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1Litter Bug Stopper (Complete) Empty Litter Bug Stopper (Complete) Sun Sep 29, 2013 4:11 pm

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo was excited to finally receive a mission were his skills were put to use. He received a mission that needed him to take care of some genin like himself calling themselves the litter bug gang. He noticed by the scroll he had of their faces they were a bit old to be genin, but Keigo didn't really care he was just excited to face those guys. Keigo began walking around the village to ask people have they seen the bunch of litter bugs. Keigo asked a shop keeper did he see the gang. He was told that they were around yesterday causing problems and littering around his shop. Keigo asked a woman who owned a hair pin shop. She told him that the gang was around messing with the females customers and harassing them. She told keigo they were a bunch of foul men who had no sense of morale. Keigo asked more people in the area have they seen the gang. All the information he received was bad comments about the gang and their actions toward the people in the area. The were called scum and trash to society and bums that had nothing productive to do for themselves. Keigo continued to search between building for a sign of the gang. Keigo looked back at the scroll and knew finding these three guys should not be difficult at all. Keigo kept walking through the village looking left and right searching for the gang. He soon saw a small commotion that was outside a small shop. It looked as a three guys were harassing an old man in front of the shop. Keigo heard a loud voice say, "Don't mess with the Litter Bug Gang old man" Keigo's eyes widened and he quickly dashed to were the three guys were standing. He jumped into the air and came down to swing his leg to the back of the head of a skinny figure of the bunch. Keigo's kicked scored a direct hit and the skinny member of the gang was knocked out completely. Keigo was a bit disappointed he thought that the guy would dodge his kick.

The other two guys quickly turned around to see who had struck down there own. Keigo saw the faces of the other two guys and they matched the faces on the scroll. To his left was Haizen Tenzo he had a scar on his eye and was pretty beefed and had an old looking katana that looked close to breaking and his outfit wasn't very decent. To his right was Jako Dakkinju, he looked like a raging bull and very beefed up for his age, Keigo guessed he must have really liked working out. Keigo knew the two men infront of him could prove to be a bit challenging even though they were a bunch of no good bullies they were still ninja just like him so they must have some sort of skill. "Who the hell are you kid", Haizen asked "Screw who he is look what he did to Tadao lets beat him to a pulp" Jako said with a very irritated voice. Keigo looked at the two "You guys are really annoying me I just want to hurry and beat the crap out of you guys for messing with an old man" Keigo rushed the two men who were at least six feet away from him. "Haizen I got this brat" Jako rushed toward Keigo as well. Keigo watched as Jako was charging at him as well, so he decided to handle him with hand to hand combat. Keigo jumped to swing his leg to the temple of Jako, but it was easily blocked by Jako's arm because of the mass of muscles that he had with in it. Jako quickly swung back at Keigo with a fist that looked like it had plenty of power behind it. Keigo who was still in mid air and no choice but to use his right shoulder as a shield to block the punch. The punch connected with Keigo's shoulder and gave him great pain, but he played it off well as he was sent three feet away from Jako's punch. Keigo grabbed his shoulder for a second then stood up, "Wow that punch was really weak I expected more" Keigo rushed Jako again, quicklt felt a presence to the left of him, Keigo quickly side stepped to the right to doge a rusty katana to the face. "Sorry kid but it's a two versus one situation now so bad luck for you." Keigo looked to see it was Haizen and now he knew he had to be sharp so he had no choice now, but to activate the Sharingan.

Keigo closed his eyes for a few seconds, "What the hell kid closing your eyes in front of me like that I will make you regret that" Jako charged Keigo again, then Keigo opened his eyes again with the Sharingan activated. Jako saw the crimson red eyes and stopped in his foot steps. "What the hell don't tell me your an Uchiha." Jako's facial expression quickly changed to fear. Haizen yelled at Jako, "Why the hell did you stop charging" Keigo looked at Haizen with his eyes and soon Haizens facial expression turned to fear as well. Keigo charged at Jako, quickly capturing the space between the two, Haizen yelled at jako to make him realize he was about to be attacked, but it had no effect. Keigo swiftly struck Jako with two blows to his stomach then two more to his face then he jumped in the air and swung his leg to the temple of Jako that cause him to completely fall to the ground unconscious. Keigo turned toward Haizen with his crimson red eyes and told him, "Apologize to the old man" Haizen quickly apologized to the old man bowing to him, then he was hit with a kick to the side of his head and knocked unconscious. Keigo looked at the old man and told him, "Get someone to help you tie up those three their and wait for the authorities to show up to pick them up and have a good day mister." Keigo left the area thinking to himself how cool he looked in front of all the people who saw him in action.

Sharingan :


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