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This was the Dense Forest, the location where the client of this mission had claimed the cat would probably be. Aiza never imagined himself taking a task as silly as this one, but it was the best D-Rank to choose from on the mission board, so he took it nonetheless. He was to find a cat and return it to its owner, a fat and gluttonous woman named Madame Chiasa. He hated the look of her, over-indulgent and showy yet balanced by her unsightly figure. She had given him a long, heartfelt tale of how her cat, Maybell, had constantly been running from her and trying to be free no matter how much love she offered. It was obvious that she just wasn't a good owner, and the cat was probably justified in its frequent, determined escapes. His mission was to catch the feline, though, and so he would. And thus, there he stood, scanning his surroundings thoroughly, hoping to pick up a movement or a stray tail passing along with his keen, deep blue eyes. A few strands of hair fell over his left eye as he caught something, the slightest movement. That was it!

With no time to think, Aiza reacted the only way he knew how. He sprinted at the blur, which as he neared it, was now certain to be Maybell. He wasn't fast enough, though, and she hopped into a tree, before hopping into another and climbing down somewhere. The forestry was so thick and compacted that all he could see was a brush of leaves and lots of branches. This cat was a fast runner, so Aiza had to think of a new strategy if he wanted even a fraction of a chance of completing his mission. His eyes lit with brilliance as he thought of a simple premise; he could trap the creature, and that would be the end of it. How did he not think of that before? Using his basic knowledge of animal-capturing and a survey of the area, Aiza gathered flexible branches, vines, multiple logs, a bushel of leaves, and a mouse corpse.

First, the mouse corpse would act as bait. Then, the logs would act as a barricade. He made a 3-sided box with them, stacking them high until they were level with the treetops to prevent the cat from jumping over them. Next, once the cat realized it was a dead-end, the branches would be snapped and trigger a net of vines (which would be hidden under the leaves) to be pulled up and keep the cat in a bag-like wrap. He set everything into place and tied the vines and branches. Trap, ready. He then held the mouse out in front of him and began to scout for the cat. A pair of green, feline eyes flickered within seconds, looking right at the dead morsel. Maybell sprinted for it, but Aiza reacted in time, tossing it over onto the bed of leaves. She didn't care, and followed it still, jumping into the leaves and swatting the mouse with her paw. He then snapped the branches, letting the vines release and wrap around her, keeping her restrained. He picked up the net with her in it, and carried her all the way back.

Aiza returned to Chiasa's home with the cat in the bag (literally), and handed the bag to her with a stern expression. "Be nicer to Maybell and take better care of her, because if you don't, I'm not going to help you catch her again." Chiasa didn't respond, instead getting an offended expression and slamming the door in Aiza's face. He didn't care, he had done his task, and he went back to the administration building to get his reward and his rank-up to Chuunin.


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