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1I Finally Found It....  (open)(no kill) Empty I Finally Found It.... (open)(no kill) Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:36 am



The air was cold against my body, as the muscles within my body would tremble from the shock. Mist was surrounding most of the area around me, as i searched for the village of Kirigakure. As i walked further down the misty path, a man appeared before me. He had two children, and a cart, the cart had broken down. The man waved, and asked me for some help fixing his cart, or even carrying it for him in return for something. I muttered a few words to this man, i was not really in a mood to talk to anyone.

"I will help you, in exchange for information leading me to Kirigakure. I have....traveled years.....searching for it..." A shiver running up my spine as i said the last bit of words. The man smiled and pointed ahead. "I was on my way there, your more than welcome to join us." his voice sweet, almost sickening to my stomach. Having been alone for so long it became hard to trust random people. I helped the man pick up and fix his cart, the two children staying within the cart and silent, i think one might have been asleep. We walked along the road a little more. The mist slightly beginning to clear up. At least i thought it was clearing up.

After a few more hours walking, we approached a station. A few ninja set guard. The man i helped passed through holding up his identification allowing him passage to trade goods in the village. He thanked me and waved as he walked away further past the guards. I held up a letter from my old town from where i grew up. "My name is Jiro Ikanosan, I'm from a village by the sea, about, from what i can think of. five days journey from this area. I have traveled for more than four years to find this village. To train and become a ninja, and be apart of kirigakure, is my goal." my voice firm, my letter open in front of one guards face. I awaited to be inspected, and brought to someone who could help me, but the way these guards looked, I couldn't read them.



I looked around, the gaurds made me feel slightly uncomfortable, i withdrew my hand holding the paper. I walked around the gaurds to my backside, and began walking away from the city. If noone were to let me through i might as well go train and come back later, the people around me were irritating my mind anyways. I put the paper back into my pocket, running a hand over my head as i spit upon the ground. If kirigakure wouldnt let me through, i would go somewhere else.  I began to head to the direction of Sunagakure. I could use a little sun, besides, i always loved the sand. My mind set on a destination i prepared myself for a new adventure. I will prove to kirigakure that i will become strong. yet i stood still, only a few yards from the guards, thinking about my masters wishes. Should i pursue what i wish, or fulfill the masters request. It all loomed around inside my head.



The weather was chilly, but just the way Keiko liked it. Anyone who was unaccustomed to the often frigid temperatures of Mizu no Kuni would undoubtedly find life within Kirigakure unbearable, unless they were able to adapt to it within a couple weeks. After a couple missions within the village, Keiko was beginning to find the village rather stifling, and so she had ventured out to the edge of the village for some fresh air and time alone.

The guards paid her no mind, after all, the cold aura that she gave off as an Aisu clan member was enough to show that she was a Kiri nin - any nukenin formerly from Kiri would have been recognized and confronted. Taking slow, leisurely steps as she walked, she spotted a rather tall figure looming in the distance, hovering near one of the entrance gates to the village. Eyes narrowed curiously, she increased her pace, reaching a distance close enough to hear the end of what he was saying. "…be apart of Kirigakure, that is my goal." Hm, interesting. So it appeared as though some random person was attempting to become a citizen of Kirigakure, and join their shinobi ranks as well. The guards seemed to completely ignore his words, and after a moment, the large man turned away, spitting on the ground in what appeared to be an action of spite and irritation.

"You're a ronin?" Keiko called out curiously as she approached him, still maintaining a careful distance of approximately three meters from him. She had yet to do any missions that required her to travel far from the village, so encounters with shinobi of any other villages or even ronin were a rare occurrence, which probably explained her sudden display of interest.



"You're a Ronin?"

A voice called out as Jiro's back was turned. He stopped and peeked his head around, a girl stood about three meters away from him. Her expression seemed to be that of intrest, but all he saw was her shinobi headband. "Are you a ninja?" he asked back, forgetting his manners, but it was of no intrest at the time. After a second, rethinking what she had said, he fully turned around and bent at the knees to ponder an answer. "Ronin...? Hmm.. I guess i am, although ive only been around Mizu no kuni. Ive looked for this village since i was twelve." He smiled slightly, still excited from seeing the headband.

5I Finally Found It....  (open)(no kill) Empty Re: I Finally Found It.... (open)(no kill) Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:04 pm



Keiko merely stood there and blinked as he responded to her question with a question of his own - therefore not answering her question at all. But before she could make a sharp retort about his rudeness, he seemed to go back and correct himself, answering her question rather vaguely. Perhaps it did make sense that ronin wouldn't call themselves ronin unless they knew what it was like to be different and not allied to a village or country. That comment about looking for the village since he was twelve though … "Twelve?" She blurted out incredulously, giving him a full-body glance to judge his age. He had to be a teenager at least, her age or maybe older - it was hard to judge by his size.

And speaking of size … he was definitely over six feet, and his bulkiness seemed to raise a signal in her head. But she couldn't quite place her finger on it, and it wasn't that uncommon to be slightly over six feet, she supposed. Just an overreaction on her part. Without waiting for his answer, she continued speaking, bombarding him with questions. "Why did it take you so long? And if you're a ronin, why do you want to get into Kirigakure?" Their Mizukage definitely wouldn't just allow any random shinobi to join their ranks … especially when it was a stranger who seemed to have spent years just specifically looking for their village.

6I Finally Found It....  (open)(no kill) Empty Re: I Finally Found It.... (open)(no kill) Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:38 pm



Her sharp words hit him hard, his face went from happiness to serious. "I have a letter revealing why i was sent here, and for not knowing where the village was, well it was a trial given to me by my master." Jiro had a slight tear form in his eye. "My master took me in after he found me orphened at the age of 5, and due to my...." He paused, his hands held out slightly upwards. His eyes running over them with disgust and anger. He would slam his right arm on the ground, a dark tone starting to run up his arm, as he sat. His breathing getting quite serious. He would focus on controlling himself, as he fetched for the letter in his pocket. Jiro managed to toss the letter at the girls feet after a few seconds of trouble getting it out. While the letter landed in front of her he would fall on his back and begin gripping his head, a pain beginning to shoot throughout his body. He reached for his water, grabbing it as his hands shook. "Im sorry if i seem a bit weird, it is because i am. Im from the jugo clan, and sometimes this feeling just begins to take over my body, but my master tried to help me fight it and control it. Until he died.." He slumped his body back up, his right hand covering his right eye, as it rested on his right knee. "The letter is from my villages council, four years ago, they sent me on a quest to deliever this to the kirigakure village, a request to make me a honorable shinobi." He would begin to stand again, his dark tone skin reciding back.

"They wouldnt let me too far from the village, which is why ive not a clue where kirigakure was. My master thought it would be a nice trial for me to learn from living off the land, getting stronger as i made my way to kirigakure, at least its what i hope he wanted...The letter states the same as ive said to you." He would turn away from her and hide his few tears. His mind drifting off to the times off his parents deaths, and his masters passing, living in solitude, with nothing but the nature to talk with. He would then sit crossing his legs as he stopped sobbing and began to meditate his mind, his face turning back into a serious look.

After a moment he turned back around standing up once more, looking down at the girl, who looked around his age, but seemed way more mature than her time. He was sparked with an interest, and hoped she wouldnt push him away from the village. Then he noticed her hair, its magenta color poping, reminding him of the beautiful flowers he had seen while living in the forrest by the sea. he kept calm, and pulled out one of the flowers, his hand reaching out to her with it pinched within his index finger and thumb. "It matches your hair,you might like this...I have no use for it..." his voice trailing off into silence as he stood there awaiting further actions to come.



Wolfgang had been walking outside, looking forsomething too amuse himself, he hadnt had much fun since his fight with the small kid, Now that was a good time he thought to himself as he walked down the Neutral tempurature road, Chest bared to the elements due to his numbness, there was an upside to his curse he guessed. Whilst walking down the road he noticed two people, one was a man, or a teen, but he was slightly tall, not taller then he but still he was a tall boy, and talking to him was a girl, very short at that, with magenta hair, they seemed...Interesting. Wolfgang sat afar for a while listening on their conversation taking little interest in the words but he was biding his time before he approached them, he didnt know if they would be dangerous to him or not. he boy had given her a flower How...Cute haha thats when he finally went out and approached the two of them, Looking down momentarily looking at his tattoos, liking the cover up that he had to get from the kunai cuts from last time...he would get that kid Sero... but for now he would see what these kids had to offer. He called out to them Hey love Birds, what are you doing here, an you tall kid you dont look familliar are you from out of town, im not a big fan of outsiders, haha



The situation was getting progressively weird, to the point where Keiko was beginning to regret succumbing to her curiosity and approaching this stranger. The sudden change in facial expression was the first indication of what would appear to be an instability of emotion, and the genin tensed up as he slammed his hand onto the ground, a strange dark tinge to his skin becoming visible. She could barely hear his words as she focused her gaze on him, narrowing her eyes as he reached into his pocket. If he were to pull out some sort of weapon … it was risky to engage in a battle without knowing much about her opponent, but seeing as there were guards nearby, it wasn't too much of a danger. But it appeared as though her worries were for naught as he simply pulled out a piece of paper and tossed it rather carelessly at her feet. Or at least, attempted to. Seeing as she was still about there meters away, the paper fluttered in the air towards her, but never quite reached her. Head tilting slightly to one side, she made no move to pick up the piece of paper, instead watching what looked like some sort of … anxiety attack? He was trembling, hands shaking as he attempted to open his water bottle.

"Im sorry if i seem a bit weird, it is because i am. Im from the jugo clan, and sometimes this feeling just begins to take over my body, but my master tried to help me fight it and control it. Until he died.." It took a moment for his words to register, but when it did, it finally clicked. Ah, so he's one of those Jugo clan members .. She didn't know much about the clan, only they were generally ronin, and that fighting those of this particular clan could turn rather messy. He continued to talk as he stood back up - apparently having regained control of himself again and attained some form of calmness - but his words made little sense to her. Village council? A quest to become a shinobi of Kirigakure? Her gaze flickered back to the letter, and after a moment of thought, she approached the piece of paper, picking it up carefully and glancing briefly at it's contents.

"So you're … trying to get into Kiri to complete this quest of yours? What if you get rejected? Kirigakure does not take kindly to strangers." She chose her words carefully, trying to dull the usual bluntness of her words in an attempt to help maintain the other's temper. It could be possible for her to bring him into the village and hand him over to the authorities … maybe help him request for a hearing with the Mizukage. But was that the best idea? Kirigakure may be trying to break away from it's former "Bloody Mist" image, but that didn't mean they simply let any random stranger into their midst. The Jugo member sat down again, and after a moment, pulled out a small flower, offering it to her. "It matches your hair,you might like this...I have no use for it..." … Whaaat. Keiko reached for the flower, taking it from him and cupping it in her hands, studying it curiously. How exactly was she supposed to respond to this? It was a nice compliment, but at the same time, this was a total stranger. His words and actions made him seem much younger, as though here were merely a young child attempting to please everyone around him. And that made her feel slightly bad, even to the point of actually wanting to help him. Maybe. "I … Um, thank you." She managed. "It's beautiful."

The appearance of another Kiri nin became apparent to Keiko even before the other said anything, but any relief Keiko could have felt towards having someone else to help with this situation disappeared the moment the large Osada member spoke. "Love birds?" She repeated in disbelief, eyes narrowed in annoyance. "It would do you good to not jump to conclusions right away." She said flatly, turning slightly to face the new arrival.



When the girl accepted the flower, he smiled slightly, head buzzing from the slight attack from his curse. He was happy, someone he had come across was actually nice for a change, as well as cautious. Jiro heard a man come over talking about something, it involving them, but he couldnt quite hear it all, his head still buzzing. He stood, and had to look up to this fellow, the man must be a few more inches taller, as well as a bit larger than jiro. Jiro shook his head, and sighed, as he turned his attention back to her, "Friend of yours....?" he asked, his tone non threatening. Jiro would look at the man again, and notice he was also a ninja from the village, but he seemed like an odd one, someone whom, like Jiro, would fight without hesitation. His eyes would draw back to the girl as a silence slightly loomed, Jiro trying to figure out the situation. Nature began to spring into life around them, birds chirping in the crisp morning air. Jiro would look around now, almost forgetting about the other two, his mind drifting back into nature.

10I Finally Found It....  (open)(no kill) Empty Re: I Finally Found It.... (open)(no kill) Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:57 pm



He had asked if this girl was a friend of his, silly kid he was, he efinitly wasnt from this area, most knew of him, most knew of his parents, but this kid...didnt, Hey, buddy do you know who i am, i think this girl here may of heard of me most people do at some point or are you really not from here are you, Why are you in our little...humble...abode He said to the kid that was the newcomer to the village, his village didnt like newcomers too much, and this kid looked...odd something was differant aboujt him, he seemed to listen to the birds o sometihng when they started tweeting about. He would learn about this boy an maybe even attack him if he had the chance.

11I Finally Found It....  (open)(no kill) Empty Re: I Finally Found It.... (open)(no kill) Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:53 pm



There were several elements to this conversation that alone were enough to set off her temper. The first being the fact that this Jugo person made no attempt in answering her questions about his intentions should the village not accept him, seeing to completely bypass what she said in favour of directing his attention towards the arrival of the other Kiri nin. Being someone who was rather used to having the attention on herself - at least when she was speaking - it was rather irritating, her gaze darkening ever so slightly to express her annoyance. What, so just because the new arrival was another bulky male, it was now a scene between two large dogs fighting for alpha male? She could hear the ronin ask whether the other shinobi was a friend, but before she could reply, the second element that contributed to the continuation of a downward spiral in her mood occurred as the other replied in a disgustedly arrogant fashion.

"… this girl here …" This girl? What was she, a mere female to be overlooked? The way he seemed to casually refer to her made Keiko scoff softly in disbelief, the usual cold aura that normally surrounded Aisu clan members suddenly dropping even more, to the point where it was almost distinctly obvious. The word Wolfgang continued to utter became exponentially more ludicrous. Kirigakure wasn't exactly a tiny little town where everyone knew each other - whether you were known was generally based on your clan or family's reputation or the reputation you build for yourself. From what she knew, she was almost entirely certain that she had no idea who this person was at all.

"I'm sorry, I'll give you a moment to excuse yourself for everything you just uttered," Keiko said smoothly to the other male, "since it seems as though you haven't quite gotten your arrogance in check before walking into this conversation." She didn't particularly care how the male would react, though seeing as he seemed to have a swollen ego, he would likely not take kindly to her little comment. But if he decided to do anything about it, she'd deal with that then. Turning back to the male - who now seems rather distracted - she let a moment pass before saying, "You know, those guards aren't going to stop you from walking into Kirigakure. We have travellers going in and out of the village."

12I Finally Found It....  (open)(no kill) Empty Re: I Finally Found It.... (open)(no kill) Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:07 am



When the other male, was to assume he was the king of the block and spoke as such, it would begin to infuriate Jiro. But before he could react, the girl began to go in on the other male. Jiro causaly holding back a smile as he saw how tough she was despite being female and small, way smaller than the other. He would wait as she then turned to him asking him more things. "If i were to not be accepted i guess i would roam around, and try to find a place where i fit in. I ultimately tho would love to be a kiri ninja. The guards just seemed to be troubled as to why i was entering, guess my size was the issue, but if you want to show me around town or something that would be great, seeing as i dont know much about kirigakure." Jiro sincere about his words, as he payed no more mind to the other male, trying to keep his jugo powers under control, not wanting to be tempted into a fight that might possibly lead to destruction. He was affraid of himself more than anyone else. he would move slowly, almost getting beside the girl, as he smiled, almost as if asking her to show the way.

13I Finally Found It....  (open)(no kill) Empty Re: I Finally Found It.... (open)(no kill) Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:08 am



Your size! haha, you are puny, Aha. A kiri Ninja huh? well then welcome to the greeting party, and i wont excuse myself for Jack shit, Bitchy, aha Wolfgang then walked up to the guy looking down on him, and he noticed that a little bit before, the man made a slight twicth of his face, which meant he was holding out on some sort of emotion, hopefully anger , he would wrok on that emotion now, Someones scared, eh? maybe a little angry buddy, hat are you going to do about it...Attack me? you are a short newcomer who thinks he is top shit, and honestly, you girl whatever your name is are being a bitch, and because you dont remember me, Im the kid that killed his own parents a few years back..i think 15...I'm much better at it now though... He said as he looked back and forth forth hoping one of them woould strike first, Both of you Lovebirds Couldnt take me together, hahaha
Using whatever words are here for Oxel Jutsu

Last edited by Wolfgang on Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

14I Finally Found It....  (open)(no kill) Empty Re: I Finally Found It.... (open)(no kill) Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:54 pm



She could have still turned away and left the area. The amount of idiocy gathered in the air around her was overwhelming, and it would take an effort to just return back to her walk and perhaps go back into the village for some training. If need be, she could even go as far as to lead this Jugo person - she still didn't know his name - into the village and direct him to the administration building, provided that she was in a helpful mood. There was a small part of her that felt bad for him, having lost someone who appeared very dear to him, then spending years just trying to find the village that she had lived her entire life in. If he were rejected, from what he said, it would seem that he intended to continue on his search for someplace to belong to. She could sympathize to an extent, the feeling of wanting to belong, to be accepted the way you were.

Unfortunately, whatever remained of the little voice in her mind whispering for her to just turn and walk away was brutally gutted and murdered on the spot the moment Wolfgang opened his mouth again. But seeing as the very first words he had uttered when walking up to them had been enough to annoy her, it didn't come as much of a surprise that he wouldn't improve as the conversation rolled along. His first jab was at her height, something that appeared insignificant and irrelevant, seeing as she had been logically expecting him to respond to her comment about excusing himself first. I suppose logic cannot be applied to egoistical idiots.She reasoned in her head, turning to stare at him blankly, clearly showing that the insult to her size didn't quite faze her. He then switched to throw a few words to the other male, which caused Keiko to raise a single slender eyebrow. "You are a short newcomer who thinks he is top shit …" At that, she let out a breathy derisive laugh, rolling her eyes. If anyone, wouldn't the one speaking be the one thinking he was 'top shit'?

The second use of the word 'bitch' was thrown out, and Keiko sighed out loud - the single audible release of air through her mouth signalling that there was no walking away now. If she took the time to think, it would have done her good to consider the fact that she didn't know anything about the person she was about to attack, but like always, her temper and head-strong tendencies took over, and within moments, there were five ice senbon whizzing through the air in a cross shape, three vertical - aiming for the head, the torso, and the thickness of the thighs - and two horizontal, flying to either side of the large male should he decide to shift to avoid the needles. "Let me think about that … Oh wait, I don't think I really care. But I'll congratulate you on killing your parents anyways, if it'll make you feel better about yourself." She replied casually as though her attack on him didn't occur.

There was a pause, and it was as though something suddenly occurred to her. Her gaze narrowed, and abruptly, she whirled on her heel and started towards the village, simply calling over her shoulder, "Let's settle this one other day. The name's Kitahara Keiko ... though I doubt you'll remember it, seeing as you only seem to retain information about yourself." Waving dismissively, she walked off. It wasn't quite fair to just leave the ronin with the other Kiri nin, but there were other pressing matters to attend to.

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