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1How Familiar - [D - Rank Mission] Empty How Familiar - [D - Rank Mission] Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:34 am



There's a fly in my soup - [D - Rank Mission]:

Rue found herself inside the newest culinary attraction of Iwagakure, the newest of restaurants dedicated to serving their customers only the finest of cuisine to satisfy their ever growing hunger. The restaurant itself was celebrating its grand opening and they had hired shinobi of all ranks to help with their special day, jobs ranging from waiting tables, cheffing and even guard duty.

Today the sun shone down hard upon the stony village, the heat almost at a boiling as flocks of people gathered in line for the grand opening eager to chow down upon the food that was on offer. Inside the large Restaurant, space was limited to very little as each table was overly packed with customer upon customer. Rue, in her somewhat too short waitress attire approached a large table to people, a pad and pen at the ready. The table consisted of seven people, obviously a family that had come to see what the hype was all about. Rue approached the Family calmly withdrawing a slight breath as she spoke ''Hi Welcome to our wonderful grand opening here Today, How may I take your order?'' The words seemed dragged out as she spoke. The Family paused for a moment and finally answer ''We'd all like to try the Grand Opening dish please!'' said the Father of the Table. Rue wrote down seven Grand Opening dishes before pausing ''and would you like anything to drink? We have a wonderful Sakke for the adults and for the kids we have Cola, lemonade or orange juice'' She added pleasantly. A cheer went up from the children that sounded like ''Cola Cola!'' from their little murmurs. ''Yes we would love a bottle of Sakke and for the children some coke'' he said smiling over at his son and daughter. Rue wrote down the rest of their order before giving them a pleasant bow and letting them know their order would be ready in a moment. Rue handed the order to the chef and prepared the drinks for the table, placing two cans of coke, a large bottle of sakke and five cups upon a serving tray Rue made her way back to her table of customers, being sure to serve from their left she placed their drinks upon the table ''Here are your drinks, your food shall be ready in a moment'' she added with a brief nod and an admirable smile.

Rue still had time to kill so she decided to help out her neighbouring waitress whom seemed to be struggling with her orders and table. The table she was covering was already empty of customers but the table still looked used, with plates and food spread across it. At the entrance a new set of customers were oncoming and in a quick motion Rue ran at Chuunin speed and pick up the mess and stucked it upon one hand while the other used a cloth to wipe down the table and seats. After an encouraging and thankful look the other waitress signaled her newest customer upon the table. Feeling please with herself Rue returned the mix of dirty dishes and food back into the kitchen. With a loud ring of a bell Rue's table order had been called out as ready. In a positive motion Rue approached the Cook and thanked him before grabbing her order and gently placing each plate upon two serving trays, arranging them carefully. Making her way toward the table of Family Rue held two serving trays, one in each hand and gently placed them upon the table before her. The large family smiled pleasantly as the smell seemed to caress their noses as she moved each plate from the tray to the table.

Six hours later Rue found herself knackered from a long day of hard work, she had successfully completed her job for the day and left both her boss, customers and fellow waiters happy for her help.


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