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1Midareta Clan Empty Midareta Clan Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:52 pm


Symbol: Midareta Clan Madnes10

Clan: Midareta

Kekkei Genkai: Kyokigan

Elements: None

Specialization: None

Location: Scattered

Clan History: The Midareta clan doesn't usually tell their original origin story. Instead they try to tell a fabrication. Something about heroics or being cursed by demons to have this madness. The real story is much darker, however.

In reality there was no heroics or cursing or innocence on the part of the Midareta. In reality the first few Midareta members had been part of an expedition into enemy territory, along with a few other ninja. The mission went bad very quickly, and the ninja proceeded to take shelter in a cave. This proved futile, as they were quickly discovered and things turned into a battle.

During the battle the sight of all the blood and their comrades dying made of the ninja completely snap. Overcome by his deranged power he attacked and brutally slaughtered the enemy ninja, covering himself in their blood and unleashing a high-pitched war cry. Despite his enemy's stillness in death he continued to molest their bodies with blows and more attacks. Unable to see this, one of the ninja from his own village moved to stop him.

The action was short-lived, as the ninja turned into his own comrade and raised his blade towards him. The death was almost instant, and the other ninja barely realized what happened. Laughing madly the ninja raced towards them, painting the walls red in their blood.

The only ones spared were his family members. His clan members. They watched in horror as he slaughtered his fellow ninja. But when he turned towards them he instead opened his arm, intending to welcome them like brothers.

But in reality he let them step forwards, and then trapped one of them in a genjutsu. There he slowly worked to break their mind, turning them into what he was. Completely insane, that is. The two remaining ninja saw what was happening, and despite their hatred of killing their own family members, they took the opportunity to strike.

The deaths were swift, but they pained the two ninjas hearts greatly. They left the cave, trying to get away from it as soon as possible. But in order to honor their fallen family members they made a pact to harness that madness they felt to attack, and to control it. And in doing this they developed the Kyokigan, and eventually their clan, naming it after the ninja who had succumbed to easily into the dark confines of his own mind: Midareta.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Midareta's Kekkei Genkai is considered to be a very strange Kekkei Genkai, at least when compared to other clan's. It is a doujutsu, called the Kyokigan, who's primary effect is on the user. Kyokigan translates roughly to Eye of Madness, and that's a very apt name for it. The Kyokigan projects an image into the mind of the user, one that triggers a stage of either madness - on the user - or incredible fear - on someone who isn't the user. In reality the image has the potential to trigger intense fear in anyone who sees it, but members of the Midareta clan have been conditioned to have it trigger a form of insanity on themselves.

Stage 1:
Midareta Clan Kyokig10
-Genin and up-

Stage one of the Kyokigan is purely applicated on the user. The Kyokigan basically acts as a genjutsu upon them, transporting them - in their mind - to a world of black and purple distorted land, where the other humans appear as red and black shapes.

The Kyokigan in this stage triggers the user's mind to a stage of madness, caused by years of conditioning them to this. They basically fall into a bloodlust, added upon with little regard for their - or other people's - safety. The only thing that prevents them from trying to massacre their companions is a faint feeling that they shouldn't.

Bonuses to this stage are simply. The user is too preoccupied with bloodlust and killing to really feel pain. They'll push their bodies to the absolute limit, and only be able to really feel the damage that was caused to them after the Kyokigan is powered down. Don't get me wrong, they can still feel pain when injured, but all it does it fuel their hate-fire.

Stage 2
Midareta Clan Kyokig11
-Chunin and up-

Stage two allows the user to project a genjutsu of the "Kyoki world" onto their victim. However the victim - unconditioned like the Midareta member is - is instead stricken by fear at the illusion. They can still react to outside sources and the like, but they are unaware of who's a companion or who isn't. This is generally a stage of panic.

Stage 2 can only be used on one person at a time, and this person is usually decided before the Kyokigan is initiated.

Stage 3
Midareta Clan Kyokig12
-Jounin and up-

The Kyokigan at Stage 3 is a very potent weapon. It can be used on up to three people at once - of the users rank or lower only - and the illusion of the Kyoki world is so strong - as is the sense of fear it projects upon the victim - that they are nearly completely paralyzed. The user can break free with a strong enough will - and a strong enough jutsu or kai release - but if they can't then they are generally at the mercy of the user.

- The Midareta clan - as is expected - are very dangerous in battle. But to their comrades and themselves. After a battle with the Kyokigan they've generally taken too much damage to be able to fight again - or even retreat if it's that severe. And in severe cases of "Madness" they have no qualms against attacking their allies.
- The Kyokigan also takes up an immense amount of chakra. The actual amount is unspecified, but enough that the user can't user ninjutsu or genjutsu while it's being used, or else they run the risk of instant death. After the Kyokigan is used the user can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu - or the Kyokigan again - until they find someway to regenerate the lost chakra.


Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: N/A

2Midareta Clan Empty Re: Midareta Clan Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:56 pm



Doujutsu must cost chakra. That is a must. You're not getting full paralysis at the final stage without burning some chakra. Heck, even a state of bloodlust that essentially raises your pain tolerance to the maximum is something that should take chakra.

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