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1Treetops [Mission] Empty Treetops [Mission] Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:34 pm

Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

The dense forest.. you'd think that someone who had just recently gotten his ass kicked here would not be so eager to visit here again so soon. However, there are several things there that you wouldn't be taking into account. First thing was first, Oshi was higher ranked now than he had been before, with his own special weapon that he carried around at all times. There was also the sheer fact that he was not here by his own choice. He was aiming to become a member of ANBU, and as such he had taken a lot of missing nin missions recently, many which could be said were more dangerous than he should have taken on at his rate of development. However, now that his abilities were once again flourishing like a flower in the spring sunshine, he was being recruited for more and more jobs. He might have once been considered rusty or behind the rest of his class, but he had caught up in little more than a month. He wasn't quite the same rank as Mitsuo yet, but that boy was a damned genius and he always had been no matter what he said. That was why he was willing to rival him back in school, he wanted someone to push him to be the best that he could be and since then Mitsuo had become the leader of Konoha's ANBU and was one of the Hokage's direct bodyguards. That showed just how good he was, and how Oshiki could have gone himself if he'd not been pulled back to make sure his family grew up properly. However, now that he was getting back into the game he was doing more and more missions, and one of those missions was what had brought him here today, to the coven of the person that he disliked more than anyone else in the village despite what many of them had said or done to him before. He could forgive them, but this girl was an actual psychopath, so here's hoping that they weren't going to cross paths. The only people he wanted to cross paths with were the actual criminals that he was chasing here today.

He didn't know what they had done to make them want to leave the village, or whether they were one of those self delusional ones that believed that leaving the village would allow them to have more freedom. He kind of pitied those who thought it did, there were only a small percentage of all the people that left the village who ended up having more freedom, and those were people like Hao that were able to destroy all the people that tried to bring him back or to take him out. Anyone else would end up destroyed within the month, and that was why despite how many people disliked the way the village was run there were so few people who actually did something about it and left. It was why Oshi wanted to change the system from the inside out rather than the outside in as the more idealistic fools did. However, there were also that kind of missing nin that got chased out, like Tame for killing the hokage. He wondered which these were, but another part of his mind didn't care. Either they were idealistic fools that took their message too far and were going to get punished for it, or they were monsters who attacked people and did damage to the village. It didn't occur to him that they could have actually been framed or something similar - it wasn't that he had total faith in his fellow ninja but rather that he was currently preoccupied with tracking them rather than considering whether or not finding them at all was the right thing to do morally. He was a moral guy but right now he just wanted to protect his village and what they stood for.

The forest in of itself was a pretty nice place, he had to admit. Although, that was only his opinion as someone who was looking down on the forest rather than going amongst the trees as he had the last time that he was here. First reason for that was that he could probably get the jump on people if he was up here rather than having to charge them when they could see him perfectly. Plus, this allowed for a lot better tactics rather than "punch them until they stop moving, check if they're able to move later, take them before the others realize they're gone." He was currently around twelve meters off the ground, he knew that falling from here would probably kill him.. no, it wouldn't just kill him. He would be one of those insignificant little puddles that people passed when they walked, however instead of being made of water this one would be made of blood and human skin. His bones would probably shatter at the first impact so he'd be little more than skin cloth. A disturbing thought but it would be an even more disturbing reality so he was going to have to be careful with his footing whilst he was up here.

It honestly didn't take very long until he stumbled upon the first one of the group. He'd been asked to take out all three of them, and he had been hoping to be able to take them out one at a time but that didn't seem like it was going to be very easy. So, imagine his happiness when he didn't even need to separate them himself. He was actually fighting them one at a time, which gave him a major advantage since his styles were constructed to take out singular opponents. The first one that he came across was a strange one. He was tall, lean, lengthy and if he was being honest, pretty damned hot. There was a sexy "smart outfit" look to this guy, something he would admire if he wasn't currently trying to take him out. However, he did not come here to flirt with people, he came here to deal with potential threats to the village. The man was planting something in the tree when Oshi came across him, and looked up to see him as Oshi came out of the foliage, his foot planting squarely on the underside of the man's chin, kicking him high into the air. He had expected this one to be easy since he'd caught the guy off guard but it didn't turn out to be that way at all. In fact, it was more dangerous than anything else.

See, the man had been Yogua of the team, and the thing that even Oshi would have known if he'd known which one he was versing was that Yogua was an explosives specialist. The strange thing that he'd been planting in the tree, he thought, must thus be explosives and it didn't take a genius to know that the thing most explosive specialists were worried about was getting caught in their own explosives splash damage. When he'd kicked him backwards, he'd gotten him out of the immediate range of the explosives and thus... fuck. Now that he was away from his explosives, he was able to activate them and thus did, the tree limb breaking off with the sudden blast, sending Oshi flying into open space. Reaching his hand out, he grabbed the man's foot that still wasn't out of his reach and swung him around whilst moving, hitting him into the tree, the sickening sound of bones snapping as they impacted. Thankfully, having used Yogua as an airbag, Oshi wasn't nearly so badly hurt. A few fractured ribs maybe, but no bleeding that he could see plus the first man was all but broken. They fell from their position in the rooftop to a lower limb, where Oshi landed on his feet but the other man landed on his chest. He was knocked out and his entire rib cage was probably dust from that impact, but at least he wasn't dead. He wanted that money. It was probably a bad sign that he cared about someone's life only because he wanted the extra ryo, but... well, as he'd said before, he didn't care right now. Moving his hand down to check that there was still a pulse,he registered it. It was weak, but it was there.

So, he was going to need to restrict this guy. He didn't have any genjutsu that could do that yet, and the man himself didn't seem to have any rope on him, so he was going to have to stop him moving the natural way. Laying him out, he got his legs so they were lying out and... a single stomp came down upon the leg, and the sound of bones breaking echoed through the area. He might have felt bad for doing that if the man had NOT just tried to kill him with explosives.


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