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1Child's play [Suiton Training/ Private] Empty Child's play [Suiton Training/ Private] Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:18 am



Suiton is a peculiar element indeed. Like he seas which blanket the earth the manipulation of suiton chakra is among the most delicate of practices a shinobi can partake in. With the mere weaving of a few hand seals one can make the water delicate as the air itself or as strong as steel.  A raging torrent can be reduced to nothing but a gentle stream, a harmless raindrop to a towering tidal wave. Among all of the elements afforded to a shinobi there are perhaps none as simplistically beautiful, nor as deceptively infuriating as suiton. Raiton and katon are wild and violent by nature, doton and futon malleable, practically made to be shaped and molded to the user’s whim. Suiton is capable of serving either purpose almost just as well, in many ways it is almost the perfect supplementary element. And there is no shortage of suiton users to speak of. Shinobi from all countries train and master suiton jutsu as varied as the mind can imagine. So why the hell do I find it so difficult to do the same?

I’ve spent years perfecting my skills with both my ninjutsu and kenjutsu techniques. I can slice a hair down its length if I wanted to, I can mold lightning into almost any shape I can think of, and yet I’m struggling to make standing water over. This is an absolute embarrassment. If Satomi saw me now I would be hearing about this for the rest of my life. By the gods, I must look ridiculous right now. Me, heir to the Ryuzoji clan laying in a muddy puddle moping about my own inabilities. This needs to stop and it needs to stop now. If I cannot overcome some simple suiton training, how can I ever expect to overcome Ieyasu? How can I ever expect to free them?

That’s right, my life does not belong to me alone. Every promise I have made up to this point that remains unfulfilled binds to the one to whom it was made. I have outstanding debts that must be repaid to those people and no puddle of water can wash them away. It’s time to get back to work.

~Out of Bokuden's Mind~

Bokuden remained on his back for a brief moment longer before he would raise himself from the puddle.  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before exhaling and opening his eyes as he began to push himself up with his arms. As he raised himself to an upright seated position he was immediately greeted by the gaze of a small girl sitting at the edge of the paddy field. She didn’t speak to him, she just sat there and stared. What a strange girl, Bokuden thought to himself as he examined his spectator. The girl was young, she couldn’t have been beyond ten years old. Hell, she was practically a toddler as far as Bokuden was concerned. Her presence wouldn’t really interfere with his training as such, but her unwavering gaze did make Bokuden feel a bit uncomfortable. He was used to being watched, but this was different. This was one of the few areas where Bokuden was not having instant success upon first trying. For someone who was used to being good at almost everything, being watched while he failed or even struggled at something was a bitter pill to swallow.

Suiton Training- Word Count: 569



Bokuden glanced back over at the girl for a moment, examining his unwanted spectator. The girl was small and frail looking, obviously not a trained shinobi. She had long black hair that was worn in two very large pigtails which extended all the way down the length of her back. Her facial expression was nothing short of gloomy. Little signs of emotion other than perhaps a tinge of sadness, but that was of course pure speculation. The real question was what was she was doing out here, watching Bokuden train in silence? You figure the least she could do is say something before she decided to just stare at them while they are obviously trying to focus. “Whatever,” Bokuden thought to himself, “As long as she doesn’t get in the way I suppose it’s fine.” Bokuden closed his eyes and took a deep breath as she once again began focusing on molding his suiton chakra, but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps splashing in the water around him. He opened his eyes to see the little girl now standing right in front of him, staring straight up at him with an inquisitive look.

Before Bokuden had a chance to say anything the girl spoke first. “What are you doing mister?” she asked as she tilted her head slightly to right, emphasizing her curiosity.

Bokuden paused for a second as he found himself not sure how to answer her. The question was simple, but he was taken aback by the suddenness of her question. And why the hell did she have to run up so close to him to ask it? “I’m training,” Bokuden replied after shaking off the surprise.

The look on the girl’s face made it obvious that Bokuden’s answer had not quelled her curiosity. “Training? Really?” The girl continued skeptically, “Because it looked like you were taking a nap just a few moments ago.”

Once again Bokuden found himself taken aback by the girl, now also slightly annoyed that she would insinuate that he was napping during his training session. “I was not taking a nap,” Bokuden answered, “I was merely resting. It wasn’t a race, I was in no rush to exhaust all of my chakra as soon as my training session began.”

“Sooo…. Why didn’t you “rest” on the ground over there where it is dry instead of in the middle of this water submerged rice field field? You could have avoided getting your clothes all wet.” The girl inquired, insisting on continuing this conversation. She wasn’t being sarcastic either, this was a legitimate question. She also made a point, but Bokuden had been so frustrated with his struggles that at the time logic meant nothing to him.

“I wasn’t napping!” Bokuden snapped back, “I was just taking a rest to pace myself and preserve chakra to train for an extended period of time!”

“Chakra? Then are you a shinobi? Are you from the village at the top of the mountain?” the girl asked, “It’s a bit weird that a shinobi would be napping out here in the open. Aren’t you supposed to have your guard up at all times in case of danger?” This girl just kept asking questions, much to Bokuden’s annoyance. There wasn’t much he could do about it either. What was he going to do, threaten a child? A little girl at that? No matter how much of an annoyance she became Bokuden wasn’t some mindless savage that he would endanger a child for no reason. The only real options he had were humor the girl’s curiosity and put off his training or kindly ask her to leave him in peace, he chose the latter.

“Indeed I am,” Bokuden replied with a smile as he patted the girl’s head, “And this training is kind of important for me to get done. Do you think it would be possible for you to get a safe distance away from here. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if you were injured because I was irresponsible and let you stick around knowing it could be dangerous.” Without saying a word the girl nodded her head up and down, a look of disappointment in her eyes, and turned away to run off. Bokuden closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief as he once again began attempting to focus his suiton chakra. This feeling of relief however, was cut short when he reopened his eyes to see the girl had retreated to the exact same spot where she was when he first noticed her. He hung his head for a moment and exhaled before raising his head to lock eyes with her. “Uhhh… That isn’t exactly what I meant,” Bokuden said as he rubbed the back of his head, “I think it would be safer if you didn’t stick around to watch me train. Less chance of something happening, you know?”

She looked back at Bokuden with a confused look and remaine silent for a brief moment. “But… what else am I supposed to do?”

Bokuden was not really sure how to answer that question. Was this girl really asking him to tell her what to do with her day? Bokuden scratched his head for a moment and began to answer her. “I don’t know. What do you usually do for fun out here? I’m sure you can go meet up with your friends or something, I saw a bunch of kids around the rice paddies on the way down here.”

The girl’s eyes shifted towards the ground, breaking eye contact with Bokuden as she wrapped her arms around her knees and sort of curled up into a ball. “I… don’t really play with the other kids. They think I’m weird. That’s why I thought that maybe I could watch you… I promise I won’t be in the way…”

Bokuden almost felt his heart sink into his chest as a feeling of guilt surged through him. He wasn’t even particularly sure why if he were to be honest. It wasn’t like this was the first time he had ever heard a sob story, but he sympathized with this girl in particular. Maybe it was because he himself understood the feeling of being alone as a child or maybe it was because this girl made him think of his own sister. Maybe it was both. Regardless of the reasoning Bokuden had a change of heart and walked over to where the girl was sitting, gently placing his hand on the top of her head. “Weird? I don’t know what you mean,” Bokuden said with a smile, “Don’t worry about it, you can hang out with me today. I’ll just be extra careful.”

The girl’s eyes lit up as she raised her head with a smile and almost a look of disbelief. “Really? Do you mean it?” she asked, the excitement evident in her voice.

Bokuden nodded his head reassuringly before removing his hand from the top of her head. “Now sit tight and watch. I’ll show you some shinobi techniques. I’m training to use my suiton jutsu more effectively.” Bokuden then walked back to the center of the submerged field and waved back to the girl with a smile notifying her that he was about to begin. He took a deep breathe once again and began focusing his chakra down into the water immediately surrounding his feet. He slowly began using his chakra to manipulate the shape and behavior of the water, creating two streams of water which shot up violently in a double helix formation around him. Bokuden intended to then manipulate the streams into different shapes, demonstrating his control over the suiton element and entertain his spectator, but they fell back into the water beneath him just as quickly as they had risen.  It was the same problem he had been having all morning and the reason why he was out here training in the first place, he could manipulate the water and cause it to come forth with potency, but he could not seem to maintain the shape manipulation for longer than a few moments. His face grew tense as his frustration returned prompting him to try again this time using more chakra. Once again the streams sprang forth in the helix formation this time going even further up into the air, but still dispersing and falling back into the water immediately after. Now even more frustrated Bokuden simply decided to pour a huge amount of chakra into the water causing it to erupt more like a geyser than the double helix shaped streams he had produced before, but in the end they too immediately ceased and fell back into the submerged field. He hung his head in disappointment as he let out a deep sigh, feeling slightly embarrassed knowing the little girl had seen him fail miserably at his suiton training.

“You won’t ever get it if you keep doing it like that, you know.” The girl said suddenly from the edge of the field.

Bokuden looked up surprised before responding. “What do you mean?” he asked.

The girl stood up from her seated position at the edge of the field and walked into the water, wading her way through it until she reached Bokuden’s location. “I know what your problem is. I can help you if you want,” she said cheerfully as she clasped her hands together behind her back and circled around Bokuden.

“Do you now?” Bokuden said with a smirk, curious as to what this girl was talking about, “And what exactly is my problem?” The idea of this little girl from the rice paddies being able to help him with his jutsu training was absurd, but it wasn’t like he had anything to lose at that point. She had already seen him fail, it’s not like he would embarrass himself any further by hearing her out.

“You’re a raiton user. A powerful one at that, your raiton chakra is more violent than a normal shinobi’s,” she explained, “I could tell it was different from the moment you began forming it. You are used to just gathering up the chakra necessary to perform your jutsu and then just releasing it indiscriminately, just letting the sheer power of your raiton do the work for you. Suiton isn’t like raiton, you can’t just release it and expect to see perfect results.” The tone in which she spoke surprised Bokuden. Gone was the hesitant and unsure stutter that she used before. The way she was speaking now was much more confident, much more self-assured, almost authoritative. It was like he was speaking to a completely different person.

Bokuden stared at her silently, unsure of how to respond to her explanation. The way this girl spoke about the suiton element so freely let on that she knew much more about it than a normal little girl from the rice paddies should, his interest had been piqued. “Alright then,” Bokuden answered back confidently, “I’ll bite. Elaborate on why my method isn’t working and how I can fix it."

She unclasped her hands and raised one in the air, pointing her index finger to accentuate her point. “Well, think about it. Would a standing puddle of water hurt someone?” She asked “Then why would your suiton be as effective as your raiton if you aren’t truly controlling it. You might as well just be shooting out a puddle of water. You have to think of your suiton as an extension of yourself. You can’t just throw your arm out there and expect it to do what you want of its own accord, can you?”

Her words made more sense than Bokuden really cared to admit. Here he was being lectured about one of his own elements by a little girl who as far as he knew wasn’t even a shinobi. He looked down a the water around him before locking eyes with this now mysterious girl once again. “An extension of myself? Like… my sword?” Bokuden asked, gripping the hilt of his katana.

“Exactly!” she exclaimed, raising her hands into the air as she spoke. “What is a sword in the hands of an inexperienced wielder?”

Bokuden gripped the hilt of his sword tighter as he thought processed her words “Useless…” Bokuden said as he stared down at his sword before looking up at her and continuing, “Just like my suiton.”

The girl frowned as she saw the expression on Bokuden’s face change to one that portrayed disappointment. She ran over to him and pulled on his can before speaking again. “Oh don’t be like that!” she insisted while jumping up and down, her long pig tails getting dangerously close to the water every time she landed, “Come on, I can show you!” She stopped jumping up and down and released her grip on Bokuden’s hands before running a couple of meters away from where he was standing. “Water on its own is not all that useful,” she said before raising a stream of water up from the submerged field beneath her, shaping it into a small sphere of water in the palm of her hand, “But when you learn to use it correctly there are few things that can match its power. Think of the chakra you put into the water as the hand you wield your katana with and the water as your sword. Would you expect your hand to just do what it needs to do without guidance?”

Bokuden only became more suspicious as the girl displayed her ability to manipulate water. Was this girl a shinobi after all? Bokuden didn’t really suspect her to be a threat, but years of training dictated that he could not afford to cross off that possibility. Still, from what he knew of her so far he liked the kid. He would go along with whatever she wanted to do for now. Maybe he could even get some suiton pointers from her after all. “Well actually yes,” Bokuden replied, “ I’ve spent years training my body and honing my reflexes to allow for my body to respond effectively when I need it without the use of-“

“Yadda yadda yadda,” the girl interjected, cutting off Bokuden mid-sentence. She seemed to be getting more comfortable with Bokuden, this newfound confidence was a stark contrast to how she behaved earlier. “But you haven’t had that kind of training with suiton, have you?” She continued, asking Bokuden in a playful manner. Bokuden raised an eyebrow and shook his head while grinning, waiting for her to continue. After seeing his response she continued to speak, “Good! So listen to what I say. Consider it retraining your body to use master the use of a new sword. You’ve done that before, right?” Bokuden once again shook his head with the same amused expression on his face. “Then it’s settled! I’ll help you practice!” she exclaimed as she grabbed a hold of one of Bokuden’s hands and started pulling him in the direction she was running, “Now come with me, I know the perfect place to train!”

Suiton Training- Word Count: 3143



Bokuden allowed her to drag him by the hand as she began leading him away from the rice paddy he was training on. Bokuden wondered where this girl could possibly be leading him. It wasn’t like there was a shortage of water to be manipulated, there was already plenty of water on the submerged field. Besides, if all else failed Bokuden could easily just create the water that he could use to train using his chakra. Controlling the water was his problem, but spitting it out? Child’s play. Furthermore, it wasn’t even like who knew who this girl was to be following her around to some undisclosed location. They hadn’t even been properly introduced yet. Bokuden ceased allowing him to be dragged along by the girl, bringing them both to a halt and prompting the girl to turn to face him with a confused look. “Hey, before we go to this place train, don’t you think we should be properly introduced first?” Bokuden asked placing his free hand on the back of his neck.

The girl remained silent for a moment, tilting her head in curiosity before showing Bokuden a wide grin. “Yeah,” she said, nodding her head to Bokuden, “I’m Nami.”

“Bokuden,” he replied, nodding his head in return. Nami then tugged on his arm once more and the two were off again to this mystery training location. Bokuden only grew more confused as she lead him off of the rice paddies entirely and over towards a wooded area. “Are you sure that we should be leaving the rice paddies?” Bokuden inquired, still being led away from the fields, “Won’t your parents want you to stay close to home or something? Let alone with some stranger you just met.”

Still running, Name turned her head to face Bokuden’s and smiled. “Oh don’t worry about that,” she answered cheerfully, “I don’t have parents.”

Bokuden could only remain silent as he heard Nami speak, unable to weave together the correct words to respond to a statement like that coming from a child. Her cheerful disposition made the statement even stranger, leaving Bokuden unable to read whether or not she was feigning happiness or not. He was no stranger to feigning a smile, which made it even more curious. The smile on her face didn’t seem forced, was she really that comfortable with the subject? Regardless, Bokuden decided that it wasn’t his place to ask questions about her parents, he had only just met the girl after all. Even if it didn’t appear to be a sore subject for Nami, it was certainly a personal one and one that he would respect enough not to pry into.

Bokuden decided that it would be best to remain silent the rest of the way to wherever she was taking him. The silence was short lived however, as only minutes after they entered the forested area they arrived at a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a pond of water shaded by the forests tower trees, allowing only streams of light in through the treetops to illuminate the area. “Here we are!” Nami exclaimed, “This is where we are going to train!”

Training Suiton- Word Count: 3685



“This is where we are going to train?” Bokuden asked skeptically. There was nothing wrong with this particular spot per se, it would likely prove to be a good a location as any due to the pre-existing water, but there wasn’t anything evidently special about it. If anything it had less water than the rice paddies that Nami had just led him away from. He walked over to the edge of the pond casually and tapped the surface of the water with the bottom of his shoe, causing a ripple effect in the water. “The pond isn’t all that deep either,” he thought to himself before turning around to wait for Nami’s response.

“Yup,” Nami replied, nodding her head, “I always come out here when I want to practice.”

Bokuden raised an eyebrow as her words reminded him that he never did inquire about her ability to manipulate water. “Speaking of practice,” Bokuden began, “I was quite surprised when you demonstrated your abilities earlier. What you did seemed more like a skill a shinobi would have than that of a little girl from the rice paddies. I mean, you’re even giving me tips on how to better utilize one of my elements more effectively. Where did you learn to do that?”

“I’m not really sure,” Nami answered a bit timidly, “It’s just something that I’ve kind of been able to do. I’m not really sure where it comes from.” Nami then walked over to the edge of the pond where Bokuden was standing and crouched down, running her hand through the water below. “No one ever told me why I could do it either. They always just tell me not to, that it’s bad. And I’ve never really had a lot of friends. That’s why I always come out here to practice. This way no one can see me.”

“I see, so that’s how it is,” Bokuden thought to himself as he listened to Nami’s words. Feeling sympathetic with Nami’s story Bokuden took a step to his right, closing the distance between he and Nami at the edge of the pond, crouched down, and placed his hand on the center of her head between her pigtails. “It’s not bad,” Bokuden said in a reassuring tone, “There is absolutely nothing bad about what you are capable of. It’s amazing if anything, demonstrating that kind of chakra control at your age. If you are this comfortable with the suiton element now, with no training, then I can only imagine what you could do with some real instruction and jutsu knowledge. You should be proud of your abilities. There are plenty of people that would do anything to be able to do what we can do. Have you ever considered heading up to the village atop the mountain and enrolling in the shinobi academy? You might be a little behind with the rest of the curriculum, but that is easy to overcome. Shinobi skills and basic combat techniques can be taught, natural talent cannot.” Bokuden then placed his hands over his knees and pushed himself back to a standing position before continuing. “You said that you come here to practice with the water often, right? Show me.”

Suiton Training- Word Count: 4236



Nami’s eyes widened as she heard Bokuden speak, unsure of how to react to what he was telling her. Finally, after a moment’s pause she gulped down air and began to speak. “I… I can’t” Nami said, shifting her gaze away from Bokuden’s before continuing, “I can’t leave the rice paddies, especially not to go to the village. The family I stay with doesn’t like shinobis, they would forbid it. I don’t even have any friends up there, I won’t know anyone. I wouldn’t know what to do.” Her hands began to tremble as she spoke, clearly telegraphing a feeling of fear that was coming over her at the thought of leaving the rice paddies to attend the shinobi academy.

“Hmmmm,” Bokuden hummed as he thought of an appropriate response to the concerns she was voicing to him, “Well, answer me this one question then. Are you happy here? I don’t mean to pry into your personal matters, but being shunned, forced to hide your talents and practice in the woods out of fear, afraid to leave the rice paddies because you are afraid that the family you stay with will disown you? It doesn’t sound like an ideal place for a kid to be. And not to sound insensitive, but the fact that you preferred to sit around with some stranger and watch him practice ninjutsu rather than play with the other kids tells me that at least a part of you wants to go to the academy as well. But you are wrong about something. You said you don’t have any friends in the village, that’s a lie. I’m there.” A reassuring smile grew across Bokuden’s face as he tried to ease Nami’s fear, “Even if you choose not to go to the Academy in the end, look me up in the village if you need anything. I’m your friend now, I can help you.”

Tears began to swell up in Nami’s eyes as she sprung up and hugged Bokuden, clinging to his waist. “Oh come on, don’t cry,” Bokuden said frantically, unsure of how to react, “It’s okay. You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do.” Bokuden hesitantly placed his hand on her head in an effort to comfort her and prevent her from crying any more tears into his coat. As if he didn’t spend enough on dry cleaning services already.

Nami shook her head into Bokuden’s coat before looking up at him and speaking, “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to cry… it’s just-“

“It’s alright, don’t worry about it. I understand,” Bokuden said kindly before gently removing himself from her grip, putting a bit of distance between them so he could crouch down to her eye level, “The offer stands, but there will be plenty of time to talk about that later. For now, you still owe me a demonstration, don’t you?” Bokuden patted her on the head and turned her around, nudging her over in the direction of the pond.

Suiton Training- Word Count: 4766



Nami turned her head back around to look at Bokuden and offer a smile before she stepped right to the edge of the pond. As she took another step forward Bokuden raised an eyebrow. “Is she going to try and walk across the surface of the pond water? She couldn’t have taught herself the supernatural walking practice jutsu, could she?” Bokuden thought to himself as he stared intently at Nami’s foot as it slowly lowered itself down to the water. Much to Bokuden’s surprise however, he foot never went all the way down to the surface of the pond. Instead a small spout of water shot up from the pond, the force of the stream acting as a platform of sorts, supporting Nami as she lowered her weight down onto it. As name walked forward another small spout sprang up from the pond, supporting her next step. More such spouts popped up every time she took a step until she finally reached the center of the pond where a larger spout of water shot up, wide enough to support her entire body.

Bokuden couldn’t help but let a wide smile grow across his face as he saw Nami manipulate the water in such a way. “Clever girl,” Bokuden thought to himself as he let out a small chuckle, “She was never trained to control raw chakra in such a way to allow for the use of the supernatural walking practice jutsu so she made up her own way to walk on water.” Nami’s ingenuity and the seer precision with which she was able to control the water to create the pressure necessary to support her weight only made him believe further that she needed to be in the shinobi Academy in the village. Her talents were wasted down here in the rice paddies, she was above them. Standing up straight once again Bokuden made his way over to the center of the pond as well, but he of course simply used his supernatural walking practice jutsu to walk across the water.

“How are you doing that so easily?” Nami inquired when Bokuden walked across the water to her location, “You aren’t moving the water at all!”

“It’s a shinobi technique, a pretty basic one at that,” Bokuden replied, “It allows us to walk on surfaces that would otherwise be impossible to do so on, like water and even walls and ceilings. It’s called the supernatural walking practice technique. I could teach it to you if you’d like.”

Nami shook her head back and forth before answering him. “No. I’d like to learn it, but it can wait until later,” she said, “I promised I’d help you with your suiton, so let’s do that.” Nami then caused a small stream of water to rise up from the spout she was standing on and swirled it around in the palm of her hand until it formed a sphere shape. “You know how to play catch, right?” She asked jokingly, “That is what we are going to do. I’ll throw you this ball of water and you catch it. The catch is that it needs chakra to maintain its shape. You seem to be having trouble maintaining jutsu, but no problems initiating them. Practicing like this I’m the one initiating the jutsu, but it you don’t maintain its shape with your own chakra when you catch it, it will just turn back into water and fall apart. Sound like a plan?”

Training Suiton- Word Count: 5359



“Playing catch to train my suiton control?” Bokuden thought to himself as he watched Nami toss the suiton sphere between her two hands effortlessly, never allowing the shape manipulation to falter, “A bit unorthodox, but I suppose I have nothing to lose. She is the expert here after all.” Bokuden took a few steps back raised both of his hands out in front of him just above chest level, signaling that he was ready to catch her throw, “Alright, let’s give it a shot. I’m ready.”

“All right, here it comes!” Nami shouted over to him, seemingly excited at the chance to play. Bokuden wondered for a moment if perhaps he had put too much distance between he and Nami, but he figured he could always just move in if need be. As he stood there ready to catch the suiton ball he noticed Nami performing a full wind up like a pitcher in baseball. Bokuden was unsure of what to think of the wind up, but hey she was a kid, she probably just saw some people throw like that and thought it was cool. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal, right? As Name brought her hand back down over her she released the ball with incredible velocity to which Bokuden immediately responded by making a water clone in front of him. The clone caught the ball, but the force from the throw caused him to fall back into Bokuden, resulting in them both sliding a few feet back. Bokuden looked up at Nami in shock as the suiton sphere in his clone’s hands reverted back to normal water and splashed into the pond below.

“Uhhh… What was that?” Bokuden asked, still a bit stunned by the events that had just transpired, “Since when were you a professional ball player?”

“Oh that? I’ve played baseball my whole life, I’m the ace of my team,” Nami said gleefully, “But you didn’t maintain the sphere! Come one, let’ try again!” As she spoke she began molding another suiton sphere in her hand and began tossing it up and down.

Before she could start her wind up once again Bokuden began waving his arms, signaling for her to hold on. “Wait, wait, wait. Ease up a bit, we should start training at a lower intensity first. Just toss it to me. Gently.” Nami then tossed it softly to Bokuden who caught it and held it for a few moments, but it reverted back to water before he could throw it. The training continued in this manner for a long while after. At first Bokuden struggled to maintain the sphere, but he gradually was able to maintain it for longer and longer stretches enabling them to play catch without the need to remake the sphere every ten seconds. This extra time allow Bokuden and Nami more time to talk, Bokuden continually dropping subtle hints that she should go to the Academy. Time passed and eventually the two needed to bring their training to an end. Bokuden departed, leaving behind his contact information just in case she ever decided to become a shinobi and returned to the village, twirling a sphere of suiton in his hand the whole way back.

Training Suiton- Word Count: 5904

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