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1In the Midnight Hour [Mission] Empty In the Midnight Hour [Mission] Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:15 pm

Uchiha Oshiki

Uchiha Oshiki

The ninja world was filled with danger and strife, it was hardly a secret to anyone. Every single day was a mass of threats and simply living a single day without getting into a conflict with someone might be considered a miracle by anyone who actually spent any time thinking about it. It wasn't even the active ninja who were at risk, some people were born with strong powers that really shouldn't have been, and the ninja academies had no way of knowing how people would turn out when they grew up, so people who shouldn't be trusted with training of their abilities ended up getting the same level of education as those who were actually going to do something productive. As such, the shops and businesses were in as much danger as ninjas who worked on the front lines were. Well, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration but they hardly had it easy. They were always going to have to be careful of what was going on, especially with the amount that people were panicking nowadays. People weren't reacting well to what was going on nowadays, with the emergence of Hao and a few of the other threats, and so when people were scared or stressed they often turned to get money in easier ways rather than putting themselves out there. It was that reason that people who might have actually willingly fought for the village productively were instead going out there and robbing shops to try and get easier money. He had a degree of pity for them, because he knew that he could have become like that if it wasn't for Mitsuo, but he needed to stop them and protect the shop keeper.

At least, that had been what his thoughts had been when he signed up for guard duty last night. He was awake the whole night and he didn't find a single thing out of place. So, rather than have a nice day off around the town, he was instead sleeping back at his apartment. It had been a tired, dreamless sleep from the sheer amount of stress that he was going through at the moment, but it served it's purpose. Now he was wide awake and, since he opened his eyes as the sky was turning red with the early sunset, he was almost in time for his turn working as a guard. Pulling his clothes back on, he got out of the flat and ran towards the shop. The shop was one of the more useful ones in town. Rather than being used for food or pleasurable things like pillows, furniture or art equipment, this was one that was more useful for the ninja community as a whole. They sold weapons for people to buy and then use on the field of battle, if he wasn't saving his ryo up for that little project of his he would have bought some equipment from this store. The armor at this shop would be amazing to have, especially something to protect his legs. He could get a flak jacket from many different stores out there, and they would all offer the same amount of protection, but he didn't know very many places that he would be able to get leg protection or protection for his feet. Hell, people seemed to just ignore foot protection, despite the fact that losing your feet would cripple any ninja, and few medical ninja had body regeneration abilities, and he didn't want to have to pay for that little fee. That would be more of a pain in the ass than it would be worth.

It had taken little more than half an hour before the sound of breaking glass punctuated the deathly silence that had gone through the moonlit shop. The glass crashed down on the ground on the inside of the store as a man walked inside the store, and walking inside. This man was clearly not thinking about what he was doing, because he barely checked around to see if anyone was inside. Oshi had hidden himself in a shadow-lit corner to trick people into believing that the shop was free to raid. That way, whilst the owners might need to get a new window, they would be able to get rid of a threat that would come to bite them in the ass later. The moment he walked past Oshi's position, he would have felt an arm wrapped around his neck, pulling him off his feet and holding him tightly. It was a basic wrestling choke-hold, but it was also a dangerous one to use. Not because it was easy to get out of, but because if it wasn't done right it could result in the death of the person that was supposed to be incapacitated rather than simply making them lose consciousness. However, Oshi was more than confident enough in his abilities to be able to do something like this.

The only sound in the entire store was that of the man struggling for breath, but after maybe ten seconds his eyes closed and he fell still. Instantly letting go, he put his hand to the man's throat and felt the pulse. It was weak and haggard, but it was still there. So, he was alive. That was good, what this man had done was wrong but it wasn't worth killing him over. This man might have a good reason to do this, or he might just be an asshole. Now his fate was in the hands of the judges. But still... the store contained ninja equipment, so leaving the body there for a second he walked over to a cabinet and pulled out some of the tripwire. It should be strong enough to tie him up, he thought as he wrapped it around his body, trussing him up like he was a Christmas gift. With him secured and his job all but finished, all he had to do was wait for the sweet coming of dawn's first light and the time when he could go home and get some sleep.


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