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1Kitsuen-Kanko Clan[Edit, Check please?] Empty Kitsuen-Kanko Clan[Edit, Check please?] Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:17 am

Kinyuki Kitsuenkanko

**There's probably a bunch of stuff on here that needs polishing/editing, but I tried to do as much as I could on it without help to make it workable and not OP or anything ^^;

Symbol: Kitsuen-Kanko Clan[Edit, Check please?] Kuda_gitsune_by_edoropolis-d4116ky_zps0f954e24

Clan: Kitsuen-Kanko(“Smoking Pipefox”) Clan

Kekkei Genkai: 火狐霊の煙(Higitsune rei no kemuri; “Smoke of the scorching fox spirit”)

Elements: Wind, Fire, sometimes Earth

Specialization: Fuuinjutsu(sealing jutsu) or Kuchiyose(summoning jutsu)
Seijutsu(specifically with Kanko foxes)

Location: Scattered / Nomadic, but most at home in woodland regions.

Clan History: The Kitsuen-Kanko clan is not one that is very well known and has never made it a point to make a huge mark or establish a strong standing amongst other clans in history. Just like the fox with which they associate, they are elusive and mostly solitary, with everything from their personal lives to their clan affairs, and prefer not to get involved in unnecessary squabbles or wars that don’t directly have to do with them. Since most don’t even know of their existence, it’s entirely uncertain of where they even came from or how far back their clan dates, only that it began a long time ago.
Though they aren’t terribly large, even most of the Kitsuen-Kanko Clan don’t know how many members they possess or know half of the others within the clan, and are not heavily combat-based. In fact, most can probably be found as traveling traders and merchants, or scholars interested in all manner of knowledge.
That is not to say that they are completely inadept at combat, however.
For the most part, their skills in most types of common jutsu(ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, bukijutsu, medical ninjutsu) are relatively balanced and well-rounded, though they usually have a slightly higher acuity for Genjutsu and Medical Ninjutsu. They have been known to be masterful at reconnaissance and infiltration type tasks, and are often brilliant tacticians, but not the best front-line fighters, tending to try and avoid direct confrontation whenever possible.
They have a few physical attributes of the fox, such as the Inuzuka clan looks somewhat dog-like and feral, and some of their senses are heightened compared to other humans.

Kekkei Genkai Description:
Most of the Kitsuen-Kanko clan base their combat style off of working with their Kanko fox. Each member has at least one, which they seal at a relatively young age, and take many years to form a bond with their fox in order to work together effectively. Older, more experienced members may be able to handle more than one, but it takes a long time before a clan member is capable of that, and no small amount of power and talent. Normally only the Clan Leader and elder/senior members are able to do so.

~Clan members have some physical attributes of the fox, much like the Inuzuka clan looks more feral. They can have longer nails/claws and fangs that cut deeper than most average humans. Their sense of surroundings through hearing, smell, taste, and touch are more acute, but also makes them more susceptible to scent-based attacks, high-pitched or sharp noises, and their eyes are somewhat light sensitive(Most of these senses are used to sense danger before it arrives and make a retreat to safety, rather than used for combat, as Kitsuen-Kanko clan members are usually fight-avoidant).

~Almost all clan members are moderate-range fighters that do not like to move around a lot, using their Kanko fox to aid them in combat and keep enemies at a certain distance. Clan members are not incapable of fighting at close range, but are far more vulnerable. They can only fight in close-range for short bursts due to having to take either Fatique or Frail as a drawback.

~Most of the time, characters must RP out sealing and obtaining their Kanko fox, unless starting with a higher rank character(such as a Jounin level, etc). Kanko foxes can be worked with to become more powerful over time, but some are respectively more powerful than others from the start. Some Kanko foxes are too strong for a lower ranking member to seal, while a higher ranking member would be able to accomplish it. For example, a D rank character would not be able to seal a wild B rank Kanko fox, but a B rank character would be able to seal any fox up to B rank in power. The lower below the character’s rank the Kanko is, the easier it is to seal for that character(such as a B rank character sealing a D rank fox).

~Members of this clan always carry around an object to either seal/unseal or summon their Kanko fox. Sometimes these are simple summons, such as with scrolls, either to summon the sealing object or the fox itself. Other times these are sealing objects that the fox is trapped in, usually some sort of object which can be lit, such as a smoking pipe. The sealing objects on the fox are custom to each member and fox, no two objects are the exact same.

~Clan members and Kanko fox must work together respectively in order to be effective in combat. This requires them to build trust and respect between each other as equals, otherwise the Kanko fox may refuse to help, or worse, even turn on their human partner. It also takes time for Kanko to come around to cooperate with their humans at all, because often the first few years Kanko resent being caged against their will when they are sealed and are reluctant to work with their human partners. This takes many years with each fox that they seal, sometimes more than a decade, which is why only highly skilled and powerful members such as the clan leader or seniors/elders are able to wield more than one at a time at all.

~Members of the Kitsuen-Kanko clan do not have to have both Fire and Wind element chakra, but they must have at least one of the two(for example, they might have Wind and Water, or Fire and Earth). This is because, whichever element they possess, their Kanko fox can supply the other element, as Kanko possess both Fire and Wind.

~Kanko foxes are Fire and Wind spirits, and capable of hovering or flying, as their bodies are not actually physical like a real fox but made of energy. Fire and Wind elemental techniques are not effective against them, and in fact can make them more powerful, but they are incredibly susceptible and weak against the Water element.

~Kanko foxes work best usually with a human partner of opposite gender. Female foxes get along with any gender more easily but prefer male humans, while a male fox doesn’t normally work very well with a male human, but works very well with a female human.

~Must take Fatigue or Frail as a negative special characteristic. Because of this, they can only stand close-range fighting for very short bursts. Those most susceptible to this are middle-generation/age members.

~Most members of the clan are, for the most part, solitary. Rarely do more than five or six members of the entire clan ever see each other at once, and those that aren’t entirely alone are usually only in pairs of sensei and student(not including their foxes), so most tend not to have reinforcements or allies to get them out of a pinch when they get in to trouble.

~Though Kanko fox partners can be a great help, especially those that are fully released and at full power, they can be as much a hindrance as well. Kanko are highly temperamental, easily alienated, and highly distrusting and skeptical. A great relationship will guarantee a Kanko will help out its partner with all its strength…a decent relationship will guarantee it will help for certain 25% of the time, and the other 75% of the time it will only help if it doesn’t decide then and there that it “just doesn’t feel like it”. Anything less than that and chances are it’ll leave its human partner to fight alone while it finds somewhere to take a nap, if not turn on them itself if they really don’t like them, making it a double-edged sword. This is especially true with a possession where they share a body. One disagreement can literally become a battle against one’s own body and a tug of war for dominance between human and fox, even in the middle of a major battle when enemies are already trying to kill them, which also drains the foxes and human’s chakra as they internally fight it out for control of the body.

~If the sealing object crafted from the Kanko fox's foxfire/star ball is destroyed, the fox dies. Both Kanko and their human partners are highly protective of these items and try to keep them out of harm’s way as much as possible because of this. If this happens, a member of the clan must start from scratch with a new fox.

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:
Foxfire Extinguish Seal:

Three Fire Seal / Three Fire Seal Reverse”:

Spontaneous Combustion:

Fox Possession:

Last edited by Kinyuki Kitsuenkanko on Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:44 am; edited 11 times in total



KKG description is mostly descriptive and has little to do with actual abilities but more with sealing mechanics. All good, mostly; you do have to RP out/buy your fox, no?

Drawbacks: These are more 'flavor' than tangible. Then again, you don't have too many tangible clan bonuses, either. For example:

Your first drawback could easily be turned into 'Members of this clan must take the Frail special characteristic, and cannot balance it with a positive one.'

Second one is fine.

Third would you monitor this? Dice roll?

Fourth one is good.


Foxfire Extinguishing Technique: This seems more of a flavor technique than anything, simply giving a mechanic for how you seal your foxes. Thus, it's pretty much fine with whatever you wish, so long as it cannot work on people. HOWEVER, you cannot have more than one Seijutsu pet at a time, so that might be an issue for you.

Triple Fire Sealing/Reverse: You will want to detail ranges and tangible effects for each of the more intricate uses of the jutsu.

First Reverse: How far does the smokescreen blanket, how much of vision does it obscure? The invading airways, what does obstructing breathing do to the victim (and give a max range that they can invade from)? I'm not so sure that acting as a chakra reservoir would be okay.

Second Reverse: Define 'minor burns'. First degree? Does the asphyxiation do more at this rank? How does trying to extend the possession 'take its toll'?

Third Reverse: Define 'far more severe'; second-third degree?

Spontaneous Combustion: C-rank jutsu cannot kill, and jutsu cannot be unavoidable, even if the prerequisite (in this case the turning into smoke) can. Define how badly this jutsu can burn (which would be second-degree burns, on average).

Fox Possession Technique: I'm fine with you being able to negate your Fatigue with this....detail how much the fox can slow the victim down (controlling one limb is debatable). I'm still not sure how we're supposed to regulate your relationship status with your Kanko, but again that's more flavor than functionality XD

Kinyuki Kitsuenkanko

Gah...I had all kinds of detailed response written out and the site ate it as soon as I hit "Send", so excuse me if my responses are a little on the short side.

And I'm not entirely used to forum roleplay that uses stats ^^; usually I find pretty good partners that I can trust not to godmod without them XD So this is sort of new territory for me

Noriko wrote:KKG description is mostly descriptive and has little to do with actual abilities but more with sealing mechanics. All good, mostly; you do have to RP out/buy your fox, no?
Unless starting out at a higher rank(Chunnin, Jounin, et cetera) then yes, they have to RP out/buy it before they can actually have it.
Which, to my knowledge, approval has to be given by staff to start at higher ranks?

Noriko wrote:Drawbacks: These are more 'flavor' than tangible. Then again, you don't have too many tangible clan bonuses, either. For example:

Your first drawback could easily be turned into 'Members of this clan must take the Frail special characteristic, and cannot balance it with a positive one.'
Chances are if I were to put any sort of required drawback would probably be Fatigue, or a choice of Fatigue or one other(undecided at the moment).

Noriko wrote:Third would you monitor this? Dice roll?
That's one option I'm willing to consider in my modifications.

Noriko wrote:Thus, it's pretty much fine with whatever you wish, so long as it cannot work on people.
No, it can't be used on people. It's specific only to fox spirits that have a spirit fire/foxfire.

Noriko wrote:How far does the smokescreen blanket, how much of vision does it obscure? The invading airways, what does obstructing breathing do to the victim (and give a max range that they can invade from)?
It's range for either of these is within 15 feet from the sealing object.
Normally the fox's smoke form only covers the amount of space approximate to the size of a weasel, barely any space at all. They can increase the area they cover with a smokescreen using other smoke in the air created by other things, but still only within a 15 foot radius, and can't draw smoke from outside that radius unless their partner and sealing object move to where there is more smoke.
Mostly obstructing breathing would have the same effect as regular smoke, causing breathing problems and obstructing oxygen intake. Prolongued exposure could eventually cause unconsciousness, but it takes some time(many minutes) and can be stopped by moving out of the 15 foot range(in which the fox has to exit) or with certain jutsu involving expelling from the lungs(wind style and water style, perhaps.).

Noriko wrote:Define 'minor burns'. First degree? Does the asphyxiation do more at this rank? How does trying to extend the possession 'take its toll'?
First degree, or second degree from prolonged contact(2 minutes, for instance).
The asphyxiation from smoke works generally the same as in the first form, but without the 15 foot restriction, so simply moving further away won't get rid of it, and would have to be with somehow clearing the lungs themselves such as with jutsu or some other means. Beyond that, the only difference is the ability for the Spontaneous Combustion.

Noriko wrote:Define 'far more severe'; second-third degree?

Noriko wrote: and jutsu cannot be unavoidable, even if the prerequisite (in this case the turning into smoke) can.
As explained above, the fox/smoke/fire can be expelled, such as with other jutsu utilizing expelling from the lungs.

Noriko wrote:I'm still not sure how we're supposed to regulate your relationship status with your Kanko, but again that's more flavor than functionality XD
I was thinking after you said that, perhaps some type of point-system that can be added to or subtracted from depending on certain factors(which I could detail out more clearly)?
To my knowledge, staff have to look over threads to award or take away things when a thread/mission/whatever is finished anyway to make such changes to characters as power level increases or new jutsu?

Kinyuki Kitsuenkanko


Kinyuki Kitsuenkanko




Mention when a character can have a bond with a second spirit fox, and that characters may only have up to two spirit foxes maximum. Maybe put it that they can have their second fox at Jonin level, A-rank.

Also, what abilities would having a second spirit fox give you? Please explain. Would it make you twice as strong?

In your Kekkei Genkai Description, where you mention that they have increased senses, state that sound-based, sight-based, and smell-based jutsu receive a +1 when used on them.

I would like it if there were a max limit for the rank of the spirit fox. I wouldn't want to have someone of A-rank just seal another A-rank fox. Make the maximum rank of the spirit fox either B or C.

Please specify how much easier it would be for a higher ranked person to capture a lower ranked spirit fox. To avoid complication, here is how I would suggest you do it:

  • First, anyone trying to catch a spirit fox of their same level will have to do it in a post of 1500 words.
  • For every level the spirit fox is higher than them, the word count increases by 150.
  • For every level the spirit fox is lower than them, the word count decreases by 150, with a minimum of 1000.
  • Clan members may only seal spirit foxes whose rank is at most one rank above their own.

Does the sealing object come with the clan, or will it have to be bought?

I'm not sure how you would RP out that the spirit foxes turn on their owners. I do agree that it seems highly likely that a dice roll will be necessary for this. Or, you could put it such that the spirit fox will only help the clan member out for a certain number of posts when the battle begins, with the number of posts differing with the rank, before they turn on their sealer.

To have the spirit foxes completely immune to fire and wind techniques would be too much. Make it such that fire and wind jutsu receive a -1 in rank when used against them, while water jutsu receive a +2 in rank when used against spirit foxes.

For your Drawbacks, I would remove that those who are most susceptible to the Frail or Fatigue SC to be middle-aged members, as it would make people choosing this clan avoid from having their characters middle-aged. It limits their freedom, so I doubt you would want that.

I'm not sure how you would go around implementing the second drawback.

As for the third drawback, maybe you could take my suggestion up there and make it such that spirit foxes will only obey for a limited amount of posts when the battle begins before rebelling, and that when they do, the user loses chakra equal to the amount his rank normally uses, e.g. D is 10, C is 15, B is 20, etc. per post?

The jutsus section seems too complicated for me, so I'm going to leave them for now. Miles should have them under control.

My only concern is the Foxfire Extinguishing Seal. If it is an A rank jutsu, then one has to be of at least Special Jonin (B rank) to use it. Hence, it would mean that members of the clan would be defenseless or without the plus sides of their KKG until they hit Special Jonin, which is tougher than it sounds.

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