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A smile formed across Bokuden’s lips as he reached for and grasped Misoka’s hand, pushing himself off of the ground as to not pull her down with his weight. He let out a grunt displeasure as he stood upright and straightened out his back, still in a bit of pain from the crash landing just a few moments earlier. He would release her hand as soon as he got himself up completely, smiling her way as he placed the hand onto his lower back and stretched it out a bit. “Thank you for your concern, Misoka,” he spoke softly as he gritted through the lingering discomfort, “But I’d prefer you didn’t concern yourself too much with my safety. There was nothing wrong with what you did and I assure you I have been through much worse. I mean, I’m disappointed about not getting my kiss on the cheek and my ego is hurt a bit, but there are worse things I suppose.”

His smile would fade as a look of embarrassment crept upon his face, a bright shade of red flushing over him as he scanned her drenched person up and down, noticing her drenched clothing clinging to her body. “I… uhh…” he began nervously, shifting his eyes away as he removed his coat, “I guess I owe you an explanation then, huh? But first… I don’t want you to catch a cold or anything so…” With that he would step towards her and raise his coat over her head, lowering it as he laid it over her shoulders and allowed it to fall over her, covering up her drenched clothing. “I told you I’d take care of you, didn’t I?” he said with a smile as he tugged on the collar of his coat, allowing it to fully drape over her shoulders like a shawl, their faces and bodies only inches apart, “But maybe this isn’t the best place for us to speak about such things. Let me take you out to lunch so we can get some food to warm us up or at least home so we can get dry.”



"Thank you,“ she uttered, wrapping his coat tightly around her without meeting his eyes. Her gaze was fixated on the piece of clothing he had given to her, nothing which would warm her up since it was soaked as well, but a comforting gesture nonetheless.
For some reason she didn’t quite know how to explain, the back of her eyes began to sting, making her blink a few times to clear her vision. ‘I told you I’d take care of you, didn’t I?’ His words were echoing in her mind, a voice that seeped through her skin and all the layers of her heart which she had spent so long building up.
She was used to taking care of herself. Although her father would try and shield her from the outer world, in truth it had always been the other way around.
He wasn’t a shinobi anymore, thus he would never succeed in defending himself against them.  
He had never gotten over her mother’s death, thus she must cease grieving openly.
In such a case, there was always a person who had to be the strong one. The weak fall unless they are caught.
Misoka looked up with the hint of a smile, sincere, but slightly off, and hoped she hadn’t taken too long to reply.
“Let’s go ho… to your place and change clothes. Then we can still go eat lunch… wherever,” she suggested, averting her gaze a tad flustered as she had almost imitated his choice of words. ‘Home’. “You lead the way.”

She waited for him to go ahead so he would turn his back on her and not notice that her lighthearted expression was crumbling. Folding her hands as well as letting her eyes flicker to the sky above her, she sent a quick, soundless prayer to heaven and one particular of its inhabitants.

Mother, I know I am not a little child anymore.
I know that you used to get annoyed at the multitude of questions I asked you when I was younger.
So this time, I will cut myself short.
I don’t want to leave this place.
Can you make things right again?
And can I please stay here … forever?


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