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1Canine Take Down [Juyo - Iwa - B] Empty Canine Take Down [Juyo - Iwa - B] Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:45 am



A sigh was released from Satoshi as he walked towards the outer wall of Iwa. This wouldn't be the first time he had to go defend the village, but it was usually from shinobi. This mission, however, meant he had to fight a bunch of damn Coyotes. He wasn't sure why they would send someone as skilled or high ranked as him, which is why he invited Grey. He would act as a guard of sorts to make sure the Genin did not get hurt, however he wanted to see how they boy would do in action. They were supposed to meet up at the eastern gate of the village. Satoshi grimaced as he saw the gate without a Genin in front of it. He would wait for the runt, but it wouldn't be long before his patience wore out. He simply stood there in place and tapped his foot as he waited. "If Kazu weren't around, I would have already killed someone." Satoshi muttered to himself.

Word Count: 171/1500

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