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1The Pervert. Empty The Pervert. Sun Nov 10, 2013 10:04 pm


Yahiko walked to the store, hunched over, barely able to keep his eyes from shutting. It had been a very long day so far, four D rank missions completed in a short amount of time. He had got the more physically demanding of which out of the way first, but now Yahiko was in a bit of a pickle. He was practically moving purely by momentum, the downward slope of the hill carrying him down to his destination. His muscles ached, his eyelids were heavy and he had a very harsh headache. It would be his final mission, but Yahiko was really really too tired for it right now. It would be sheer willpower that would carry him through this one.

This mission was a rather strange one. An undercover mission at a store. It was a seemingly easy mission on the outside, but it really was a mystery. The store had an influx of new staff, but an influx of staff quitting after the first few days. It really was strange, there was a plethora of possible reasons as to why this was happening. Perhaps poor working conditions? Or maybe there were bad customers. There were too many possible reasons to assume.

As Yahiko approached the store, he gave the whole place a good look. It was a really nice establishment, surprisingly. Clean, tidy, nice items for sale. Staff leaving because of poor working conditions was put completely out of the question. Which meant that there were much deeper issues, which in turn meant the Yahiko would need to search deeper. The store owner was taking Yahiko undercover, so he would be able to dig deep and discover just what was going on in this little shop. His suspicion was that the customers were complete asshats, but eh, you could never know.

As Yahiko stood behind the counter, he kept his eyes peeled for any possible reasons of quitting. So far the customers seemed nice, the working conditions were nice, there really wasnt anything wrong with the place. That all changed.

The store manager came out from his office, a sick and twisted smile upon his face. He was a chubby man, with flimsy looking arms and a pretty short guy. He walked over to the counter, smiling his sick smile all the way as he made his way to the female customer alongside Yahiko. Instantly, Yahiko had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

The manager walked over to the female, grabbing his butt with one hand, her boob with the other and violently and forcefully kissing her all at the same time.

"Hey there pretty lady!"

The girl began to cry softly.

"Remember what happens if you snitch? I will fire you on the spot! Now come to my office with my, I have something I need you for me"

The girls crying picked up

"Please sir, no, no"

The man began violently groping the woman in all of her private places, it made Yahiko sick.

"Remember what happens if you dont do as I say?"

The man began taking off the woman's clothes. This was the last straw for Yahiko. He had brought his chains with him in case something bad had happened. He had managed to conceal them pretty well; he would put them to good use now.

In one swift movement he drew his chains, hitting the manager in his face and knocking him on his back. Yahiko drew the Katana that was ever present in its sheath, holding it to the man's neck.

"On behalf of the owner of this establishment, I fire you. And let me tell you, if I EVER, hear about you doing anything like this again, I will find you. And I will cut your throat...slowly. I will ensure you die a slow and painful death"

The man could only muster a wimper as he got up and fled the store.

The woman thanked Yahiko before he left, he stayed with her a while to make sure he was ok.

Now to report to the manager to recieve ryo and inform him about the perverted manager.

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