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Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

She had enough of this bitch aying they shold work together, she retracted her shuriken with her chakra strings and put it on her back she laughed and yelled Want to work together eh how bout if i leave huh would you like to take him on yourself, im just kidding she giggled. She activated her chakra shuriken jutsu and formed four wind shurikens with her chakra nature jutsu, the shurikens were completly invisible. She threw all four at the girl she wasnt going to work with this bitch, she aimed at her face with two of them and her chest with the other two she was not a person to be bossed around. Her shurikens were completly invisible and she wouldnt see them coming.

Chakra 85:



She had stabbed him in the leg as the wolf which caused him to transform back into a human but he came back with a stab mark right on his thigh, he had enough of this. She tried to kick him in the head but he was ready he grabbed her foot during the kick and threw it back, directly afterwards he ran into the woods going to his meeting point he had wasted too much time as it was, he called out to them Hey i had fun but i got to go se you he ran full tilt into the woods

*Exit thread*
OOC- sorry i got to leave the village and go with a friend

Luna Fang

Luna Fang

Because the guy had tossed her backwards the shuriken didnt hit her, but not taking anymore chances she got up and watched the girl. "your drunk" she yelled. shaking her head she ran to the tree line and then jumped into the tree. she knew she had was no match for the wind shuriken. "Im out of here" she yelled before disappearing.

*exit thread*
ooc- that was fun, cant wait till i have my jutsus.

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

The girl had left, after her shuriken missed, then called her a drunk, shewasnt even buzzed yet, Oh well i guess it was fun haha The girl didnt even know i was sent here to train them She sat down by a tree and fell asleep due to the booze she had drank, maybe she was drunk she thought to herself, that was the last thing she thought before she fell asleep.

Last edited by Caro Fumiska on Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

Kongo Riku

Kongo Riku

OOC-Final thread word count for me was 1969

1200 for missions

769 extra



1000 wordcount* for Mirror clones
691 extra

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