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1Lunch time (Invite/No Kill)  Empty Lunch time (Invite/No Kill) Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:26 am

Mugen Aburame

Mugen Aburame

Mugen walked in the place called the Rock Pit. Supposedly it had some really good food in it, it seemed calm enough. The people murmured and then it got really loud. Mugen was taken back by this and looked around to realize that this area was defiantly meant for people that had more energy than him and wanted to dance and let some steam out via movement.  This caused Mugen shift uncomfortably as he wore the mask required and the cloak that Tsuyo asked him to wear when he was around town. The bugs did not like it that it was more cover on them and made them kinda move around a little more. It was also bothersome that he had to keep them in check. Not allowing them to crawl out at free will, it caused people to give him weird looks. Which was the last thing he wanted people to do here. Notice him, he liked the attention, but that would cause problems later on and he knew it.

Underneath all this cloak and mask he wore his normal attire, his shiny boots and his slacks that always seemed to be ironed and well taken care of. His frilly white button up shirt and his red tie that rested in the middle. He also wore his mask that kept his jaw in place. This hair was in a pony tail today, just to help with his control issues with his bugs. Sure they were mindless, but the mindless liked to wander and his hair was apart of that wonder lust. His eyes were still black and dead, so today he wore some sun glasses that covered his eyes completely. He did not want to be stared at for long today. He was here to enjoy some good food today. Either than that, Mugen felt comfortable enough in his skill not to bring any weapons with him.

A lady came up to with a smile and asked sweetly where he would like to sit, Mugen looked around for the most quiet spot and pointed at it. She gave him a look as if it was someone spot, almost as a warning. Mugen caring level was not existent, he wanted a nice quiet meal today. The lady sighed and walked over there and offered the seat. He sat down and looked at the glass of water. He like how prepared these people were, and it was more quiet over here. He looked over at the lady and took the menu and gave it a quick look.

"I'll take your special, two of them. I am especially hungry today"

His voice was metallic, one would describe it as current Bane in our society. He smiled under his mask as he saw it send shivers down her spine. He had a tendency of doing that, sometimes it was fear. Most of the time it was a wonder of what type of man he was. He handed her the menu and proceeded to pour the water down his mask where he would be able to drink it.

2Lunch time (Invite/No Kill)  Empty Re: Lunch time (Invite/No Kill) Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:31 pm



An array of golden light would descend from the heavens as Iwagakure had one of it's hottest days of the year, sweat would excrete from the pores of the citizens as they would make their way towards the waterfalls in hope of cooling off. But some adored the heat and especially one man in particular, his golden hair would gently waver with the passing gusts of lonely winds, an idle hand would creep through his hair in hope of clearing his vision as it only began to obscure. His crimson eyes would search in the distance, flicking back and forth at a collection of signs in hope of finding 'the perfect place to eat.' He had seen it all, and eaten it all, and quite frankly the young Kanetsu was bored out of his mind with Iwagakure's restaurants. That was until an idea would be brought to mind as his crimson gaze would fixate at a sign in the distance, slowly trekking through the town streets, the young gentleman would make it to his destination where a short canyon would spread before him where a few people would be seated at tables in hope of ordering some food. The crimson eyed Kanetsu would continue his path until being greeted by a man beside him. "Kazu-sama! What an honor it is to have the Tsuchikage grace us by eating here." Kazu had truly never seen the man but had swiftly depicted he was the owner. The Tsuchikage would shrug before heading to the tables in hope of ordering food. He truly wasn't the 'people person' and couldn't care for lazy 'chit-chat.'

Making his way through the tables that had already been occupied, it wouldn't take long for his gaze to catch a certain figure that he had remembered. Crimson hued lenses would pan across the figures body, noticing the abstract hair, and extremely unorthodox breathing machine attached to his face. It was clear to Kazu he was one of the men he had just recently employed and he was eager to find details on his new accomplices. Kazu would slowly walk toward the young male, and with each stride taken his eyes would wander across the sky, counting each one until he reached his destination. Stopping affront the table the gold haired Kanetsu would speak out to the individual before him. "Fancy seeing you here?" He'd leave a pause before speaking out again. "Is this seat taken?" A grin would widen across the Tsuchikage's face as he seated himself opposite the male, his crimson gaze was now fixated on the man before him and he spoke out clearly whilst not noticing the fact that even if the seat was taken, Kazu was still to seat himself in that seat. His crimson gaze would swiftly switch to the women to his side only to take his order.

"A bottle of your finest whiskey, i just remembered how foul your food is so i might as well get drunk before i dine in. Something meaty would be nice, suprise me with the meal."

As arrogant as his words were he would dismiss the woman and allow his attention to revert back to the man before him. "So, how goes the business? I've been rather, busy. And i've been meaning to talk to you both for a report. But seeing as your here i'm sure you wouldn't mind filling me in hmm?"

3Lunch time (Invite/No Kill)  Empty Re: Lunch time (Invite/No Kill) Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:45 pm

Mugen Aburame

Mugen Aburame

Mugen looked at the Tsuchikage as he sat down in front if him. His face held no expression, but his thoughts were running. He never thought someone so powerful would go out to eat, especially if they had the ability to hire a cook to make everything at home. This made Mugen at least respect the Tsuchikage a little bit more. This man had no fear of being assassinated, it must come with being the strongest in the village. Mugen watched the man sit down right in front of him. Mugen did make a motion to sit down during the small break in speech the Tsuchikage had left, it was better to have food with a 'friend' than to eat alone. Alas this was most likely going turn into business. That was also another thing that the Tsuchikage manage to have also, respect. Not only were the people happy to see him, the fact that the woman who just took his order had no mean expression on the face when he mention the quality of the food was odd. Either it was a fear respect, or they all just know him that well and he had a crude sense of humor like that. It did not matter to Mugen he had been all sorts of people and seen all sorts of stupid things happen. He had faith that this man just had respect among his people.  

Watching the person scurry away made him realize that his food was most likely going to get here faster, which Mugen had no quarrel with. Mugen brushed off his coat and gave the man a smile that could only be seen with his eye brow. His mask was loose, but not loose enough where his jaw would hang aimlessly. It was loose enough for the bug to bring in mass amount of food. It was odd doing it that way, but it was better than having people stare at him while he ate due to his jaw.

Mugen was surprised that the Tsuchikage came to him for knowledge of the buisness. Sure Mugen knew everything that was going on, due to the fact he left scout bugs everywhere he could in the mansion and they would come back before death to give him the information he needed. It was odd did the Tsuchikage know more about Mugen than Mugen let off? He had been careless inside the building showing that he had some bug techniques, but that shouldn't have been enough. Mugen did a mental shake away of all these thoughts he was having. No point of worrying about a fellow ally today.

His proper metallic voice came out of the mask when he spoke, it was calm and sounded as thoughtful as possible.

"Ah yes I am not surprised that a man like you are busy all the time. It is only natural to be so. We have set up a basic operation, hired on about three hundred plus people in our corporation. You know just the low life that no one else wanted to hire. Give them a reason to live and fight right? We also had some interesting people come to us. One of my bugs that are always left on Tsuyo reports that three more ninja have joined us in ranks. A Ishido Dakaru, a defect from Suna. He is a little lively, but poses no threat to Iwa. If anything he wants to get revenge against Suna. Something about a woman tearing his clan apart. Tsuyo picked up some girl from a foreign country. I have to make a note of meeting her eventually. Last but not least, we had another woman from Suna that joined us. Goes by the name of Shinobu. She wants money, so we pay her she behaves. At least that is what I am assuming."

Mugen looked to the side as movement was going on there. A little paranoia is the reason he was still alive and that just does not go away after a while. He noticed that it was the girl who took his order and came back with his two specials and the bottle of whiskey for the Tsuchikage. As she placed a plate down and the whiskey Mugen hovered his hand over the food and had his bugs in mass pick up all the food and deliver it to his mouth. The young girl of course did not see it happen. They never do, it would require to pay attention and a close eye of a ninja to realize what just happened. After consuming his food for a bit he gave the Tsuchikage a raised eyebrow.

"So what would you prefer to be called? Tsuchikage or something else?"

4Lunch time (Invite/No Kill)  Empty Re: Lunch time (Invite/No Kill) Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:48 am



Kazu would gaze into the eyes of his new associate, identifying what he was thinking before he would speak out. It truly was mere coincidence that the two were to meet at such an absurd place as the rock pit, but they were bound to meet eventually, Iwagakure was only so big.. His crimson would fixate on the two black orbs that would stare back at his own. It was truly admirable for his new associate to eat out at the local restaurant's, as he had expected them to eat and live like a normal Iwagakure shinobi, to fit in and blend with their surroundings.

The fact that he'd go through this measly triviality was a gift to their deal, and it was as expected for them to live up to his expectations. But Kazu could only notice a silence before the man affront him began to speak out. He was to be hiding something but that was expected, but hopefully he wasn't thinking too hard on what the Tsuchikage himself was trying to accomplish. Whilst Kazu kept a serious smirk he would soon change his facial expression to an opening smile. The Tsuchikage would wait patiently for his food and drink as he listened to the words spoken by the man before him, but would be abruptly uncomfortable by their freakishly acquired progress.

Raising a hand to his side, the Tsuchikage would wait for their food to be served before gesturing the vacants at each table including the owner to leave immediately. It was now truly the time to talk 'business' and he couldn't have idle ears to listen in on their conversation.

"Feel free to call me what you want, Tsuchikage.... Lord.... Kazu.... it really wouldn't make a difference cause i couldn't care less."

The Tsuchikages attention would be divided as he began to watch the people around him leaving the area.

"So, three hundred men you say? Sounds like your making an army, which as much as i'd like to have, i'm hoping your training and feeding them well. No matter how big the scum are they are Iwagakure citizens, and Iwagakure citizens are family. You see in Iwagakure, we are united as one, as tacky as that sounds we form a strong bond between each other, as you know our crime rate has been increasing due to the sheer fact of people taking advantage of our loving bond, by betraying trusts by simply social manipulation. It's truly a burden not only to me but the entire country, and that is why I am so excited that you guys are doing an astounding job."

The Tsuchikage would once again leave a silence before speaking out to the shinobi affront him.

"As for the new shinobi you've recruited, well done, i wan't to meet them all, but i don't want them to know about our connection. We'll set up a meeting but it'll be unofficial thus allowing no connection between us all. But, enough about our business, i would like to know some certain facts that I'm sure you'll be able to answer. Like for example why you both chose Iwagakure. I'm sure Konoha has got a bounty on your heads, you see, i'm willing to shelter you both, but with the more information you give me, the higher the chance of protecting you both increases. That's simply how politics work."

Leaving another brief moment of silence allowing his associate to answer his question, the Tsuchikage would grip the side of his glass before raising it to his lips allowing it's golden glow to pour down into Kazu's body. After his momentary break, he would once again speak out.

"And lastly, i would like to know what happened to Tatsumaru Uchiha."

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