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1Third Time's a Charm [Mission] Empty Third Time's a Charm [Mission] Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:03 pm

Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

"Tentacles, really? That's cute, I'm sure, but I'm not a big fan of the stereotypes. Why not just use a whip to fight me whilst you're at it?" he teased again, the man clearly disliking being teased at all as he launched another genjutsu at him. However, this one was not so easily seen through. He could still shatter it, but he had something better in mind for this one. In this cute little illusion, he could feel himself getting stabbed over and over again, the only thing stopping it from actually hurting was his active sharingan. Staggering towards the man, feigning injury from all this "pain" he was getting, the man seemed shocked that he was still able to walk and move. Of course, he wasn't actually injured at all, but as long as he thought he was getting hurt then he'd avoid getting any of those bubbles near his face. When they were finally almost face to face, he smiled and let the jutsu crash down around him once more, his knee moving up to drive into the man's crotch, sending him crashing to the forest floor writhing in pain. He couldn't blame him, he was a strong man and he had just driven his knee as hard as he could into this man's crotch. Now, he had to make sure this one was reserved, but he felt  a little bit bad about taking out another genjutsu user by crippling his legs, so he was going to give him a taste of his own medicine.

As they looked each other in the eyes, Oshi cast a basic genjutsu. Suddenly the world would have felt like it was all in technicolor and would have felt too dizzy and high to get back up. This was, he guessed, the equivalent of a drug trip. He doubted he'd be able to break out of it in time to flee, not with that amount of pain to go back to. besides, he was distracted from the pain so he probably wouldn't even WANT to go back!


It had been five minutes since Oshi had finished the second one, and he was feeling pretty good. So far he'd taken out two of three of the opponents, which meant that he only had one left. He had taken out the fat, fat genjutsu expert and he had also taken out the explosives nut, so that meant that he was going to have to deal with the final one now - Amare. He didn't know her last name, he wondered what clan she was from, but he knew what style of ninja she was. She was the same sort of ninja like Oshi was, she worked off of speed and trying to take people out before they had the chance to do any real damage. Except, not really. yes, she was the same kind of ninja as he was in the form that she used her overwhelming speed to beat the opponent into confusion and thus defeating them whilst they were unable to follow their movements, but she seemed to forget the important bit according to his reports. From what he'd heard, she was the kind of ninja who refused to kill people, she was a necrophobe. Or, rather, she was a coward. She didn't even attack the people that had gotten too close to her, she had run away. It was good to know that she wasn't as bad as the other two had been, but he hadn't believed the writing on the back of the tin when he'd researched her so he'd delved even deeper.

It turned out that she was a perpetrator of manslaughter. She hadn't aimed to kill her best friend, but because of her actions he had died anyway and they had blamed her and so she had run away before she could have her trial. Most people might have felt sympathetic for what was apparently an accident, but the boy claimed that him using Oshi's sister as a body-shield was an accident nowadays so he was never going to believe that lie. He wasn't saying it was planned, but it didn't matter if it was an accident or not. What mattered was that it was her fault that someone was dead, she was to blame for someone who shouldn't have died that early dying and they hadn't even done anything wrong, so she was as guilty as if she had tried to kill them and succeeded. Now, maybe this had become a little bit personal for him, but that was okay. He was going to have to stop her anyway, and he was going to bring them all in alive so it didn't matter that he was seeing his own case through the eyes of her victim.

He wasn't going to continue through the forest any more. No, he would just get lost and then she'd be able to take her friends to safety. She was a medical ninja, it was only natural to assume that she was going to be troublesome so he was going to make sure she didn't get that chance. Instead, he was going to ambush her when she came to find her friend. Making his way behind a series of trees that were nearby, he made sure that he got a good vantage point to see what was going on without being seen himself. He was able to watch the body easily and now all he had to do was wait until the girl turned up. He didn't think it would be too long, but there were no time constraints on this mission so it really didn't matter if it did take ages. All he had to do was wait patiently and it would be delivered onto his lap like a dog.

In fact, it took half an hour until she turned up. He had honestly begun to wonder if she was coming at all when he heard the sound of running footsteps. She must have found the body of her friend already. He was foaming from the mouth and twitching slightly. He was sure that he would be fine, it was just a side effect of his brain being overloaded with stimuli. As she moved to him and knelt down to her friend, Oshi popped up out of his hiding place, catching her attention. When she looked at him, he noticed something about her; She was small, incredibly so, and she looked just like a rabbit in front of an oncoming horse. She looked for all the world like she wanted to run at that very moment but whether it was sudden panic that stopped her in her tracks or rather it was blind loyalty to her friend who was spasming on the floor next to her, she didn't move a muscle and instead looked up at the new entrant. The moment she looked over at him, he caught her in his gaze and in a second she doubled over, clutching at her ears in agony. He hadn't used this jutsu in a while, but it was still amazingly helpful. When people were caught like this, they more often than not forgot what they were actually supposed to be doing and instead focused on trying to make the pain stop. Hell, he'd often noticed people hurting each other more trying to stop the pain than they would have hurt if they'd just sucked it up. Either way,  this was a good jutsu to use for the meantime, and as she kept herself busy trying to stop the pain that was going to her ears, he walked in front of her and crouched down in front of her, smiling kindly.

Well, the smile was not so kind after all, but it was about as kind as he could possibly make it in the situation. She was almost pathetic on the floor like that, and the fact that she was still looking up at him the same way a rabbit did when it was caught by someone who was about to skin it and eat it did not help her case however much she might have hoped it might. He was not in the mood for giving forgiveness to someone who hurt others. That wasn't the way he worked.

"Sorry about this, but you shouldn't have killed your friend." he said, before flicking her between the eyes. The moment their flesh touched, she was trapped in his jutsu and she was unable to move. So, all he had to do was avoid using any major chakra around her and she would be helpless for a long time. So, slipping her over his shoulder, he picked the drug-addled fat ass by his shirt, only his strength allowing him to even lift this guy off the floor before moving back to where he'd left that explosives nut. That's all three of them, he thought with a warm smile. All the trouble that was out here was finished, now he could go back to the village.


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