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26Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:44 pm

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

Even with what Ezra said about his aunt he knew better than to take his chances so soon, beautiful women are proud women, 'Learned that lesson a time too many' he thought to himself, but always the chance, he hardly noticed Ezra sizing him up. Hearing his question he wouldn't tell lies to a fellow Suna-nin seeing no reason to do so in the first place, "I'm a Chikamatsu alright. So far I'd say I'm pretty good at what we do," he had a light chuckle "some would actually go so far as saying were a strange and or creepy bunch." Kaze turned to Ezra, "What would you say about what you've heard about us, my friend." his gaze was steady waiting for the response, whether it be good or bad.

27Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:29 am

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra nodded with a smile as Kaze answered his question. Kaze said some people thought the Chikamatsu clan was a creepy bunch. Not Ezra, he thought the Chimatsu clan and their puppets were in interesting he wasn’t sure of their effectiveness in combat but he always loved a good show. “That’s just cause people don’t appreciate a good puppet show.” He said with a laugh. “Knowing you, you guys don’t seem creepy and I can’t wait to see your puppets especially in a fight.” He said as he motioned to Kaze to follow him inside. They had now reached Ezra’s aunt’s house, he opened the door to his aunt’s and told Kaze “Ready to be amazed.” the sentence came accompanied by a laugh.

They walked inside and one could never have guessed. The house looked like any other house in Suna on the outside. The inside was a whole different story. The rooms were posh and filled with the most extravagant and beautiful carpets and furniture that one would ever have the luxury of seeing. “Take your shoes off.” Ezra told Kaze not caring of all the beauty around him, he was used to it after all. “Hey Zera.” Ezra called out to his aunt.

28Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:25 pm

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze had himself a good laugh at Ezra's joke, "Indeed they haven't." thew next sentence made him remember his dire lack of actual puppets compared to others in his Clan, "Glad to meet someone who doesn't think the Clan is creepy for once. Though, the biggest problem is with the rumors of our S-Class puppets, but I'll tell you about those another time." 'Ready to be looked like any other house in Sunagakure' he thought to himself before taking a single step inside and poking his head through, "Oh my..." his mouth was agape at the sights. If this is what the house looked like Kaze couldn't imagine the women of Ezra's Clan, snapping to reality just as Ezra told him to take he shoes off he obliged as he would any other gracious host.

"I gotta say you Karisuma know how to live in style, damn." Ezra calling his aunt's name aloud, 'Zera, I like her already' he thought to himself stepping inside further admiring the beauty of the house surrounding him on all sides, wall to wall. Much more extravagant than his own Clan allow themselves to be, that's for sure.

29Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:22 pm

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

“Thanks.” Ezra said to Kaze acknowledging the comment on their style. “I’ll tell you something though, my house is a little more simple and not so flashy. My parents were Suna-nin first and then Karisuma clan members, well my mom anyway.” he added. As Ezra finished up his sentence out came Zera and three younger girls most likely Ezra’s cousins. They were all dressed in beautiful gowns reminiscent of Sarees.

“Hey guys.” Ezra said walking up to his family. His cousins came and hugged him as his aunt skipped right by and hugged Kaze. “I don’t know you but your with my nephew so welcome.” she said as she pressed her bosom against Kaze’s chest. Ezra quickly let his cousins go and shot a glance at Kaze as if he were the one to initiate the hug.

30Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:14 am

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze nodded at his humility, "My Clan's main house isn't even close to being so extravagant, we let our puppet's do the talking for us. My humble little abode is probably about the same as most people in Sunagakure." at the site of Zera and Ezra's cousins his nose nearly bled from the lewd thoughts running through his mind.

The moment Zera hugged him Kaze had to use all the willpower his body could muster to not lewdly grope Ezra's aunt in any manner or form his mind thought of, he could feel Ezra glaring him down. His lips spread open in a grinning like smirk, "Ma'am I thank you for being, so friendly, and I must say you are quite beautiful, hell the most beautiful woman I've seen in all of the Wind Country. I would like to spend some time with you later though, maybe the Sandbox Club? But Ezra and I were given orders by the Kazekage that we must perform some time today." Kaze carefully wove his words as does a spider with it's web, though, no matter the content of his words he secretly wished this hug would last as long as she liked.

31Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:24 am

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra watched as Zera let gor of Kaze and finally came to greet her nephew. “Who’s he?” she asked. Ezra knowing why she asked made him not want to tell her. “Everybody this is Kaze, another sand-nin. Kaze this is my aunt Zera who you’ve already met and my cousins Keiko, Dalia and Miu.” Johnny’s was a little pale. He always got nervous when introducing people.

Ezra’s cousins offered Kaze and Ezra a seat at the coffee table and some tea while Zera fixed his robe. It was a pretty easy fix, nothing major, not for Zera anyway.

32Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:08 pm

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

Though she let go he was quite happy to have had the physical contact for as long as he did, upon his introduction Kaze gave a gentlemanly bow before the four Karisuma Clan member, "A pleasure to meet you all." accepting the invitation to sit down for tea. "I am from the Chikamatsu Clan, I'm sure you heard of us and our...puppets." momentarily pausing to pull out a toy puppet, simple in design and craftsmanship before connecting the chakra strings from one hand making it put on a show. With a top hat and cane the toy puppet like a gentleman took off the hat bowing before them, placing the hat back on swinging the cane about on a finger walking back and forth, wandering up to each of girl cane on his arm offering a hand to shake with the other hand upon his hat to tip it with each hand shake.

33Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:19 pm

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra, Kaze, Keiko, Dalia and Miu took their seats around the coffee table while Zera was in the other room sewing the ripped robe. Kaze introduced himself putting on a little show with a puppet. The girls and Ezra all had mixed feelings about it. Keiko didn’t seem to care about it one way or the other, Miu thought it was creepy and did not want to get near it, Ezra and Dalia were a different story. Ezra and Dalia thought it was one of the coolest things in the world. Ezra asked more than question about making it do all other types of crazy things and Dalia cheered and clapped for more with the biggest smile anyone’s ever had.

Zera came in breaking the madness of the moment that was Ezra and Dalia. “Here you go Ezra.” She sat down and passed the robe to him across the table. “Thanks.” he said wasting no time putting it on. “Bye everyone. Come on Kaze.” He said hurriedly trying to get out of the door before his aunt started talking to Kaze. “Okay. Bye boys.” She said running to hug her nephew. “Come visit later.” She told them both but whispering into Kaze’s ear before she kissed him on the cheek.

Ezra held the door leading outside for Kaze to pass through first.

34Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:47 pm

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze naturally felt guilt over making Miu uncomfortable in her own home stopping soon after before the barrage of questions from both Ezra and Dalia stormed his way, luckily Zera had broken the madness. Taking his cue to leave he apologized to Miu before following Ezra, his aunt hugging him before whispering into Kaze's ear as he watched his friend open the door waiting for him to leave first, although quite happy he hid it under his usual poker face, 'Best to keep this to myself' he thought saying his goodbyes to everyone stepping outside into the heat of midday in Sunagakure. Shaking his head, "This heat never seems to let up." shrugging he waited for Ezra to accompany him under the sun baking their home country.

35Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:15 pm

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra followed Kaze out with an idea. “Wanna’ have a spar at the Tsumi Sand Grounds?” Ezra asked closing the door behind him. ‘Maybe we shouldn’t spar today. It’s too hot but then again it’ll probably be like this for another month and at the sand grounds it will always be even more so.’ Ezra thought as he stretched his body to the sky and quickly moved his left hand to his face to cover an incoming yawn. ‘A little bit of action is just what I need to wake myself up.’ He assured himself waiting for Kaze’s answer.

Ezra threw his arms above his head in a seemingly relaxed position as they started walking to their destination. He was very happy to be in his favorite robe again. He examined the area that was ripped “Wow! You can’t even notice anymore!” he said looking for a response from Kaze that meant he agreed.

-Exit Thread-

36Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. - Page 2 Empty Re: Afternoon Walk. Meeting the Kazekage. Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:24 pm

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze Chikamatsu

Kaze gave a wide grin at the idea of a spar, "Sure, sounds good." seeing Ezra yawn almost brought the same action to him own body 'Damn contagious nature of yawns' he thought. Examining Ezra's robe he had to admit his aunt knew how to sew and stitch, "She knows her way around a sewing needle for sure." perverted thoughts coming to mind while walking side by side with his friend to the Tsumi Sand Grounds, Kaze remembered he would have to retrieve his puppet first, "I'll meet you there soon enough, gotta go get something from home first." that was the last he said before taking off for home.

-Exit Thread-

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