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1Clan Esura(WIP) Empty Clan Esura(WIP) Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:27 am



Symbol: Clan Esura(WIP) (Put your clan symbol here. Small images only

Clan: Clan Esura

Kekkei Genkai: Water Dominance

Elements: Suiton

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Sunagakure

Clan History: (What is your clan's history?)

Kekkei Genkai Description: (What does your clan's ability do? Remember, details are the key to a fast approval)

Drawbacks: The link to water is so overwhelming in this clan that all other elements are suppressed, allowing only Suiton to be had by this clan. Similarly, strong ties to their element have given them a weakness to their counter element, namely doton. Doton attacks against them that land deal damage equal to two ranks higher, and advanced elements that contain earth do one rank of increased damage.

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: ( What jutsu is unique to your clan? There can be a max of four.)

Name: Desert's Pulse
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D-S
Type: Defensive, Supplementary
Element: Suiton
Range: 100 meters
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post, water remains until thread ends or is used.
Cooldown: 2 posts
Description: The most widely used and famous of the Esura clan jutsu, this allows the caster to spew water from their mouths, the amount varying with rank from enough to form a small pond to that of a large lake at max rank. Despite the speed with which this water is ejected, it does little to no damage, carrying an opponent away at best.

The main purposes of this jutsu are extinguishing katon jutsu, capable of countering and dispelling these up to 2 ranks higher than the rank this is cast at, though if countering a fire 2 ranks higher, the water is evaporated and cannot be used further. The second purpose is to provide a ready chakra-infused water source for another Suiton jutsu, something otherwise rare for a desert ninja. This allows the user to cast suiton jutsu more forcefully, not having to focus on generating the water itself, conferring a +2 to the next suiton jutsu of the same rank as the cast of this jutsu or +1 to up to three lower ranking jutsu. This effect is available to the caster until used up or the water is removed by other means.

Name: Water Dominance
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D-S
Type: Supplementary
Element: Suiton
Range: Any
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 3 posts
Description: Forming the snake hand seal, the caster dominates the water of an opponent's jutsu(including that contained in an advanced element that contains water), stopping their technique in its tracks. The caster may then use this water to counter attack, casting any water jutsu of the same rank as the cancelled jutsu without handseals(the caster still pays the costs for this).

Name: (What is the name of your jutsu?)
Canon/Custom: (Is the jutsu canon or custom?)
Rank: (What rank is your jutsu?)
Type: (Offensive, Defensive or Supplementary?)
Element: (What element is required for the jutsu?)
Range: (What is the range of your jutsu?)
Specialty: (What specialty does this jutsu require?)
Duration: (If your jutsu has a duration please state it here.)
Cooldown: (What is the cooldown of your jutsu?)
Description: (What exactly does the jutsu do? Explain in great detail the effects, advantages, as well as any disadvantages of the jutsu. Details are the key to a fast approval.)

Name: (What is the name of your jutsu?)
Canon/Custom: (Is the jutsu canon or custom?)
Rank: (What rank is your jutsu?)
Type: (Offensive, Defensive or Supplementary?)
Element: (What element is required for the jutsu?)
Range: (What is the range of your jutsu?)
Specialty: (What specialty does this jutsu require?)
Duration: (If your jutsu has a duration please state it here.)
Cooldown: (What is the cooldown of your jutsu?)
Description: (What exactly does the jutsu do? Explain in great detail the effects, advantages, as well as any disadvantages of the jutsu. Details are the key to a fast approval.)

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