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The sun beamed down on the forests surrounding Konoha. Life giving beams pierced through gaps in the foliage causing flowers to open their faces to the sky as if in praise of the solar body. Animals paced well worn trails searching out the delicious truffles that were hidden in coveted hidden nooks and crannies accessible only to those with exceptional senses of smell.

Shakai was leaving the hidden village for the first time in weeks. It was all too easy to get caught up in study and lose track of time. If he was not careful months and then years would start to fly by and he would loose track of the world completely. Better to remain about and active than fall to such a fate. So when word had got to Shakai about a Yokai named Hashihime who had taken up residence under one of the bridges crossing the Naka river. Hashihime was a moderately well known spook with a decent sum of lore about her origins and modus operandi.

Shakai knew that Hashihime's husband had absconded with a prostitute on her wedding night. This caused her to flee into the forest and pray to the spirits that lived there for the power to punish those who were unfaithful to their wives as well as the women they had cheated with. As it turned out Konoha seemed to have some problems with monogamy and several ninjas were now afflicted with the Yokai's curse causing them and their mistresses to become terribly ill and their partners to file for divorces.

As much as the victims deserved some retribution for their deeds Konoha needed all it's forces fighting fit as political situations were tense. Thus several ninja had been sent to mediate and reach a compromise with the Yokai. Reaching an open clearing Shakai leaned his back up against a tree waiting for his comrades to show up. He was interested to see what they had to offer in the way of ideas as the way that this was handled could drastically affect the outcome.



Shakai waited and waited and waited some more. However the one meant to assist him on the mission was no where to be seen. Tardiness was not something tolerated in either the world of ninja or of warriors in general. However it was up to the Hokage and his magistrates to deal with such matters making it none of his business. With a sigh Skakai set off at a steady pace for the river. Perhaps this was for the best after all if his partner was to be a hotheaded novice it could easily ruin any chance he had of making things go smoothly with the monstrous maiden.

The Naka bridge came into sight large and sturdy it stood as a gateway to the Uchiha residence. Uchiha were very fond of both genjutsu and fire - things which had very little effect on an aquatic monster that only tended to surface either when called or looking for vengeance. Shakai was here to call the creature and he had brought the necessary tools to do so. Reaching into his clothes he pulled forth a long scented scarf of the kind favoured by fashionable young women. This particular article of clothing appeared stained and slightly damp. The previous owner had discovered that the target of her arranged marriage whom she had pined for did not wish to have any part in her life and that the thought of having to touch female flesh repulsed him. She had hung herself with this scarf and her tears had soaked into the material creating a magically weak but emotionally poignant fetish.

Taking the fabric item in one hand Shakai cast it into the river and began to wait for the yokai to make its appearance. Such feminine bitterness and sorrow would be irresistible to the bride princess and she would be drawn as a shark was to blood. Unlike the shark however she would target her prey based on their previous behaviour however and leave those who had been faithful and kind to their spouses unharmed. Shakai himself had been in few relationships and those that he had were not broken up by him so the half breed had little to worry about in that respect.

It was not long before ripples began to break the surface of the water and a large form rose slowly trailing water. Hashihime while being several times the size of a human woman was beautiful with a porcelain complexion that would be the envy of any geisha and hair the shade of ravens down. Her bare torso exposed two shapely breasts uncovered in a shameless manner. Small licks of smoke drifted from the corners of Hashihimes mouth curling up into the sky above before dispersing into the wind.  

The yokai glared at Shakai her eyes narrowing to slits.

"My time is not so cheap as to be spent dallying to the summons of every fool who can get his hands on some petty conjuring. Be thankful that you have done nothing to raise my ire or I would surely drag you down into the mire to dwell with the other letches that rot there."

Shakai folded his arms and stared back at the furie before him. While he did not appreciate the implied threat in her words he knew that it was part of her nature. Something which Yokai were far more bound to than humans.

"Princess I do not wish to waste your time any more than my own. But we have reached an impasse. The ninja you have stricken with your curse are most certianly deserving but their life is not yours to throw away , they have sworn themselves in service to the Kage. Thus their punishment will be decided by him alone."

The spirit tilted her head to one side as if listening for something only she could hear.  

"Then your village owes me a debt for it has slighted my honour. It is I who speak for those who are powerless to act and whose lives have been trampled by those acting out of nothing but foolish lust and passion. Bring me your Kage and he will hear my grievances in full."

Shakai shook his head in disagreement with the statement.

"I represent the village in this matter and it will be I who makes amends for the slight to your person. After all In my veins flows both the blood of man and spirit and thus I may bridge the two worlds. Will you as tithe accept this blood poured freely into the stream as respiration for the the deeds of those in my village?"

Hasihime's brow furrowed as she considered the offer. It was not everyday that a halfbreed would offer their blood freely and to one that was once human and now fully transformed like her it gave a taste of what it was to be human once again. It would be a fight between her nature and the desire to relive if only for a second what it was once like to walk the lands under the sun as a simple woman free from the pacts and drives that now held her in their thrall.  

Shuddering slightly with a mixture of pain and anticipation Hashihime nodded. She had once been a young girl and some part of her would always remain as such even though her drive to punish infidelity would cause her great pain for taking an alternate path.

Shakai held his arm out over the side of the bridge and made a deep cut letting his blood pour freely into the water. Hashihime's long pink tongue came out lapping at the substance as if a cat tasting milk. Her eyes closed and she sank back as if enjoying the heat of a perfect summers afternoon though Shakai knew her skin would be icy to the touch. The Ryu knew that the yokai's thoughts would go back to the pleasant times she had experienced before she condemned herself to the rivers and lakes. When one became a yokai the method which the transformation was achieved would greatly influence ones existence thereafter. It was no surprise that this girl who had called out for vengeance and plead to the spirits of the forest to give her the power to take vengeance upon the one who had scorned her would be in a negative state of mind. It was wise to take heed of what happened and not let ones self fall into the same trap that the beautiful maiden had so very long ago. The other world was both fascinating and terrifying good and evil in equal measures. Yokai were neither gods or demons but like humanity somewhere in between the two. It was ones own nature that decided their fate , one must perfect their character before making the final plunge - after all there was no going back.

From her lips came but two words.

“Mother , Father”

Shakai turned and began the walk back to Konoha. He knew that the matter was settled.

Mission Completed

Final word count: 1504

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