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1Train the Academy! (D rank mission) Empty Train the Academy! (D rank mission) Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:21 pm



It had been a normal day in Kirigakure when he was tasked with teaching the academy students some skills that they will need if they become Genins. It had put a damper on his day he had planned on going to his brothers grave today but he had to put that on hold for his ''mission'' if you could call babysitting a mission. But he was not going to say no to an order, especially since she had let him live after his desertion attempt, which in hindsight was a bad idea. But you have to do what you have to do so he got dressed and got ready for a day of annoyance, he was planning on teaching the kids to walk on water or in trees because it was very important. He was walking to the academy wondering if the kids would actually listen to him, and if they did not he may get mad at them which he did not really want to do. He arrived at the school around the same time the kids started to arrive and it's also when he started to get funny looks from the kids, he did not look the teacher type he guessed.
He entered the building slowly, he was not going to hurry for these kids, he hoped that they would be seated by the time he got in the class. He was at the door and heard the kids chatting up a storm, and he decided to enter with the authority he wanted so he opened the door while yelling.
''Quiet Down, I am your teacher today and you will listen to me and you wont speak unless i ask you a question It seemed to work, all the kids stopped talking as soon as he entered the room. He noticed that there was no other hoshigaki in this class which was for the best he assumed. He had decided to start the lesson right away and get it over with he started his lecture on the topic
''Okay class today were learning about walking up trees and other vertical objects, does anyone here know how to in theory already. One kid rose his hand, it was a short kid with black hair. he nodded to him and the kid said to him
''Isnt it when you put chakra to the bottom of your feet...sir'' so there was a nerd in the class after all but he had to commend him on his knowledge ''Yes it is may you come up to the class and try it please'' the kid flushed red when he had asked him to come up, but he obliged, walking slowly to the front of the class. He put his hands up to make a single hand sign to focus his chakra and started to walk up the wall,after 4 feet he stumbled and fell, Dunki quickly rushed over and caught the kid before he touched the ground while saying ''yes well done now class the first one the touch my hand wins and gets to get out of class 1 hour early i will be on the ceiling...good luck kids..remember focus your charka on your feet. He then proceeded to walk up the wall with practiced grace and then onto the ceiling, in which he got ready for a long day of kids falling. For the first few minutes the kids just sat around confused, except one kid who instantly got up and started running up the wall to just fall to the floor, again and again. this went on all day until almost all the kids could make it 5 feet up the wall and they were all heavily panting, one kid even passed out for a while, one kid though got all the way up the wall and bolted across the roof at dunki and touched his hand gingerly and siad
''Got you sir hehe''
Good job kid you can leave class now if you want you really show promise He then proceded to jump of the ceiling and told the class
Okay class you have all improved alot and i hope you continue to improve and become good ninjas someday, please take your seat and wait for your next class with your next teacher, see you. He then left the building and started walking down the hallway to see the person in charge of the school to inform them that one kid had the rest of the day off, hoping that they would flip out at him or something. He walked into the chuunins office and stated his name and also added ''I gave permission to the first kid to walk all the way across the roof, i really did not expect any of them to reach me haha'' The chuunin nodded and explained that it was not that bad of a thing, but not to do it again, he did not want the kids missing class. Fortunately for Dunki he did not punish him in any way and signed his papers for his mission and decided that his work at the academy was a success and he could go back to the mizukage and tell her that the mission was a success and full payment was in order and gave his mission a stamp and let him go.
He then started his walk to the mizukages office to get the mission finished so he was free to go to the graveyard and visit his brother. He started to think on his battle with the ice kid it bugged him how they were the same rank but he was in a different league them him. the kid had brought him back to this village and almost killed him and now he was to call him an ally. That train of thought lasted him until the mizukages office. He walked in and handed in the mission paper and said mission complete.

Word Count 1022/500 mission done twice

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