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1Strong vs Smart [Mission] Empty Strong vs Smart [Mission] Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:41 am



It was a frequently mentioned concept - To be able to teach something properly, you needed to know it at least three times better than everyone else. Considering that Konran was a teacher of taijutsu, that meant that he needed to be more skilled than his students by far. The fact that he was was what kept them from acting out in classes, they were kept in line with respect and fear. Those who knew what he could do feared him, those who didn't fear him at least respected him. However, there was a kind of person that was all the more worrisome - The person who didn't know what he was capable of. He had already kicked the ass of one academy teacher, proving himself better than them, but now he had to make sure that an even wider population knew about his abilities. It was perhaps a selfish wish, but it was also very selfless. He wanted people to know his power, but he wanted them to know it so they didn't try and go up against him. Besides, people always seemed to want to study under the strongest in the village. That was why the Kazekage had given him to Hodaka to train, Hodaka was the only still living sannin.

After the misadventures with Gin over the last few years, it should have been no surprise that the majority of her high ranking staff disappeared when she did. Like that strange Sake guy, he seemed to be madly in love with Gin, so when she disappeared it should have been no surprise that Sake disappeared as well. As the village currently lay, there was only one still living and loyal Sannin, the sannin of illusions and surprises, Hodaka himself. Why he had been paired with him, he was not entirely sure, or rather, he wouldn't have been sure if he didn't know what the Kazekage was planning. They were as different as fire and water, he was a taijutsu practitioner with a flair for ninjutsu and the minimalistic, whereas Hodaka was the genjutsu master of the village with a flair for drama. He was sure the only reason they had been put together was that Suzume had tried to bring him into the upper folds of the village. When they met, she had gone on and on about how she wanted him to be the best that he could be, and how he had "amazing potential". How she had seen that without fighting him, he didn't know, but whatever. She clearly wanted him to be as perfect as humanly possible, so she had given him to the sannin to train. Big mistake, he thought bitterly.

Still, in an attempt to get more and more people respecting his abilities, he had agreed to fight the strong man of the Akuma clan. This man was supposedly one of the strongest in terms of brute strength throughout the entire Akuma clan, which would mean that his mere victory was a sign that he was superior to the clan. Bringing a clan to his side was something that would be able to help him in a big way, they would be willing to work with him in the future and many of his students would begin to come from that clan. That ensured better trained villagers, and more money for him to spend on good things. However, the position that the man had chosen for their fight was... well, pretty weird. They were currently standing on a sand dune, nothing around them but the crowd that had come out to watch. Why he had chosen this place he didn't know, but what he did know was that he was going to need to fight here. His opponent, thankfully, seemed like the big, stupid type. He didn't need to beat him with his strength alone, as long as he beat him in a fight that was all that mattered. So, as the bell chimed to begin the fight, he allowed the man to charge at him.

The first charge was dodged as he slipped around the side, his leg connecting straight in the middle of his spine and slamming him down into the floor, dragging his face along the course sand and causing initial bleeding. It was like sandpaper... very, VERY hot sandpaper. Getting back up, the man charged seemingly blind, his fist out. Catching the arm before the elbow in a single fist, he balanced the weight well and.... ducked, throwing him over his body and back onto the sand. The wind came out of the man's chest with a sound like a deflating balloon. This was easy so far, strength apparently meant very little when it came to fighting ability. How he beat the rest of the clan he wasn't sure, but he knew this much. He was not good enough. That was when he felt a strong fist slam him in the middle of the chest, knocking him off his feet and onto his ass, suddenly finding it very hard to breathe. That fist was sodding lethal, he thought as he slammed his chest again, trying to bring the lungs back into their normal breathing pattern. In the time when he was healing himself, the man had come out and tried to attack him again. This was not going to do...

Concentrating his chakra into his leg, he waited until the man ran at him at full speed before shooting at the weakness that almost everyone has... well, almost every man has. That's right, the crown jewels. He could hear the fracturing of the hip bones, and considering he had hit the package before anything else... that was probably not going to be a pretty sight. The man fell hard, crushing the wind out of Kon's chest. Pushing him off and rolling out of the new cover, he attempted to breathe once more, getting back to his feet and holding his hand in the air as a sign of victory. He had won!

-Mission Completed-

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