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1Niiro (E Rank) Empty Niiro (E Rank) Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:13 pm



Name: Niiro
Rank: E Rank Combat pet
Species: A flame Robin
Appearance: Like this
Like this :

Personality: Niiro is somewhat of a lighthearted creature who is both cheerful and friendly.
Quite often he is found sitting on the shoulder of the owner who he is loyal to, or fluttering somewhere over head. Due to his shyness, and fear of getting too far away, he never strays beyond his limits and  will often hide when other people are around unless, Shizula asks him not to.
 Niiro  doesn’t have a temper and he doesn’t get angry at people, not even if someone pulls at his feathers, although if harm does come to his owner, he will get quite  distressed

Last edited by Shizuka on Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:20 am; edited 2 times in total

2Niiro (E Rank) Empty Re: Niiro (E Rank) Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:15 pm



I will pay for this one~

3Niiro (E Rank) Empty Re: Niiro (E Rank) Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:27 pm



Niiro (E Rank) 7khkzIW

For 100 ryo, enjoy~

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