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1Tranquil Fury [Training, Open, no kill] Empty Tranquil Fury [Training, Open, no kill] Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:34 pm



It was time to pick where she'd left off, time to get back into the habit of things. She'd been slacking off lately, and this would have to change, immediately. As the female trudged through the underbrush, ahe wiped the sweat off her brow. Even with the sun barely above the horizon, she could tell it was going to be a hot day. Her shirt was already soaked, beginning to stick to her back and chest. Thank God she'd worn shorts on this day; otherwise she'd have to suffer with the worst case of swamp ass.

Coming to rest beside the Naka river, the female plopped down on her ass and folded her legs. Moving slowly, she removed her shirt; given what was about to happen, the thing would be reduced to shreds, and she happened to like that particular shirt. Tossing it onto a nearby bush, Riven settled herself down, placing her hands in her lap with the palms turned down to rest on her thighs. For the sake of decency, she'd taken care to wear a breast band Humming softly to herself, the female began the first part of her training. It was something that she strove to do daily, in order to increase her own mental strength. A body was only as strong as the mind it housed. At least, that's what her father had always said, and it was something that Riven took to heart. After all, the man had never lied to Riven in her entire life.

As a warm breeze picked up, Riven dived into her own mind and sought out her inner sanctuary; which oddly enough took the form of a rose garden this time. It was a weird thing. Every time Riven meditated, her inner sanctuary changed into something different, each a reflection of her current emotions. The last time meditated, it was in the mouth of a volcano that was threatening to erupt. At the time, she'd been angry over losing out a bidding war at the local auction. She'd calmed down quick enough, the image of the volcano being replaced with that of a quiet lake of water.

As her mind wandered through the garden, she relaxed allowing herself to take deep, calming breaths...




Rippa could not help but have to get out of the estate. He had been given the guest house but after being outside for years in seclusion the air conditioning and the servants just felt so wrong. They kept wanting to do everything for him. He wasn't even allowed to make his own meal! Everything was provided for him and the houses personal tailor that insisted he needed a hair cut and his blue jeans where atrocious and the grey tank top just had to go. The man looked like he might be sick over the entire punk outfit. He kept turning up his nose at the look of it and was entirely red faced insulted when all Rippa wanted in his wardrobe was different color jeans and tank tops. The red coat though he would be keeping. After the clothing was order the tailor refused to come by the guest house after that. But that was to Rippa's liking really. After all the more servants Still his father wasn't happy his son was still a genin. Something about being middle aged and still with no success in his chosen profession. But his father was old and loosing his health. So he didn't hold it against him. After all the man just wanted to see his son make something of himself before he died. So he would try harder. After all he had near mastered the medical field. But his ninjutsu had only improved a little. So he would go and train that today. He needed to get out of that couped up super comfortable house anyway. So quickly he showered, Taking the time to shave in the shower before washing himself down with Irish sprind (Just a manly smell he thought) before finishing and drying off. After all he smelled amazing.

He put on some old spice deoderant and then sprayed himself down with old spice body spray. Then he cleaned out his ears and plucked his nose. All in a days effort towards perfection. Either way now after so long in the woods he felt clean for the first time in years. So he wrapped a white towel around himself and grabbed the toothbrush layering some mint flavored crest toothpaste onto it soaking it in the sink before setting to his teeth with one hand. While he brushed his teeth he walked out of the bathroom across the master bedroom into his walk in closet. Finding a black tank top he layed it down on the feather comforter on his Egyptian king sized bed. Then he found some light blue jeans and set those out as well. Next was his dresser. He opened the top drawer being his underwear drawer and pulled out some red boxers. He tossed them over his shoulder and let them land crumpled up on the other clothes. Next he closed that drawer and opened the sock drawer choosing some black ankle socks stuffed together in a ball and tossed those onto the bed as well. With his clothes set out he returned to the bathroom to spit and rinse his mouth with mouth wash instead of water. Then rinsed off his tooth brush and setting it in its holder. Before finishing up by flossing. Feeling refreshed he exited the bathroom and dropped the towel in the dirty clothes hamper. Putting on his boxers first and then the socks. Then slipping into his blue jeans he zipped them up. Feeling the waste was not to tight but tight enough the wouldn't fall off his waste. A good fit even if they felt a little stiff being brand new. So he removed the stickers and tags before slipping into his black tank top as well. He would leave his red coat behind today was it was supposed to be hot. Same with his boots. So he put on a pair of black air jordans and then reached for his fingerless gloves. Slipping into them before strapping the leather strap down with the metal buttons. Last two objects he grabbed was a Pair of red tinted aviators and his leather wallet. Chained to his belt loop. Now it was finally time to head out into the unknown.

So he exited his room before nearly closing the door and having a slight memory. He re-entered his room and grabbed his head band off the top of his desk. Tying it around his neck like some sort of bandanna. Now he was off. He closed the door behind himself and walked casually down the stairs. Waving off the question on if he needed a ride or an escort. He was a grown man and he could handle himself. Besides he always hated being pampered.So he smiled at the Butler before walking out the front door as they opened it for him and heading out into the world. The odd heat was the first thing he noticed. Damn it was winter already! How was it so damn hot? Either way he hardly let it bother him as he walked down the red brick path out the front Iron gate of the guest house. He figured he would go look around for a bit. So he walked through the town just observing the village he remembered. Then he ran across an old lady buying groceries. He smiled and introduced himself before he helped her carry her groceries home. In return she made him a to go bag of home made chocolate ship cookies and two bottles of skimmed milk straight from the cow and chilled. He thanked her and bowed his head before he exited her apartment. With the bag full of goodies he hiked his way around until he ended up by the naka river. He decided som where around here would be a lovely place to sit down and train. Maybe even eat some cookies before the milk got warm. So he walked some what loudly through the underbrush before coming across a lovely woman with no top ofther then a band across her breasts for a top.

Smiling he moved over to about six feet away before settling down to sit cross legged. Even in this heat he was hardly sweating. Though the scars along his arms and leading into his shirt seemed to stand out more as the sun beat against his skin. He didn't stare at her but instead looked at the river. If she noticed him he would speak with out looking to her setting the bag between them.

"My apologies Ma'am. I had no idea some one else would be here. My name is Dr. Chi Rippa. Cookies?" He smiled warmly and and finally turned to look into her eyes. His gaze never diverted down ward as his sky blue eyes looked into hers. His eyes seemed to match his white toothed smile even with his bangs in his face. Of course his eyes where looking over the rims of the red tinted aviators. But still his smile was warm and friendly enough that his presence felt like a harmless little puppy.

1180/3000 training Ninjutsu B-A




Not that she was actively ignoring the male. No, she was just mentally checked out. Mind elsewhere, her body was functioning on auto-pilot currently. Her breathing was  slow and deep. Her eyes may have been open, but they saw nothing of the world around them. Riven had figured that she was safe enough in her own country to not have to worry; but god help whomever deciced to try and take advantage of her.

As the living shell sat beside the river, the mind wandered through the garden, taking care to admire the roses as she went. So perfect, so beautiful. As the spirit moved, a breeze picked up, causing the delicious scent of the roses to waft up into her nose. Outside, the body sighed, but the mind rejoiced in the scent. She knew it very well, the scent of cologne that her father wore.

"You're late, old man."

The response to her words was simply laughter. The winds increased, kicking up fallen petals and causing them to dance in the air. It took only a second. A bit of misdirection on his part. While her attention was drawn to the dancing petals, a hand was placed on her shoulder. She didn't jump nor move, really. The fact that he was taking time to be dramatic was annoying her; she was too old for his kind of stuff. It worked when she as younger, but she was fifteen now. This stuff didnt impress her anymore, but that didnt stop him from doing it.

"I'm never late. You're just early, Riven." His violet eyes flicked to meet hers, offering her a wink. "Besides, given my condition, how can I be late? I have nothing but eternity to wait for you." As Riven stepped away from the hand, she turned and glared at the figure before her he, the spitting image of her father, Takama. "We're gonna make this quick, princess. You have a pressing issue to attend to soon."

The male opened a hand, and a strange weapon filled it; a bizzare curved sword, decorated beautifully. It was a strange thing, two blades joined pommel to pommel with the edges curving away from each other. "I need you to find this sword. It is among Mama's weapons that she left you in her will..."



Well now that was just strange Rippa thought to himself. This girl had just ignored him like he wasn't even there. He wondered if she was one of them higher family types. People where just below her notice and not worth even acknowledging. His biggest regret with that thought is he didn't have a sharpy. She might look good with a curly mustache. But that would be mean anyways. Them high and mighty types didn't think jokes with them as the center point where ever amusing. So he would let the idea drift and sit back propping himself up with one hand. Enjoying the heat of the day as he reached into the paper bag with his other hand and pulled out a home made chocolate chip cookie He studied the yummy treat as he thought about a few things. The concentration needed for baking drifting through his thoughts as he though of his skill with Ninjutsu as the mix having just been put on the tray. The delicious cookie dough. However it would still be unrefined. Yes he would need to refine his knowledge of it all. With that thought in mind he placed the cookie between his lips and bit down on the chewy crust feeling it crumbling around his teeth. It seemed to relate to the break down of chakra to provide the required portions of a jutsu. Then as if a glory from on high was happening in his mouth the melted chocolate chips still hot from the heat of the day melted further in his mouth. The liquid goodness was more then just satisfying. It was everything he looked for in life in that moment. But his mind continued to drift. The baked cookie like the chakra and the chocolate like his blood affinity to it. As the chakra breaks down to reveal the affinity it was then able to be added in to the mix to reveal the use of an elemental type of chakra unleashing elemental based moves. Then he swallowed the bite and felt it going down his throat. This could be compared to the release of the jutsu in its primal form. However more could still be done. Quietly he uncapped one of the two milks and drank a sip to wash down the cookies. Ahh that reminded him of how one could add more of his blood affinity chakra then normal chakra to create more powerful blood moves. Yes... These cookies where helping him understand Ninjutsu. And it was delicious.

Training ninjutsu 1600/3000



"I think I remember seeing something like that, wrapped up in cloth." The female scratched her head with her right hand before crossing arms over her chest. "Whats special about this sword, old man?"

The spectre of Takama merely smiled as the weapon vanished; the hand that held it lifted to catch a falling rose petal. "The flowers are lovely, no? Such fragrance, all from a single piece of the whole." The hand opened wider as the spetre went to work. Riven watched closely as several other petals floated through the air and landed into her father's open palm. The flora bits arranged themseles, coming together and forming out a single blooming rose. "Imagnine the fragrance of a whole rose? Surely it would be more powerful than a single petal?"

"Get to the point, old man." Her foot was tapping on the soft earth beneath them, a clear sign of her impatience to which Takama merely laughed.

"You'll see soon enough. For now, its time for you to wake up." The arm holding the rose was drawn back and surged forward, throwing the rose bulb into her face. As the flora impacted her, she started, her mind being yanked back into her body. On the physical plane, the two merged; her chest heaved as she took a sharp intake of air, her eyes blinking for the first time in long minutes.

The mind adjusted, the physical body snapped to attention. She was calm for a moment until she realized someone was next to her, and that she'd taken off her shirt just before settling down to meditate.

Breast band be damned, there was some perv sitting next to her! With a loud yell, the female rolled off, away from the male. Her body twisted, moving into a crouched position as her violet eyes locked on the male before her. "Who are you?!"




While he was eating his cookies he was fairly content to just sit there and sunbathe. Just because she was too high and mighty to acknowledge him didn't mean he couldn't enjoy himself. He could feel the sun heating his skin and the coolness coming off the water to find the middle ground. He of course knew he wasn't likely to actually tan. But he still felt the sensation was wonderful. Still he couldn't help but feel a littl too relaxed. After all he was back within the safety of the village. Not alone in the woods. He didn't need to watch everyone with suspicion. But still he was nervous around people. They where all so afraid of the world with the recent events. Nations burning and Kage's murdered. The Villain Hao was supposedly dead but some how that didn't feel like the end of it. Almost as if a door had been opened to something new. Still he blinked as suddenly the girl came to attention and looked at him sharply. To top it off she rolled away from him like he was some type of threat to her. Had she just now realized he was here? She was certainly dressed like a ninja but taking so long to notice some one not even attempting to hide themselves was obnoxiously below his level of expectations. He smiled and then fell over onto his back laughing. This kid hadn't been trying to ignore him. She had been utterly oblivious. Still she was trying to give him some tough act sort of gaze like she was intending to beat him up. Still her question rang in his mind as he chuckled slowly to a stop still grinning in Mirth. His voice was soft as he spoke calmly and collected though mirth was still in his voice.

'Jeeze kid that was worth a laugh. Your perception skills are just... My god lass. Any way. I am Dr. Chi. Genin returning from field training. whats your name kid?"

He wasn't flattering her nor did his eyes admire her. Though filled with mirth they made eye contact with her own. He wasn't afraid of being attacked within the village and if she did attack him he would just treat it as a child having a temper tantrum and over reacting. After all little girls had a tendency to be fairly angry individuals at times.

Ninjutsu B-A 2000/3000

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