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Takeshii strolled down the mountain path the infamous pig farmer, who had lost his pigs for the umpteenth time. When Takeshii met with this farmer he would have to have a strong talking too about pig-sponsibility, and pig-liability, and pig-spect for your piggies. When he made his way to the small farm, surrounded by fields of feeding grass, it was evident that it wasn't his fault. He must have bred some sharp pigs to get out of the farm, he had barb wired picket fences dug into the earth for holding them. And the fences were metal, not flemsy wood.

As Takeshii approached the home, this elderly man approached him from the fields.

"Hey young fellow! Well, you must be that shinobamajiggy that kagemabobber sent over to grab my hogs! I'd do it myself but I'm old and my stamina just isn't what it used to be. I usually get tired after the first one, and can't make it to the second. Oh but when I was young! I could do five, six, even seven without getting tired! Good days... " The old man said nostalgically.

"Yes sir, that's me. Professional Pig Grabber Takeshii at your service! How many pigs did you loose?"

"Well... let's see I had seven, or was it eight. Maybe it was nine. No definitely six! Yes, or was it nine? Was it? No probably seven. In any case, I have three left. They're all pretty big, meat stock you see... sad business. Anyways, you'll have to see for yourself. Just grab as many as you can and bring them back to the pen. They usually stick around once they're back. In any case, here... it's a leash. Use it to grab the pigs. Their all leash trained, so if you can get the leash on them they'll follow you."

Takeshii bowed and was off without any further adeu. First priority would be finding out how many pigs were missing. So he made his way around the farm looking for tracks and made out Four tracks leading away from the farm. One leading to the mountain pass leading up to the village, one leading out to the pastures, one leading out to a river, and the last one leading to a wooded area.

Takeshii followed the one leading to the pasture first, and sure enough there was the first pig wallowing in the mud in pure delight. As Takeshii approached the pig's head perked up as it looked directly at him.

Takeshii approached slowly, and the pig bolted. The young Kumo Genin gave chase but the pig was much more used to running in the mud than Takeshii. So seeing it as a pointless effort, Takeshii stoped chasing and the pig stopped running and turned to look at him. Takeshii sat down in the mud and started to play in it. The pig curiously came closer to him, and began wallowing in the mud as well. Takeshii rolled his was slowly but surely towards the pig, and when the pig looked quite content, he leaped onto the pig and wrapped the rope leash around it's neck. It squeeled for a second, but rolling over Takeshii but soon calmed down. Takeshii walked the pig back to the farm, and placed it back in the pen. He took a few minutes to wash off his shoes before heading out again. This time to the river.

Once he made his way to the river he spotted a pig rolling around in a small brook, seemingly cleaning itself. Takeshii watched the pig from a distance, thankfully unnoticed. He snuck behind a tree and transformed himself into the image of a pig, fortunately having already wallowed in the mud for a great while with the first pig he'd smell very similar to it's kin. Crawling on all fours Pig-keshii would make his way to the second pig who would perk up immediately at the sight of Pig-Keshii. He made his way closer to the pig, and when close enough jumped on the second pig throwing his rope leash over the pig's head. This pig was larger than the first, and bucked quite a bit even managing to throw Takeshii off of him before dragging the Genin through the river before stopping and repeatedly kicking the young boy in the face before calming down and laying on its stomache.

Takeshii stood, spat out a bit of blood, and walked the pig back to the pen before making his way to the forest.

This time, Takeshii made his way through the trees, jumping from one to the other until he spotted the pig. Once spotted he would make his way above the pig who was busy smelling a rose bush. And leap from his tree limb onto the large swine, throwing the leash once again around the pigs neck. This time he was prepared for the bucking, and as soon as the bucking started wrapped his arms and legs around the big pig and pulling the leash tight with one quick pull showing the pig that he wasn't gonna play it's games. Though not hard enough to hurt or cause damage to the pig. Once the pig calmed down he would walk the pig back to the pen, and make his way to the mountain path.

Takeshii was worn out at this time, so decided it would be a good idea just to use his supernatural walking ability to climb the mountain quickly, not too far up the mountain he spotted the pig climbing up towards the village. Takeshii decided not to underestimate this pig, and instead to spring a trap. He created a single bunshin, and had it jump infront of the pig. This action would startle the pig and send it running back down the mountain. As the pig approached Takeshii would jump out and land on top of the pig, throwing the leash over its neck. The pig squeeled running down the mountain at S-Rank speeds, all the way to its pen. As it made its way past the gate it would stop suddenly sending Takeshii flying over the barbed wire fence and in front of the farmer face first covered in blood and dirt.

"I got your pigs sir. Their all here and accounted for."

"All but one... look."

Takeshii turned around, and a pig wearing a Kumogakure headband bowed to him and walked itself back into the pen, and closed the door behind it.

"Well... that just happened. So does this mean I failed?"

"No... technically you brought it back, I noticed it following you when you came back with that first pig. It followed you the whole time, and you didn't even notice. Old swine's still got it. Hehe... Anyways, thanks sonny. I'll put a good word in for you."

And with that Takeshii bowed and walked away. Never to forget that his perceptive abilities were outmatched by a stinking ninja pig.


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