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1D Rank (field trip) Empty D Rank (field trip) Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:38 pm


Yahiko took his time walking to the pool, he was in no rush to get there. In fact, he was starting to regret his decision to take the children there. This pool was of the highest prestige in all of Kiri, it was famous for how clean and tidy it was. Was it really a good idea to bring a bunch of rowdy children there who had just learned a bunch of new jutsu? Yahiko knew that he was taking a gamble in doing this, but he was confident in his abilities, he was more than sure that he could keep the rowdy group of students under control.

Yahiko watched as he and the class approached the pool. It had been a little while since Yahiko was last at the pool, he had almost forgotten how nice it was. There were lovely flower arrangements, the water was crystal clear, the smell of the food being cooked from the kitchen was delightful and the service was great. Yahiko approached the entrance and was greeted by the manager, who had a rather concerned look on his face.

"Look buddy, I have a good little thing going on here. Everyone loves my pool because of how well managed it is. It is quiet, and the water is perfect, I would appreciate it if you kept the kids from messing the place up. Hey, Ill even throw in some ryo"

Yahiko nodded his head, it was his duty to keep these children in line.

"Alright guys, now go change off, I'll be chatting with the lifeguard.

Yahiko walked over to one of the lifeguard towers, taking his time so that he could soak up the scenery. The Pool was in prime location, it was clear that there was alot of money put into this place to keep it as good as it is. The water really was crystal clear, you could see all the way to the bottom. Around the pool there were sunbeds where people were quietly lying, reading a book or sleeping; hoping to soak up some sun. There were four life guard towers situated at vantage points all around the pool, however today was a sunday; which meant that there was only one lifeguard on duty. Yahiko spied the lifeguard, he was in the tower at the far end of the pool, doing his job well as he was eyeing up the pool with stabbing eyes, even though there were few people in there.

Yahiko made his way up the ladder on the lifeguard tower. There was a spare seat next to the lifeguard, and Yahiko would like to take it, seeing as it would provide a good line of sight on the children.

"This seat taken?"

The life guard answered very straightforwardly with a quick shake of his head, his eyes never leaving the pool.

"You mind if I sit down?"

Again, a very blunt answer. A quick shake of the head yet again. Yahiko climbed all the way up the ladder, finally taking his seat.

And just as Yahiko had taken his seat, he was forced to get up again. One of his more...excitable students, Koga, had come out of the changing rooms, a devious grin on his face. Yahiko's eyes widened and he leapt of his seat, charging towards Koga. Koga cocked back his hand, looking to throw whatever he had in there, seemingly in the direction of the lifeguard. Yahiko was too fast however, taking Koga down before he had a chance to throw what was now revealed as mud.

"Im disappointed in you Koga. No pool for you. Go sit next to the lifeguard and stay there until I say so."

The rest of the field trip went well, all of the children behaving. Koga was eventually allowed to go swim, and he managed to have himself too. Yahiko went to the manager to collect his ryo, before heading back home. There was one more mission he needed to complete...

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