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1A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:24 pm



Ukiyo slowly made her way through the branches of the dense forest. Jumping from one tree to another, she observed the area and the changes that came with the changing of season. Things were a little cooler and some of the leaves had began changing color, but not many. It was merely the beginning sign of times to come. Ukiyo smiled contently, the sun overhead filtering through the canopy and warming her hair. She enjoyed the changing of the seasons. Plants are magnificent beings. They go with the flow of change, no matter its direction. They accept the necessary period of hardship knowing they will live on to survive another day. She felt the bark of each tree as she passed, noticing the slight tension in it from the chill of recent days. As she continued, Ukiyo drew near the edge of the woods and could see the trees thinning up ahead. There were much larger streams of light pouring through the canopy there and the brush much less plentiful. As she made her way through the few trees left, she found herself at the very edge. There, she saw  the field leading up to the Naka River and could feel a breeze sweep across it, brushing against the tree border. She squinted her eyes at the sudden brightness as well as the wind in her face. She squatted on a branch, looking out across the field. There was nothing clearly out of place; a few small bushes and infant trees were scattered about, as well as some patches of dirt from frequently used areas. Ukiyo hopped down from the tree and began walking up to the river slowly. She held a straight posture and walked on her toes, keeping as much of her weight off the ground as possible. She approached the river bank and kicked her shoes off a few meters away from it. Ukiyo knelt down at the rushing water and looked closely at it as a splash welcomed her face. The river's current appeared strong that day, most likely from all of the recent wind. She slid one hand in and began playing with it, twisting her wrist and rearranging her fingers to push against the water or glide through it. She noticed shade creep across the water and eventually hang over her as a cloud crept across the sky. Several large clouds, some light, some dark, had now made there way in front of the sun. Ukiyo looked up, wondering how long it would take them to pass; the water was too chilly without sun.


2A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:41 pm



Akir had a day off. Quite conveniently , it was nice day outside. Akir decided to take a stroll down to a secluded part of the river  in the forest. He made his way out of the village, and into the Forrest. Gliding through the trees, one by one. He enjoyed the clear air away from the village. He began to let his mind wander as he kept enough focus to continue running without hitting a branch. He thought about life outside of the village. What it would be like to not be held at the whim of village go rouge.
Why am i even thinking about this..
he asked himself as he drew closer to the river. He didnt believe in the actions of a rouge ninja. A coward. Someone who ran from responsibility, a criminal. Akir was not this type of person. He believed in honesty, loyalty, and respect. But why did the life of a rouge ninja seem so glamorous. Was the grass just greener on the other side?...
He shook himself out of the thought. He didnt like going to that place in his mind..But he did notice he was drawing very close to the river. He began to slow down, and begin traveling on the ground. Once at a walking pace, the smell of the fresh river entered his nose, his senses began tingling with joy. He could hear the peaceful current, and could practically feel the soft sand on his feet. He pushed his way through some of the brush, only to see another person was already here. A bit curious, he made his way forward. Akir isnt the type to spark a conversation first, especially with a female. He walked to the river, about 10 meters apart from the girl who seemed to be enjoying the river as well.

3A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:30 pm



Ukiyo heard footsteps approaching the river a ways behind her. They seemed to be angled to the side a bit, not directly heading for her, so she remained at ease. The air was growing cooler by the second and the splashes of water more chilling. She began to straighten up a bit but remained crouching. As the boy made his way to within her peripheral view, Ukiyo turned her head slightly and looked over. He seemed to be a descent amount bigger than her, both in height and overall mass. His muscles were well defined, and he had thin white hair carelessly tossed about on top his head. He looked in front towards the river, ignoring Ukiyo despite her presence being obvious. Ukiyo, on the other hand, wasn't so coy. The boy had come far too close to her to not be of interest. Even if he hadn't approached the river she would have approached him. Ukiyo stood up straight and turned, then made her way towards the boy. She decided to walk, not run, though her walking speed alone was swift, and made short work of the distance. She wore a casual smile and grinned as she walked towards him, then hurried her pace rapidly as she drew near. Ukiyo continued right up until she was inches away from him, then spoke in a soft, playful tone.

Now tell me, what good does ignoring someone do when you're 10 meters away and the only other person within miles? She wore her grin confidently as she kept her eyes locked on the boy, breathing in through her nose to pick up his scent.


4A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:39 pm



Akirs eyes widened as she began walking to him, his heart began to beat more rapidly. Once she spoke, her words seemed like a perfect tune in a song of messy instruments. His head shot up, a bit confused at why she was so close.
Ignoring, is not the proper word. More like...waiting
He replied to the small female. He could sense a chakra flow within her, which proved to be a shinobi. He wondered why she was out here. The wind picked up for a second, causing an already cold breeze to become more cold. But than, the clouds began to do disperse. The sun began awake from what seemed to be a short nap, quite the metaphor to describe weather. He looked in the sky and smiled as the warm rays came back. It was almost a waste to come out here if the sun hadnt decided to come back out. How marvelous

5A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:07 am



The boy's response caught Ukiyo somewhat off guard; he seemed to hold an air of mystery about him that intrigued her. She wasn't expecting to find much by the river today, especially not with the clouds. However it seemed that the boy's words were accompanied by another breeze across the field, and with that the sun peaked out from behind the clouds once more. The day kept changing it seemed,
And what are you waiting for?
As Ukiyo asked her question, she cocked her head slightly and looked up, trying to catch his eyes in her gaze. Her hair drooped down in front of her face; its greasy, somewhat dirty strands seeming to get caught up within themselves. She let out a feint laugh as she brushed them aside behind her ear, then shook her hand along the side of her head to loosen her hair. It was messy, of course; Ukiyo's hygiene had never been worthy of praise. In some ways, such as this, she came off like a child who's still incapable of completely taking care of themselves. She was blissfully unaware, as usual, and couldn't help but enjoy the warmth of the sun on her face as she curiously awaited the boy's response.


6A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:19 am



Akir began to amuse himself with the girl. She seemed to bring a healthy presence around her..this being spiritually of course..although the girl lay beautiful in the eyes, her hygene may have been described as a baby with no parents to clean it. That didnt bother much though. He could tell her spirit was of a good person. And thats all that mattered in a person. To be whole hearted;. not waiting for anything now
He replied to the girl who seemed to be having trouble with her own knotty hair. This amused Akir even more, but he did not show any signs of making fun of her. That would have been mean, when all she had done was be nice. Akir needed the company. Beetween his excessive training, having to fight tooth and nail to be put on the sensei waiting list, and having just recovered from a battle with a drunk comrade, he was getting pretty wound up being alone.
The wind pushed through his fine hair, flowing with grace. His violet eyes were easy to see now, as he was easily able to see everything around him. He hadnt his headband on at the moment to hold his hair, it was in his backpack. Akir forgot to put it on, and just remember why he always had it on. Messy hair was horrible. He reached in his pack, and removed his headband,. He placed his hair into the correct postiion, and placed his headband on. Now he could see without the wind altering his vision at any given time.

7A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:43 am



Ukiyo backed off a bit and crossed her arms, now slightly disgruntled. She was curious, but didn't seem to be getting very fruitful results from the boy. Ukiyo sighed as she closed her eyes and let out a response, her voice still soft yet now less confident.
Hm. So what are you doing? If you weren't ignoring me, and you aren't waiting, why wouldn't you address me?
Ukiyo couldn't help but remember some other boys acting strange like this too. It was a few years ago, back when she was in the academy. They would behave in the strangest of ways, however whenever Ukiyo confronted them about it, they avoided giving a straight answer. She didn't know how to deal with it then, and still doesn't now. She opened her eyes a squint and stared at the boy for a response. She wasn't annoyed, just curious and impatient.


8A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:52 am



Akir felt bad about her getting annoyed. But couldnt help but still find it quite entertaining. He gave a big smile and scratched the bac of his head.
well...if i was waiting..but im not anymore, than what i was waiting for must have happened..right? You gotta be smart enough to figure it out..
Akir gave a friendly light laugh after his reply. He couldnt help but feel a bit of happiness in his discussion with her. IF you wanted to call it a discussion. Although, the more he looked at the girl, the more she gave off an amazing vibe that he couldnt quite describe. IT was almost uncomfortable. He wasnt the most social person, he didnt really know how to handle it. hell...the last time a girl walked up and talked to him, she ended up throwing a 3 foot windmill shuriken. After he thought about that, he looked at his elbow, which still had fresh stitches from the wound. The other one was higher up, but could not be seen as his shirt was covering it, but it was of equal size. Man...that day sucked. He had the girl in his traps, but just let her walk away..oh well..
He focused his attention back to the situation at hand. Who was this strange girl?

9A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:16 am



As she listened to his response, it was obvious now what he meant. He was toying with her, putting her through a loop and now seemingly taunting her with it. Ukiyo, once she realized this, merely grinned and sunk her head lower into her folded arms. Her eyes looked up through her hair at the chuckling boy. She always hated any type of interaction that wasn't direct, and the conversation thus far had been exactly that; misdirection. But a part of her appreciated it, or at least the verbal cunning of the young boy. It showed a sense of strategy or skill in the way his words guided her. She was still a little offended by his comment, however. It seemed somewhat pretentious, as if calling her stupid for not catching on sooner. She spoke softly still, though now with a playful (yet almost cynical) tone.
Word games; I can't say I'm well versed. Ukiyo took a step forward, bringing herself in closer to his body and looking up at his face. Her eyes were intently glaring up at him, holding their gaze with a sense of urgency. The urgency, in reality, was Ukiyo's now irresistible desire to discover who this boy was. Tell me, what's your name?
She breathed in deeply as she again waited for his response. His scent was now becoming normal, and would soon fade almost entirely. However what was now visible was a tattoo on his face that she hadn't seen before. It looked almost like a tear, though for the life of her Ukiyo couldn't figure out what it was. She examined it as her stare held steady.


10A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:41 am



Akir began laughing harder, up until he noticed her staring at the tear-drop on his eye. He quickly changed the position of his face, away from hers.
Hatake, Akir he replied as his tone changed from happy to a more calm tone, his normal tone. He cleared his throat, and in the same motion bit his lip as he began to drift into thought.
Did she see the tattoo? it was lighter than the rest, but it was still visible when looked at directly. What did she think...why did he care...
He quickly shot himself out of the thought, as it would only draw more paranoia of the subject. Instead, he began to stare at the river. The waves in a peaceful current, although if the wind could stop it would be that much more beautiful.
He had no care of the actual waves at the moment though. He was just trying to distract himself from thinking about the girl who was so persistent at making her self very known. He still wondered why he cared of her was odd for Akir. He would usually have no care in the world for someones opinion of him. That's not what he looks for in life. But life seemed to throw him a curve ball today.

11A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:29 am



The boy turned away, but stood his ground. His laugh had faded and he seemed to carry a more casual tone, albeit a bit more somber. The boy spoke his name; Akir Hatake. Ukiyo perked up at the name "Hatake", she had heard it before. She couldn't place exactly where she heard it, but it held a strange weight in her mind. Hatake. I remember that name from a long time ago...though who was it? It was back when my parents were still... well, I remember them speaking it. I wonder who this boy is? She held her gaze on the boy, who seemed now to be riddled with thought as his violet eyes reflected the lively river. They seemed to follow the water as it leaped off the banks, taking in every drop with a curious look. Ukiyo felt somewhat fond for the boy, Akir as he called himself. She normally didn't like the villagers of Konoha, but he seemed different. The only thing was, she couldn't tell how. Her voice became delicate again, almost shy at the realization of the impression she had of Akir.
Uhm, so, what are you doing here Akir?
The thought had been on her mind since she saw the boy, but she was side tracked up until now by his linguistics. She stayed close to him, though her eyes drifted to the left, towards the river.


12A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:39 pm



Akir could almost feel her wonder of him. It wasn't hard to tell she was trying so hard to read him. Akir wasn't trying to be unreadable, but he wasn't trying to make it easy either. This river trip suddenly didn't seem like such a good idea, but at the same time, he was experiencing something he hadn't before, and he didn't even know what it was. Curiosity made him stay in the situation. Curiosity kills the cat.
Akir heard the change in her tone, almost as crucial as his own change in town..only the difference was hers only became more inviting.
"Been pretty hard at work with missions this week. Got the day off, decided to take a trip to the river"
He leisurely replied, trying to not show as much interest as he really had. Akir was pretty good at hiding his emotions, as it was a daily thing for him. Although he didn't really have a challenge like he did today. His eyes continued to be fixed on the river, but every few seconds, he'd shoot a shot to look at her when she wasn't looking at him.

13A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:20 pm



Ukiyo listened to the boys words anxiously, only to be disappointed by the result. You realize he's still toying with you, right? Don't be so rash. You normally wouldn't wait two minutes to turn back someone who wandered this deep into the woods, why now? Well as he said, he's... Taking some time off? Went on a stroll? Ukiyo sighed, she knew it was inevitable. It's time he leave. She gave in to her "better" half and stepped back a bit, keeping her eyes on the river as she dishearteningly said,
If that is your business here...then I think it's best if you leave.
Ukiyo pointed her shoulders in the direction of the village and lifted her arm a bit to direct him.
It was nice meeting you, Akir.
She hoped the boy didn't give protest, as others often tend to. She felt somewhat fond of him, though couldn't place why. It would be a shame if she had to force him to leave.


14A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:29 pm



Akirs face didnt turn toward her, he kept his cool.. he showed no sign of surprise. But inside he had to take a triple take of what just happened. She went from cute to bitch in 2.5 seconds. He continued to look into the river though, at this point she was not a friend. Not an enemy, but not a friend. He began analyzing everything he could before he had to was obvious she was a shinobi, and by her pointing back to the leave village she was obviously a comrade...Did she think he was going rouge? Hell..10 minutes ago he almost did. If that was the reason, she had good reasoning..but it wasnt the truth and he wasnt going to let someone tell him he couldnt sit by the river.
If your uncomfortable with my presence, its you who should leave ... maybe go home, and take a shower

If she wanted to turn into a bitch, he could turn into a dick just as quick. and too think...he almost built the courage to ask her to go eat with him. Aahh well, thats besides the point. He was still in total shock about her immediate turn of attitude

15A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:34 am



Ukiyo sighed again, disappointed that he wasn't going to go quietly. She brushed her hair back again, removing it from her face. He's not leaving. Clearly. Should you or should we? I will. Ukiyo made two hand signs, slowly lacing her hands together in a Hare seal then twisting her left hand and sliding it under her right in a Monkey seal. Her eyes followed her fingers as they moved past each other with grace, knowing the routine as they'v performed it hundreds of times before. Ukiyo barely knew the boy, so she couldn't figure out why she felt so guilty about making him leave. Normally she wouldn't think twice about it, she would see them as an intruder and that would be that. But something about him made her feel sympathetic. Perhaps her resolve wasn't as strong as she had always thought. Well, no matter what the reason, Ukiyo knew her decision and it was final. Nothing he or anyone else could say/do would change that. She then looked up at him. Her voice was firm, though still somewhat quiet.
I won't ask you again.
She began channeling chakra into her feet, ready for the boy to refuse again. The clouds began drifting back over the sun, yet again casting a shadow over the once pleasant scene. The breeze that came with it chilled Ukiyo's skin and brought up goosebumps, while the scattered trees beside the river shook their leaves in protest. Please just leave...


290/300 Chakra:

16A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:13 pm



At this moment, Akir sensed a higher amount of Chakra than he originally did. He knew her amount of charka was far larger than his. This could be dangerous. If she killed him, she could simply report that he was attempting to run away, and he knew it. Even if she didnt attempt to kill him, she could definitely do it accidentally. But..Akir had been tested at this point. He wasnt going to walk away. That just wasnt him. Even though he knew he should.

Well...atleast if i die itll be by a pretty girl. He thought to himself as he began thinking about his last fight with a girl. His rival Caro. Unfortunately it wouldnt be as easy with this new girl. Hes not just risking a few deep cuts on his limbs.

He sighed deeply. And slowly stood up, and mentally ran over everything at this point. He had no way of predicting anything at this moment, all he new was she had alot higher amount of chakra. He had to think of everything.

She didnt tend to shower alot . . could water be an issue to her? If it was itd be hard to use that as an advantage, as he fought using fire and lightning. All he could hope was that she wasnt earth. . Even water could be deadly as his fire ninjutsu was alot better than his lightning. At this point itd been long enough, he ran out of time to think.

He looked up, And took one more sigh, with a final thought of we go
He gathered himself me mentally, and finally replied.

Im not committing any crime...Therefor im not going to be bullied out of a good day because you think that a higher rank means you can. Call it foolish, call it a pride issue, but thats my way..

He said with a rather very calm tone. He showed no signs of aggressiveness. If anything he showed that a violent situation was unneeded. And that Akir was for the most part battle lazy. Up untill the battle started.

17A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:30 am



There was a pause for a moment. The thrashing of the river made splattering sounds to paint a background for the silence. The wind, too, helped. Trees could be heard shaking steadily and seen losing leaves to the intimidating gusts. Ukiyo's hair flailed around in front of her face, though now she paid little attention to it as she waited for Akir's response.
At the first sign of him moving, Ukiyo kept her eyes fixed on Akir. If she was lucky, he would lock eyes with her, distracting him from her attack. The boy stood up slowly and spoke in a calm, collected fashion. Once he had stood up fully though, and said enough to explain he wasn't leaving voluntarily, Ukiyo turned her shoulders towards him and pointed her right foot towards his left (or whichever was closest). She kept her hands still as to not arouse suspicion, as well as begin to smile and close her eyes. In nature, animals close their eyes as a sign of trust. Thus Ukiyo believes it to be a way to trick an opponent into dropping their guard.
Well I guess you're right, I really can't be-
Once Akir had stood up fully, two vines would launch out of each of Ukiyo's ankles and latch onto each of Akir's feet. Wrap the root. If either (or both) successfully caught him, she would pull one of her feet back in order to pull one of Akir's feet out from under him, causing him to fall. She would finally kneel down on top of him and pin Akir beneath her knee. Ukiyo hoped to just show the boy that he should listen to her, and to not would be unwise. She wasn't sure how strong he was yet, so this would also be a good way to assess his abilities.


Chakra: 280/300:

18A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:44 am



Akir got lucky. As he began lifting his head to look her in the eye, he ws half way through the motion nd was able to see the vines shoot out. Immediately his feet left the ground. Jumping back, he quickly jumped about 8meters back, and than another about the same distance. The fight was on, and he needed to gain ground. He didnt know the extent of her full power so he had to treat her like she was going all out. Itd be the only way to stay safe. Once he landed, he set his feet. He had to begin taking this seriously. What had he figured out...
She used what seemed like a type of special jutsu he had heard about once. If it really was an actual vine. He couldnt recall the name though. He had to analyze more before creating a battlee plan. He had to sit in defensive mode untill it was the right time.
He held his stance, with no words. And awaited her next move.

19A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:11 am



Ukiyo watched the boy bounce back, immediately withdrawing at the sight of her vines. Alright, so I guess we may need to put a little effort in, huh? She sighed again as she crouched down, lowering herself until she was less than a foot off the ground. Ukiyo inhaled deeply, then launched off her front foot. She came flying towards Akir at a blinding speed, but before she was even halfway there, Ukiyo suddenly vanished. Leaves that were caught up in her dash now drifted back down to the ground in thin air. Ukiyo reappeared behind Akir almost instantly, still crouched down. She prepared to kick him upward into his back, which if she hit would launch him into the air a bit. She had her left foot bent and her left hand on the outside of it. Her right hand was bent in front of her face, in case Akir countered, and her right foot was aiming right at the boy's spine. Ukiyo hesitated for a moment, not wanting to damage the boy too badly. She quickly followed through with her attack, though held back her strength. Weak, Ukiyo. What? No need to be brutish.


Chakra: 270/300:

20A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:45 am



Akirs eyes widened as he felt her behind him. it was too late, all he could do was shelter himself as much as possible. He immediately went for the pivot and block as much as possible.. He thought this could be really bad. Untill he saw her hesitate, this gave Akir the extra tiny amount of time to fully extend his block. He hardened his muscles, and put his arms in front of the kick as it slammed into him, sliding him about 10 - 15 yards. But no damage had been done.
****...shes fast. Too fast...but ...why did she hesitate.
He began to flash back the moment. His options began to lessen more and more. He obviously out speed her like he normally could, and he had to save to the right moments to use jutsu because his chakra was very limited compared to hers. He had to make sure each jutsu counted. If he could possibly play the Defensive Counter role long enough to drain her of her chakra, or atleast bring her down to his level...he may have a chance. At this moment, it was the only chance he had, no matter how slim. He agreed to give it a go. Reduce any chakra use down to necessity. Wait for the moments when he is assured a solid blow. His jutsu arsenal was small, so his options were limited to begin with. There was no way he could hit her with a jutsu had to be timed perfectly.

21A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:06 pm



As Ukiyo's foot made contact, she let off several microscopic seeds onto the boy's arms. She was surprised the boy was able to react in time to her attack, but it didn't matter; as long as she made contact the hit was a success. She had already activated her Living Anatomy jutsu, meaning her seeds were already in play. So long as she had those, she didn't need to harm Akir; she could restrain him or otherwise restrict his movements to the point where he would be forced to surrender. And that's just what she planned to do. Akir slid back several meters, and Ukiyo immediately took off after him. So far he had retreated twice from her, and his chakra seemed relatively tame. As I thought, he doesn't seem to be very strong. I need to end this before he gets hurt. As she sprinted towards Akir, Ukiyo made a hand sign with one of her hands. Suddenly, two huge vines began growing out of Akir's arms (1 on each) and coiling around his arms, torso, legs, and eventually latching onto each other to hold the boy down and prevent him from moving. While these wrapped him up, Ukiyo would be rapidly approaching and soon deliver a swift blow to his lungs. Her hand was wielded with the palm facing forward, and with her speed, the palm would make contact with his chest in a split second. Ukiyo knew she wouldn't let out all her strength though. If she did, there was a good chance she could fracture his rib-cage on contact and puncture his lungs with the bone. Instead she would deliver the blow with just enough force to knock the wind out of him and bruise his chest, which combined with the vines restraining him would be an excellent way to drain his will to fight.



22A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:24 pm



Once the vines began to bind Akir, he knew he had only a second to act before the binding was too tight to move. His arms began to bind, as he held up one hand seal, Tiger, And began emitting fire from his mouth as the vines completely restricted him. His fireball jutsu, emitted in the form of a flame thrower was his only hope as the fire began burning the vines. The jet of fire extends about 15 meters in front of akir, so not only did this allow the vine to begin burning, but this would add a painful obstacle in Ukiyos current direct attack. She was already within 5 meters of him at this point due to her immense speed, so she had to be quick enough to dodge a jet of fire launching about 4-5 meters in front of her, with her currently charging toward it. With the jet of fire, emitting at 30 mph, and Ukiyos unknown speed (obviously at a high MPH), This had to be an intense quick dodge, or an attack charge straight through the fire. Which would injure both of the Shinobi... Akir knew this was going to end bed weather he succeeded at this or didnt

23A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Empty Re: A Quiet Day (Training, Open) Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:50 am



Ukiyo watched as the boy began setting the vines ablaze, completely ignorant of his own safety. It was this that tipped her off of Akir's skill level, knowing a hardened shinobi wouldn't make such a careless mistake. Normally, this would please her; she'd get to see a young shinobi stopped short in their path by a sudden and unexpected tragedy. In this case, setting themselves on fire. But for some reason, again, Ukiyo couldn't help but sympathize. The boy was just enjoying the day, as she was, so Ukiyo felt it was hardly fair to let him endure such pain over something like that. No matter how she felt about shinobi, it was cruel to take it out on him. He is no different from them. You are. If you let him go, why should you feel any different with other shinobi? Your compassion will be your weakness, Ukiyo, and one day it will get you killed. We don't want that. If he grows up to kill me, fine. But today he is no different from me. That is false. Well, quite frankly, I don't care. He doesn't deserve this, just like you wouldn't. Again, that is false. Oh well I guess. It took only a split second for Ukiyo to think this and make her decision. She sprang off her forward foot and began spiraling forward, catching the earth with her fingers and toes as if she had just fallen, and propelling herself forward with each touch. Her body spun with the momentum, almost wildly as the direction of her spin was never quite stable, as she continued on her path. In an instant water surfaced all over her body just as she collided with the stream of flames coming towards her. She pushed off the ground with both her hands and propelled herself forward into them, spinning rapidly forward. A plume of steam shot out upon impact, hissing violently as the vapor spewed out and filled the surrounding area. There was a moment of quiet when the steam finally stopped, but this was almost immediately cut short. Ukiyo came launching out of the cloud, pulling some of it along with her as she emerged. She was still spinning, though had to launch herself again due to the flames taking some of her momentum, hence the slight delay. Still, her body flung out with water still clinging to it and continued spinning towards Akir.

Globs of water flew off of her as she closed in the gap and splashed across the vines. They too hissed upon impact and steam rose quickly around them. When Ukiyo reached Akir, she was dripping wet with water and the steam was starting to clear. She immediately reached out a hand and grabbed a vine upon reaching him. From the look of it, the vines should have survived after the flames on them had been put out, seeing as they still had a descent amount of mass on them when Ukiyo hit them with her water. As she reached out to grab the vine, Ukiyo planned to pull Akir up to eye level as she spoke in a firm tone.

You're too weak to fight me, so rather than killing you, I will tell you again; please leave. You are not welcome here, nor are any of your kind. If you wish to stay, you will only get hurt. This is the last chance you get before I get serious, I implore you to take it. Ukiyo didn't want to hurt the boy, after all, he reminded her of someone. She used to have a friend in the Academy who was coy like Akir. He was a good soul, always coming to Ukiyo's aid to break up fights and always looking down on those who purposely hurt others. She had no clue how much Akir actually had in common with him, but simply reminding her of a simpler time when she had practically no worries (compared to now, anyway) was enough to pull on her heart strings. Her grip would be loose and Ukiyo would wonder what she would do if the boy refused to leave. Killing him was out of the question, and maiming him would only leave her morose. She looked in his eyes and pleaded with her own that he take her offer. She knew her plants were growing restless as well, and didn't want them to take control. If that happened...well, if that happened then Akir's chances of survival would be non existent. Ukiyo was keeping them at bay as it was, after all. All she could do now was hope he had enough sense to see the mess he got himself into.


Chakra: 240/300:

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