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1Criminals Empty Criminals Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:44 pm



Wolfgang had been sitting in his alleyway taking a nap, when an order came from the Mizukage, Damn bitch i cant even relax can i...and i cant even kill her He was ordered on a bigger mission this time, he was ordered to take out a full gang, Hmm...this is better then most missions im given though, i get to kill all of them, 15 i was told to kill, this will be... fun He stood up and and put his suit on, people took more to a nice looking man then a tattoo covered shirtless one. after he was ready, he started walking down the street to go and get a drink and smokes before his mission, he needed to keep his stress down so he didnt kill a person who could give him info Only this time...i wont kill innocents this one time, they may be useful . He walked into the bar and ordered up a quart of Falki, a Type of Whisky, his personal favorite. He sat down and started sipping some out of a tall glass and quickly ran over to the store and bought a Pack of smokes. He returned to the bar and lit one up and sat and smoked and drank for a bit. he noticed a shady looking guy, around 17 old standing near the door, he had a bandana around his face, covering the face and only letting his eyes be seen. The kid sat around for a while and then met up with another kid, this was too reminiscent of the last gang he fought, except these kids looked stronger which was good. They sat around for about 10 minutes until another two met up with them and they got up and left at the entrance of the other two, something was fishy he knew it, but he could just attack them in pblic like this he had seen what the higher ranks thought about that. So he followed them out of the building and noticed that they were not there, they couldnt be that fast.

He walked in the direction that they went and found one of them sitting by a bench, Aha there he is that fucker He walked up and just before he could get a word out he was surronded by 3 more of them. An Ambush, shit im so fucking stupid In that moment they al put their hands out and all used Water prison on him surronding him in water, he then used his Boil aura, so that moment the Prison surronded him it started bubbling and steaming, he used that opening to jump out of the circle of foes, and landed away form the group. He then quickly used his acid dart jutsu and threw three of them at the kid that acted as bait aiming for his torso and head. The darts hit him directly in the spot he aimed for and exploded on contact, the other three ninjas jumped out of the way in good time but the one he hit was knocked down and started screaming in pain, melting burns started covering his body before he jumped out of the massive cloud of Glass, now his clothes were barely holding together, and his skin was bright red and some was falling off his body, the boy look in extreme pain, Yes, this is good.

The Ninjas looked at each other quickly and went back on the attack, the one who was hit was moving slightly slower and more painfully. they all threw some hand signs and and yelled Rising Slice and suddenly four jets of water flew at him, he jumped high over them, all of the jets meeting and hitting eachother but quickly flying up at him, he avoided  the now big jet by dodging to the left, and falling to the ground the jets were coming at him again, instead of jumping this time, he jumped quickly to the left and ran at the group as fast as he could , running behind the already injured one while he was distracted, and grabbed the kids head and neck, hearing the sizziling the kids neck made from his aura jutsu, and quickly twisted and snapped the kids neck with a CRACK! and by that time the other 3 turned to him, he then ran at them, even though he knew no taijutsu ability he was strong, the three rushed him, for their jutus ran out and they were getting desperate to get rid of him. he hooked the left one with his fist and heard the slight sizzle, as his face melted ever so slightly as he flew into the wall behind him and slumped over and made no more noise, the other two attacked him, he had no time to dodge.

Jutsu- aura, boil dart
Word count 805
Charkra- 185

Last edited by Wolfgang on Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:53 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Criminals Empty Re: Criminals Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:13 am



The first kick came in and hit him in the shin, he didnt fall over so he assumed that nothing in his leg was broken, but the second kick came in and hit him in the wrist, he tried to bring his hands up but the left hand just flopped over and slumped, ù**** i think it dislocated this is annoying, Though the two who kicked him sudenly screamed in pain, their leg sizzling and bubbling, they jumped back and waited to see what he would do, the two of them had burns on their shin where they had kicked him so it wsnt a terrible thing, he then grabbed his and and popped it back in, not even feeling it thankfully.

Wolfgang then ran forward at he one on the left, and started attacking, he first went for a kcik to the shins, the ninja jumped up and dodged the kick but directly after he grabbed the now in mid air ninja and bear hugged him for a moment, burning athe kid around his chest and back, he then threw the kid into the other before they could react, and they both tumbled together. They stood up slowly , which gave wolfgang enough time to come up behind one of them and deliver a lethal Neck snap, spinning the kids head sideways, and quickly then kicking the other acorss the street and etting him hit the wall, now that the main dangers were gone, Wolfgang then walked up to the now stunned last survior and grbbed him by the neck and picked him up and looked him in the eyes while saying, Now lead me to your leader or i swear to god you wont like hat i do with you The kid turned bleach white and nodded , he dropped the kid and he started running, Yess here we go .

The kid brought him into an alleyway where there were a few shady looking kids, they looked more like the thugs from before, maybe one was a leader he knew not which was which. He followed the kid to them, there were three of the new people in total it seemed, so he wasnt to worried if they attacked anyway, the kid walked up and started whispering to the group then they turned and looked him over and then turned to him and called out to him, Hey Freak, you will pay for killing for our boys, come on guys lets get this fucker they rushed him, except for the kid form before, he must be injured still, which was okay, he would make that kid pay also but the dangerous one first of course. He started using handsigns and used his fog dragon jutsu, controlling a massive Chinese dragon made of high Ph Acid, they would feel his wrath, he swung the dragon at the Kids, and since they were in a straight line the dragon swiped across all of them, causing burns across their face and melting the skin on and around it, also melting the chest of their clothes and starting to melt the skin their also.

The three ninjas fell backwards from the blow and fell to the cement, Wolfgang then made his dragon smash itself into the the face of the kid, filling his mouth and eyes and face with acid, melting the face, and choking him and melting his lungs and melting his eyes, the kid didnt die...yet.

585 word count this post
jutsu-fog dragon and acid aura
Chakra- 165

Last edited by Wolfgang on Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

3Criminals Empty Re: Criminals Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:44 pm



There were two ninjas left in this group, he would get rid of them and then he woul get rid of the ninja that were unable to fight, but at the moment he needed to get rid of the two ninjas, they were charging again, thanfully his dragon was still active, he drove the dragon into the back of one of the kids and melted his bad quite badly and sending him flying to the ground, screaming in pain, the other came in on the offensive with a kick, Wolfgang block it with his forearm then grabbed the kid by the neck and twisted and heard a crack of his spine, only one more fighter left...maybe. The kid who already got hit started to stand up, but before he could wolfgang stood above him and cur stomped him into the ground, smashing his skull into the ground. The same one is left and there is only a few punks left, but if i take out the leader and the second in command they may break and flee he grabbed the same kid by the throat and looked him dead in the eyes and whispered, Now show me your leader or you will be a pile of flesh under my boot...NOW GO the kid bolted down the road, in which he followed, the kid brought him back to the bar and walked up to a shack that looked like it would fall down.

The kid waited at the door, and motioned him in, he grabbed the kids neck and snapped it arouind his head, the kids face was priceless, it was a huge shocked face. He walked into shack and noticed that the buildings inside were much nicer, the rooms looked nice, they had couches, except the fact that the Shacks walls were made of dry timber, they would be very flammable. He walked into the back room, while being started at by the remaining 6 members that just looked at him, he walked into the office like room, and noticed two men standing at a map away from him and talking in mildly loud voices, he snuck up to the one on the left who looked smaller, and ra up and grabbed the older kid by the throat and pulling, and ripping entire throat out. Blood spurted out all over the map of kiri they were looking at the guy beside him attacked him instanly he jumped back and started making handsigns, And started breathing a black ash out of his mouth Oh no not this i got to get out of the building He ran for the exit passing by multiple confused members of the gang, he jumped out the door as he the the click of a spark and then...BOOOMHe looked back and saw a black hull that was once a shack and also saw the dead bodies of members of the gang, the leader thought he was dead so wolfgang went around and snuck up behind him and wrapped him arms around his neck a gasp of surpise coming out of his mouth at the moment of the attack, he sat there for a few seconds and just queezed while saying, Thanks you just saved me a lot of time he siaid as the guy turned blue, then black and stopped moving alotogether...this mission had caused alot of commotion, so he left the scene right away and went to report to the mizukage.
Final word count 1974
Chakra 165

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