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Scaredy-cat - [D - Rank Mission]:

The night was still as stars scattered across the darkness in the sky, the moon barely visible as clouds shrouded at its corners causing a dim light to shine over the beautiful stone city of Iwagakure causing the village to look only the more peaceful in the current hour.

Drifting through the shadows Rue found herself on the prowl for her target positioned a few hundred metres away, traveling silently by rooftop being sure to be as stealthy as possible looking almost invisible as if she were a shadow herself. Rue used her surrounds do her advantage, slowly sliding down one of the rocky roofs to land gracefully and safely upon the ground below, the moons light causing her to become visible as if for the first time, her blonde hair glowing ever brighter and the moons reflection in her bright blue eyes. Rue approached her target and looked up in bewilderment, barely visible in the branches of large Sakura tree lay a kitten small enough to fit into Rue's hand, yelps of fear escaping the poor animals lips in small meows'. The Sakura tree sat situated within a small herbal garden surrounded by various other plans and small build ups of ponds scattered everywhere.

Placing her hand upon the base of the tree Rue spoke in a calm and soothing voice ''Don't worry sweetie I'll have you down in no time''. The kitten became still as if Rue's voice had soothed its nerves into silence. Rue took that as her time to move swiftly and began to ascended the tree using chakra walking. Rue focused on channeling chakra to the heels of her feet as she took each step up the tree long base. After seven steps Rue reached halfway to the top and was nearing the closest branch ''I'm almost there kitty just a little further'' she spoke soothingly once more.

Before she knew it Rue felt her concentration dim as the sounds of loud barking echoed below her, with swift thinking Rue perched herself forward grabbing hold of the branch just above her head, her hands successfully wrapping themselves around it. With a quick swing Rue swung around the branch landing upon her feet upon the branch. After a few moments of thought Rue decided to conserve chakra for the way down and would climb the rest of the way up. One..two...three branches later and Rue was directly next to the small kitten reaching her hands out to cry the tiny creature, in one swoop the kitten nested himself comfortably within her chest and arms. ''Now comes the easy part my friend'' she said with a large amount of sarcasm in her voice.

In a quick motion after positioning herself Rue sprinted down the tree trying to remain steady with each contact of her foot to tree, nearing the bottom Rue realised stopping would be harder then she had thought, clutching tighter to the kitten Rue prepared herself for the worst landing.

As she reached the trunk of the tree Rue shut her eyes tightly as she prepared herself for what was to come, but what was coming would be a surprise to even her.....




The night was young in the village hidden in the stone, a darkness would be uplifted by the array of stars that would shine radiantly across the night sky. As clouds would wander across the black expanse the moon would come to view every few seconds allowing it's rays to protrude across the earth countries wide expanse. A lone silhouette would flicker amongst the shadows yet walked peacefully through the village alleyways in search for his kitten. As the figure would continue his approach through the market district of the village, he would soon make his way into a collection of cherry blossom trees. His crimson gaze would pan across the landscape as he took in the beauty of the moonlight blessing the pink tone the trees in his village came to offer. But his gaze would soon pan into the distance as it soon became relevant for him to get back to business. His clothes would wave with the gentle breeze that would sweep Iwagakure's mainlands.

His body would yet again begin to move through the rather dense 'forest' type setting before his crimson hued lenses would pickup a rather strange figure descending from a tree. As rather unusual the site was, it would only take him a few seconds before realizing the figure was in fact falling. In a swift, panicked motion the individual would thrust off the earth below, launching his body toward the tree closing a 20 meter gap in only a few seconds. Clouds of dust would erupt from the earth as his speed was unquestionably unmatched in the village. Whilst realizing his speed the mere factor of stopping hadn't come to mind. Pumping the breaks his heels would kick forward thus disallowing his body to have any sort of balance allowing his body to crash into the tree. A sigh would leave his lips as bark would stick to his face, it would only take a few seconds for the individual falling from the tree to land atop his shoulder, sending him crashing down on the earth below whilst acting as a cushion for the falling individual. Lying with his back arched against the cold floor, his crimson gaze would remain hidden using his closed eyelids as pain would agonize his entire body.

Lying stiff across the ground, his body would remain stationary until greeted by a tiny wet tongue gliding across his cheek. The feeling was surprisingly familiar as he would open his eyes to see Suchi affront him. A grin would widen across his lips as his hands would tuck under the kittens front legs and lift her above him. "Well if it isn't my favourite kitten in the world, and was it you that fell on me?" Asking jokingly as the man would greet the young kitten. As much as he was in pain it was ignored by the simple fact that Suchi was now found. Unaware of his surroundings due to a slight concussion, he still hadn't noticed the woman that had landed atop his chest.



Rue's eye slammed shut as she felt herself falling to her somewhat of a demise, the impact would surely be painful to say the very least but it wasn't exactly herself she were worried about, her fear came for harming the small kitten she stored between her breasts, the picture of a crushed cat beneath her bosom's haunted her mind like a plague. Sucking in a large breath of air Rue let out a loud gasp as she tensed her body for the impact, with a loud 'thud' Rue landed flatly on her ass, causing it to go numb, her knees spread either side of her body and her back arched upward in a sitting position. A small amount of pain shot up Rue's body as she looked around the smallish forest in bewilderment, she thought that her landing would be a lot harder and she would at least walk away with a broken bone or two, but instead she found herself with a few simple scratches and minor bruising down her legs.

Rue looked down at the small kitten perched upon her lap, throughout their predicament it had been pretty calm and collected while Rue seemed more stressed and nervous, brushing off her thoughts Rue began gently caressing the Kittens head with her hand and before she realised it the sound of licking echoed from below. In a startled fit Rue jumped as she heard a voice directly in front of her, a deep voice obviously from a male, missing her footing she came flying back down upon what she now realised was a persons chest. How long had he been sitting there? Was he looking up her dress? Did he cushion her fall?, the words echoed throughout Rue's mind and with a random reaction her hand went flying at the persons face in a backhand hopefully connecting with the person beneath her. ''Who are you and why are you here?'' She seemed to spit out through her gritted teeth and although her tone sounded like anger, it was more fear that lead her to slap the person.

The clouds above drifted apart from the moon allowing light to shine down upon Rue, the Kitten and the strange person she was currently situated on top of, her view no longer shrouded by the dark she could now see more clearly. Rue looked closer as the stranger now came into visibility as a boy, no not a boy, an adult male in his early twenties, glowing blonde lock of hair framed by two long golden earring's. Rue's eyes became locked upon the mans face as she reached out and touch him gently only his cheek as if studying his face. ''It's y-you...u'' was all she could choke out of her clenched lips, realising the man had both eyes shut, obviously from the pain she caused him.



As the Tsuchikages body would lie across the cold ground, the agonising pain he had just endured would begin to subside allowing comfort to his senses. His focus would return allowing his crimson hued lenses to decipher his surrounding, noticing the small kitten poking at his umber cheek. But as soon as the pain would completely waver a sharp pain would draw to his cheek as his face was literally slapped forcing his head to the side. His cheek would glow a bright red as blood would fixate to his stricken face. Raw emotions would begin to collide inside his persona has anger would surge through his thoughts, devouring any other type of emotion. Who would dare to slap the person who would quite frankly try to save them, let alone to strike someone who was the Tsuchikage.

His blood would begin to boil as his crimson gaze would intensify to the sky, his left hand would slide under the belly of his kitten before flinging her to the side knowing completely well that the kitten would land on all fours only 5 meters away, just out of range so his lava wouldn't claim the kittens life too.His chakra would begin to cloak his body whilst his attention would slowly pan to the individual atop him, but with his head slowly tilting to the side the clouds would begin to disperse amongst the sky allowing the moonlight to bless the earth in a radiant beam of light shining against the two. But before his eyes could meet his so called 'attacker' he would hear their voice in a form of a question. It was immediately evident her voice was female and he could hear the raw emotion of scarce and defense. Infatuated with who it was he would feel her hand press against his cheek.

His crimson gaze would meet two light blue orbs, his jaw would drop as his eyes would fixate onto the young lady's face, and his anger would immediately dismiss allowing the chilling winds to soothe his 'boiling attitude,' it was truly a complete switch with emotion. She looked incredibly familiar and would only take a second for him to decipher her visual appearance into his memory. Hearing her words that would approve his analysis, they had truly met before, as his mind would ponder back, 15 years ago....

~ It all started with the earth tremor and ended with the thunder clap. ~

His memories would fade and he would soon snap back to reality. His crimson eyes would watch in awe as he stared at the girl before him. It was simply fate that the two would meet exactly how they did when they first met..... As coincidental as this meeting was, the Tsuchikage would stare into the blue eyes before him, with hundreds of thoughts spinning through his mind. He had normally been awesome when speaking to women, but this time....

"Uh..... you..... Hi...."

His mumble would slowly disperse from his lips, speaking only a few words before a red hue would fill his cheeks as a wave of embarrassment would flood his emotions. He truly had so much to say, and the time would be now to act. The Tsuchikage arm's either side of his body would slowly push off the ground allowing his back to release from it's touch against the chilling earth, sitting upright the individual would smile at the woman before him. Regaining his composure the man would attempt to speak out for the second time.

"You're... her... aren't you? The one from the Uchimagi jungles, it seems you have a knack for getting yourself into these situations."

The golden haired Kanetsu would begin to hide his chuckle which would slowly rise from his lungs.

"It seems you've changed in height, but your beauty seems to remain intact.

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