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1Better Now...[Training Suiton None->D] Empty Better Now...[Training Suiton None->D] Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:55 am



In Konohagakure, a storm confined its inhabitants to their homes, it was wet and damp, the birds nestled in the trees and the animals looked for shelter to stay dry.  The children played in the puddles created by the dense and thick clouds in the sky.  It was raining very fiercely and Rinshi wasn’t the best in cold weather, he could suffice with rain but cold weather and rain just didn’t mix well with him.  It was a lazy day for Rinshi, wearing a purple bandana wrapped around his forehead keeping his now once again snow-white hair pulled back with white sweatpants, bare foot and shirtless.  Rinshi looked out the window as the condensation built up on the window; he was thinking about his parents, it was almost 7 years and it made him depressed a bit.  Rinshi began thinking about the present his parents gave him on his 10th birthday while he still attended the Academy.  Rinshi, though it was so long ago, could remember it all vividly.

”Dad can we go home now! I’m bored and I want some Ramen, when can we stop training!”  Rinshi and Anshi wore their usual training attire: bare torso, white baggy fit combat pants with the ends tucked into black combat boots and a black sash tied around their waists.  Rinshi fell onto his rear end, propping himself up with his hands behind him.  Rinshi and his father Anshi had been training since the sunrise and the sun was now beginning to set.  ”Daaaaaaad!  Come on it’s my birthday!  Can we end the training session now?!?”  Anshi stood as his white, lavish and spiky hair fluttered in the breeze.  Folding his arms he approached his son and squatted down to eye level with him, frisking his son’s spiky snow white hair.  ”Well, I guess we could call it a day.  Your mother is probably waiting for us, and I am pretty tuckered out.  Sooo since it is your birthday; we’ll cut training short today okay kiddo.”  Anshi closed his eyes as he smiled at Rinshi, who in return smiled back to his dad.  ”HOORAY!!!  Hey Dad do you think mom baked me a cake?!?!”  Anshi chuckled and said, ”We’ll just have to find out then, won’t we?”  Rinshi hopped to his feet and replied, ”YEA!!! NOW LET’S GO!!!”

Anshi and Rinshi began their journey home, from what Rinshi referred to as their super secret training ground.  The two came across a bridge and Rinshi demanded his father to direct his attention to him, as he began to walk along the thin railing of the bridge.  Rinshi threw his legs out left and right simultaneously like a toy soldier, his father smiled at him as he took the normal way to cross the bridge.  Rinshi could feel the wind begin to blow as it ran through his hair.  Anshi stopped to catch his hair as he looked to the setting sun in the East, and Rinshi fell off the rail onto the bridge after falling under hypnosis by the sun.  ”Isn’t it beautiful Rinshi?”  Anshi placed his hand over his sons head, ”Is it ever.  Hey Dad, does the sun have chakra like us?”  Rinshi looked to his father for the answer as there was a short pause for a while.  ”Well Rinshi, as you know we all have chakra and we all utilize chakra to perform jutsu.  The sun also has chakra but only knows one jutsu and can maintain it.  Do you know what that is?”  Rinshi scratched his head, thinking for a short while till he just hunched his shoulders.  ”It’s simple Rinshi, the sun uses the technique light which helps us all; animals and humans alike, to survive."  Rinshi smiled brightly at his father, as he said to him in a cheery manor, ”Dad you’re so smart!”

Rinshi and Anshi made their way across the bridge as they entered the village from the eastern gate.  ”Dad!  There is Ichiraku’s!  Can we get Ramen please please please?!”  Anshi looked above the shop at a clock and it was 7 pm.  ”Sorry Rinshi, next time ok, we have to get home to your mother.”  Rinshi whined and complained their whole walk home; little did Rinshi know his father and mother had a little surprise for him.

Rinshi and Anshi reached their home, and Rinshi still was still acting like a baby.  ”You ready to go inside?”  Rinshi shook his head yes, even though he really did not care and was not happy with his birthday until they walked inside.

”SURPRISE!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY RINSHI!”  The loud group of people in his home that all acknowledged him startled Rinshi.  Rinada, Rinshi’s mom walked out of the kitchen with a large cake with the initials R.H. on the front.  Rinshi was in shock by the event that unfolded, his parents through him a surprise party and all the people he considered close to him showed up.  Rinshi felt extremely loved and could not have asked for anything better than that, but little did he know the best was soon to come.  Rinada and Anshi, opened a black box that contained a silver chain, and connected to the chain was a sparkling aqua colour gem.  Rinshi’s eyes grew wider as the necklace enticed him and caught him in a trance, Anshi decided to tell Rinshi where the necklace came from.  ”Rinshi, I got you this necklace forged while on my trip to Kiri.  This necklace has special abilities that will help you become even stronger; the necklace can be use effectively when your skills are properly trained.  Until you become strong enough, this is just a simple sparkly trinket... Well until you understand how to use it.”  Anshi chuckled slightly as he frisked his son’s hair, and hugged his wife.

Rinshi took the box from his parents as his dad frisked his hair, he then hugged mother and father and squeezed tightly with tears rolling down his cheeks.  Mom, Dad, I love you so much, thank you for everything.”

Rinshi thought about that party until a thought ran across his mind.  Rinshi realized he never ever wore that necklace, never did he take it out of the box.  Rinshi became frantic rambling through his closet for the black box but could not find it.  Scratching his head, he decided to run downstairs to the storage room to look through the piles of old paperwork and reports that belonged to his dad.  Upon his search, low and behold he found the black box, dust covered and all.  Rinshi reached for it and opened it up to find the silver chain with the aqua blue gem still sparkling as bright as when he first received it.  Rinshi removed the necklace from the box and held the necklace up, at eye level with the gem.  Watching it spin slowly and twinkle, he immediately unfastened the necklace and place it around his neck then refastened it.  The necklace had a very cool feeling on his chest and made his body feel loose and fluid like.  Rinshi left out of the storage room, still feeling the exact same as he did when he placed his necklace on.  Rinshi got a particular idea as he walk towards his front door.

Upon his arrival outside of his home, he could see a slightly large puddle of water.  Rinshi performed a few hand signs and the puddle of water began to expand and rise up almost similar to that of a fountain.  Rinshi in slight shock, at what he just performed was now impressed with himself, now believing he just performed a water-based (Suiton) technique.  Rinshi believed this was what his father meant by the necklace would make him stronger, not physically but in fact mentally, he was aware that now he was serene and graceful as flowing water.  Thanks to the necklace, Rinshi was determined to further his training in the element known as Water.  Rinshi knew that it would be a very tedious job and he would have to get serious, though he was not familiar with the water element, he took a liking to it almost instantly.  

Rinshi breathed in slightly gathering his chakra he performed the half tiger seal and held it for a few brief seconds.  After awhile he noticed that a thick fog was now beginning to roll in which was odd as it, did not seem to be a sign of fog when Rinshi stepped outside.  Rinshi thought about it for a second as he thought that maybe he created the fog.  Rinshi remembered a technique used by Kirigakure Shinobi known as the Hidden Mist Jutsu.  The technique was rather basic but in Rinshi’s case it was an adequate step in training his newfound skill, he thought now highly of himself believing that he was now a pretty big deal.  To be from Konohagakure and learn an element that was in fact, opposite of the idea and vision that the village represented.  The Will of Fire the spirit of Konoha a vision inspired by the first founders of the village, but in Rinshi’s case this he would inherit the Will of Water.  From that day forth he referred to his necklace as the Will of Water.


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