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Medieval/Founders Era Harry Potter RP Site: A World Torn Apart 286z4f6

The current year is 1000 AD.

Hogwarts has been running for 10 years, founded by four witches and wizards from each corner of Britain: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. The greatest wizarding families have sent their children to the school to learn how to use their magic, but there are tensions. The founders each prize one attribute over another, and Slytherin isn't happy that his companions have decided to allow half bloods and muggleborn students into the school. Will he learn to accept their decision or will he concoct something more sinister?

Outside of Hogwarts, the situation is just as volatile. In a time before Ministries of Magic, society is left with Wizarding Royalty. Kings and Queens rule the countries of Europe separately to their Muggle Counterparts. Although marriage alliances have been formed for generations, there is still tension between the nations. Scotland has allied itself with England but is still unsure about the English Court, England is having problems with the Franks and the Normans and the rest of Europe faces turmoil from a powerful family rising to become the Kings of Castille and Leon.

Many Canon Families available! Own Characters welcome and encouraged! Royal Families Open.
Great for LOTR, Game of Thrones and Medieval Roleplay Fans!

Plot | Canon List | Face Claim

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