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Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Symbol:Mattogoke Clan [WIP: Under Massive Reconstruction] Trique11

Clan:  Mattogoke

Kekkai Genkai:  Dimebia (Doujutsu)

Elements: Katon or Fuuton (either can be primary)

Specialization: Fuuinjutsu, Genjtusu, or Ninjutsu [can only chose one, other specialties can be chosen though for secondary]

Location:  Scattered

Clan History:

The Activation of the Dimebia:

The Dimebia:

Their own Demise:


Kekkai Genkai Description:  The Dimebia is a side effect of the dangerous chakra that lies within the Mattogoke. The Dimebia is used to regulate the flowing of chakra to the point where the person can control it sufficiently. A Mattogoke can see out of every section of the Dimebia, allowing them to easily focus on multiple things at once. It is not uncommon for a Mattogoke to take in intricate details of two or more opponents or objects simultaneously.

The Dimebia enables the user to control their natural hyperactive chakra (higher chakra activity), which contributes to their ability to master jutsus that should be beyond their capabilities; they can use their primary specialty one rank above their rank limit. The increased chakra activity also grants the user increased reflexes and speed. The monitoring ability of the Dimebia allows them to efficiently control this heightened chakra activity. The only real disadvantage is that their total chakra pool is not increased, so they still have to be mindful of using big jutsus so they won't tire too quickly. This is especially dangerous for the Mattogoke since they're bodies are extremely weakened and vulnerable while in lower chakra states. Depending on the path chosen, the abilities of the Dimebia can vary.


*All Mattogoke members can take one positive special characteristics that doesnt need to be balanced. They still are limited to a total of 4 positives and the other possible three must be balanced with negatives.


Fuuinjutsu Path:  With the Fuuinjutsu path, all four sections of the Dimebia are temporary storage units used as scrolls, as a result of their “Transfer Seal” technique. Once activated, the sealed item is released in the user’s hand. The item stored cannot exceed the current rank of their Dimebia. Those who chose the Fuuinjutsu path also have access to a special sealing method exclusive to the Mattogoke, a sealing method which allows them to create elaborate seals and activate them through emitting chakra from their Dimebia. Finally, user can use Fuuinjutsu one rank above their rank limit.

Genjutsu Path:  With the Genjutsu path, Mattogoke can use Genjutsu one rank above their rank limit.
Members of the Genjutsu path also have the ability to use their Dimebia to strengthen the grip of a current Genjutsu, increasing the kai necessary to break the Genjutsu by +1 rank. 

Ninjutsu Path:  The Ninjutsu path gives the user the ability to use Fire and wind release. The user is able to use Fire/Wind release when the Dimebia isn’t active through conventional hand seals and such. But as a result of their sporadic chakra, it will cost an extra +30 chakra to perform without the Dimebia. This is 15 more chakra than usual without the Dimebia due to the elemental nature of the Jutsu. With the Ninjutsu path, a Mattogoke can use Ninjutsu one rank above their rank limit and their primary element gains a +1, in strength and ability, due to the clan’s hyperactive chakra that can complement fuuton or Katon nature really well.

Path Master: If a Mattogoke reaches Sanin rank, he can learn one of the other two paths. Upon choosing an additional path to the one he originally chose, the specialty related to that path will start at C rank and can be trained up to S rank. All kkg jutsu related to that path will be transfered to jutsu list as well. Shinobi must complete a 5000 word count where they kill their true love, must be a PC. Dimebia must be active in order to use new path.

Kekkai Genkai Drawbacks:  The Dimebia allows the user to choose from Fuuinjutsu, Genjutsu, or Ninjutsu. Once a specialty is chosen the other two will be sealed/sectioned off prohibiting the user from using that discipline completely, automatically locking out two specialties. Mattogoke also can only handle 3 specialties in total: The second specialty can only be trained up to S, and the third specialty can be trained up to B. *standard word counts still apply* However, if a Mattogoke reaches Sanin rank and kills his true love he will be able to learn a new path.


The user can use chakra consuming techniques when the Dimebia is not active, but they will be forced to use +15, chakra. And if a Ninjutsu path uses an elemental Ninjutsu without the Dimebia active, they will be forced to use +30, chakra. Also, if Nin path is chosen, they are unable to learn a third element. If Ninjutsu path is not chosen the user can not use elements at all.


Once a Mattogoke's chakra pool drops to 100, all attacks do +1 damage, once their chakra pool drops to 50, Dimebia can not be activated/or is automatically deactivated, and all attacks do +2 damage, and once a Mattogoke's chakra pool drops to 30,they will need serious medical attention, and as a result be incapacitated. Also, if the Dimebia isn't active, the user can not use Jutsus of B-rank or higher, if they do they will be paralyzed for 1 post due to strain of using so much sporadic chakra without sufficient control.


--SS-rank Dimebia: Uses a great deal of chakra to activate and to maintain


-The user’s body will become increasingly brittle, as they access the full power of the Mattogoke’s sporadic chakra that was meant to be suppressed. After 5 uses, the user’s body will suffer +1 damage to all attacks. After 10 total uses, user’s body will suffer +2 damage to all attacks. After 15 total uses, the user’s body will suffer +3 damage and will only be able to fight for 10 posts before having to retire. If the SS- rank Dimebia is used for a 20th time, it will kill the user.


Members: Unknown


All Paths:

Fuuinjutsu Path:

 Genjutsu Path :

Ninjutsu Path:

Last edited by Kenji Chikara on Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:32 pm; edited 89 times in total



First off, it's either smoke release or the doujutsu. Choose one. Having both is simply denied. After you've fixed this, I'll look at the rest.

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara


Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

I have a feeling I'm not done, but I'm unsure of where to go next, so I'm bumping this for review.

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara


Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara



Not an admin, but I'll take a look at this anyway. Just to speed up your process...

Space out your KKG Description, it's hard to find what you're looking for in there.

Copypasta your Spinning Dimebia and Flame Shuriken and save them in a document somewhere. Later, ask for admin permission to create a Clan Jutsu Library. Remove the entire portion about the Spinning Dimebia in your KKG Description, that's not where it belonged anyhow.

Transfer Seal should have variable wordcounts for the rank of item, as the Generic Sealing jutsu has variable chakra cost by the same token.

Piercing the target completely immobilized by the glass for the first post, then the 20% reduction the next post that halves after another post?

Rotating Fire Release is fine; I assume that the rotations make the jutsu able to be anticipated by opponents?

Mainly, this Doujutsu doesn't even help you....

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara


Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

~Changed quite a few things btw.

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara


Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara


Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara


Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara




I'm not too sure what to think of this clan...I don't really wanna make any solid decisions on it, but some things to think about for now:

The Fuuinjutsu path kind of confuses me. Can you explain it a bit differently? (not edit the clan, but just tell me). I just see it as Generic Sealing.

The Genjutsu path is pretty much like the Nekito's doujutsu.

The Dimebia itself has lots of similarities to the Sharingan, not in actual appearance but rather in the additional speed and reaction time bonuses while active and also the whole killing of one true love to add a new path.

I'll do some more thinking on this, but first I'd like someone else to review it before I throw in my judgement.

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Fuuin Path: Is basically generic sealing, but instead of sealing items in scrolls, they take a scroll and transfer the contents into a section of their Dimebia.

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