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1Pay what you owe(D-rank Mission) Empty Pay what you owe(D-rank Mission) Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:21 am

Guanyin Nanashi

Ryo Pick Up(D-rank)

Day One
The bulky humanoid beast smiled, showcasing it's sharp, crooked, mismatched teeth that seem to be arguing vehemently with each other, saliva dripping down from the top of it's maws in a goo like fashion. Eyes void of any emotions except for hungry and loathing stared at the frequent visitor of it's domain. Skin, black as smut, strain against the bulging mass of muscle that twitched with every breath it took, the sounds echoing throughout the deserted wasteland. It's claw like hands flex without automatically, razor claws grinding against each other causing sparks to fly. “So you are back again, eh friend?” It's voice were harsh, crackling, as it spoke in a broken English.
“It seems so.” The visitor asked, it's lone eye looking around the all but familiar landscape. They have been coming here for some time now, and with every time they come something about the place changes; from the once white soil that is not darken a crimson red, from the sky once sky blue is now an eerie purplish color – yes things constantly change within this place. Where exactly is this place? Why keep on getting dragged back here? What's the purpose of doing so? The visitor voiced it's opinion to the abomination “Why am I keep being brought here?”
The uproarious laugh of the beast were like resounding thundering, echoing throughout the landscape and disheveling the visitor's sister hair. Seems like they still don't get it. There were a reason why they were brought back here, every night, every chance they fall to sleep. It should be obvious but it seem like they don't see it. Shaking it's massive head, the beast turned it's back on the visitor and began trekking back into the darkness which it came from, but not before it's words penetrated the silence that had fell.
“All in due time. . .”
The sudden sensation of being pulled under was felt. .
Guanyin Nanashi's eye opened, staring up at the ceiling of his bedroom. From the looks of the well lit room it seemed that he overslept, throwing the covers off of his frame the medic made his way towards the closed curtains, opening them causing more light to filter through. Staring out he took some time to watched as the patrons of Iwagakure went about their day, before turning his attention to himself. It were time for him to get on with his day as well. There were quite a few things that is needed to be done, before the day ended and he be damned if they weren't. With that thought in mind, Nanashi moved across his room, towards the bathroom to freshen up.
He wouldn't return for a good fifteen minutes, a towel wrapped around his lower body, keeping certain aspects about him hidden. Walking across the room, Nanashi took out the necessary clothing, putting them on and making sure they fitted him perfectly. Vain he wasn't. The man just like looking presentable. A handful of senbons and three kunai were stashed on his person, only visible to the most keen eyed individuals. They would undoubtedly come in handle with what he were about to do.
Heading out of the house, and locking it, Nanashi began trekking towards his destination.
Having finally arrived to his destination. Nanashi looked at the house belonging to Kiriko, a former acquaintance of the special jounin. The man in question owed Nanashi for quite some time now, every now and than he would visit Kiriko asking for the money, each time the man came up with some excuse for not having it. This wouldn't fly today, for Nanashi were fed up with waiting and it were time for him to get what he owed – one way or another.
Not bothering in knocking, Nanashi walked into the house, immediately finding the man watching tv. Kiriko upon seeing Nanashi paled considerably. The reason being that the silver haired man was twirling a kunai in his hand and making his way towards him
“You know I have given you numerous of times to pay me and yet you brush me off, why is that?” Nanashi asked, having moved behind the man and placed a hand on his shoulder forcing him to stay seated.
“I . . . didn't have the money at the time. My father and mother have been sick lately so I been spending any and all to make sure they were taking care of.” It were obvious that Kiriko was lying. . .
“Really now? Why didn't you tell me sooner, I could have checked up on them. For what are friends for?” Nanashi asked, patting Kiriko's shoulder in a reassuring manner.
“ugh. . “
“You see Kiriko, I know for a fact that your parents aren't sick. For I was the one to cure them when they were. So now do you have my money or not? I mean I could always go after your parents. . .” The threaten was apparent, and Kiriko began to shake violently “Yeah, I got the money in my dresser drawer. . .”
Mentally nodding Nanashi created a fire clone and directed it towards the location of the money. No sooner had the clone disappeared, it reappeared with the cash. Counting it to make sure everything were in order, Nanashi left the house without a word – leaving the clone there with scared man.
The later that day the man's house would catch on fire, it along with his death would be ruled an accident. . .

Final Word Count :: 929/600

2Pay what you owe(D-rank Mission) Empty Re: Pay what you owe(D-rank Mission) Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:25 am

Guanyin Nanashi


Day 2
The bulky humanoid beast smiled, showcasing it's sharp, crooked, mismatched teeth that seem to be arguing vehemently with each other, saliva dripping down from the top of it's maws in a goo like fashion. Eyes void of any emotions except for hungry and loathing stared at the frequent visitor of it's domain. Skin, black as smut, strain against the bulging mass of muscle that twitched with every breath it took, the sounds echoing throughout the deserted wasteland. It's claw like hands flex without automatically, razor claws grinding against each other causing sparks to fly. “So you are back again, eh friend?” It's voice were harsh, crackling, as it spoke in a broken English.
“It seems so.” The visitor asked, it's lone eye looking around the all but familiar landscape. They have been coming here for some time now, and with every time they come something about the place changes; from the once white soil that is not darken a crimson red, from the sky once sky blue is now an eerie purplish color – yes things constantly change within this place. Where exactly is this place? Why keep on getting dragged back here? What's the purpose of doing so? The visitor voiced it's opinion to the abomination “Why am I keep being brought here?”
The uproarious laugh of the beast were like resounding thundering, echoing throughout the landscape and disheveling the visitor's sister hair. Seems like they still don't get it. There were a reason why they were brought back here, every night, every chance they fall to sleep. It should be obvious but it seem like they don't see it. Shaking it's massive head, the beast turned it's back on the visitor and began trekking back into the darkness which it came from, but not before it's words penetrated the silence that had fell.
“All in due time. . .”
The sudden sensation of being pulled under was felt. . 
Guanyin Nanashi's eye opened, staring up at the ceiling of his bedroom. From the looks of the well lit room it seemed that he overslept, throwing the covers off of his frame the medic made his way towards the closed curtains, opening them causing more light to filter through. Staring out he took some time to watched as the patrons of Iwagakure went about their day, before turning his attention to himself. It were time for him to get on with his day as well. There were quite a few things that is needed to be done, before the day ended and he be damned if they weren't. With that thought in mind, Nanashi moved across his room, towards the bathroom to freshen up.
He wouldn't return for a good fifteen minutes, a towel wrapped around his lower body, keeping certain aspects about him hidden. Walking across the room, Nanashi took out the necessary clothing, putting them on and making sure they fitted him perfectly. Vain he wasn't. The man just like looking presentable. A handful of senbons and three kunai were stashed on his person, only visible to the most keen eyed individuals. They would undoubtedly come in handle with what he were about to do.
Heading out of the house, and locking it, Nanashi began trekking towards his destination.
It seemed like just yesterday that he went after the late Kiriko, the man having owned the Special Jounin some money, and had been dodging him for some time. Needless to say one couldn't dodge Nanashi for to long, thus the man were founded and was dealt with accordingly. And it came to a surprise of the medic that Kiriko's house caught on fire that night, ending up killing the man. Pity, he were a good friend and Nanashi made a mental note to go to his funeral, whenever that would be.
Kiriko were just one of many individuals who knew the medic money. Another one was Aoi Hizuki, a waste of space, and little known drug dealer who operated in the seeder parts of Iwagakure. The word drug dealer was used loosely for the man was a coward, especially around Nanashi, bending to the medic's will with little to any intimidation. But as of lately the man have grown a back bone and refused to pay Nanashi the money that was owed.
That wouldn't do. . .
Moving through the area with relatively ease and grace, Nanashi founded the local geisha house that the man frequently visited. Due to some connection with the 'Mother' of the establishment, Nanashi had managed to find out what room Aoi would be using along with the girls that would be there. Speaking of the girls they were instructed to discreetly put a sedative into his drink that would cause drowsiness to occur.
The Mother of the Geisha house saw Nanashi making his way towards her, and ushered the man into the back room where his target was at. Once there she along with the girls in the room left and continued about their business, leaving Nanashi with the sleeping man.
Looking at the sleeping man, Nanashi simply took the money that was owed to him before summoning a clone and given it orders. This clone would take the sleeping man out through the back door and drop him in the alleyway of a rival gang group, and before dispelling. If everything went as plan Aoi would be killed by the rival gang members or just wake up with no recollection of what happen. It was a win win for him.
With that done, Nanashi went home, money in hand.

Final Word Count :: 949/600

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