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Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

I stared down at the slip of paper I held in my hands, "A cat eh? Heh. This one should be quite easy." taking my leave of the mission board I strolled across the grounds of Sunagakure before stopping in front of the Kazekage's tower as I heard the tiny echoing mewls of the cat. 'Quite the tall building...' I thought to myself reevaluating the difficulty of the mission, to reach the cat at the very least, I never did see eye to eye with cats though and the sentiment on their behalf was likewise 'Maybe it's the eyes.' was all I could think before seeing a young hawk make a quick downward swoop, the bird of prey fluttering off as a few feathers went astray from it's body, "This pussycats a fighter I see. I should hurry though." the hawk continued to circle above the building whilst making my way up a neighboring structure. Another swoop and the sounds of another scuffle, the cat was the victor once more, but for how long...I allowed myself no time to think, 'This was a time for action!' those words rang through my head leaping from the building I had scaled to the Kazekage's tower, stabbing a kunai into the surface for leverage before bolting up as far up the tower as I could, 'Almost there...' that's what I thought before my left foot slid down the structure's smooth surface, without another thought I violently stabbed my kunai into the thick stucco building with all my strength finding myself dangling there.

The sounds of another attack flew through my head, placing my feet onto the surface using my strength to leap upwards stabbing the kunai into the building side once more, "I won't fail this mission!" I growled making another leap finally reaching the top of the tower, the hawk came in with another swoop, talons at the ready both cat and kawk on a full head on collision course. 'Not enough time... NO!' Was the only thoughts I had before taking the risk of throwing the kunai just above the cat's head, I could practically envision the hawk's last sights of his life, the blade appearing out of nowhere as the cat had ducked it's head, ready to fight before the kunai tore through the hawk's torso sticking halfway through. The hawk was dead, and the cat, safe and sound, it turned to see it's savior before leaping into my arms. Unfortunately I was right on the edge of the tower still causing me to fall backwards, forcing a flip by throwing head head back I placed a foot on the tower's side leaping off hoping to land on a nearby building's rooftop. I saw it was in reach, but not close enough as my foot barely stepped onto it causing me to flip again landing on the ground feet first, my knees were shocked by pain and agony. I would have pay the medical-nin a visit later, for now it was time to bring this kitty cat home. With the cat in tow I walked into the Kazekage's office, to my surprise the little girl was there, nor had I ever seen someone so happy to see a cat of all things before, but seeing her smile dulled the pain knowing I did a good job, "Kazekage, I have completed my mission." I could feel the pain violently shoot through my legs again before requesting to go see a medical-nin or two immediately.

610 words.

Last edited by Kaze Chikamatsu on Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Mission is Null and Void)

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu


Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

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