Kisame with Might Guy, Tenten, and Neji Hyuga.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Lee clan have always been renowned for their use of Taijutsu skills, making them, sought after and skilled shinobi when it comes to close, physical combat. And since the clan is so dedicated to taijutsu, they may also take both speed and strength in the taijutsu specialization.
Because of their dedication to the physical side of combat and rigorous training to get to that point, all members  of the Lee clan remain conscious even after having dropped to the remaining ten of their chakra. Once a member of this clan has reached between 6-10 chakra, they still remain consciousness and just operate with -1 rank of strength and speed.

The Lee clan members are also, some of the only shinobi to master the ability of opening the Eight Gates. They have achieved this ability by breaking down the walls that control the chakra flow, through sheer will power alone, allowing them to surpass the usual physical barriers with ease.
For example, a normal human can only operate with 20% muscle use, whereas a member of this clan can use up to 100% without causing any permanent damage.
The user can start at any gate, depending on their rank as it will still cost the same as if they were opening the previous gates before it.

However, while each gate pushes the shinobi to be better and stronger, it can also bring on new drawbacks with each opening, increasing the risk to cause more damage and possibly death to the user, if used in an improper manner.

Drawbacks: Because of their absolute dedication to the traditional fighting style, members of the lee clan are unable to take on another specialization. Elements start at rank D.
They receive -1 to Ninjutsu and Genjutsu techniques, and are unable to learn academy techniques that are not Taijutsu based, so they can learn supernatural walking, and the substitution technique. All members have a one track mind, this cannot be balanced with a positive. The clan cannot take hesitant.


Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
Original Leaf Hurricane:

Reverse Lotus:

Infinite Wild Dance:

Eight Gates:

Last edited by Kanov on Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:21 pm; edited 34 times in total (Reason for editing : removal of (done) from thread title, as per requested.)

2Lee Clan Empty Re: Lee Clan Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:53 pm



good luck to any soul who picks this clan.

Last edited by Morrigi on Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

3Lee Clan Empty Re: Lee Clan Fri Nov 08, 2013 10:54 pm



Denied, this is a canon clan and although you have given it a shot, canon clans need to be run through staff first, on a second note, a clan cannot have the amount of inherent +1's which you've been giving them, one, sure, two, maybe, 3 aw-hell-naw.

Thanks for trying, but it has nowhere near the amount of effort put in it that it needs.

4Lee Clan Empty Re: Lee Clan Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:22 pm



Say which Academy jutsu they cannot use. They should have supernatural walking practise, but not the other.

After those are Defined, depending on which you can still use, I'll approve it

5Lee Clan Empty Re: Lee Clan Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:34 pm



The only things i can see it removing this: the opponent multiple times at the speed of light. entirely.

and remove bits of armour, armour protects itself, when you write jutsu, write the effect as though it works, as well as with the ranks or higher thing from lotus.

6Lee Clan Empty Re: Lee Clan Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:00 pm



Clan locking eight gates?

7Lee Clan Empty Re: Lee Clan Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:21 pm



They were the ones who did it, kakashi did it but he has copywheel, I dont really see an issue for it. It was a lee an guy thing more than anything.

8Lee Clan Empty Re: Lee Clan Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:08 am



okay, mon ami, carry on.

tread carefully on this though, im watching this risky business like a hawk.

Lee Clan I1m0p48

9Lee Clan Empty Re: Lee Clan Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:34 am



Needs more drawbacks.

10Lee Clan Empty Re: Lee Clan Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:59 am



Edited, added a negative trait

11Lee Clan Empty Re: Lee Clan Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:58 am



dont make people foolhardy, that's a bad idea. I'd suggest allowing people to have their beginning 2 elements but like, they both start at D, And maybe give them one track mind.

When you give them one track mind you should also say that it can't be balanced by a further negative special characteristic, and that because of the other drawbacks people can't take hesitant

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