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1kunai no fuuin(D-rank jutsu/Done) Empty kunai no fuuin(D-rank jutsu/Done) Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:28 pm




Tsuneo,yet again was on to more jutsu creating,he woke up with nothing but training on his mind,Tsuneo was a training freak,he would use any chance  to train himself more even tho he slipped from hospital,as he was taken to the hospital two day ago,nearly dying due to lack of chakra he nearly emptied himself out,luckily fools never catch cold,and so is the case with Tsuneo.

He took off after resting two days in the hospital to one of Konohagakure's most beautiful places the rolling hills,a beautiful area of lush,streams flow about the area,which only made it more beautiful .

Tsuneo spoke to himself as he reached the rolling hills of konohagakure saying

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before,So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good."

No matter what one will ever say to Tsuneo,he will never back out,Tsuneo was determined,determined to chase after power,power strong enough to protect the ones he care for,he spoke in a tone of determination saying "Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival."he then paused for  a second "No unfair,or a cheating victory is victory,a deceiving victory is only  the cover of a book,but an honorable victory,is the pages of a book,whats a book without its pages,and whats a book without its cover." what Tsuneo said rang true,despite his idiocy he was wise,his idiocy was only in overdoing,or in recklessness.

Tsuneo cleared his thoughts,sat down thinking of a new jutsu,Tsuneo liked FuuinJutsu,and so this time it would be so.Thinking long and hard was Tsuneo's specialty,he'd figure out what he needs and what he wants,to create a desirable Jutsu,sealing techniques were more complicated than one would think,yet Tsuneo never saw it as a problem,he only viewed FuuinJutsu as a great spec, a spec that he loves,throwout history the Uzumaki's have been known for their amazing skill in sealing arts,but most of them saw sealing as a difficult spec,Tsuneo looked at it as a easy and a nice spec,Tsuneo later on caught the idea,he sought after,although this time it needed a weapon he sealed a kunai he bought earlier into a small  piece of stone,he held it and threw it towards the stream releasing the seal while it flies towards it,the kunai would then be shot out  from the small piece of stone it appears he founded a jutsu for him to use,although its more of a use of environment then a jutsu,it was nothing special but as long as it made him stronger it was for the best,this was not the usual training Tsuneo would make,but his body was weak he was barely capable of anything harder,he needed to return to the hospital,Tsuneo somehow knew how bad will it turn out if he was to continue training,and so he returned back to konohagakure from the rolling hills.

Tsuneo these days was excited about fighting everything was set all he needed to do is turn chunin he increased his level in Jutsu's alongside his speed and strength to match that of a chunin,Tsuneo was never the type  to look forward to such thing but it was not like he had anything better to do,with his friends,friends that he held onto dearly,he had to protect them,the world was never a gentle place nor will it be,one must make it so,Tsuneo went to the ramen shop greeted the old man ichiraku the owner of the shop ate his large typical bowl saying"chow time"later on the satisfied Tsuneo went back to the hospital,preparing for an annoying scolding by his doctor,and a lovely  welcome back,by the cute nurse that was assigned to him,the only thing he truly thought of was"hmmm,i wonder what will my next jutsu will be,i think i want it a flashy one,a one never seen before,am getting excited",another day of training it was short but fortunately Tsuneo felt


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