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1Guardia Clan[wip] Empty Guardia Clan[wip] Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:19 am

Crono Guardia

Clan: Guardia

Kekkei Genkai: Zen Trance

Elements: Lightning[kenjutsu] & Wind[Onojutsu]

Specialization: Bukijutsu[kenjutsu] or Bukijutsu[Onojutsu(double sided glave)]

Location: Konoha

Clan History:  The Guardia Clan originated in the Land of Iron and were samurai's, however about 100 years ago one of the clan members fell in love with a ninja from the land of fire. At first they both left their responding lands and she became a missing nin. They were soon discovered a few years later and confronted by Hidden Leaf Ninja. They both surrendered and were brought before the Hokage. Understanding the dilemma and foreseeing the opportunity that this entailed the Hokage pardoned the ninja and gave her Ronin husband permission to stay in the village with his wife. The Ronin abandoned his former name and instead took up the name Guardia both to prevent those from the land of iron from discovering him and to pledge an oath that he and his descendants would be solemn guardians of the hidden leaf. One odd querk, no clansman ever refers to himself or herself as a Ninja or ninja rank, instead referring to themselves by the equivelent samurai title.

(Amateur Samurai)
The lowest official rank among the samurai, Aonisaibushi are apprentices that have completed their training, usually under a Seieibushi. Aonisaibushi are generally accompanied by their masters or other Jonin to ensure their safety.

(Middle Samurai)
[Chuunin, S. jonin]
The most common rank among the samurai, Chukanbushi-level samurai are intermediately skilled samurai. They often act as guards, sentinels, watchmen, and other miscellaneous positions

(Elite Samurai)
[Jounin or Anbu]
Traditionally the highest rank among the samurai, Seieibushi are highly skilled fully-fledged samurai. Most samurai at the level of Seieibushi take on apprentices or Aonisaibushi-level samurai as their disciples.

(Legendary Samurai)
A highly coveted rank, and often seen as the highest attainable position, with the sole exception of the rank of Shogun. Seieibushi are samurai of legendary status with tremendous capability, and are regarded as being of Shogun-level. Kodenbushi are hired to accomplish some of the most dangerous international missions. Samurai of Kodenbushi rank are extremely rare.

(Force Commander)
[Kage or Clan head]
The apex of the samurai, the Shogun is the most prestigious rank possible for a samurai. Shoguns are the leaders of their given district, or country, and are regarded as the most powerful samurai. In the Guardia clan only the clan head is known as the Shogun.

As the clan continued to evolve, so did the fighting style of the clan. Some of the clansmen began to experiment with a more aggressive weapon created by merging two katana's to create a double sided glave. this gave birth to duel fighting disciplines that were taught both using the teachings of their ancestors. The first type is distinguished using a katana like the traditional samurai of their ancestors. The katana being a well balanced weapon gives both a good range of offence and defence, it can be manipulated within close quarters, is the easier of the two weapons to learn, and works fairly well with the lightning style to enhance it's speed and cutting potential. The glave on the other hand has a much higher learning curve and is used by very aggressive samurai, however it's second edge makes manipulation more difficult in tight quarters. Its strong shape and cutting style gives greater velocity to its subsequent attacks that makes attacks with the wind style even deadlier then those with a katana at the expense of defense and agility. This duel style has led to two heirlooms used for succession, The Dreamseeker Katana and the Mastermune Glave. The head of the clan keeps both weapons, when it comes a time to choose a successor he gives one of the weapons to them to keep as a symbol of his succession. the successor gains the other one when his predecessor dies or retires.  

Kekkei Genkai Description:

"Every warrior knows that war is more than arms and armor, every warrior carries an image of impending victory in his heart. When the image shatters, to be replaced by defeat, he is beaten. But sometimes a warrior receives assistance from an unexpected source, an in-rush of light, blasting away his fear and despair, releasing new inner strength! Yes, a war is much more than arms and armor. Half of every conflict is the will to win. We are samurai. We must recognize that the will to win, and the power of war, are given sometimes by dispair. And sometimes, as dawn throws back the night, victory is given…by the light!" ~Muramasa Guardia"

Zen Trance:

Drawbacks: Clan members due to their dedication to their own fighting style have not the time to master medical nor fuuinjutsu. Clan members are forbidden to preform any tratorous act against the clan or the village. A curse mark is placed upon their chest that erases their memory should such a violation occur.

Required Special Characteristic:

Members: Crono Guardia

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Universal Guardia Jutsu:

Kenjutsu Path:

Onojutsu Path:

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