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1"Keep Floatin" [Open/No Kill] Empty "Keep Floatin" [Open/No Kill] Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:56 am



Rinshi stared up at the sky as it moved away from him farther, as the clouds passed by showing the many symbols and beauty that nature has to offer the human imagination Rinshi, oddly enough, was floating in the river in place, body completly above the water. It felt good Rinshi since his return never got the chance to sit back and just relax and let his problems sink into dissappearance. Rinshi thought about what it was like to visit another country, as he never had been outside the village he wondered, maybe it would be interesting. What village would he visit, Suna or maybe Iwa, Kumo, or Kiri which he has been told is lovely arround this time of the year. Rinshi's imagination got the best of him as he began to doze off and fell asleep. Yep right smack dead in the water drifting away down the stream.

(OOC: from this point everything Rinshi does is just a dream)

2"Keep Floatin" [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: "Keep Floatin" [Open/No Kill] Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:07 am



The world was an odd blueish hue and the clouds that were there faded away, and the stars became visible in the night sky. Rinshi sat up looked to his left and right as he stood up out of the water, he heard the crack of a stick to his left and his head turned in the direction as he heard the russeling of bushes. Rinshi quickly grabbed his clothes and dressed himself, while midway pulling his pants on he heard another sound come from behind him, someone was trying to ambush him. Rinshi was on his guard as he devised a strategy to be able to flee the aread, or atleast find out who was after him. Rinshi couldn't use his Byakugan to track their chakra signatures and only had one choice, to fight.

3"Keep Floatin" [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: "Keep Floatin" [Open/No Kill] Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:01 pm



Rinshi concocted a plan, to where he would play his enemies minds against them and lead them to believe he was unaware of their presence.  Rinshi threw his hands behind his head and walked towards the trail that lead back to the village.  The trail had thick and dense forests on each side and he anticipated his pursuers would use this to their advantage.  Which they did and Rinshi continued walking through the trail as the wind began blowing; he heard movement behind him but continued on and took a detour that lead towards the thicker forest.  Rinshi stuffed his hands in his pockets waiting for his two attackers to make a move on him, as he could hear a few branches crack and leaves rustling. Rinshi snickered slightly, as his pursuers were not the best at stealth.  Rinshi took this chance to shake them up a bit; he performed the Shadow Clone Technique, creating a diversion the clone would lure at least one of the pursuers away from the real Rinshi just long enough for him to take out the other one.  Both Rinshi’s leaped into the surrounding trees and after a good distance, they both split up in opposite directions.  Luckily, the diversion worked and Rinshi had one of the pursuers on his trail.

Rinshi could spot a clearing ahead and decided he would engage the enemy there.  Rinshi reached the clearing but no sign of the enemy, he placed his hands on his hips confused.  Rinshi turned around to see 10 shuriken homing in on him at high speed and shredded through his shirt and pants leaving him with quite a few lacerations and one on his face.  ”Come face me you coward!”  Rinshi stood ready to engage his foe, as a figure in a long black and green haori stepped out of the shadows of the forest.  The figure stood slightly taller than him with a significant muscle mass compared to Rinshi’s, but he was secretly impressed this person could keep up with him.  Rinshi saw the man perform hand signs at a rapid speed and instantly the ground below him began to erupt and attempted to catapult him into the sky.  Rinshi quickly reacted by jumping from his ascending platform, to the next the next earth pillar, before blowing a wind ball into his hand and throwing it at his attackers head.  Rinshi repeated this tactic 2 more times before the wind balls formed midsized craters into the ground as the man vanished.

Rinshi sensed another presence while in mid-air he spun around and was kicked in his stomach, knocking him to the ground.  The other presence he felt was using a Earth technique that caused the ground to split and created a fissure that almost sucked him in, at the same time the man that kicked him threw a demon wind shuriken that would cut him in two.  Rinshi did a back flip landing on his feet as the shuriken disappeared into the gorge created by the other attacker.  Rinshi leaped into the air and performed a round house kick to his jaw, hopefully breaking it with that one kick.  Rinshi was shocked when the man turned to mud after his attack, the man appeared to his side and exclaimed.  “DIE YOU FOOL!!!”

Rinshi awoke from his dream,  to find a man standing above over his head with a katana pointed down attempting to pierce through his chest.  Rinshi rolled over as his Byakugan activated by instinct as he leaped to his feet the man began to charge him and began thrusting his katana rapidly aiming for his head and chest.  Rinshi tried to avoid the blade as best as he could as the katana slit a deep cut on his cheek and multiple lacerations on his arms.  Rinshi eyed the blade as it began to move forward almost piercing directly through his forehead, he began to stumble backwards before spin kicking katana out of the mans hands and fell on his back.  Rinshi flipped backwards launching himself into midair as he formed the bird hand seal and fired 8 small balls of wind at his attacker who managed to dodge a few of them, but a few hit the man’s arm and left him slightly staggered.


4"Keep Floatin" [Open/No Kill] Empty Re: "Keep Floatin" [Open/No Kill] Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:40 pm



Rinshi landed in a three point stance as he stared down his attacker waiting for him to attack, the man had a scraggly beard, red eyes, and a sloppy hair cut.  Judging by his size he seemed to be overweight, Rinshi thought he must be very skilled at Taijutsu to be able to dodge his air bullets.  No matter Rinshi would finish this man off, go home, and have a nice long bath.  Rinshi saw the man perform hand signs similar to the men in his dream, and immediately reacted with a combination of hand signs of his own saying aloud, ”Raiton: Jibashi!!!”  As the earth below Rinshi began to rise, his hands became cloaked in Raiton Chakra and with a quick punch to the ground the platform shattered and the man had a sudden fear in his eyes.  Rinshi landed on the ground watching the man he could feel a slight sensation as his eyes shifted to a slightly darker purple, and the iris of his eyes became similar in appearance to a crosshair on a fighter jet.  Rinshi felt rejuvenated as he could feel power emerging from him, the man was struck with fear Rinshi could see it on his face.  Rinshi dashed straight ahead at the man who then pulled out 9 shuriken and hurled it at him, though the Hyuga was far better prepared and quickly slammed his hands together and thrusting them forward.  A large powerful stream of wind emerged from Rinshi’s hands and the shuriken that were once closing in on him now had been reversed in direction by the stream of wind.  

The man got cut up pretty bad but didn’t hesitate to draw his other sword sheathed at his waist.  Rinshi began planning to attack him with the Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists and end the fight there which he already planned to do, getting any information on why he would attack him would be stupid at this point.  As Rinshi gathered his chakra closing in on the man he tried to use the Doton technique he used last time, he knew the man was desperate to survive and not be killed but his efforts would soon be futile.  Rinshi would put him out of his misery with these final two strikes, and he was now a few meters from the man and two lion shaped shrouds of chakra formed around his hands.  Rinshi was lifted into the air by the Doton technique the man used, but skilfully Rinshi flipped off the rising platform just before his angle of vision was disturbed and thrust both his hands at the man’s chest.  The man began to jerk and shake almost as if he were having a seizure, Rinshi jumped and performed a roundhouse kick to the man’s head and sent him flying into a tree where he laid unconscious.  Retrieving two shuriken from his pouch, he threw the shuriken at the man’s head with the help of his air bullet technique they pierced through the man’s skull and was the end of him.


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