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1Shooting Sparks [Kenji/No Kill/Training] Empty Shooting Sparks [Kenji/No Kill/Training] Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:12 am

Akumasureiya Ren

Akumasureiya Ren

Ren’s eyes glanced hopefully around the empty Tethys Grounds as she stepped into the warm air of the open volcano.  Somehow, she had convinced herself that if she left the quiet of the training room in her house she would find someone who would acknowledge her.  But as usual the few other people who were there were either too busy, or too put off by her horns that they left her alone.  As she made her way to the loneliest section of ground she could find, she tried to convince herself  that maybe today would be the day someone would take interest in her.

As Ren started through her usual training routine her mind started to focus, the rigorous mental and physical regiment her father had taught her overwhelming her loneliness.  She left the physical section of her routine short as she had left her father’s scythe back at her house.  When the girl had worked up an adequate sweat she stopped and focused on breathing while feeling the chakra flow from her horns and through her body.

After a moment of inward focus, Ren held her hands in front of her, and let her chakra flow into her palms.  After a second she discharged the energy into a burst of electricity in front of her.  She frowned as she felt the energy stutter in her hands and immediately felt ashamed by the less than impressive display of lightning that billowed forth.

Immediately Ren closed her eyes and focused again on her chakra, doing her best to avoid the eyes that she now felt were on focused on her.  Her face was hot as she poured her focus into feeling the flow of her chakra. After a minute she worked up the courage to open her eyes again, and quickly she glanced around at the other trainees.  When she did so, Ren realized that no one was watching her, at least not anymore.  Gritting her teeth, the young shinobi started stretch again, trying to forget about the earlier failure and get back to her training regimen.

Jutsu Used:
Chakra: 140/150

Training Raiton C rank – B rank: 342/2000 words

Last edited by Akumasureiya Ren on Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:20 am; edited 2 times in total

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

It was another day within the village gates for Kenji, he had already made his early morning errands. The Sennin wondered who he might find at the Tethys grounds. He had been quite removed from the action of Kumogakure as of late. Be it missions, training, etc. He knew Tethys grounds was a hot spot for training and he was interested in what talent might have lying there. Kenji had on a blue hoodie, with his hood on covering his blue hair. Always talented in espionage, the shinobi watched from the hot shadows as a... "Wait a minute, are those horns?" Kenji thought to himself. A smile began to surface as he had to watch on as the peculiar girl began her training.

"She's molding raiton chakra, from the looks of it she's not too good." She extended her hands and the energy she attempted to store exploded right in her face spitting out weakly. It took all of Kenji's will not to burst out in laughter. "Alright, maybe I should help her. I could at least give her some tips in the molding of raiton chakra and the control." Kenji had no ninjutsu, but he did specialize in raiton and bukitjutsu. Kenji was known for incorporating elements with his Bukitjutsu. The utilization of chakra flow called more for control than force, and from the looks of it she could use a lot more control and a lot less force.

Kenji stepped from out of the shadows. He was on her right, he should've been just within her side vision. He waved to get the girl's attention. There were quite a few other shinobi practicing as well, but it appeared he was the only one that took notice of the girl. Probably because the others were consumed by their own regime, Kenji didn't have a purpose here per se. He walked up to the girl, "Training alone can be very arduous, a partner can facilitate the process. It seems just about everybody else here has linked up but you..." Kenji paused as he looked at her horns for a brief moment and smiled. "I'll tell you now, that I am a Jounin. So, how about we have a brief training session, nothing serious. I saw that you lost control of the raiton at the last second, during our little session I suggest you let it flow out as opposed to trying to release it. Lightning has a special ability of taking off on its own, it doesn't need much help. Shall we?"

Training?: 430

Akumasureiya Ren

Akumasureiya Ren

For a minute the horned girl stood and started at the imposing figure in front of her.  The man stood almost a head taller than Ren did, but immediately she smiled as her eyes fell on his hair, which was very close to the shade of her own hair.  She had secretly hoped something like this would happen when she came here today, only she had hoped her new teacher would have taken interest in her due to her skill, not her shortcomings.  Still, her soft blues eyes locked with his and she listened intently to each word he said.

Her excitement and surprise caused her words to get stuck in her throat for an instant more than she would have like, but she managed to regain control of herself and proceed with the mans lesson.

“Alright, I’ll give it a try!”

Once again holding out her hands Ren focused on the same flow of chakra, only this time she did as instructed once the lightning formed in her hands.  Letting the energy flow the young shinobi abandoned the majority of her control of the energy.  This time while the results came with a much more spectacular display of lighting, sections of it forked wildly to each side of her open hands.
Realizing the situation, Ren desperately redirected her chakra and pointed her hands down, hoping she hadn’t sent a jolt of lightning straight for the blue haired jonin.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry, are you ok?!” her voice was a little shrill as she turned to see if she had indeed shocked the man who was trying to train her.

Chakra: 130/150

Training: 614/2000

I'm sure you'll be fine ;P, just trying to have a little fun with it...

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

The girl seemed eager to implement Kenji's advice, he let the smallest smile appeaar. Kenji looked on as the girl stretched her arms out right at Kenji, he raised an eyebrow, "Is she... going to... shoot it at me!?" He thought to himself as it wasn't till the last second that she pointed her hands down sending a crackling stream of raiton chakra into the ground. Kenji had long since leaped up to a pillar about 5 meters away as watched with wide eyes as the girl had obviously misfired. He jumped down near his original position. He held his hands up as she apologized, "Please, I'm fine." Kenji's eyes trailed to the ground where the jutsu had collided. He then looked back at her, "Not bad."

As the heat radiated through his body from the temperature of the Tethys grounds he realized he hadn't properly introduced himself. He looked at the horned girl who still seemed to be a little distraught over almost electrifying Kenji. "The man you tried so vehemently to accost is Kenji." Kenji would give her time to respond. "Alright, let's test your progress in raiton with a small dual." Kenji jumped back about 10 meters, sliding against the warm surface. The pit of lava lifting and sharing its heat with the slightly sloped surface of the area. Suddenly, everyone at the Tethys grounds was watching the two. Kenji squinted as he surveyed all the intrigued faces. He then closed his eyes as he brought his hoodie up over his head. He threw his hoodie to the ground. Kenji had under his hoodie two katana, both strapped to his back making an "X". He removed both, Kenji flung his rusty katana to the ground without hesitation. But when it came to his Supa Hane katana, he walked over a few feet and placed it on the ground. Kenji then removed his shirt, leaving only a pouch of E rank projectiles on his hip. "I was hot." It was indeed much hotter here, Kenji's attraction to cold weather had made him sweat more than usual in humid environments. His clan resided in the coldest of climates as well as the highest of altitude. The sweat glistened on his chisled abdomen. He drew a single kunai, "Now, using jutsus of any kind are easy when all you have to focus on is the molding of chakra and execution. The real test to see if you've got your training down is to actually spar. You have to be able to react to your opponent; then, not only mold and release chakra, but aim." Kenji wiped a patch of sweat from his forehead, "Don't worry, I'll go easy." He twirled his single kunai with his fingers as he awaited the fascinating lady's response. "I would have never expected to meet another person with blue hair." That was the only thing Kenji could think of at the moment as he waited her response.

Trainng: 903

Akumasureiya Ren

Akumasureiya Ren

Ren couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy despite the blue haired jonin’s promise to go easy on her.  As he stripped down to his bare essentials Ren did her best to steady her thoughts.  She had always hoped that an experienced shinobi would help her through her training, but she had always imagined she’d have a weapon with her.  What was the point in finally catching someone’s attention if she looked like a failure, and the majority of her experience was in fighting with weapons.  Silently she cursed herself for the decision to train here unarmed today.

Still, she knew she was a quick learner, and any lesson passed down to her would be beneficial to her.  And she knew what he had said was true, what is the point of perfecting a jutsu if she couldn’t apply it and aim it in a combat situation.

“It’s just a training duel,” Ren internalized, taking a deep breath while a bead of sweat dripped down her cheek.

She took a quick moment to roll up the sleeves of her light blue training shirt to her elbows. Then, readying herself Ren shifted into a stance she had learned in the academy rather than the familiar ones her father had trained her in.

“Alright, I’m ready,” she forced her voice to project confidence despite her unease.

Training 838/2000

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

She seemed a bit uneasy. She eventually announced that she would train. Kenji extended his glove in front of his face. If she looked at the surface of his shiny reflective glove she would be caught in a subtle Genjutsu. Kenji after seeing how meek the girl didn't want to fight her straight on, so he thought he'd test her abilities out by having her fight his reflection. If she looked at his extended glove, there would be no observable difference afterwards. But in actuality Kenji had casted a copy of himself in the same position as he was standing. So what she was actually looking at was a clone, and the real Kenji was invisible. Kenji ran quietly to his right, yet had the copy run directly at her. If she was to launch an attack at the attacking clone it would simply phase through, most likely alarming her as she would be under the impression that Kenji was intangible. If she launched an attack, after the attack phased through he would stop moving and have the reflection appear right next to her. If she leaped out the way he would cast the reflection right in front of her in her new position, startling her. If she didn't move at all, and was striken with fear at the Jounin charging her head on after saying he was going to take it easy, the real Kenji who is invisible would draw a kunai making the reflection draw one as well. He would then throw his kunai off the edge falling down into the pit of lava so the real kunai wouldn't make any noise, and the fake kunai launched by the reflection would go straight through the girl as if it was air. "Let's see what you can do." Kenji thought to himself as he was eager to witness the girl's response.


Training: 1221

Akumasureiya Ren

Akumasureiya Ren

For an instant Ren couldn’t believe the jonin was charging straight at her.  When he said he would go easy she had half expected him to have her attack and then he would simply deflect her attacks.  Still her senses kicked in, and immediately she was forced to make a snap decision.  Raising her hands the horned girl made a hand seal and channeled chakra into her closed mouth.  Then exhaling at the ground the stream of air kicked up the loose dirt and dust on the ground.  Then the girl leaped to the side, hoping the makeshift smoke screen would provide enough cover for her to land a hit with another technique.  If she could manage a hit that would hinder his movements, she hoped she could get a clean chance to use the raiton jutsu she had been practicing.

Raising her left hand to her mouth Ren breathed more chakra into her open hand creating a swirling ball of air.  In rapid succession she launched three projectiles each aimed for the legs of the blue haired jonin.  For the briefest of instants she felt exhilarated as the first of the balls hit his legs, but immediately she knew something was wrong.  As the attacks flew harmlessly through his legs and collided with the ground on the other side of him Ren’s eyes grew wide and immediately she knew she had been fooled.

For in instant her head snapped around looking for the real jonin, but she had a sinking feeling it was already too late.


Training: 1095/2000

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

"So she uses fuuton as well, we have quite a few things in common." So far Kenji had observed that they both had blue hair, raiton, and fuuton. "She seems pretty skilled as well." The girl used a fuuton jutsu to propel herself away from the "attacking" Jounin. After moving out of the line of attack she released yet another fuuton jutsu, shooting a three small spiraling balls of wind. He could see the look of worry on her face as she saw the fuuton go straight through. The reflection soon after the jutsu passed through vanished. The reflectin would then appear in the same position as Kenji (the location of the reflection and the real Kenji are identical). Kenji drew two kunai and clanged them together getting her attention. "Well done! Let's go again" Kenji sprinted forward but she would see him running away, he only took a few quick steps before leaping high into the air. She would see the reflection leaping up and away, as soon as Kenji landed behind her, the reflection would vanish and appear in front of her while the real Kenji was behind. She would hear him land behind her most likely, but see him in front. Which sense would she trust. Kenji was simply testing her decision making in combat. Would she trust her instincts or would she hesitate.

Kenji landed about 5 meters behind her, and the reflection stood 5 meters in front of her. Kenji so far was very impressed and already saw much potential in the female shinobi. "There is always something an opponent conceals. So far she has shown much, but there is still something, a skill she possesses that she hasn't used. I wonder what it is, what is her trump card? She probably won't use it."

Ultimate Deception Continued

Training: 1524

Akumasureiya Ren

Akumasureiya Ren

The moment of fear Ren felt was immediately overwhelmed by another emotion. The acknowledgement and approval sent a wave of exhilaration through the young girl. She was used to being praised by sensei’s in a controlled classroom environment, but she was still pretty new to the actual sparring and fighting aspect of being a shinobi, and even this tiny accomplishment was enough to bolster her confidence. She knew ultimately she had failed to land a strike on the jonin, or even notice whatever technique he was using, but it was a start.

The horned girl’s eyes tried to follow the jonin as he leapt away from her, but his sudden disappearance and reappearance in front of her caught her off guard. Startled she jumped back, but the sound of movement behind her caught her attention. Normally she would assume the sound was unrelated, but her previous attempts to attack the man had made her suspicious of the obvious front her portrayed.

The brief moment of indecision made her turn feel sluggish, and as another form of the blue haired man came into view she realized again that she had been tricked.

”How can I tell if this is the real him?” she mused to herself as she faced him. Immediately the image of her last attack came to mind, and she remembered how the attack had just gone through the false body. With that realization she frowned, wishing she had either her scythe or more ranged jutsu to use to test which body was the real one, as without them there was little she could do that wasn’t wasting her chakra.

Without options the young shinobi stood uneasily her eyes on the form in front of her while she listened desperately for sound coming behind her.

Training: 1393/2000

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

The girl slid back as Kenji disappeared. "At least she's reactive, there's has yet to be a move that she hasn't responded to in some form." The blue hair shinobi landed behind the horned girl, she responded to the sound by turning slowly, but at the same time the image of Kenji appeared in front of her, and then she was stuck. She looked ahead at the reflection of Kenji, waiting for Kenji to make a move it appeared. "No action, just standing..." Kenji expected her to choose, either attack the image or attack in the vicinity of where the sound was emitted. But she choose neither, she elected to wait for more details. "Risky, I like it."

Kenji cancelled the Genjutsu. The image in front of her slowly dissipated. Kenji stood 5 meters behind her. "Pretty good for a girl with horns. Enough of the smoke and mirrors, attack me with everything you've got, but don't be reckless." After Kenji said those words he drew a single kunai and held it casually waiting for some attack from the girl. "Let's see if she is capable of strategy, I wonder what her plan of attack will be now that she has a tangible target?"

Training: 1734

Akumasureiya Ren

Akumasureiya Ren

“But don’t be reckless.” the words echoed in Ren’s mind as she stared at the man in front of her.  The statement resonated with the young shinobi too well.  The horned girl had always been afraid that she be too reckless in battle and lose control. She hated the demonic label thrust on her by the horns, and she was always trying her best to never doing anything to further strengthen that demonic image. But the attention the blue haired Jonin had shown her made her want to impress the man.  If there was ever a time for using the techniques her demonic contract granted her without fear of losing control, it was now, in this controlled environment.

“Alright, here I come,” Ren’s voice was steady and confident as she prepared her mind to reinforce her mental fortitude and control.  Then the young girl closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again again her left iris had transformed into the shape of the Akumasureiyā clan symbol and it’s color had changed to a soft green.  Leaping forward Ren used her newly enhanced speed to cover some of the ground between them quickly.  Then using the Body Flicker Technique she jumped to the side of the Jonin that wasn’t holding the kunai and tried to land a quick punch.  If he moved to counter Ren was ready to switch her clan’s techniques and hopefully catch him by surprise, and if he dodged the attack she would be ready to use another jutsu to try to land a hit on him.


Training: 1660/2000

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji’s hands were down to his side with the kunai simply swinging from his fingertips. He had slight grin on his face as he watched the expression of the girl change to one of more aggression. Kenji analyzed the girl carefully and she was clearly readying an offensive maneuver. Kenji was pleased with her enthusiasm. What happened next excited Kenji, “Well look at this, she is something special.” Kenji remarked as her eyes displayed a unique symbol in the iris, then they changed to a soft green color. Kenji looked on with analytical eyes waiting to see what the change resulted in. He didn’t have to wait long.

She dashed forward closing the distance between the two with alright speed. Kenji, with no special weapons and without sage mode had embarrassing movement speed. Without all of his cool jutsus, Kenji’s speed… was only… that of a Sanin, truly a shame. Even with his lowly speed he could’ve performed a number of speed feats to thwart her straight forward offense, but instead he just stood there in the exact same position with his hands to his side. She then used what appeared to be a “Body Flicker” to propel herself to the side of Kenji without the kunai. Once again, impressive… She could possibly be a promising shinobi with abilities like this.” Kenji had much respect for the feisty shinobi, so far from what he had seen she was most likely a Genin, giving the fact that she struggled with such a low rank raiton jutsu. Also, she was utilizing quite low rank fuuton abilities as well. Kenji was knowledgeable of both elements as he had S rank level proficiency in both.

Once she reached her desired position he could see out of the corner of his eye that she was launching a strike. “If I let this strike land, she won’t get a chance to use her raiton again. However, if I dodge the attack by going airborne she’ll most likely see that as an opportunity to fire her lightning technique.” So that’s what Kenji was going to do. Kenji in a blue blur appeared approximately 7 meters off the ground. This would be crucial, did she have the confidence in her raiton to release it after struggling earlier but eventually succeeding. He had a feeling she wasn’t afraid to be offensive after her exuberant charge, the shyness was officially gone, so he expected her to act quickly and decisively with whatever action she would take in response to Kenji’s elusive maneuver.

Training: 2175

Akumasureiya Ren

Akumasureiya Ren

Ren wasn’t surprised as the blue haired jonin leapt away. A part of her had been expecting this movement as he had avoided physical confrontation to this point, which was most likely for her sake. Still this gave her to opening she was looking for to try out the jutsu she had been practicing. Blinking her left eye quickly Ren released the clan technique she had been using to conserve chakra. Then raising her hands at the airborne man Ren let chakra flow from the Phylactery in her horns and into her palms. This time she controlled the chakra until it had formed into raiton and then she let the lightning flow from her open hands.

This time Ren grinned as the effects were exactly as expected as the burst of lightning shot toward the jonin. At the very least she had succeeded in the use of this jutsu.


Training: 1809/2000

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

As expected, the shinobi released the burst of raiton chakra towards the airborne shinobi. This time she allowed the raiton to flow freely and zap towards its target with impressive force. "She's got the hang of it, nicely done." As the raiton jutsu proceded towards Kenji, he let his kunai slip through his fingers and fall to the ground. Kenji extended his hands, using his Glove of Reflection raiton defense ability. Kenji had deducted that the raiton jutsu wasn't that powerful after seeing how it damaged the surface and he had seen others use the technique in past. His gloves were able to withstand the raiton energy completely, taking the full brunt of the jutsu.

Kenji landed as soft as a feather, he looked at his smoking shiny gloves. "I think that's enough for now. Great job garnerning enough conrtol of the raiton, you progress quickly, that's a special and useful trait." He said with a slight grin as he was truly impressed. Obviously there was much for the girl to learn, she seemed to be slightly new to actual combat, but she was smart. Whoever her teacher was gave her valuable information and she appeared to do a decent job of retaining it. Kenji thought about taking on the promsing shinobi as his student. He had never trained a non-Chikara before, it would be a challenge indeed. He would think it over and contact the Kage. Then maybe he'd seek the shinobi that stood in front of him out and a few others as well. "I don't know if you've heard of me, I am the Third Lion Sennin (Sage) Jounin Chikara, Kenji of the cloud." Kenji said smugly, his arrogance seeping out of every pore. He couldn't help it, he had earned such bragging rights through his service and accomplishments. He waited for the female shinobi to reciprocate his formal greeting.

Training: 2497

Akumasureiya Ren

Akumasureiya Ren

Ren had not expected her attack to be successful, but the ease that the blue haired jonin had absorbed it was truly impressive to the young genin. She had learned a lot from the little training session the two had shared. What was most impressive to the young genin was just how seamlessly the jonin had moved, and despite his lack of truly attacking her, Ren could see the power in his movements and she was certain he could defeat her in a single attack or two if he wanted.

The horned girl felt a blush rise on her face as the blue haired man complimented her ability to learn, and listened intently to the list of titles he had earned. If Kenji had been gloating Ren wasn’t one to notice, instead her respect for the man in front of her rose.

“I’m Ren. Genin Akumasureiya, Ren.” the blue haired girl bowed her head with respect to man in front of her. “Thank you for taking the time to help me today.” She raised her head and looked into the brown eyes of the man in front front of her. “I don’t think I could have gotten that technique as quickly without your help.”

Training complete: 2013/2000

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

The Genin, Ren of the Akumasureiya clan. Kenji had only heard bits and pieces of the clan. He knew of a powerful shinobi that hailed from the same lineage and if he was not mistaken, the man was the raikage before the current one. Ren continued to address Kenji showing her gratitude politely. "No problem." Kenji said in response, he then walked over about 10 meters to his weapons and sweatshirt he had laid down. He put on his crossing sheath that allowed him to sheath both weapons on his back and then slid his hoodie on.

Kenji turned to face the girl, "We might be seeing more of each other, Ren. You know we blue haired folks gotta stick together." Kenji winked and gave a smirk. He then flipped his blue hood on his head and left the Tethys Grounds.

Training: 2543

Exit Thread

Akumasureiya Ren

Akumasureiya Ren

Ren couldn't hold back a grin as Kenji walked away.  "Yeah, ok!" she responded awkwardly as he was just out of earshot.  She had always hoped coming to the Tethys Grounds would result in her meeting someone who could help her become stronger, but it had always seemed like more of a dream.  With a smile on her face the young shinobi collected her things and started toward home with dreams of her future swirling through her mind.

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