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Outrageous. Unfathomable. Nearly ten years of training to be a kunoichi, and here she was, stuck in what she considered one of the lowliest, low-paying jobs that a regular citizen would be expected to have – selling anything from cheap clothing to candy bars in a little store, with a stupid little nametag pinned on her hoodie over her heart. It had been approximately … fifteen minutes since she stepped foot into this store, and already, she had come to the decision that if she had to stay more than a couple hours in this dingy place, she was going to lose her mind and go on a killing rampage or something of the like. The mission itself was ridiculous, though she had managed – with an admirable amount of self-control not normally displayed by the Kitahara – not to make even the slightest noise of complaint when it was assigned to her. She was to work undercover at this specific store and find out the reason behind the multiple new employees quitting their jobs after only a few days of employment.

Well, that’s just wonderful, isn’t it. They all probably quit because they realized how pointless it is to work in a place like this … I’m probably just here because that store owner couldn’t find anyone else to work here. But that would mean … Fuck, I should have asked about the time length of this mission. Now suddenly worried, after realizing that if she couldn’t locate a tangible reason as to why the employees were quitting she may have to keep this job for a while, she glanced around to see if there was anyone in the store, thinking that she could probably run to the administration building to check the details once more and run back before she was missed. But just as she was hopping over the counter – the little gateway door thing took far too much time to unlatch – and so she figured the quickest way to get out would be to sit herself on the counter and swing her legs over, the bell chimed and a stout man with rather stubby legs walks in, stopping right at the door to stare at her. Cursing her bad timing under her breath, she completed her movement and stood in front of the man, a quick glance at his nametag revealing that he was the store manager that she had been informed would be arriving soon.

“Ah, hello! I’m Kitahara Keiko, the new employee. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I will be under your care now, please bear with me.” Resisting the urge to wrinkle her nose in distaste at her own sickly sweet words, the smile she offered after her little introduction was met with a positive response … though the smile she received in return gave the slightest shivers down her spine. It was just a smile – but something about it made her feel like he was more than just pleased to have a new employee to help out. But no matter, she wouldn’t be here for long, and even if she had to last through the day, she would definitely pay a visit to the administration building afterwards.


Two hours later, she was ready to kill the very same store manager that she had greeted so sweetly earlier … and string his dismembered body up in the middle of the village for all to see. Five ‘accidental’ grabs at her hand, two obvious gropes at her butt, a touch against her hair, her cheek, and numerous disgusting comments later … It was quite obvious why the employees were leaving. The first couple ‘accidents’ she tried to ignore, keeping herself busy by unnecessary counting the number of lollipops stabbed into the little display tree, or poking through the money in the cashier till in search of unique ryo coins. But as they got more frequent, she began shooting glares, moving well out of his way when possible, knowing that as an undercover shinobi, she wasn’t supposed to use any of her abilities or do anything to harm a regular citizen.

When he finally wrapped an arm around her waist and suggested that they take a break together, any self-control that remained from early this morning was nowhere to be found. Grabbing at his wrist and moving away from his arm, she channelled the Hyoton chakra that was unique to only the members of the Aisu clan through her body, the temperature around them suddenly dropping by several degrees. A look of panic crossed through the man’s gaze, but at that point, she could care less. Men like him disgusted her, and it was only because this was an official mission that she was on that prevented her from taking action earlier. But now, seeing as she had clearly defined that he was the perpetrator behind the new employees quitting, there was no need to restrain herself any further.

Half an hour later, she was on her way home with a reasonable sum in her pockets, leaving an enraged store owner to deal with the perverted store manager – who still happened to have his feet frozen by blocks of ice to the floor.

[Discover the Pervert | D Rank Mission | 872/600 - Complete]

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