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1Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Empty Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:28 pm



Kanov was walking down the road in the forest just outside of Konoha, with his new friend Taizu. Kanov was watching some clouds while they walked.

2Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Empty taizu Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:32 pm


Taizu was feeling great. He'd made a new friend, which he'd never been social. He was feeling proud of himself. He let out a breath, and looked at his feet, a smile upon his face.

3Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Empty Re: Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:36 pm



Iori watched the two ninja walk down the path from a tree, taking a glance at the target sheet he had received. Stuffing the paper back into his coat, he followed the two from what he was sure was a safe distance.

4Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Empty Re: Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:42 pm


Reina saw a ninja trailing two others and decided they were all very powerful ninja.

With that, she stepped out from behind her hiding place amongst some grass and pointed at the three ninja, somehow, despite using only one finger.

"Hey, stop! You're not allowed to be trailed in this part of the woods! Either that, or the guide book I bought is completely false, which can't be, as it came from an old lady dressed suspiciously in a gypsy costume who ran away after I threw a bag of coins into her hand!"

With that, Reina runs at the pair.

5Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Empty taizu Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:57 pm


Taizu was confused, he saw the girl running, and quickly reacted.

"Who are you and what do you want? Have you been following us! Answer, now!" He yelled.

His stomcahe burned. He prepared to be beaten down, and scrunched up his face and pulled back his head defensivley.

6Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Empty Re: Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:52 pm



"STOP!" Kanov shouted. Kanov rarely did shout, but he did not want to hurt this girl. If she got any closer, he would be forced to defend himself.

7Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Empty Re: Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:56 pm



Iori tensed, sure his plan was about to be ruined. 'This foolish girl is going to break my cover; I better see how this plans out, before I have to take three lives.' Perched on the branch of the tree, Iori waited to see the next action the girl performed.

8Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Empty Re: Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:08 am


"Stop!" one of the pair asked, but Reina ignored it.

Her eyes caught a slight shift in one of the trees, and decided someone was hiding up there, especially since there were no breezes blowing at the moment.

'Whatever,' she thought, before deigning to give her reply. "I'm not going to drop and roll!"

9Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Empty Re: Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:40 am



"What the hell are you doing, you are running towards two genin." She kept running, and Kanov was losing his patience. "If you get any closer I'm gonna have to subdue you!"

10Kanov, Taizu, Iori, And Reina! Empty taizu Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:50 pm


Taizu released his tense.


Taizu was nervous, he prepared for a fight.

"We'll - hav- have to fight you! if.. if you come closer!"

He nervously shouted. He was scared.

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