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26HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:01 pm



Zaiaku almost felt the hand but it quickly disappeared. “That is my Wind Clone Izoku technique. Physical attacks can not harm nor do any type of damage that would dispel it. Bukijutsu is also weak against this technique. Unless of course chakra is infused with the technique.” Zaiaku rolled his eyes,seeing Akuma was trying to trick him with his own trick.Zaiaku almost laughed out loud but kept it in and stood straight up.He decided to play along with this atleast for a few seconds.He put his hands behind his back,now having a attentive posture,as if truly interested in what Akuma was saying as Zaiaku secretly weaved hand signs behind his back.He suddenly disappeared into the ground,silently but quickly making his way to Akuma.
He knew Akuma was tired,and when someone was tired,they come slow.He moved quickly underground.If Akuma didn't react quickly,Zaiaku would come underhim and grab Akuma by his leg,pulling him down and robbing his freedom.


27HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:37 pm



Akuma Kami seen as the giant went down once again after at first calmly walking toward Akuma. Kami stood in preparation knowing that he didnt feel like running if he didnt know where the giant was. Luckily, Akuma is training hard to become a sensor, and maybe soon he will have an easier way of telling where this shinobi is. But for now, Akuma need to wait patiently and he even closed his eyes. As he said before, he feels closer to this earth and when he closed his eyes Akuma got into a sort of meditative state while focusing all of his energy on the ground beneath him. Akuma was trying to sense where Zaiaku was, and although it didnt work, Akuma felt like his attempt was in vein as he felt his sensing abilities also improving. Kami is extraordinarily tired, but even if he was half way through his chakra reserve, his speed would still top that giant shinobi by more than a fraction. Kami’s reflex also does him good, knowing that is Zaiaku attacked from underground, Kami was going to have the reaction speed to again evade this overly powerful shinobi. Kami noticed now that Zaiaku’s strikes are slow, yet if one gets hit by them, they will in fact do fair damage. So Kami Akuma above all else was in the defensive, and knowing that Zaiaku is underground, Akuma was focused mostly on any weird activity on the ground in which he stepped, knowing that if anything was off, like the dirt moving ever so slightly, he was surely going to jump as quickly as he can and dodge whatever was coming his way. Akuma prepared for everything, from shots being shot from underground, to Zaiaku appearing behind, right in front or even right under him.

Earth A->S 909/4000

28HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:53 pm



Zaiaku felt Kami's slow footsteps and quickly went under him,making no noise nor disturbing the ground above.He knew his plan of tiring Akuma out would work.Zaiaku,using his brute strength,made his hands suddenly burst out from the ground behind Kami and being in such close range,attempted to grab him.If Kami was grabbed,Zaiaku would drag him into the ground until only his head remained,allowing no movment besides his head,allowing Zaiaku to leave the ground and laugh.


Last edited by Zaiaku Jiendo on Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

29HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:42 pm



Akuma was calm as he awaited Zaiaku’s next move. Nothing was heard above ground and this kind of rattled Kami, yet he has a one track mind and never took his mind off of the fight. A lot sooner rather than later, Akuma felt a shake on the ground which was certainly the tall tell sign of the technique to come as the giant shinobi came bursting out of the ground in an immense eruption, although sometime is better to do it slow and steady that then fast and rough, since Akuma felt the ground rattle before the arms came fully bursting out, giving his reflex enough time to react to the jump and together with his speed, Akuma decided to get away from the giant for now once again. As soon as Akuma landed he said, “Next time don’t burst out. It is a lot easier to know that you are coming that way.” Akuma said this because he had no defense against the underground attack, so if the technique would have been done in a manner where just a hand was pulled out, then the range would have made it nearly impossible to dodge. But again, those two large hand coming out of the ground would have gave even a genin of regular speed and adequate reflex an opportunity to dodge. Kami knew what he needed to do now, as he punched his two fists into the ground and by gripping two handfuls of dirt, he pulled them out to again get ready to use one of his favorite techniques. Just not yet. Akuma got a fair distance away from the giant, and he got 20 meters away to be exact, after seeing him leap so much, Akuma has begun calculating his jumping range to be 10-15 meters give or take a few. So Kami got prepared for this one.

Visual of how it was dodged

Earth A->S 1221/4000

30HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:55 pm



Zaiaku's hands quickly retreated back into the ground,feeling Akuma's feet land somehwere else.He quickly made his way to them,hearing Akuma's little advice also,which annoyed him given he was right,but no disruptions were made as he digged and neared Akuma in utter silence.Once he was under Akuma,he remained in silence,allowing Akuma to think he was still searching.This time,his hands slowly peeked out from the ground,making almost no sound at all.The slowly neared Akuma's ankles in silence before attempting to close around them in a death grip.Zaiaku's grip and easily hold Akuma down alone.Once he is caught,Zaiaku would proceed to drag him into the ground and rob his freedoom.


31HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:15 pm



Akuma will certainly not fall for the same trick twice. Seeing as he already ran to get about 20 meters away from the eruption zone, as soon as he seen the arms go back in he knew what he had to do. Seeing as he figured that Zaiaku was going to appear under his feat, Akuma proceeded to use the technique which made him come out of the ground in the first place. That is the wonderful thing about never forgetting a thing, is that you remember everything. Akuma used his special technique to give him feather feet. It was an instant technique needing no hand signs and it surely made Akuma undetectable in term of where he is on the ground, as he is no longer stepping on the ground. As soon Sairento was used, Kami began to run toward the opposite side of where he last encountered Zaiaku, now getting even further than 20 meters from the eruption area. Kami Akuma knew that if he wasn’t going to fight him under ground, he was going to outrun him above. The young genin began running is fastest plus the technique that he used gave him a small percentage boost, Akuma also decided to again skate his way out, knowing that this is always the way to have more fun. Kami looked down at the palm of his hands, still seeing the earth element he has picked up earlier, he began admiring the texture. Seeing the earth for what it truly is in this match was a prize all on its own, as Akuma felt a lot more proficient not only with his technique but with his second elemental affinity as a whole. Kami then turned around and began skating backwards as he looked to see when and where Zaiaku was going to pop out.

Earth A->S 1526/4000

32HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:27 pm



Zaiaku felt nothing as Akuma's feet disappear,possibly with the same skating trick from earlier.Zaiaku's eye twitch in irration as he erupted from the ground.He looked at Akuma with a "Are you f*cking kidding me expression" expression on his face.He quietly swore if he won,he would make Akuma do something VERY embarrassing.

33HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:47 pm



Akuma skated and quite confidently as well as he was skating backwards, and he seen another eruption, this one coming from a further distance. Kami was already quite instinctively far since he ran his fastest away, seeing Zaiaku appear about 30 – 40 meters away Akuma stopped and posed with his hands crossed on his chest with a, “You can’t catch me face.” He knew that this fight was nearly just begun and he has barely been touched. Akuma knew that the earth element is what he wanted to focus on, so even though they fought, Kami always found time to try and focus some of his earth nature chakra into the earth itself in order to get a better feel of the affinity in the actual battle field. Kami is a serious kid and he barely, one can even say rarely smiles. So he was looking Zaiaku with a stoned face, knowing that if he was of a higher rank and had the proper techniques, then this match would have been over before it started. Kami is not well versed in having a variety of jutsus and the low ranking jutsus in his arsenal aren’t truly made to do damage, Akuma created his jutsus in order to survive, and it seems like it is doing just that. Kami then yelled out, “You know I want to be ANBU someday!” After saying that he smiled a bit. Following with, “The reason I tell you this is because when I become ANBU, I might not be able to see or hear from you let alone talk to you. And the reason I told you is because you are the only person I have ever told. Might as well someone know where I went when I fly through the ranks.” Akume then looked up at the sky and Sunagakure was still as hot as ever, so Kami quickly put on his hoodie in order to cover himself from the sun. He then asked a question so that he may get an answer, and hopefully a simple one as well. “So how old are you anyway? You look like you are 30. But you move like you are a genin. No offence. And what do you want to do as a shinobi? . . . I know the ANBU could use someone with strength like yours one day. Have you ever thought about it?”

Earth A->S 1926/4000

34HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:58 pm



Zaiaku stuck his long,,blue tounge out at Akuma when he did that little smug expression.It's not like Zaiaku knew many jutsu.Hell,he usually just beats down whom ever is in his way.“You know I want to be ANBU someday!”Zaiaku rolled his eyes."Oh joy.."Sarcasm was clear in his voice as he crossed his arms.“The reason I tell you this is because when I become ANBU, I might not be able to see or hear from you let alone talk to you. And the reason I told you is because you are the only person I have ever told.
Might as well someone know where I went when I fly through the ranks.”
"Arrogant little flea.."Was Zaiaku's annoyed response.“So how old are you anyway? You look like you are 30. But you move like you are a genin. No offence. And what do you want to do as a shinobi? . . . I know the ANBU could use someone with strength like yours one day. Have you ever thought about it?”Zaiaku's annoyment quickly faded.
Both questions caught him off-guard."I'm 15 and I don't know what I want to be."

35HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:09 pm



Akuma was a lot more than surprised when he heard that the giant shinobi Zaiaku that he has been fighting for a little while now is only 15 years of age. Kami has seen a few tall 15 year old people but never one as tall as Zaiaku, Akuma also knows that the estimated age, or average age for a 15 year old is well below the giant stature of Zaiaku. Zaiaku must have stood to be at least 6 to 7 feet tall, and if Akuma was mistaking then he was probably sizing Zaiaku as being smaller than he is. Akuma smiled when he said he had nothing planned for the future, which is an odd thing to hear for someone that has a mechanical mind that always thinks as life as a sequence, and thus thinks ahead more often than not like Kami. Kami then responded to that statement, saying. “By the time you come of age as well, you will surely be unique in terms of your strength. I wouldn’t doubt that you can be a valuable asset in Sunagakures ANBU division. With your strength and my speed, we can easily divide the work load in missions. We should work together in trying to reach that rank. To get stronger and more resilient for the upcoming battles in the real world.” Kami said this and again began to look down. Focusing on the earth beneath him in which he stood. Akuma felt comfortable as he said, “This world is filled with powerful shinobis. We are merely but a small percentage of the average foot soldier. So I am requesting for you to become a training partner of mine. You can get me stronger and I can get you faster. Nevertheless, we can not loose in this deal.”

The two shinobi stood proudly face – to –face while from a good enough distance away from each other. Two sunagakure shinobi who appeared to be unique in their own right. Training the earth element wasn’t easy for the earth to indoor, seeing as patches, craters, cracks and wholes engulfed the battlefield because of all the pre – existing earth techniques that were used in this battle. Akuma looked around and smiled at the small devastation.

Earth A->S 2300/4000

36HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:59 pm



Zaiaku saw Akuma's suprised expression.Who could blame him?He didn't even look human.Th expression faded into a smile though.“By the time you come of age as well, you will surely be unique in terms of your strength. I wouldn’t doubt that you can be a valuable asset in Sunagakures ANBU division. With your strength and my speed, we can easily divide the work load in missions. We should work together in trying to reach that rank. To get stronger and more resilient for the upcoming battles in the real world.”Zaiaku's eyes slanted alittle."I seen the real world when I was eight and it molded me into the perverse basterd you see today."
He responed,his voice irratated yet somehow honest."This world is filled with powerful shinobis. We are merely but a small percentage of the average foot soldier. So I am requesting for you to become a training partner of mine. You can get me stronger and I can get you faster. Nevertheless, we can not loose in this deal.”Despite the annoyance in the previous statement,Zaiaku remained quiet,thinking the offer over.

37HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:14 pm



Akuma has took interest in the study of psychology and seeing how Zaiaku responded and said that he has seen harsh things in his life to make him a father - less man, even his body language seemed more damaged by the thought of his past. Kami didnt want to ask questions that would lead to the idea of the past, nor did he want to spur out a statement that would remind Zaiaku of his past, of course this was out of respect. And even still, Akuma hold the belief that Zaiaku should join the Sunagakure ANBU who is in much need of a fill in roster, while also being his training partner so that they can both become string enough for the rank, or better yet the job. Kami then glanced down as he took a seat. Even forgetting about the fight as he grabbed the ground and began to calmly meditate. Kami got into his thinking zone, and this is his one track mind at work since Akuma does not think twice about what he wants to do, and instead just does it. While meditating he thought about Zaiaku and how he looked like he was contemplating the idea of him becoming ANBU rather than being in rage by it, also, the thought of being a training partner didn’t seem to pass him the wrong way either. This will surely be nice, and it will make Kami Akumas trainings a lot easier to have help, so having the giant shinobi Zaiaku was more than perfect. Akuma, while still meditating and focusing his natural energy toward his elemental nature, he then opened his eyes as he began speaking to Zaiaku once again, “Have you ever met the Kazekage? She is a brilliant kunoichi and although it would be a weird looking team, why not request to be taught by her as well?”

Earth A->S 2614/4000

38HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:41 pm



A moment of silence passed as Zaiaku sat on the ground and began meditating.The people from earlier were gone now,leaving only Zaiaku and Akuma alone.'What's with this kid..?'He thought.Akuma,despite annoying him,has shown him genuine respect and acts like a friend.The last time something like that happened was......never actually.Zaiaku thought of the ANBU suggestion until Akuma spoke again.“Have you ever met the Kazekage? She is a brilliant kunoichi and although it would be a weird looking team, why not request to be taught by her as well?”"No I have not met her and I'm already on a team."Zaiaku took out a sheet of paper."Kikisu Chikamatsu and Daimon Karisuma."Zaiaku read aloud,studdering when pronouncing Chikamatsu."Supposedly their my teammates,but I haven't even met my sensei yet,Kenshin I think."

39HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:03 pm



It didn’t take long for Kami Akuma to realize that the day was nearing night as the training field that Akuma and Zaiaku stepped in while full of shinobis of all ages and ranks is now nearly empty, leaving just Akuma, Zaiaku and a about 2 to 3 other genin, with what looked like their sensai of chuunin rank. Akuma appreciated to watch people train, seeing as training is a sure sign of thinking ahead, it seems like the natural thing for a human being to do in order to improve on himself. Training and of course learning. Since even now, Akuma is learning how to better control the earth and manipulate his earth elemental chakra in order to create stronger jutsus. Zaiaku has proven to be a great training partner, since Akuma feels like he is a lot more proficient in the earth element now. It was exactly what he asked of his new found training partner and the giant shinobi Ziaku delivered. Akuma then responded to what Zaiaku said about his team and him, and how they have never officially met as a team yet. Kami also found interesting, the idea that Zaiaku has yet to meet the Kazekage. She is the “queen” of sunagakure and holds great power, meeting her would be an inspiration to anybody. Kami then decided to speak again while sitting on his gentle earth. “Why don’t you set up a meeting with the Kazekage and tell her about your teams circumstance. I am sure she will understand, and if you wish, why not ask for a request to transfer teams? Last time I checked, that act was allowed in the laws.” Akuma then awaited Zaiaku’s answer, knowing that it would be nice to add another body to the Kazekages team. Kami liked being trained alone, but if a genin were to come along with the ability to contribute to the team, I should hope that the Kazekage would consider such a squad. Kami stayed quite awaiting Zaikus response.

Earth A->S 2949/4000

40HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:17 pm



Zaiaku yawned as the day began to darken.It only seemed like minutes to Zaiaku since he arrived.He scratched his back.Perhaps the world wasn't as bad as it seems.He looked back Akuma,the first to even survive him.He gained Zaiaku's respect because of that.An evening breeze blowed,making Zaiaku shiver alittle.“Why don’t you set up a meeting with the Kazekage and tell her about your teams circumstance. I am sure she will understand, and if you wish, why not ask for a request to transfer teams? Last time I checked, that act was allowed in the laws.”Zaiaku shrugged."I want to meet them and I'm too lazy to transfer...maybe.."

41HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:29 pm



Akuma understood what Zaiaku meant about want to meet his team, since meeting a whole new group of people is the reason why shinobis join the genin squadron units. Kami Akuma is fortunate enough to be trained by the villages Kage, Suzume, the Kazekage of Sunagakure. But right now he is unfortunate to not have other teammates, but still this is a good thing because the Kage spends a good amount of quality time with Akuma since he is the only one she has to worry about in terms of training. Kami is already a training buff so the Kazekage wouldn’t have to do much in her sensai career but sit back and watch Akuma as she gives the ordered training methods. Kami Akuma also understood what the giant shinobi Zaiaku meant by saying that he was far too lazy to transfer seeing as a lot of paper work needs to be filed first and even then a whole routine is asked for in order to get you properly transferred. It was a lot easier to just stick with your team. Kami Akuma again closed his eyes and began meditating. Focusing a lot of energy on the dirt where he sat, it came to a point that the earth elemental chakra beneath him began to glow. Akumas chakra was blue like all other and it appeared just slightly under him, the earth then began to slowly vibrate and small stones and pebbles were beginning to levitate just inches off the ground. Kami was now attempting to master the manipulation of preexisting earth, knowing that if he does this then creating a technique via using the earth itself and not the earth that is created through chakra, as a weapon shouldn’t be too far off. Kami didn’t speak to Zaiaku this time as he began to get deeper in his meditative trance, knowing that after this training session he was surely going to have mastered the earth element almost as well as he has mastered his primary nature affinity in the wind. This was a good time to finish his elemental training so that he may focus on his specializations, and specifically taijutsu.

Earth A->S 3311/4000

42HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:46 pm



Zaiaku yawned again and walked to Akuma,hands in his pockets,before he plopped down next to him and stretched out.In reality,he began to wonder if people are begining to change for the better.All the mess about the old Fourth Shinobi War was gone many years ago.Zaiaku never really trained at all,given he is strong for his age and rank,though he knew he was arrogant at times.He turned his head to Akuma,observing him slightly.Now that he has a closer look,Akuma looked like a handsome young man rather a kid.He chuckled quietly before reaching in his pocket for a cigar and lighter.He lit it and inhaled,gray smoke coming out his nose.He was rather excited to meet his team,however.Perhaps the first time since that day he was excited to meet another person.He then placed his hand in the now cool sand,sighing at the feeling."Tell me about your family.."

43HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:47 pm



Akuma seen as Zaiaku neared him, and as he closed in he began to calmly sit and light up a cigar. Kami Akuma smiled as he seen that this new found ally was beginning to get comfortable around him. Akuma thought of Zaiakus personality, and although he is not one to judge, it is safe to say that Zaiaku certainly didn’t come to the training grounds today hoping nor expecting to make a friend, and now here he is, enjoying a good resting period after a long day of training. As smoke exhaled out of Zaiakus nose, he asked a simple question that had much more than a simple answer, and more like a complicated one. Kami Akuma turned to the giant shinobi and said, “The AKuma family.” Kami layed back on the ground with him facing the stars as he began to speak. “Well . . . to begin, our bloodline or kekkei gekai as some would call it is called Buke, so you can say that I am from the Buke Bloodline. Buke comes from our ancestors and it means military family. As you may have guessed, my family came from war. We were born into it and we expect to die in it. We were regular citizens of Sunagakure who were high ranked in our average citizen military but we found out quick that war has no place for those who are not shinobis. So a program was set in which we turned a small selection of our family members into shinobis. I happen to be just the second generation. [Kami Akuma then said,] Actually, because of my eidetic memory, I can actually tell you exactly what the Sunagakure record book says about my clan. And it sayd this, word for word, “The Akuma Family is a renowned ninja clan, not yet famous for the very least because they have just began utilizing their gifted physical prowess for combat in the shinobi world. They are well-known as an aggressive family and are well known to fight with ingenious battle tactics. The Akuma family are born smart, strong and interconnected. Akuma’s are known to stick together with undeniable loyalty [although some may stray from the pack w/ respect to the family] and it is not rare for a member of the family to be born with an Eidetic Memory. Although that memory would lead towards a one track mind as the shinobi loses his creativity and focuses mostly on logic and reason by calculating events. The Akuma right now are such a new family in the shinobi world that they just began their families second generation. This family is viewed as a clan that is surely going to make an impact in the world.” That is what the Kazekage has on us. We have no true power in terms of special ability like the legends of the Uchiha or Senju clans, but my family are a tough bunch and we will not easily give up against any of the legendary Uchihas or Senju.”

Kami Akuma said the legends of the Uchiha Sand Senju, because although he is a great scholar and has been taught well on all the subjects, he has never personally met anybody with those unique bloodlines and he is one of those “see it to believe it” type of guys, so Akuma doesn’t really follow the hype in the powers that they possess. It is because of that that Akuma feels like he can fight up and up against any of those bloodlines, but his family will fight up and up with those bloodline regardless of their true prowess. Kami then felt on the ground as he said, “By the way. Thanks for training with me on the earth element. I wouldn’t have become so proficient if it wasn’t for you. I hope I have benefited you in some way today. But I feel like I have told you a lot about me. How about your clan? Tell me about them if you don’t mind me knowing?” Akuma wanted to ask about his family, but he remember how he grunted and said something awful about his past. Maybe by talking about his clan, he can mention his family and if not, then at least Kami Akuma will know personally about another clan in his village.

Earth A->S 4000+/4000 [COMPETE]

44HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:33 am



“Well . . . to begin, our bloodline or kekkei gekai as some would call it is called Buke, so you can say that I am from the Buke Bloodline. Buke comes from our ancestors and it means military family. As you may have guessed, my family came from war.'Oh joy...' We were born into it and we expect to die in it. We were regular citizens of Sunagakure who were high ranked in our average citizen military but we found out quick that war has no place for those who are not shinobis. So a program was set in which we turned a small selection of our family members into shinobis. I happen to be just the second generation. [Kami Akuma then said,] Actually, because of my eidetic memory, I can actually tell you exactly what the Sunagakure record book says about my clan. And it sayd this, word for word, “The Akuma Family is a renowned ninja clan, not yet famous for the very least because they have just began utilizing their gifted physical prowess for combat in the shinobi world. They are well-known as an aggressive family and are well known to fight with ingenious battle tactics. The Akuma family are born smart, strong and interconnected. Akuma’s are known to stick together with undeniable loyalty [although some may stray from the pack w/ respect to the family] and it is not rare for a member of the family to be born with an Eidetic Memory. Although that memory would lead towards a one track mind as the shinobi loses his creativity and focuses mostly on logic and reason by calculating events.'That explains alot...' The Akuma right now are such a new family in the shinobi world that they just began their families second generation. This family is viewed as a clan that is surely going to make an impact in the world.” That is what the Kazekage has on us. We have no true power in terms of special ability like the legends of the Uchiha or Senju clans, but my family are a tough bunch and we will not easily give up against any of the legendary Uchihas or Senju.”Zaiaku raised a eyebrow.He did not even know what a Senju or Uchiha looked like but decided not to say anything.'Yeesh,does this child ever get tired a running his mouth.'He thought. “By the way.'Oh come on!' "Thanks for training with me on the earth element. I wouldn’t have become so proficient if it wasn’t for you. I hope I have benefited you in some way today. But I feel like I have told you a lot about me. How about your clan? Tell me about them if you don’t mind me knowing?”Zaiaku went quiet for a moment before sighing begrudingly."I'm not exactly from a clan so to speak...more like a group of unfortunate individuals..."

45HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] - Page 2 Empty Re: HOTTOPIC [Training/Zaiaku Koran] Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:47 am



Akuma stood up seeing as Zaiaku didnt ant to talk much about his clan now and the training was more or less finished with for the night. Kami then told Zaiaku while whipping himself. "We certainly have to try this again. It was fun. Ill see you later." After Zaiaku said his goodbyes, Akuma will disappear with the speed of a jounin in order to leave the Training Ground.

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