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26My Forté (Training, no kill, open) - Page 2 Empty Re: My Forté (Training, no kill, open) Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:32 pm



I relished seeing my arrows strike the blue-skinned boy, but our fighting had drawn a lot of attention.  Several patrons of the bar had come out now after having been shot up by the crazed blue-skinned boy.  The commotion made me glance over as I saw a very tall man rip off his suit, revealing an upper body covered in tattoos.  He fired off red darts at both the blue-skinned boy and at me.  I rolled back into the alleyway in a quick reaction to the new threat, just getting a glimpse of my original opponent disappearing in a quick flicker.

Things were getting out of hand.  This whole mess was the blue kid's fault and now someone else was trying to kill me for it.  Why was this village filled with so many crazy ninja?  This was nothing like how the woman's note had told of this great village.  Deciding that it was best to get out of here, I stole away down the alleyway, weaving through the dark streets of Kiri as I hurried back to my apartment before any more trouble came my way.  Coming to this village might have been a huge mistake on my part.

[Training jutsu: Spinning Blade 1816/3500]
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