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Tsuyo had left a group of drug smugglers run around on their own for some time now. He was fully aware of everything to do with them as he had done the spying himself. Still it might be a good time to test the newest recruit. A young lady who fancied a large sword and had control over the weather. A smirk crossed his face as he dressed. He had barely given her a day to recover and already he was going to ask her to face near impossible odds. It didn't really matter though because with him there she was in no danger. As he could easily do the mission alone. Either way the raid they where about to preform would turn up some substantial profit and with it he would increase his own power. His fingers tap the arm of his chair as he sent a man in Samurai robes with one Katana strapped to his waist away to deliver his message to meet up with him at the location. The boy he sent was one of the chunnin he had broken through to take over the estate. And so far was proving to be a worth while endeavor. Still he rose from his seat and walked over to his room. Closing himself within he gathered the black hooded cloak with the blue rose on it and the autumn demon wolf mask. Dawning these things before he moved over towards his dresser and slipped on his punching gloves. As usual underneath the cloak he was wearing the usual impressive Italian suit. Custom made to be flexible enough for combat.

Lighting a smoke he set the lighter and the pack into his pockets before moving to his window and opening it. His form slipping off into the night with out even alerting his own security. He preferred his own people did not know where he was or why. It made it that much harder to turn against him. Still knowledge of how powerful him and his partner where alone kept them in line. Already whispers where going around about the new girl. Who was she and why did she get her own seat at the family table? She didn't look so tough. That was another reason he was bringing her along for the mission. He wanted rumors of her power to be spread through out the camp.

As he slipped over the walls he moved through the rocky country side in the depth of night. He always preferred operating at night. Not only did it make escape that much easier but it added to the confusion in battle. Still he knew where he was going and raced to a cliff top looking over a little town. Within this town was one roade leading in and out. A single large building at the end of the road and buildings dotted either side of the one road. Like an old westerns movie. His grey eyes turned more towards the 50 guards patrolling in shifts of ten around the fenced in town. With spot lights sweeping the rocky terrain. It was here that he waited for her. And once she finally arrived he would give her a moment to look over the encampment below before he would speak.

"There are about 50 men down there. All as fresh and weak as brand new genin. I want you to go down there and start a scene. Do try and not kill anyone by the way. I have uses for them. Oh and leave the boss to me. If you would be so kind."

Word count:

Hoshi Yamamoto

Hoshi Yamamoto

A look of intensity dawned Hoshi's face as she put on her newly acquired mask and cloak. While it was not something she would have chosen to wear on her own, the promises that were given to her made it worth it. She rested her glimmering sword on her shoulder as always as she walked around her room. She had been up for quite some time, just prepping herself for the day ahead of her. It was funny, when she lived in Kumogakure, she would have hated the idea of having a partner for a mission. However, she now had the freedom required for her to be happy. She could literally walk away at any time, as she was a missing ninja and had no one to answer too. However, she wouldn't do anything of the sort until she became much stronger. The only way she could do that quickly was by hanging out with Tsuyo and the ever quite Mugen. Both were powerful from what she had heard, though she had yet to see it for herself. She couldn't wait to see that.

She moved with surprising stealth as she moved out of the camp and headed towards the meeting place. It didn't matter if she carried a sword that was large, she could still be stealthy just like everyone else. She wove between the various rock formations that covered the land. While the place wasn't much too look at, it was still better than her home. It wasn't long until she reached reached the area and spotted Tsuyo, who also happened to be wearing the robe mask of their group. It was odd to be a part of a group and actually be proud of it. She listened to his commands with a eye roll. "I'll try not to hurt them too badly, but I can't help it if they are weak. You can have the leader though, I just want to have some fun." She said with a chuckle as she moved forward in a flash of speed. Even if she wasn't as strong as Tsuyo, she would be able to handle a few people like this. She smirked as she approached the town in a quiet manner, making sure not to be seen by the spotlight.

As she stopped and waited for some of the guards to pass by, she decided to start having fun with them. She threw a couple of hand signs from behind a large boulder, building up raiton in her hands with an evil grin. "Let's begin." She said with a snap of attitude as she shot the raiton forward in a straight line, hitting and burning the guards in several places. She scoffed as she saw them cringe. They were obviously not on the level of her, that much was certain. She watched as they complained and acted as if they were defeated already. "Really, that's it? How pitiful." She said as she turned to disappear back into the darkness. She was going to have fun with this game of cat and mouse, as she was the cat and all these weaklings were a bunch of rodents. She moved quickly through the darkness, making sure to avoid spotlights that were searching now that a disturbance had been discovered. Her eyes darted back and forth as she searched for her next target. The poor saps had no chance.

Word Count: 577/1500

Chakra 140/150:



Tsuyo watched her over confident nature with a passive frown. She seemed some what hostile even to her allies. Behind his mask his eye gave an involuntary twitch as for a second he thought of grabbing her by the scruff of the neck and hurling her off the cliff at the camp. However a deep breath and a reminder that she was now part of the family allowed him to concentrate on the mission at hand. A smile returning to his face. At his level for the time being she was nothing more then an incredible distraction. However he had to give her some props. Not many genin would eagerly attack an encampment of 50 trained swordsmen. Perhaps her confidence would prove in her favor. Still he merely gave her a nod as if to accept her words. Really anyone they left alive the men that would be arriving in half an hour would treat or bury. The men had been ordered to arrive after the fact for clean up and collection. There was some money here. And Tsuyo felt that money would go better into the organization he was creating then into another drug smuggling. Of course from what he had heard these folk where surprisingly good at not getting caught. His mind began to sway as to who may have trained them. Surely they moved like soldiers but they lacked the heavy training to actually be effective. No matter the survivors of his campaign would be trained better and their own training would be implemented.

A sly smile came across his face once more as he watched her expertly zip between spot lights and cling to the shadows. A bit of stealth was in her style after all. An eye brow raised at that. He had figured her to be a very direct type of person. He would take note of her prowess in this field as well. And perhaps not underestimate her again. Still he watched her disappear from sight and he stood atop the cliff and waited. His patience was rewarded as a group of guards on patrol was lit on fire. A light fire by the look of it but enough to take them out of the game. That was what it appeared to him as. A game or a gamble. Only thing was he was the loaded dice. As the camp went wild and squads formed up and weapons where drawn and spot lights searched double time he figured now was a good time for him to move. With a step he dropped off the cliff into the tree line below.

Moving rapidly he was but a blur as he passed through the tree's and under a spot light to the fence. Standing in the shadows of a building he hopped over the fence like it was a simple hop for him. Sinking into the shadows of the building as a patrol went by. Boy they where sure angry. But good for her, by the way they where talking she had yet to be located. Still he made his way through the shadows to the main building. Before hopping up the levels and slipping into the upper window. Quiet as a mouse he snuck down the stairs until he arrived in a big room on the first floor. Here was his target. A large man in Blue robes Stood looking out the front window with his hands behind his back. Finally Tsuyo stepped out of the shadows and cleared his throat. He opened his mouth to speak but the man turned around and his size was rather astonishing. Which gave Hroar the chance to speak first.

"So the pipsqueak assassin comes out of the shadows. C'mon then. Lets do this!"

And with that He reached up and ripped off his robes. Now standing there as a wall of muscle. His red underwear and boots all he had left on. Some sort of V shaped hair on his chest. Tsuyo coughed a moment as he tried to hold back his laughter. Still his chuckles seemed to trigger something in his opponent. The giant man swung his giant fist at a Tsuyo but managed to only hit the stair case. But that was enough to decimate it. Tsuyo was already up in the air. He reached out his legs to push off the wall with some force cracking the timber his right hand flashing out of his cloak to smash a fist across the jaw of the man. It felt like hitting a wall but still. With Tsuyo's power the man went down. But only for a moment. Outside there was a crash heard which gained the attention of a few onlookers. Then a thud noise as the building shook. And then a cloaked man broke through the window and rolled into a spread out stance. There was a moment of shuffling inside and then the whole front end of the building burst out. Hroar smashed right through it to land just outside and glare at his opponent.

Word counter:

Hoshi Yamamoto

Hoshi Yamamoto

Her face twisted with joy as she spotted her next victims. Another group of ten guards rushed by the tree she was hidden behind. She turned to the direction the were running towards, being behind them with a fun jutsu in mind. As they got five meters away from her she used a Ranton jutsu that was known by all members of the Yamamoto clan. Ten storm senbon appeared in front of her, crackling with electricity as the floated there for only a second. After creation, they shot forward at incredible speeds, crossing the short distance in a flash of dancing light. Once again, screams filled the air as seven on the senbon hit their targets, stunning each and every one of the injured men. The last three turned to see Hoshi standing before them in pure bliss. The girl was not one that would be easily defeated, and they knew that now. She had taken down seventeen men with two attacks. Such a feat was not one that should be taken lightly.

"Oh, did I miss you? That won't happen again." She snorted as she peered into each of their eyes. They were shaken a bit at this, as they weren't trained to fight someone with her skill in battle. Two of them held katana while the other held a yari. The problem with the senbon jutsu is that it was inaccurate, no matter how skilled you became with the jutsu. She stopped thinking about such trivial things and rushed forward, maxing the speed she could muster. She dodged a swipe of a katana that came from the left side at a vertical angle. She then moved her sword to block the other katana user from her right side. She then ducked down slashed her own sword horizontally, hitting the yari user in the leg. She then bounced back a few meters as the guards realized what happened. The injured guard hit the ground in agony as his leg was basically useless. The other two guards rushed forward in anger, yelling battle crys like idiots. If she wasn't careful, it would alert other people of their location before she was able to leave.

She simply charged her sword with ranton chakra and swiped it horizontally. The chakra that was located on the blade shot forward in an arc, moving at incredible speeds. The ignorant saps had no chance to dodge as the attack connected with each of their upper torsos. Pain was obvious in their eyes as they slumped to the ground. Hoshi walked over and swung her blade two more times, hit each of them once in their chest again. It wouldn't kill them, but it would make sure they would not interfere again. She then moved forward to the seven stunned men, who stood in horror as they witnessed their friends being slaughtered. She wove through them like the swordsman she was, slicing each of them in the chest. That was ten more down, only thirty more to go. At that time, she heard a large crashing sound coming from the main building in the town. It seemed that Tsuyo made his move. Good, she was starting to get bored with these morons anyway.

She then disappeared back into the shadows, heading west as she went around the outside of the walls. If there were any more guards on the outskirts of the walls, she would take them down.

Word Count: 1153/1500

Chakra 115/150:



Already Tsuyo was bored with this. He was sure his accomplice had scared the shit out of a few people by now so he would simply finish up here. After all the man standing in front of him was hardly a challenge. He watched as the humorous man rushed him with his hands held up and out as if intending to grab Tsuyo. Well that was an interesting idea. Tsuyo turned and lifted his own arms from his cloak. His own chakra flooding into his muscles as his arms seemed to bulge with new muscle. He let Hroar come at him before slamming his palms into the palms of the oncoming giant. It would of been hilarious usually to see a smaller man trying to stop a bigger one but this time. Hroar slammed into it with everything he had and Tsuyo merely frowned. Before he grit his teeth and with a mighty heave lifted the man with such intense strength by his arms holding him over his head for a second before hurling him at Sannin level strength. His silver eyes watched as the giant man went through ever building on the left side of the street and finally skidded to a stop outside the camp as a bloody mess. Tsuyo winced at the impact of it all. He figured he might of thrown the guy too hard but watched as the man sat up hacking up blood. Oh good. A survivor.

Tsuyo seemed to disappear from where he was standing to appear in front of the giant man. Placing a sealed envelope with a blue wax rose. Before speaking lightly. His silver tongue lashing out as if attracting bee's to pollen.
"You where defeated here today but you do not lack potential. Within are documents on where to go. In return for your lives we will be seizing your resources. However this does not leave you high and dry. That is an invitation. Patch yourself's up and meet me there."
And with that he turned not waiting for a response and prepared to leave. Not a drop of sweat on him from the incredible throw he had just done. Nor did he show concern for what the girl decided to do.

~Exit thread~
Word count 1500+/1500

Hoshi Yamamoto

Hoshi Yamamoto

As the dark skinned woman ran through the darkness of the shadows, she smiled. It had been quite a while since she'd had so much fun in battle. These guys were like target practice, so this was a piece of cake. Her ear twitched to the sound of a large impact. It seemed her partner was having quite a bit of fun as well. Good, maybe he would get the mission done so they could leave. This battle had simply encouraged her to further train and hopefully become stronger. She wasn't worried about being caught as a missing ninja, as Iwa protected the group. She doubted any of the nations would go to war over a genin. As these thoughts bounced through her head, she kept an eye out for any enemies that might try to pull a fast one. She was strong, but not stupid. There was no point in getting jumped by these idiots. "Time to finish this up I guess." She said with a snarl as she moved forward. Here eyes darted quickly as she looked to find her next group of loosers to take down. One more group and she would go ahead and make her exit. No point in lingering.

As she pushed forward, she spotted a group of five guards that lost their squad in the chaos. This would be the perfect chance to finish up. Luckily, they were running in the opposite direction once again, but this time they were in hurry. Each of the squads had most likely heard the noise coming from the buildings and were drawn their like a insect to a bright light. Her lips curled upwards as she got excited with the plan that she created in her head. She was quite a bitch, but she didn't care. She didn't know these guys from any other enemy she had killed in battle. Using a very basic Suiton technique, she created water under her feet to propel her forward, increasing her speed by a good bit. As she dashed forward, she was about twenty meters from the target group. Leaping in the air, she landed in the middle of the group, surprising them all. Gasps and random profanities could be heard as she looked to each of them with a twisted expression of joy.

"You will be my last victums, enjoy." She spat the words out like venom as she charged ranton chakra in her body and released it in a wave. The chakra reached out and shocked each of the men, burning them with second degree wounds on their body. They crashed to the ground in agony, moaning and complaining about the pain. "Wimps." She commented before shrugging her shoulders and disappearing back into the dark. She then returned to the cliff that they originally met at, only to find that Tsuyo was not that. "Dick move." She said huffing and heading back towards the camp. Well, this had been worth it.

-Exit Thread-

Word Count: 1651/1500 Complete

Chakra 90/150:

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