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1Namizota Clan  Empty Namizota Clan Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:26 pm



Namizota Clan  Dep_16853063-Diamond-Symbol-Tattoo


Namizota Clan (All members have the surname 'Namizota')

Kekkei Genkai:

Chakra Diamond Manipulation




The Namizota Clan was famed for its ability to draw energy from the earth to be used in the techniques. Elite members have the ability to even draw the minerals from the earth, hardening the diamonds made from pure chakra.

Members have strange chakra, meaning that their charka is very different compared to the average ninja. Since the members are using diamonds made from their own charka, they are able to recycle the energy from the diamonds so that it can be used in other circumstances.


The clan has always had roots in Kirigakure.

Clan History:

The Namizota Clan never started off big, and it will always be very small. The most members in the clan at one time was fifteen members.

The sole member of the Namizota Clan was named Vineul Namizota, whom of which was a jounin in Kirigakure. This man was on a search and rescue mission for a chunin that had gone missing near a mine. Vineul had entered the underground mine, searching for days for the missing chunin. He suffered many scrapes, cuts and even a few broken ribs as he fell, and as minor earthquakes caused rocks to fall in all different locations.

Vineul had fallen through a covered hole as he walked. He fell twenty feet to the ground, and was knocked out cold. He was then awoken by a bright light a few hours later. Suspicious as he was, Vineul traveled towards the light until he touched it. A large, uncovered blue diamond was found sticking out of the brown rock. As Vineul touched the diamond, his brown eyes changed to an electric bu color, and his blond hair was transformed to a raven black tone. His scratches and wounds were instantly healed, and small shards of diamonds few around him, turning his body into diamonds.

He, then, melted into a liquid-like chakra, and the chakra traveled back to Kirigakure. It rose up in front of the Mizukage's building, instantly solidifying, as it shaped itself into a human form. Vineul was the liquid diamond, and from that point, he was the blue diamond in the cave. Even though the chunin was not found, the Namizota clan was.

Vineull Namizota met Nivya Hyuga, a female from the main branch of the Hyuga Clan. She was smart, and very skilled in her profession as a ninja. She taught at the Konoha Training Academy, and then left as she was promoted to jounin rank. She met Vineul Namizota through a mission, in which they were guiding merchants through a dangerous pass.

Eventually, they bought a residence in Kirigakure and had three children. All of the children were gifted with their father's diamond bloodline, but not their mother's desirable Hyuga bloodline. Both of the male children worked their way up to jounin, and had kids of their own that were blessed with the diamond blood.

The female, Jinsha Namizota, played a vital part in the union of the Namizota Clan. She had never took initative to become a ninja, but she did have children on her own that were also gifted with diamond manpulation. Jinsha was a renown artist known for her painting. She had painted a symbol for the Namizota Clan: A black, swirled diamond design. She had initiated the diamond for the clan, and the symbol was used on armor.

The Great Ninja War impacted the clan very much. The Namizota Clan was used primarily to guard the Mizukage and any other important figures. Since the sole member had died around the time of the war, the Namizota Clan Members did not fully understand their gift well enough, and didn't have time to experiment, so most of them had died. Their was one member left, however, and his name was Yushi Namizota. The male was guarded after the other members were killed by an explosion, and after the war, he met a woman, and they had one child, Kiruhi Namizota.

A few nights after the baby was born, an assailant intruded the house, and ended up killing both of the parents. Thinking that the assailant wiped out the clan, he left. The child was covered by a thick blanket in another room, so he was not killed. Kirigakure did their best to show the boy the clan history, but the boy did not know how to use his powers. One day as he searched the Clan House, he tripped on a piece of floorboard. As he got up, he noticed a journal written by Vineul Namizota. The journal was written primarily for the use of diamond manipulation. Kiruhi sneaked off to the Clan House and memorized everything in the book. After he memorized everything and understood what he could do with his ability, he burned the book so that nobody else could find it, and he hid his technique from everyone else.

Kekkei Genkai Description:

(Most of the Kekkei Genkai's description is shown above.) The user has the ability to manipulate diamonds through bloodborne knowledge. The diamonds are conjured through pure chakra that is drawn from the body, and hardens as if it is lava. The oxygen solidifies the chakra almost immediately.


The Namizota Clan was greatly challenged by how their techniques worked. Since there were limited things the members knew about their Kekkei Genkai, their abilities were less effective, especially in serious circumstances.


(One member left, none are allowed to join. This clan has been used in other locations for years, I would prefer if nobody joined due of the possible jeopardization of my storyline. Thank you for understanding.) Kiruhi Namizota

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Liquid Body Jutsu: The user has the ability to move through surfaces by turning themselves into a liquid chakra state.

Diamond Expansion Jutsu: The user has the ability to send shards of diamonds at an opponent. The user, then, connects individual diamond chakra strings to each stones, and energy is transferred to the stones, expanding them to any size. They can be thrown at the opponent by moving the strings, or used as a shield.

Dual-Scythe Jutsu: The user has the ability to conjure two large scythes to be used in battle. One scythe can be conjured, and it will take less chakra to form only one. The weapons can be used in combat, and are very tough due to their construction.

Diamond Exoskeleton Jutsu: The user's chakra surfaces to their skin, instantly solidifying into a thin, very durable shell that is easy to move around in. (Doesn't effect mobility.)

Last edited by Kiruhi on Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:49 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Oops! I forgot to remove the "(WIP)"!)

2Namizota Clan  Empty Re: Namizota Clan Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:26 pm



First things first, specialization(s) are things like Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Kuchiyose, etc., not a description of your kekkei genkai, so please put it into one of the specialization categories (see Specialization Guidelines for details on each). Next, your kekkei genkai jutsu need to have the jutsu template to be approved (see Jutsu Rules for the template and how to set up jutsu). Finally, your drawbacks aren't descriptive enough at all and there aren't enough to balance the perks of this clan. These are just site-specific details, once you edit these, move on to the following: You say that the clan can manipulate diamonds; just to be specific, are you making this a Diamond Release, sort of an element of its own, or are you just making this a branch of Earth Release? Also, your liquid body jutsu is far too similar to the Hozuki clan's kekkei genkai, so remove it completely.

3Namizota Clan  Empty Re: Namizota Clan Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:07 pm



D-rank is diamond not encompassed by Crystal Release? I can't see them both coexisting without one infringing on the other....I suggest you look at Iwagakure's Yamada clan if you want this kind of ability.

4Namizota Clan  Empty Re: Namizota Clan Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:58 pm



Thank you both, your feedback was awesome. As I am discovering more things everytime I log on, there is a lot for me to learn, obviously. I will edit this clan once again after I aim towards getting my jutsu(s) added to the main list. Thank you again.

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